"The Tease"

Written by Robert L McCullough
Directed by Ray Austin

First US Airdate: 5 October 1990   Episode 2.4

[Exterior shot of the tavern as people walk and ride by its entrance.}

[Inside Mendoza and five other soldiers at a table as Mendoza finishes telling a joke.]

. . .and the camel whispered to the man, ‘Not you again!'

[Mendoza and the soldiers all laugh loudly.  Mendoza looks up and sees someone.]

Don Diego!

[Diego is standing with his back to Mendoza as he talks with two other men and a woman.  He turns around when Mendoza calls his name.]

Mendoza [waving his hand]
Come!  Join us!

Diego [to the two men and the woman]
Please excuse me.

[He goes over to the soldiers' table.]

Buenas tardes, Sergeant.

Buenas tardes.

It must be payday.

Yes, that's true.  My men can only have this kind of fun once a month.

[He holds up his right index finger.]

Then the coffee's on me.

Oh, well, that is not necessary.

No, it will be my pleasure. [He turns his head and calls over his shoulder.] Señorita, more coffee fro the lancers, please.

Mendoza [looking past Diego at someone]
Who. . .  Who is that?

[Mendoza gets to his feet and stares.]

That's Amanda Herrera.  She's staying with us while her father surveys rangeland for a new cattle ranch.

[Mendoza stares at Amanda as she talks to the two men.]

Mendoza [totally smitten]
She is a princess. . .  A dream. . .

[Mendoza walks over to where Amanda is standing.]

Señorita.  Allow me to present myself.  I am Sergeant Jaime Mendoza of the Royal Brigade.

[Mendoza takes Amanda's hand and she smiles at him.  Another soldier pushes Mendoza aside and takes Amanda's hand from him.]

Amanda [to the soldier]
Have we met?

[The soldier kisses her hand as Victoria watches from behind the bar.]

I am Pedro Sanchez, your humble servant.

[Amanda takes Sanchez's offered arm, smiling at him.  Mendoza spins around as the couple walks away from the bar.  Diego comes over and stands by Mendoza.]

Mendoza [confused]
But he's only a private.

[He watches as Sanchez and Amanda talk to each other.]

Perhaps some fresh tamales would help?

Mendoza [ignoring Victoria's offer of food]
She's so beautiful.

Persistence is the key to genius, Sergeant.  Try again.

[He pats Mendoza on the shoulder.]

Mendoza [furiously]
No, Don Diego.  I have other plans.


[Sanchez is unloading a heavy bag from a wagon parked in the cuartel gate.  Mendoza comes up behind him.]

Mendoza [harshly]
Private Sanchez, aren't you done yet?

Sanchez [taking off his hat and wiping his brow]
Si, finally.

Good.  Now the latrines need cleaning.

Sanchez [as Diego comes up behind Mendoza]
Oh, but Sergeant. . .

Mendoza [pointing to his right]
That's an order.  Now.

[Sanchez walks off, a disgusted expression on his face.]

Diego [a bit amused]
The garrison's state of readiness seems to have you on edge, Sergeant.

Mendoza [turning around to look at Diego and then smiling]
Oh, no.  It's just a personal matter between Private Sanchez and me.

Ah.  Latrine duty does seem rather personal.

After a week of that, he'll be asking for a transfer to another garrison.

This wouldn't have anything to do with Señorita Amanda, would it?

Once she gets to know me, she'll forget all about him.

But Sergeant, even if Private Sanchez were to leave Los Angeles, she would still have her pick of any man in the pueblo.

Mendoza [worriedly]
You mean that. . .  There might still be someone else?

Well, she is quite beautiful.

Yes, but beauty is only part of it.  I'm in love with her soul, her heart, her mind. . .

Well then, you must tell her.

Tell her?  I cannot do that!  I. . .I am just a mere sergeant.  Words like that don't come easy tome. [He looks over at Diego.] Maybe you can help me?

Diego [flustered]
Me? No, I don't think so.

