
Written by Jim Wells
Directed by Ron Satlof

First US Airdate 23 March 1990 Episode 1.16

[Exterior shot of people walking through the pueblo gate]

[Mendoza walks into the tavern where two men are sitting at a table and drinking.  Mendoza is followed by two lancers who are carrying a large heavy box.  Midway through the room, they drop the box.]

Mendoza [turning away from the wall where he just hammered in a nail]
Careful, men, careful!  Do you know what would happen to us if that got torn?

[The lancers lift a large canvas from the box.]

Mendoza [slashing his finger across his throat and making a choking noise]
The garrison in San Bernardino.

[The lancers bring the canvas over to the wall and hang it crookedly from the nail.  It is a drawing of Ramón.  Victoria comes out of the kitchen with a bottle of wine.  She stops to look at the portrait then at Mendoza.]

Mendoza, if you think that is hanging there, you had better think again.  That is the ugliest thing I have ever seen in my entire life.

[She spins away and goes to pour more wine for her two customers.  Mendoza follows her, sputtering.]

I. . . I am sorry, Señorita Escalante.  But we do have our orders.  A portrait of the Alcalde must hang in all public places.

[Victoria glares at him then stalks off back into the kitchen.  Mendoza turns his attention back to the picture hanging.]

Mendoza [indicating with his right hand]
A little bit up on the right. [The lancers adjust the picture accordingly.] No, no, too much.  A little bit on the left. [Mendoza claps his hands as the men straighten the picture.] Perfect.  Let's go men.  We have a lot more of these to hang today.

[The lancers pick up the box and start to follow Mendoza out of the tavern.  On their way out, they encounter a well-dressed man entering the tavern, carrying a suitcase.]

Mendoza [stopping to greet the man]
Buenos dias, Señor.

Umm.  Tell me, Sergeant, is this the best inn in Los Angeles?

Mendoza [smiling broadly]
Oh, si, Señor.  But also it is the only inn.

Yes, I see.  Do you think anyone here could tell me the whereabouts of Zorro?

[Victoria emerges from the kitchen with two plate of food.  She looks at the newcomer with a confused expression on her face.  Mendoza and his men look at each other and start laughing.]

If you did know the whereabouts of Zorro, Señor, what exactly would you do about it?

Why, I'd unmask him, Sergeant.

Mendoza [chuckling]
You can't be serious

But I am, Sergeant.  I most certainly am.

[Victoria stands by the table of her two customers who are eating the food she brought them and looks concerned.  Mendoza stops laughing and looks concerned as well..]


[Exterior shot of the pueblo with people walking and riding around the plaza.]

[Inside the tavern, Mendoza confronts the newcomer.]

Mendoza [incredulously]
Unmask Zorro?  Señor, no one has ever been able to unmask Zorro. [He puffs out his chest.] Not even I, the finest swordsman in Los Angeles.

Victoria [rolling her eyes]
It's the summer heat, señores.  It numbs the brain.

Mendoza [acting insulted]
Come along men.  We can't stand around here and listen to all this foolishness.

[The lancer pick up the box again and follow Mendoza out the tavern's door.]

Victoria [walking up to the newcomer]
Can I help you, Señor?

Buenos dias, Señorita.  My name is Sebastian Moreno.  The writer.  Perhaps you have heard of me?

Victoria [shaking her head]

[Moreno seems disappointed.  Victoria waves as Felipe walks into the tavern carrying a basket of eggs.]

I was told you might have a room.

Victoria [walking over to behind the bar]
Si, Señor.

[She gets a key, then walks over to the stairs.]

Señor, do you really want to unmask Zorro?

I certainly intend to reveal his identity.

Victoria [partway up the stairs]
But why?

Why?  Think of the story it would make, Señorita.  A story the whole world would want to read.  Would pay to read.

[The two customers get out of their chairs.]

One of the Customers
Let's get ‘em.

[One of the men pulls his knife and points it at Moreno.]

Now see here. [He turns and see the other man also holding a knife at him.] Good heavens!

First Bandit
Welcome to California, Señor.

