
Written by Ron Friedman
Directed by Michael Vejar

First US Airdate 19 Jan 1990   Episode 1.3

[Exterior shot of Diego and Felipe driving a wagon down the road.]

If not for the fountain in the plaza, we'd be in a sorry state.  You know, no one knows where the plaza water comes from.  It's never dried up in living memory.  The Indians say it was a gift from the gods.

[They drive under the pueblo gate.]

People must wonder why any sane person would ever settle in Los Angeles.

[Exterior shot of people with containers gathering around the plaza fountain.]

[Closeup shot of an old woman filling a terra cotta jug.]

[Closeup shot of Diego climbing down from the wagon.  Felipe climbs over the seat and into the wagon's bed, then looks defeated.]

Yes, I know, I'm thirsty too, Felipe.  We'll have to wait our turn like everyone else.

[Diego takes a barrel out of the back of the wagon as does Felipe.  Diego walks toward the fountain to where Victoria is standing.]

Don Diego, you've come for water too?

Yes. [He sets down the barrel.] Our well ran dry this morning.

It almost makes me wish I lived in San Francisco.

San Francisco does indeed have two things we sorely lack: an abundance of water and cooler weather.

Victoria [as she fans herself]
Three things.  They also have a good-natured alcalde.

Yes.  Unfortunately, our alcalde is unique.

[Victoria chuckles as she continues to fan herself.  She then looks concerned as people start shouting.  Two lines of lancers march out from the cuartel toward the fountain.]

Voices [as the lancers push through the crowd around the fountain]
Make way for the Alcalde!  Out of the way!

[The lancers with their muskets surround the fountain.  Mendoza walks toward the fountain, followed by Ramón.]

Victoria [angrily]
Señor Alcalde, if your men want water, they should wait in line like the rest of us.

My men are not here to refresh themselves, Señorita. [He holds out his arm and Mendoza helps him step onto the rim of the fountain.]   In a desert country like this, water is liquid gold.  Yet some of you have been using this precious asset extravagantly.  I hereby decree a state of emergency for the duration of this drought.  One bucket of water per person per week.

[People start protesting.]

That is ridiculous.  Now you know that's inadequate.  What about the farmers?

Fortunately your alcalde has come up with a solution to their problem.  You may buy water in excess of the regulations at the rate of two pesos per bucket, ten pesos per barrel.

Victoria [as people continue to protest]
Pay for the water?  Why should we?

The alternatives are simple, my dear. [He holds out his right hand palm up.] You pay or. . . [He turns his hand palm down.] you die.

[People protest as Ramón looks on smugly.  The camera pans down to the fountain.]


[Closeup shot of Victoria as Felipe stands behind her right shoulder.]

This fountain has never gone dry.  There is enough water for everyone.

[Closeup shot of Ramón looking annoyed.]

[Closeup shots of people agreeing with Victoria.]

[Closeup shot of Diego.]



[He walks through the crowd and comes up to the lancers then moves their muskets out of his way.]

Diego [to Ramón]
If you persist in this, you may have an uprising on your hands.

And who will be their leader?  You, Don Diego?

No, of course, not.  I'm simply warning you you may have gone too far this time.

Your warning is duly noted. [He points his finger at Mendoza then at Diego.] Arrest him.

Mendoza [stepping toward Diego]
Arrest Don de la Vega?  Why?

Ramón [angrily]
If he's not on his way to the jail in five seconds, you will be joining him, Mendoza.

Yes, Alcalde. [He turns to Diego.] Sorry, Don Diego.

It's quite all right, Sergeant.  Lead the way.

[Diego follows Mendoza to the cuartel.  Victoria watches them then turns to Felipe and grabs his arms.]

Victoria [speaking slowly]
Felipe, you must run and tell Don Alejandro what has happened.  Do you understand me? [Felipe nods.] Go.

[Felipe runs over to the wagon and drives away as Victoria watches.]

[Interior shot of the cuartel jail as Mendoza opens the door and walks down the steps, followed by Diego.  Mendoza points to the far cell.]

If it's any consolation, Don Diego, this is our finest cell.

Diego [glancing around and sounding skeptical]
Yes, I can see that, Sergeant.