Why not?  You are a man of education, of breeding. . .class.  You can help me to win the heart of my Amanda.  Please, Don Diego.  You are looking at a desperate man.

Very well.  Come to the hacienda and I'll see what we can do.

[He turns to go.]

God bless you, Don Diego.

[He turns to go the other way, smiling happily.]

[Exterior shot of the pueblo, looking across the plaza at the church.]

[In another part of the pueblo, two men walk past an archway.  Another man leads a donkey toward the archway when another man approaches him, pointing a gun at him.]

Give me your money!

[Felipe walks past the archway to his pony and witnesses the robbery.  Another bandit on horseback leads another horse up to the robbery in progress.  Felipe watches as the two men ride off.  He gets on his pony and rides off after the bandits.]

[Ramón is in his quarters, staring at himself in a full-length mirror.  He is dressed in a brown jacket with tails, white trousers, a white shirt with a bow tied cravat, and a sword dangling from his left hip.  Mendoza rushes into the room.]

Alcalde!  Alcalde!  I just had a talk with Don Diego.  He said. . .

Ramón [laying his hand on Mendoza's chest]
How do I look?

Mendoza [looking at Ramón's reflection in the mirror]
A bit overdressed, perhaps, but. . .

Ramón [indigently]
Overdressed?  You really are a dull sot, aren't you?  The finest tailoring in all of Spain can only enchance the impression a man of my bearing can make.

[He preens in the mirror.]

Mendoza [not that impressed]
The men will be impressed.

Ramón [through gritted teeth]
I don't care what the men think.  And what's all this about de la Vega?

[He straightens his cravat.]

Nothing, really.  It's just that Don Diego has promised to help me woo the woman I love.

Are you in love, Mendoza?

[He touches his gloved hand to Mendoza's cheek.]

Mendoza [abashedly]
Oh si, mi Alcalde.  She is the most beautiful woman I have ever. . .

Ramón [going back to his primping]
I'm sure you'll make some peasant girl very happy.

Oh, thank you, mi Alcalde.

[He rushes out of the room.]

Ramón [staring at himself in the mirror with a smirk on his face]
De la Vega teaching Mendoza about women.  That's rich.

[Exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda.  Guitar music is coming from inside.]

Mendoza [inside the hacienda]
. . .and I am like a barefoot boy, walking on the hot coals of my heart. . . [He kneels down in front of a seated Don Alejandro as Diego looks on, playing the guitar while sitting on a settee.]. . .until you shower me with the moist dewdrops of your love.

Don Alejandro [squirming uncomfortably]
Sergeant Mendoza.  Please.

You don't like it?

Don Alejandro
Hmm. . .

Mendoza [getting to his feet]
I don't understand.

Tell her what you want.

I want. . .  I want to gaze into your jeweled eyes.  I want to look into the depth of you innocent soul.  I want to share the tingling delights of. . .my longings.

[Don Alejandro rolls his eyes as Diego keeps playing the guitar.]

I want to breathe the air you breathe. . .

[Diego strikes a bad chord.]

Don Alejandro
Enough.  Enough, Sergeant Mendoza.  Thank you very much.  It's very nice to express your feelings.  But delicately.

[He looks over at Diego.]

Don Alejandro
You have your work cut out for you, Diego.

[He gets up out of his chair and leaves the room.  Mendoza sits down in a chair next to Diego, who sets aside the guitar.]

It's no use.

You need to relax, to be yourself.

Mendoza [eagerly]
You really think so, Don Diego?

Of course. [He stands up as does Mendoza.] Now, she'll be returning soon.  Go home, get dressed and I'll meet you back here this evening.

[Mendoza starts to leave but turns around and grabs his hat.]

I am so nervous.

[He leaves.]

Diego [calling after him]
You'll do just fine.

[He exhales, a look of concern on his face.]

[Later that evening, Ramón is sitting with Amanda in the de la Vega courtyard, holding her hand.]

. . .a life of leisure, of prestige, of power.  You will be the wife of the most influential man in the entire territory.

That sounds very nice, Señor Alcalde.  But such feelings take time.