[Felipe is in the kitchen unloading the eggs from the basket when he hears Victoria's and Moreno's cries for help.  He peers through the curtains and see the two bandits tying up Victoria and Moreno.]

Victoria [as she is being gagged]
. . . Zorro. . .

[The bandits just chuckle as they continue to tie her up.  Felipe runs out the back door of the tavern.]

[Exterior shot of the plaza where people are still milling about.]

[Inside the tavern, the bandits come down the stairs carrying their loot.  Victoria and Moreno dangle helplessly, their arms above their heads.  The bandits pile their loot into a blanket, wrap it up, then start to take it out of the tavern.]

Zorro [sitting on the balcony railing]
Ah, don't go yet, amigos.

[Everyone looks up at him.  Zorro jumps down and lands in front of the bandits, blocking their exit.]

What kind of men are you?  Taking advantage of women and unarmed stranger, hmm?

[The bandits try to run past him toward the door.  Zorro's whip wraps around one of the men's ankle and trips him.  The man falls against the door.  The other bandit draws out his sword and points it menacingly at Zorro.]

Zorro [taking off his cape]
Never draw a sword unless you mean to use it.

[He unsheathes his saber.  The bandit lunges at Zorro, who parries the attack and stepping out of the way.  The bandit crashes into the table, breaking it.  He gets to his feet and charges Zorro, who is looking over at Victoria.  Zorro parries the other man's blade easily.  Their swords clash together as Zorro drives the bandit backward until the bandit backs into another table and flips over it.  Zorro then sees the picture of Ramón hanging on the wall.]

The Alcalde's taste in art is truly deplorable.

[He slashes a ‘Z' across the canvas with his saber.  The bandit gets to his feet again and again comes at Zorro who spins around and drives the man back toward the door.  The second bandit comes out of the kitchen and throws a knife at Zorro's back.  Zorro spins again and deflects the knife with his sword.  The knife stabs the portrait in the dead center of Ramón's nose, barely missing the second bandit.]

Zorro [continuing to duel the first bandit]
You grow tedious, Señor.

[He turns and elbows the bandit in the face, knocking him to the floor.  The second bandit tries to run out the door again but Zorro throws his saber like a dart, pinning the bandit's neckerchief to a post.  Zorro yanks the first bandit to his feet and pulls him over to where the second bandit is trying to tug Zorro's saber out of the post.]

Señor, today is a poor day for dying.

[He slams the first bandit up against the post and uses the man's sash to tie the two men to the post by their necks.]

I leave you to the law.  Although if you knew our esteemed alcalde, you may wish you had met a quicker end.

[He then easily pulls his saber from the post and goes over and slashes the ropes hanging from the rafters that hold Victoria and Moreno.  When their arms are free, they finish untying themselves.]

Victoria [after removing her gag]
Zorro, you got here so quickly.

Concern for your safety gave me wings, Señorita.

[He winks and tips his head at her, then heads out the front door.  Victoria smiles as she watches him leave.]

[Outside, Mendoza and his lancers (who are still toting the large heavy box) walk past the tavern as Zorro comes out the front door.

Sergeant Mendoza, I have a question. [He puts his cape back on as Mendoza turns around to look at him.] What would you say if I told you the tavern had just been robbed?

Well, Señor Zorro, I would say. . .  Señor Zorro?!

[Zorro gives him a little salute with his hand.]

Mendoza [waving at his men]
Get him!

[Zorro dashes off the tavern porch with the lancers and Mendoza in hot pursuit.  Around the side of the tavern, Zorro unleashes his whip and wraps it around a timber sticking out near the tavern roof.  He uses the whip to scale the side the tavern.  Mendoza and his lancers watch as Zorro makes it to the roof.]

Zorro [coiling up his whip]
You must stay on top of things, Sergeant.

[Mendoza looks bemused as he scratches his face.]

Victoria [off camera at first]
Help!  Sergeant Mendoza, help!

[Victoria and Moreno run out onto the tavern porch where they see Mendoza just standing there.]

Victoria [a bit angrily]
Sergeant Mendoza.  Help.