[Diego walks into the cell indicated.  Mendoza shuts and locks the cell door.  Three gunshots are heard coming from outside.]

Madre de Dios!  Que pasa?

[He runs out of the jail.  Diego goes over to his cell window.]

[Shot from Diego's point of view of people running around the plaza as more gunshots are heard.]

[Closeup shot of Diego grabbing his cell window bars and looking frustrated.]

Just when Zorro is needed most.

[Exterior shot of a rooftop from which several people are throwing fruits and vegetables down into the plaza.]

Ramón [off camera]
Stop it!  Stop it!

[Exterior shot of the plaza fountain where Ramón and the lancers are being showered with fruits and vegetables.]

Ramón [using his arms to block the flying produce]
I'll have you flogged!  Stop it!  This is mutiny!

[Exterior shot of the rooftop from which people continue to throw fruits and vegetables.]

[Exterior shot of the plaza where a woman throws lettuce at Ramón and Mendoza.]

Ramón [pointing to his right jacket sleeve]
Did you see who threw that?

[Mendoza crouches down and picks up a chair, then turns it upside down over his back and head as he and Ramón continue to be pelted with produce.]

[Closeup shot of Victoria as she looks up to her right (She appears to be on the tavern porch.).]

[Exterior shot of another rooftop from which people are throwing fruits and vegetables.]

[Closeup shot of Victoria looking up to her right and smiling before turning to look straight ahead and looking concerned.]

[Exterior shot of Don Alejandro and Felipe riding on horseback into the pueblo followed by a carriage.]

[Closeup shot of Ramón grabbing Mendoza's arm as Mendoza ducks down to avoid being hit by something.]

Alcalde, perhaps we should leave.

Leave?  I'll hang every one of them!

[Exterior shot of the rooftop where people are now peering over the crest of the roof.]

[Closeup shot of Don Alejandro dismounting his horse.]

[Closeup shot of Ramón sheathing his sword.]

Ah, the loyal father comes to plea for his treacherous son.

Don Alejandro [as he walks toward Ramón]
My son can take care of himself.  But these poor people. . . [Two well-dressed men climb out of the carriage]  You grind their faces in the ground and now you take their water away from them.

I take nothing away from them.  I merely. . .

Don Alejandro
How do you expect them to pay this tariff?  They're already penniless from your taxes.

If they want water, they'll find a way.

Don Alejandro
The governor will hear about this. . .from my own lips. [He sweeps outward with his left arm.] We'll all testify to the truth.

Ramón [through clenched teeth]
How dare you.

Don Alejandro
Put me in jail with my son.  Put us all in jail.

[Ramón stares at Don Alejandro.  Felipe look nervous as he watches while sitting on his horse.  The two men from the carriage look on as does Victoria.]

Lancers! [He raises his right hand.  The lancers put down their muskets.  People start cheering.] Back to the garrison!

[He turns and walks away from Don Alejandro as people continue to cheer.  The lancers march after Ramón.  Don Alejandro turns back to his horse.]

[Closeup of Diego at his cell window looking confused.]

[Exterior shot of Felipe running up to Diego's cell window.]

[Interior shot of Diego's cell as he turns and looks at the door which is opened by Mendoza.  He walks over to Diego's cell door with his keys.]

I'm happy to report out little revolution is over.

What happened?

Mendoza [as he unlocks the cell door]
I can't explain now, Don Diego.  The Alcalde is on his way so please leave.

[Diego walks out of his cell as Mendoza leads him out of the jail.]

[Closeup of Felipe looking through the cell window bars then running away.]

[Exterior shot of Ramón's office as Felipe runs to its front door.  Diego steps out the door.]

[Exterior shot of people standing on the rooftops clapping and cheering.]

[Closeup shot of Diego chuckling.]

Diego [to Felipe]
The Alcalde will not easily forgive resistance to his plans.  I'm afraid there's work in store for Zorro.

[He walks into the plaza, followed by Felipe who is grinning happily.]

[Interior shot of Ramón's office as Ramón opens a door and steps into the room.]

They made me look like a fool.

Mendoza [off camera at first]
Oh, no sir.  It is not foolish to back down in the face of overwhelming odds.