[She moves back away from him, letting go of his hand.  He hops up and kneels beside her chair, taking her hand again.]

I have all night to show you how I feel.

[He is about to kiss her hand when they hear whistling.]

Amanda [turning in its direction]
Now, who can that be?

[She jumps up and goes over to the courtyard entrance.]

Sergeant Mendoza, how nice to see you.

[Off camera, Mendoza trips over a cat that yowls as he says sorry to it.  He walks up to Amanda, wearing his finest uniform.  Ramón does not look pleased.  Mendoza tries to blow the plume of his hat out of his eyes then just pulls off his hat.]

Señorita Amanda. [He bows down and kisses her hand.] I have come to tell you of my feelings.

Do come in, Sergeant.

[She leads Mendoza into the courtyard where Ramón has risen to his feet.  Mendoza is shocked to see him there.]

I think you two know each other, don't you?

Ramón [through clenched teeth]
What do you think you are doing here?

[Mendoza looks at Amanda then goes over to Ramón.]

Mendoza [whispering]
Alcalde, I am courting the señorita.

Ramón [sputtering]
Preposterous. [to Amanda] This poor fool says he is here to pitch his woo.

How perfectly charming.

Ramón [incredulously]
A woman like you can't be attracted to a man like him.

I should at least hear him out.

[Ramón chuckles mirthlessly.]

Ramón [out of the side of his mouth to Mendoza]
Report to my office in the morning.  And be prepared to march.

[Mendoza gulps.  Ramón bows to Amanda then leaves.  Mendoza smiles nervously at Amanda.]


[Mendoza and Amanda in the de la Vega courtyard.]

Your eyes are like the lake outside our pueblo.

Lake?  But Sergeant, it's just a mudhole.

Mendoza [looking over at Diego who is hiding behind a pillar]
Ah. . .Ah. . . Yes.  But before the drought, it was a very beautiful lake.  It really was.

[Amanda doesn't look impressed.]

Diego [whispering to Mendoza]
Her lips.  Tell her about her lips.

Ah. . .Ah. . .  Your lips are like rosebuds in the early spring.

Flowers make me sneeze, especially in spring.  But go on.
[Mendoza looks over at Diego again.]

Diego [whispering]
Tell her how you feel.

[Amanda looks over at Mendoza suspiciously.]

I feel so. . .  I feel so. . .

[He very obviously looks over at Diego again.  Amanda peers around and sees Diego behind the pillar.]

Don Diego! [She walks toward him.] What are you doing out here?

Diego [fiddling with a hanging basket of flowers[
Oh, I was just doing a little gardening, that's all.

Amanda [disbelievingly]
At night?

Oh, that the best time for my night-blooming. . . [He looks at the flowers in the basket and picks one] . . .geraniums.

Amanda [as she comes nearer to Diego]
Perhaps you really came out to try your hand at courtship.  If so, you've come to the right woman.

Diego [flustered]
Courtship?  Me?  No, I don't think so.

[Mendoza steps in between Amanda and Diego.]

I have a good job!  With excellent benefits!  I would make a good husband!

Diego [coming over to stand beside Mendoza]
What he really means to say it that his feelings for you lie beyond the tangible or physical realm, Señorita.  [He is staring deeply into her eyes as he speaks.] His love for you comes from the heart, from the soul.

That was exactly what I was going to say.

Amanda [staring oddly at Diego]
Are you sure you speak for him?

Diego [glancing over at Mendoza]
Absolutely.  His feelings entirely.  I just run off at the mouth.  I. . .

[He hands Mendoza the geranium he was holding..  Amanda looks disappointed.  Diego goes back to fiddling with the flower basket as Mendoza hands the geranium to Amanda.]

[Inside the tavern, Ramón pounds his hand twice on the bar.]

What do you have to do to get service in this place?

[Victoria walks behind him then behind the bar.]

Well, um, a little common courtesy might help.

Forgive me, Señorita Escalante.  I've just had a bad evening.

Victoria [pouring him a glass of wine]
In such elegant attire?  How can that be?