[Zorro flashes the soldiers a salute with his saber before jumping down the other side of the building.]

Mendoza [throwing down his hands in disgust]
Follow me.

[Mendoza and the lancers walk away.]

Will they catch him?

Victoria [smiling smugly]

Catch him, Señor? [She sits down onto the porch railing.] He is Zorro.

[Exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda as a man walks past leading a donkey.]

[Inside the secret cave, Felipe gives Toronado a couple of pats before going up to grab a broom.   He notices several black containers sitting on one of the lab tables.  He picks one up and holds it by a loop come out of its top.  He pulls on it and it comes out just as Diego walks down into the cave from the tunnel, buttoning his cuff.  Felipe grabs the broom again and starts sweeping.]

You were right, Felipe.  Those two thieves won't be bothering anyone for awhile.

[Diego stops in front of the lab table as Felipe sweeps furiously.]

Diego [looking at Felipe and pointing at the containers]
Felipe, you didn't happen to touch this experiment?

[Felipe puts his hand to his chest then shakes his head, smiling.]

Then my experiment needs a little work.

[He turns away, putting his fingers into his ears.  The container Felipe messed with loudly shoots out a fountain of fire into the air, startling Felipe.  Diego takes his fingers form his ears and puts his hands on his hips, looking at Felipe.  Not looking at Diego, Felipe hands him the pin he pulled from the container.]

Diego [taking the pin]
That's better.  Come and take a look.

[He leads Felipe back over to the table.]

This is a design for a time-delay fuse.  For fires, lamps, explosives, whatever. [He picks up one of the devices.] So far I've only managed the delay up to a few minutes.  But I will perfect it.

[He pours some liquid into the device that exploded as Felipe watches.]

Diego [setting down the bottle and pulling out his pocket watch]
Speaking of time-delays, I'm late for dinner. [He starts to head out of the cave.]  My father is expecting an important guest.  From Spain, no less.

[Felipe watches him leave then resumes his sweeping, eyeing the explosive devices with suspicion.]

[Diego emerges from a side door into the dining room.  He walks across the room where he is intercepted by Don Alejandro.]

Don Alejandro
Ah, there you are, Diego.  Our guest will be here any moment.

I was just in the kitchen.  Pheasant?  Walnut mousse? [He crosses his arms over his chest and leans against the piano as Don Alejandro fusses over the table.] Who is this visitor that he warrants such a feast?

Don Alejandro
Sebastian Moreno.

Oh, the writer.

Don Alejandro
Uh huh.

[Don Alejandro walks into the parlor and Diego follows.]

Do you know him?

Don Alejandro [fiddling with some wine glasses]
No.  But when I heard he was in town, I invited him immediately.

Diego [puzzled]
Why would such a celebrity visit a remote spot like Los Angeles?

Don Alejandro
Oh, no mystery to that.  Because of Zorro.


Don Alejandro
Hmm.  Seems word of Zorro has even reached Spain.  Moreno is absolutely fascinated.  Wants to find out all about him.

Indeed.  Well, do you think that's wise considering. . .?

Don Alejandro [waving his hand dismissively]
Oh, no, no, no.  Plenty of time to discuss that later.  How did the pheasant look?

Diego [perversely]

Don Alejandro [exasperated]
Ah!  Maria!

[He hurries off to the kitchen and Diego follows him.]

[Exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda.  Night is falling and crickets are chirping.]

[A male servant lets Moreno into the hacienda.  Moreno hands the servant his top hat.]

Gracias, Señor.

[The servant leaves Moreno, who then wanders into the library.  He leans over to look at the books on the left side of the fireplace and using his hand to brace himself.  His hand rests against one of the secret switches and causes the back panel of the fireplace to swing open, revealing a panicked Felipe.  Felipe darts back into the tunnel leading into the cave and out of sight.  Moreno turns away from the books and sees open panel at the back of the fireplace.  He goes over to get a closer look, putting his hand on the secret switch on the right hand side of the fireplace.  Diego stands at the entrance to the library, a look of concern on his face.


[Diego steps into the library toward Moreno.]

Diego [loudly]
Señor Moreno?