Oh, yes.  Yes.  That's exactly what I did.  Back down.  Me.  Me, whose ancestors came to this continent with Balboa and Cortez.  But I will make them pay for it.  Here. [He hands a ledger to Mendoza.] If a new tax cannot be levied, then I will make sure the old taxes are collected.  I want you to confiscate all the property of those people whose taxes are in arrears.

With all due respect, sir, do you think this is the moment to. . .

Ramón [angrily]
Do you dare to defy me?

Oh, no sir.  No, no. . .

[He takes the ledger and walks away as Ramón stares angrily.]

[Exterior shot of a farmhouse as a lancer carries a heavy burlap sack over his shoulder away from it.]

Mendoza [off camera at first]
Believe me, amigos, this hurts me much more than it will ever hurt you.

[Mendoza is standing in front of a man, woman, and two children.  He has the ledger opened in his left hand and pencil in his right hand.]

But if you don't pay your taxes, the Alcalde get, well, nasty.

[A lancer carries a squealing pig by one of its back legs up to Mendoza.]

Mendoza [turning to look at the pig]
Oh, what a cute little pig!  He is just a tiny little squealer now, but [He follows after the pig.] someday he will grow up to be a great big. . . [He looks up.] Zorro.  Zorro!

[Zorro sits astride Toronado in front of Mendoza.  Mendoza backs away.]

Zorro [as he rides toward Mendoza]
This puzzles me.  Why steal a pig from these poor farmers when you already have the Alcalde, the biggest pig in California?

Mendoza [to his men as he points at Zorro]
Seize him!

Seize me. . .  Seize my bomb.

[He lifts up a round black object with a burning fuse.]

Mendoza [excitedly]
A bomb!  He's got a bomb!

[He dives to the ground as do the other lancers.]

Adios, Sergeant.

[He tosses the bomb and it lands next to Mendoza who covers his face.  The bomb continues to smoke until it makes a small ‘poof' then it quiets.  Mendoza laughs as he gets to his feet.]

I knew you were just kidding.  And now, Zorro. . .

[He goes to draw out his sword.  The bomb shoots white powder up into his face.  Zorro and the family start laughing.  Then the family starts clapping.]

Mendoza [to his lancers who are standing behind him]
Get him!

[Zorro rides past Mendoza and the other lancers.]

Mendoza [as he runs after Zorro]
Get him!

[The lancers get on their horses and ride after Zorro.  Zorro rides across the countryside with the lancers in pursuit.   Zorro rides down a hillside into an arroyo, then through a narrow gap between two trees.  Zorro jumps off Toronado's back then hides behind a tree as the three lancers chasing him ride on past him.  Zorro peeks out from behind the tree and sees the powdered-covered Mendoza riding down the hillside.  Zorro wraps the end of his whip on a branch on another tree opposite him.  He raises his end of the whip as Mendoza rides between the two trees.  The stretched-out whip catches Mendoza across the throat and Mendoza falls off the back of his horse.  He rolls down the hillside as Zorro watches while he coils up his whip.  Zorro then runs off to his right.  Mendoza keeps rolling until he lands in a small pond.  Zorro hops onto Toronado's back and rides away.  Mendoza struggles to his feet in the water.]

Mendoza [incredulously]
Water. [then happily] Water!

[He laughs as he shakes the water from his head.]


[Exterior shot of the plaza fountain where people have gathered with their various water containers.  Victoria fills up a jug as Don Alejandro walks up to her.]

Don Alejandro. [She walks away from the fountain, carrying the jug.] May I offer you a drink of water?

Don Alejandro [shaking his head]
Thank you.

Victoria [as they walk toward the tavern]
You know, Don Alejandro, if it hadn't been for you. . .and Don Diego. . .this pueblo would have been in serious trouble.

Don Alejandro
I just hope it doesn't end up with more than words.

Victoria [as they reach the tavern porch]
Well, I think that is best left to Zorro.  And perhaps the Alcalde will think twice about any new taxes for awhile.

[She turns and looks toward the fountain.]

[Closeup shot of the fountain as the water flowing from it dwindles down to nothing.]

[Exterior shot of the fountain as people gather around it, talking excitedly.  A woman grabs one of the faucets and wiggles it.]