I went at the invitation of Amanda Herrera to the de la Vega hacienda to spend the evening.  The mood was. . .destroyed by the arrival of Mendoza.

[He hangs his head into his hands.]

She is staying at the de la Vega hacienda?

[Ramón looks up at her and nods.]


Ramón [nodding again]
Well, until her father finishes the surveying of the northern territories.

Ooh. [She laughs bitterly.] The first single woman to appear in two years and suddenly he's the gracious host.

Ramón [picking up on her anger]
Do I detect a hint of envy?

Ah, don't be silly.  Diego's not my type at all.

[She doesn't look Ramón in the eye but fiddles with the wine bottle.  Ramón nods knowinly.]

Diego [off camera]

[He walks into the tavern and comes up to Ramón.]

I hope you're not too angry with Mendoza.  He has so little experience in. . .

Ramón [slamming his fist down onto the bar]
Experience?  The only experience he'll get is foot patrol at dawn.

[He then turns, bows to Victoria, then leaves the tavern.  Diego watches him go then looks at Victoria.]

He's moody, isn't he?

[Victoria slams the wine bottle down onto the bar and walks off.  Diego watches her go.]

Diego [a bit bemused]
He's not the only one.

[The two bandits ride their horses down a hillside to their camp.]

Bandit #1 [laughing]
This town's an easy target.

Bandit #2
You're right.  I have a plan that will make us very rich, amigo.

[Inside the secret cave, Zorro walks over to Toronado whose reins are being held by Felipe.]

Are you sure they're at the northern point of Arroyo Grande?

[Felipe nods.  Zorro climbs onto Toronado's back.]

Bandits camped that close to the pueblo can only mean trouble.  Adios.

[Zorro salutes as Felipe backs away from the horse and waves in reply.]

[Zorro and Toronado emerge from the cave's hidden exit.]

[Mendoza and Sanchez are on foot patrol, carrying bedrolls and muskets.]

Of course, if we found the bandits, the Alcalde might forgive us.

Never. [He points to himself.] What he wants is to get me out of his way so he can pursue Amanda.

Mendoza [incredulously]

Yes, me.

I'm the one who was with her last night.

Sanchez [incredulously]
You?  You were with her?

Of course.  She finds me irresistible.

Sanchez [laughing mockingly]
That's a lie!  And if you didn't have those sergeant's stripes, I'll show you a few things myself.

You're crazy!  She's going to marry me.

[He points at his own chest, then points at Sanchez.]

Maybe it's about time I show you what kind of man it takes to woo a woman like Amanda.

[He throws aside his musket and shrugs off his bedroll, knocking off his own hat.  Sanchez follows suit.]

Amanda is in love me.

[Both men start unbuckling their scabbard belts.]

You're crazy!  She's going to marry me!

Naw!  She's going to marry me!

[Mendoza leaps at Sanchez and wrestles him down to the ground.]

[Zorro rides Toronado across the crest of a ridge.  He slows Toronado as they go downhill so he can stand up on the horse's back to look around.  He sees the bandits' camp.  Zorro jump off Toronado's back and runs down to the camp.  Crouching down, he feels the coals of their fire.

It's still warm.  They haven't been gone long.

[Sanchez pushes Mendoza as they both sit on the ground.]

I won!

Mendoza [pushing back at Sanchez]
Not true!  I am your superior officer.

Sanchez [about to hit Mendoza but holds back]
No matter.  Amanda is going to marry me.

Mendoza [laughing]
You're just a private, she'd never marry you.

Well, why don't we go to her. . . hey ay. . .and I put the question once and for all.

The Alcalde has ordered us out on patrol.

The Alcalde has ordered us to search for the bandits.  Maybe, just maybe, they went back south, to the de la Vega hacienda.

[Both men jump up and grab their discarded gear and run back the way they came.]

[Exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda.  A knock on the door is heard.]

[Amanda opens the front door a crack and reveals Ramón standing there, holding out a bouquet of red roses.]