Moreno [still examining the open panel]

Diego [coming further into the room and extending his hand[
Diego de la Vega at your service.

Moreno [ignoring Diego's hand]
What is this?

Oh, these old haciendas.  They're full of hidden passages [He goes over and touches the switch on the mantle that closes the panel.] and sliding passageways.  This house used to belong to a very timid fellow.  He was afraid the Indians would attack at any moment.

Moreno [still curious]
But where does it lead?

It's a storage room.  We keep it for furniture, that sort of thing.

[Diego walks out of the library as Don Alejandro enters, carrying a glass of wine in each hand.]

Don Alejandro
Ah, Señor Moreno.  I see you've met my son.

[Moreno takes the glass of wine Don Alejandro hands to him.]

Diego [extending his hand again, which this time Moreno shakes]
In a manner of speaking.

Don Alejandro

Moreno [regarding Diego curiously]
Have we met?  Before this, I mean.

Well, not to my knowledge.

Are you sure?

Perhaps Madrid?  The university?

No, no.  I was at the Sorbonne.  Huh.  I know it was somewhere.  It will come to me.

[Diego eyes Moreno worriedly.]

Don Alejandro
So you're in Los Angeles to find out about Zorro, huh?


I heard that a man from Spain was rescued by Zorro this very morning.

Moreno [excitedly]
That was me!  What luck on my first day!  This Zorro is a fascinating fellow.  He's become the talk of Madrid.

Diego [a bit bemused]


Don Alejandro
Well, it all sounds very interesting.  Diego, you should help Señor Moreno in his search for Zorro. [He clasps Diego on the shoulder.] You know, show him around the town, that sort of thing.

Ah, yes.

Well. . .  Ah. . .

[Maria comes and stands in front of them.]

Don Alejandro
Ah, dinner is served.  Please.

[He holds out his arm in the direction of the dining room.  Don Alejandro and Moreno then follow Maria to the table.  Diego stares angrily back into the library and shakes his head.  Felipe is looking through the viewing hole.  He lets out a breath then moves away from the hole and leans against a wall, a sick expression on his face.]

[Exterior shot of the pueblo plaza the next morning as a man drives a wagon across it and another man pushes a handcart.]

[Diego enters the tavern and sees Victoria waiting on customers.  They pass each other and smile and nod.  Moreno comes down the stairs and spots Diego.]

Ah, good morning, Diego!.  It was so kind of your father to offer your services today.  There's so much I need to know about this Zorro.

Well personally, I think Zorro is overrated.

Moreno [confused]

Well the mask tends to lend a certain mystique.

Exactly!  I wish to rip that mask away and stare at the face beneath. [Diego smiles bemusedly at the comment.] Shall we start at the mission?

If you insist.

[He leads Moreno out of the tavern.]

[Ramón is sitting outside on the porch of his office, speaking with Mendoza.]

I want to know everyone he talks to and everything they tell him.

Please forgive me, mi Alcalde, but perhaps there is someone more qualified for a job like this.  You see, I am a very slow writer and my spelling. . .

Ramón [through clenched teeth]
Get started at once.

Mendoza [clicking his heels and saluting]
Si, mi Alcalde.

[Diego and Moreno talk with a man outside the church.]

Diego [patting the man on the shoulder]
You may speak freely, my good fellow.  The Alcalde cannot hear.

Man [as Moreno takes notes]
Well you see, the Alcalde came and arrested me.  He said I stole furs and sold them to the Yankee foreigners.  He lied, Señor.  I know for a fact he stole the furs himself.

[Mendoza sneaks around the corner of the church and eavesdrops.]

But Zorro came and rescued me.  He even carved a ‘Z' into the rear of the Alcalde's pants.  He made him look like such a buffoon.

Mendoza [to himself]
How many ‘f's' in buffoon?

[He starts to write.]

[Ramón reads the tattered piece of paper while he sits at his desk then glares angrily.]

There are two ‘f's' in buffoon.

[Mendoza gulps as he stands at attention in front of Ramón's desk.]