[Closeup shot of Don Alejandro.]

Don Alejandro
What a coincidence.

[Closeup shot of Victoria.]

This pueblo will become a ghost town without water.

[Closeup shot of Don Alejandro.]

Don Alejandro
That fountain has never dried up before.

[Exterior shot of the plaza as two lancers carry a trunk up to the fountain.  Ramón walks behind them.]

Good people of Los Angeles. [He steps up onto the trunk after the lancers set it down.] The fountain has run dry just when you need it the most.  However, [Don Alejandro looks at Victoria skeptically.] as your alcalde, I am here to help you.  I have a plentiful supply of water on my land.  And during this emergency, I will gladly share it with you. . .  For free!

[People start talking amongst themselves excitedly.]

You all know the road to my estate. [He points to his right.] Come, my citizens.  Come and get your water.

[The people walk away from the fountain.]

[Closeup shot of Don Alejandro]

Don Alejandro [to Victoria]
His land is bone dry nine months of the year.  Excuse me, Victoria.

[He walks away as Victoria watches worriedly.]

[Exterior shot of Diego and Felipe driving a wagon along a road.]

The only thing the Alcalde ever gave away for nothing was his lash.

[He gets a look of concern on his face as he brings the wagon to a halt.]

[Exterior shot of a long line of people holding water containers standing in front of a table manned by lancers.]

Now what is this?

[He gets down from the wagon and walks up to the front of the line.]

Sergeant. [Mendoza is one of the lancers seated at the table and he looks up.] What's going on here?

Mendoza [uncomfortably]
Buenos dias, Don Diego.  Welcome to the newly built Ramón State Highway.

Diego [incredulously as he goes over to where the road is blocked by a log]
This is a state highway?

Well, of course there will be improvements.  But that will take time. . .money.

Oh, I see.  The water is free but there is a toll to cross the Alcalde's land.

[He turns back to face Mendoza.]

Mendoza [shrugging]
Two pesos. [He smiles insincerely.] But the return trip is free.

We have no choice.  This is the Alcalde's land and we do need his water.  [He holds out two coins to Mendoza.] Thank you, Sergeant.

[Mendoza takes the coins then Diego walks away.  He climbs back into the wagon.  The lancers move the log from across the road.  Diego drives the wagon past Mendoza's table.]

[Exterior shot of two lancers by the pond as they lift barrels onto their shoulders.]

[Exterior shot of Diego and Felipe as they carry kegs down to where other people are filling their containers from spigots attached to two large barrels that the lancers fill with more water.  Diego watches the proceedings with a grim expression.]

[Exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda.]

[Interior shot of the secret cave as Diego lifts a container of water while Felipe watches.]

This water is from the plaza fountain.  It contains traces of the mineral dolomite and causes this chemical reaction.

[He pours the water into a clear glass bowl containing a clear liquid, causing a fizzing reaction.]

Right.  Now. . . [He picks up a brown vial and pulls out its cork.] We test the Alcalde's water.

[He pours the water from the vial into another glass bowl containing a clear liquid.  It fizzes too.]

Just as I thought.  The Alcalde's water is from the same source as the water in the plaza.

[He walks over to his right to a map hanging on the cave wall.]

And that source would have to be north of the pueblo, here in the foothills so that gravity would feed the water into the plaza. [He traces his right index finger along the map.] Right there where the Alcalde is giving away his water and right where Zorro threw Mendoza off his horse yesterday.  No wonder Mendoza was looking so guilty today.  He discovered the source of the plaza water and now the Alcalde has interrupted the natural flow.

[Felipe looks up at Diego then makes a ‘Z' in the air with his right index finger.]

Diego [smiling]
Why not?

[Closeup shot of Toronado's legs as he runs through grass.  The camera pulls back as he and Zorro ride across the countryside.]

[Exterior shot of a rocky, wooded area where Mendoza stands in front of three lancers.]

Unfortunately, you are going to have to stay here all night.

[The camera pans back to where Zorro is putting a rope along tree branches while Felipe watches.]

Felipe, are you ready for our little diversion?

[He turns around as Felipe smiles and nods.]