Ramón [getting to his feet]
Two weeks.  Two weeks you have been trailing this Moreno and this is all you can come up with?  These childish scribblings? [He throw the paper down onto his desk.]

I cannot help if I am a bad speller, Alcalde.

Let me remind you there are two ‘g's' in flogging.  I want results!

Si, mi Alcalde.

[He puts on his hat and scurries out of the office as Ramón sits back down at his desk, disgusted.]

[Exterior shot of the tavern as a horse goes by.  Moreno walks out the door and turns left.  Diego and Don Alejandro come up behind him.]

Don Alejandro
Buenos dias, Sebastian.

Don Alejandro, Diego.

Don Alejandro
How goes the search?

Not well, I'm afraid.

Don Alejandro

Diego [putting his hand on Moreno's shoulder]
And your ship sails in a few days.  What a shame to leave with your story unfinished.

Ah, my friend, do you think that I, Sebastian Moreno, would depart with achieving my goal?

Diego [a worried expression on his face]
You have a plan?

Moreno [smugly]
Naturally.  It's brilliantly simple.  I shall tell everyone that I have what I came for.  That I've discovered Zorro's identity.  That I'm sailing off to Spain to publish my story.

Don Alejandro [confused]
But you said. . .

Ah, but only you two gentlemen know that I don't.  Now what is Zorro going to do?

Probably nothing.

Nonsense!  His curiosity will not rest until he meets with me.

And then what?

I've interviewed everyone in the pueblo at least twice and I'm sure if I see him one more time, I'll know exactly who Zorro is.

[He holds up his index finger and thumb close together in front of Diego's face.]

I am this close, Diego.

Diego [still looking worried]
Is that so?

Don Alejandro
But there is one thing you haven't considered, Sebastian.  The Alcalde.

What about him?

Don Alejandro
Do you think he'll let you leave without telling him the identity of his arch rival.

He's right.  You're treading on very dangerous ground.

Oh, Diego, really.  What can the Alcalde do to me?

[He walks away then.  Don Alejandro and Diego look at each other before following after him.]

[In the secret cave, Felipe takes Zorro's hat from the rack and places it upon his head.  He pretends to unsheathe a sword then brings it up into a salute.  He hears approaching footsteps and quickly hangs the hat back up as Diego enters the cave.  Diego doesn't notice what Felipe was doing.]

What an impossible situation?  Moreno doesn't realize who he's dealing with.  The Alcalde isn't some villain in one of his cheap melodramas.

[Diego stops in front of his lab trouble.  Felipe comes over and stands beside him.]

If Sebastian gets in trouble, how can I help him without having my identity revealed?

[Both Diego and Felipe think about the question.  Then Diego touches one of his time-delay fuses.  He picks it up and smiles over at Felipe.]

[Ramón and Mendoza walk out of Ramón's office.]

Ramón [angrily]
This Moreno thinks he can make a fortune, unmask Zorro and simply leave without telling me?

The ship in the harbor at San Pedro sails tonight, mi Alcalde.

You don't say.

[Mendoza nods his head as Ramón smiles evilly.]

[Moreno is riding horseback alone along a road.  He turns a corner and finds his path blocked by Ramón and Mendoza, also on horseback.]

Señor Moreno, you are under arrest as an accomplice to the outlaw Zorro.

What do you mean?  I don't even know the man.

Oh, no?  This morning when you left, you told the whole village you know his identity.  That alone, Señor, makes you suspect.

Moreno [raising his voice as he looks around]
Very well, Alcalde.  I'm a law-abiding citizen.  I have no fear dealing with you.

Ramón [chuckling]
What is it you are looking for, Señor?  Zorro?

There is no sign of him anywhere, Sir.

That really is too bad.  I'd hoped this would be the day I would be rid of him.

Rid of Zorro?  But. . .

[Loud explosions are heard nearby.  Moreno turns his horse around in the direction they are coming from.]

What was t hat?

[Zorro emerges from behind a bush at the top of a ridge.]

Alcalde. . .  While you stand there dawdling with a mediocre writer, a revolution has broken out in the pueblo.

Revolution?  Impossible!

Disbelieve it at your peril.  Even now, hundreds of men are pouring into Los Angeles, claiming it for the United States.

[More explosions continue to go off in the background.]

Yankees?  Here? [He waves his arm at Mendoza.] Sergeant, back to town.

Alcalde, what about Zorro?

Ramón [bringing out a pistol from under his jacket and grinning evilly]
He is mine.

[Zorro rides down the ridge toward them as Mendoza rides back to Los Angeles.  Ramón carefully aims the pistol at Zorro while Moreno watches.  Moreno bumps his horse into Ramón's, causing him to shoot up into the air.]

Ramón [angrily to Moreno]
You'll pay for this!

[Ramón unsheathes his sword and sticks Moreno in the left shoulder with it.]

Ah!  My arm!

[Moreno clutches at his shoulder and falls off his horse.  Zorro rides up next to Ramón and uses his saber to cut the girth on his horse's saddle.  Ramón also falls to the ground.  Zorro dismounts and goes over to Ramón, who kicks the ruined saddle out of the way, getting to his feet.  Ramón and Zorro engage their swords as Moreno watches, still holding his shoulder.  Ramón slashes his sword at Zorro's throat but Zorro ducks and brings the point of his sword to Ramón's throat.  Zorro then pulls the blade away and salutes which Ramón returns before they resume dueling.  Ramón uses a series of flashy moves, finally gripping his sword with both hands and hacking at Zorro, who deflects the blows easily.]

Zorro [stopping and pointing his sword to the ground]
Simply amazing.  You know, you've much improved since our last encounter.  Do I detect the coaching [Ramón lunges at Zorro who parries it effortlessly while talking.] of Pedro Diamante of Mexico City?

How perceptive of you. [He thrusts again and again is easily parried.] He and I have been in correspondence for many months.

[He lunges at Zorro again.  They duel for a few more moments before Zorro stops again.]

Excellent!  All of Diamante's moves.  However, the art of swordplay cannot be effectively taught. . . [He dazzles Ramón with a quick series of blade moves which ends with Ramón's sword flying through the air.  Zorro deftly catches it.]. . .the mail.

[Zorro holds out Ramón's sword to him, hilt first.   Ramón smiles as he reaches out for it.  Zorro rams the hilt into Ramón's stomach.  When Ramón doubles over, Zorro kicks him in the behind, causing Ramón to roll down a small hillside.  Zorro walks over to Moreno.]

Zorro [looking at Moreno's wound]
Señor Moreno.

[Zorro helps Moreno to his feet and leads him over to Toronado.  Both men get onto the stallion's back.]

Zorro [to Ramón]
Too bad you didn't get to finish your talk with Señor Moreno.  I guess you'll just have to reveal my identity on your own.

[Zorro clicks his tongue and Toronado turns around.  Zorro and Moreno ride off up the hillside.]


[Zorro stops Toronado on a flat stretch of road and Moreno's slides off the horse's back.  He clutches his injured arm.]

Zorro [pointing at the road ahead]
Down this road a short way is the Mission San Fernando.  The Fathers there will help with your wound and get you to the port.

Gracias, Señor Zorro.  I am in your debt.  And for what I can see, so are many others.

But you deliberately placed yourself in jeopardy, Señor.  What if some other needed my assistance while I was off riding to the aid of Señor Moreno?

Moreno [excitedly]
Those bombs!  You must return to the pueblo!

Zorro [waving off his concern]
A simple time-delay device.  The pueblo's safe for the moment. [He looks down at Moreno.] There is no shortage of injustice in this world.  You have a great gift.  Instead of using that gift for your own selfish motives, why not learn to use your words the way I use my sword?

Si, Señor.  I will.

[The two men shake hands, then Moreno turns and starts to walk away.]

Señor Moreno.

[Moreno stops and turns around to face Zorro again.]

I still haven't heard yet.  Who exactly am I?

You, Señor, are Zorro.  That's all anyone needs to know.

[Zorro salutes before riding away.  Moreno watches as Toronado rears up and Zorro waves before they go galloping off.]
*****END OF EPISODE*****

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland  30 June 2006

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.