[Closeup shot of Mendoza as he continues to talk to the lancers.]

I am going home, to some burritos and my warm bed. [He holds out his hand to one of the lancers.] You get my horse.

[Exterior shot of Felipe as he lights a match(?), then touches it to the end of a fuse and it burns up to the rope in the tree.]

Joaquin(?), the reins please.

[Closeup of Felipe as he lights more matches then more fuses then darts away.]

Mendoza [off camera at first]
There have been many times when I have been on patrol all night. [Felipe crouches down and puts his fingers in his ears.] The other day I was. . .

[Exterior shot of a tree that starts smoking as loud pops are heard.]

[Exterior shot of Mendoza and the lancers as Mendoza's horse runs away.  The lancers pick up their muskets.]

[Exterior shot of the tree where more pops are heard and more smoke is seen.]

[Exterior shot of Mendoza and the lancers.]

Men!  Take cover!  It's an ambush. [He runs over toward the large barrels of water.] (Something in Spanish I couldn't catch.) [He hides behind one of the lancers and points to his right.] Over there!

[Exterior shot of a tree where more loud pops are heard and more smoke is seen.]

[Exterior shot of Mendoza hiding behind the lancer as the other two lancers keep aiming  their muskets in several directions.]

Shoot!  Oh, no!  Wait! [Zorro stands up behind him and watches.] Over here!  Shoot!  Shoot!

[Zorro walks behind them, smiling as more pops are heard.]

[Closeup shot of the lancers aiming their muskets.]

Hold up!  Over here!

[Exterior shot of another tree which starts smoking as loud pops are heard.]

[Closeup shot of the lancers as they aim their muskets first one way, then another.]

Over here!  Over here!

[Exterior shot of some rocks as Zorro walks across them, then jumps down onto the ground.]

[Closeup shot of Zorro as he sees something in front of him.]

[Closeup shot of a narrow gap between two rocks where a thin trickle of water is flowing.]

[Closeup shot of Zorro as he walks forward.]

[Closeup shot of Mendoza and another lancer as they peek over the top of the rock they are hiding behind.]

[Shot from Mendoza's point of view of a tree.]

Mendoza [to the lancer at his left]
Do you see anyone?

[The lancers shakes his head as the other two lancers look on behind them.]

They stopped shooting.

[Closeup shot of Felipe grabbing a bugle off the saddle of a white horse then running away.]

[Exterior shot of the water barrels as Mendoza struts in front of them and the other lancers.]

Why don't you come out and fight like men?

[Closeup shot of Felipe as he runs up to some rocks, crouches down then starts blowing on the bugle.]

[Closeup shot of Mendoza as he starts panicking when he hears the bugle.]

Madre de Dios.  Run for your lives!  We're being attacked by an army!

[He turns and starts running away but stops as he nearly runs into the tip of Zorro's saber.]

Yes, Sergeant, an army of one.  How could you withhold water from the people, Mendoza?

Mendoza [slowly backing away]
It wasn't me!

Zorro [stepping forward]
I'm ashamed of you.

Mendoza [slapping at the saber tip]
It wasn't me, Zorro.  I just told the Alcalde about the hidden spring.

[A lancer to Mendoza's right draws out his sword.]

The rest was his idea.

[He pushed the lancer at Zorro.  Zorro parries the lancer's sword away then grabs the lancer by the back of the neck and slams the lancer's face into a large boulder.  Zorro turns back around to face Mendoza and crooks his left index finger.  Mendoza pushes another lancer at Zorro, who parries the lancer's sword, grabs the lancer by the back of the neck then slams the lancer's face into the boulder.  Zorro turns around again as Mendoza pushes the third lancer at him.  Zorro sidesteps the lancer who stumbles past him into the makeshift fence.  Zorro salutes the lancer with his saber.  The lancers butts his own head up against one of the water barrels then slumps down by the fence, unconscious.  Mendoza draws out his sword.]

Can we stop now, Zorro?  I don't feel too good.

Ah, feeling the heat, are we?  Well, perhaps a little ventilation will help.

[He slashes a ‘Z' into the front of Mendoza's uniform.]

Mendoza [looking at the ‘Z']
Oh, no!  I'm running out of tunics.

You're also running out of time.

[Zorro salutes Mendoza with his saber.]

[Closeup shot of the narrow gap between two rock with the trickle of water as it explodes.]

[Exterior shot of the water barrels where the explosion causes Mendoza to jump before he runs over to the fence.]

[Closeup shot of the water flowing freely through the rocks.]

[Closeup shot of Mendoza looking over the fence then turning around.]

Zorro, did you do that?

[Mendoza looks around but Zorro has disappeared.  Mendoza sheathes his sword.]

[Exterior shot of Ramón's office as three lancers stand guard outside.  Ramón walks out the front door and then to his right.  He stops and looks to his left.]

[Exterior shot of the plaza fountain where people, including Victoria, are starting to gather.]

What are you people doing over there?  The only water in the territory is on my. . .

[Closeup shot of the fountain as water starts flowing from its spigots.]

. . .land.

Victoria [looking smugly]
It's a miracle.  A miracle by the name of Zorro.

[Ramón looks over to his right.]

[Exterior shot of the pueblo gate as Zorro rides under it.  Toronado whinnies and rears up as Zorro points his saber upward before turning around and riding away.]


[Closeup shot of the plaza fountain as people fight to fill up their water containers.]

[Interior shot of Ramón's office as Mendoza sits at the desk holding a red handkerchief while Ramón stand to Mendoza's right and looks out a window.]

Ramón [as Mendoza mimics him mockingly]
We had him in our grasp and as usual, you bungled it.

[Ramón hits the wall with his right fist.]

Mendoza [wiping his face with the handkerchief]
Sir, Zorro outsmarted us again.  But then the people should not have to pay for the water.

Ramón [turning to look at Mendoza]
And maybe you would like to stand guard all day in the middle of the courtyard in full uniform, hmm?

Mendoza [dabbing at his neck with the handkerchief]
Sir, it is very hot out there.

[Ramón slams his right hand on the desk.]

Really?  Then it will give you something to think about the next time you want to question my orders.

[He points to his right.  Mendoza gets up and scurries away.]

[Exterior shot of the cloudy sky.  The camera pans down to Mendoza who is in full uniform with his head tipped back as he stands in the middle of the plaza.  His face is covered with sweat.  Diego walks up to him.]

Sergeant. [He waves his hand in front of Mendoza's face.] I heard about your punishment.  Have some water.

[He brings up a glass full of water which Mendoza takes from him.]

God bless you, Don Diego.

[Ramón comes out of his office as Mendoza raises the glass to his lips.]


[Mendoza drops the glass of water as Ramón marches up to him and Diego.]

Put that water down.  So, Don Diego, now you're interfering with the running of my garrison?

Not at all, Alcalde. [He pats Mendoza on the shoulder.] Sergeant, don't worry.  In a moment, you'll have all the relief you need.

[He turns and walks away.]

I gave orders that there will be no relief for Mendoza!

Diego [turning around to face Ramón]
Even your orders may be countermanded by a higher authority.

[He turns back around and walks toward the tavern.]

There is no higher authority!  I am the alcalde. [He raises his right index finger into the air.] I am the supreme authority!

[Closeup shot of the cloud darkened sky as a lightening bolt rips across it.]

[Exterior shot of the tavern porch as Diego steps onto it.]

[Closeup shot of Ramón and Mendoza looking upward.]

[Closeup shot of the cloud darkened sky as another lightening bolt rips across it.]

[Exterior shot of the plaza as it starts raining.  People run for cover.  Ramón looks upset as Mendoza spreads out his arms and lets the rain hit his face.]

[Closeup shot of Diego on the tavern porch.]

Almost, Alcalde.  But not quite that supreme.

[Closeup shot of Ramón and Mendoza in the plaza as it rains on them.]

[Closeup shot of Diego on the tavern porch as he turns and walks toward his left.]

[Closeup shot of Ramón and Mendoza as Ramón turns and walks back toward his office.  Mendoza continues to stand in the plaza, his arms outstretched.  He looks to his right, then his left as people run around him.  Then he lifts his face up to the rain and smiles.]

*****END OF EPISODE*****

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland 16 & 18 February 2007

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.