Amanda [as Ramón shoves his way in the door]

Señorita, allow me to present you with this mere token to your beauty.

[He thrusts the roses at her.]

Amanda [nervously]
I wasn't expecting you.

Ah, I came as soon as I could.

Amanda [glancing to her right]
But this is not a good time.

Ramón [trying to walk past her]
Oh, don't worry.  I've sent those fools Mendoza and Sanchez on a wild goose chase.  We won't be interrupted today.  I know, I know, you are thrilled to see me again.

Bandit [aiming and cocking his pistol at Ramón]
Si, Señor, we are delighted.

[Ramón holds up his hands and looks alarmed.]

Amanda [as one of the bandits circles behind Ramón]
Alcalde, please.  Don't let them hurt Señor de la Vega.

Ramón [glancing at the bandits]
What do you want?

Bandit [taking something from Ramón's waist]
We'll start with all your valuables.

[The bandit then shoves Ramón into the parlor where Don Alejandro and Felipe have their hands tied behind their backs and their feet tied together as they sit on the floor in front of a window.  The other bandit holds his gun on them.]

[Zorro stops to look at (‘D' shaped)  tracks made in the mud at a river's edge (recycled hot from "Honor Thy Father"!) before riding on.]

[Mendoza and Sanchez are approaching the de la Vega hacienda gate.

Someday, Amanda and I will make fine babies.

Don't make me laugh.

[Inside the hacienda, one of the bandits fires his rifle.]

[The shot raises the dust in front of the two soldiers.  Mendoza shoves Sanchez to their left.

Madre de Dios!

[They both duck behind a rock.]

Bandit [off camera]
Don't come any closer!

Mendoza [to Sanchez]

Bandit [shouting out the hacienda window]
We have your Alcalde!

Mendoza [calling back]

[The trussed up Ramón looks insulted.]

Bandit [off camera]
And a very pretty señorita.

[Don Alejandro worriedly looks over at Amanda.]

My Amanda!

Your Amanda?

[They jump up from behind the rock and run closer to the hacienda.  The bandit fires two guns at them.  Mendoza pokes his head out from the side of the gate.  The bandit shoots again and Mendoza pulls his head back.]

Ramón [to the bandits]
You don't stand a chance!  My men have this place surrounded.

Bandit [to the second bandit]
Cover the other side of the house.

You'll never beat my lancers.

[Don Alejandro and Felipe look over at Ramón like he is crazy.]

[Mendoza pokes his head out from behind the gate, then Sanchez does the same.  Then Zorro pokes his head out, unnoticed by the soldiers.]

There must a gang of them in there.

We need to get some help.

How?  We can't even move.

Then perhaps the help needs to come to you.

[Mendoza and Sanchez turn to stare up at Zorro.]


[They all duck back behind the wall.]

How did you get here?

I was following their tracks when I heard the gunfire.

They have the Alcalde in there. . .and Señorita Amanda.

They must have many men to overpower the Alcalde.

Well, I only counted two sets of tracks.

We need to alert the garrison.

No, we need to give the impression of strength.  Just listen for my signal then rush them.

Mendoza [incredulously]
Rush them?  We'd be killed!

Sergeant, please.  A little faith.  Just listen for my whistle.

[He gets up and leaves. Mendoza and Sanchez turn their attention back to the hacienda.]

[Zorro runs up and climbs onto the hacienda rood.  One of the bandits comes around a corner of the courtyard and walks under an archway then stops.  Zorro uses his whip to take the rifle from the bandit's hands and into his.]

Hey!  What?

[Zorro then drops the rifle, butt first onto the bandit's head, knocking him to the ground.  Zorro then walks across the roof, cracking his whip as he walks.]

[Inside the hacienda, the whip cracks sound like gunfire.  The bandit who stayed with the hostages looks up at the ceiling worriedly.]

Portillo, they are inside!

[He sets down his pistols and grabs a rifle.]

[The bandit runs out into the courtyard, then pauses and looks around.  Zorro slides a tile off the roof and it lands on the bandit's head, knocking him out.  He crumples to the ground.]

[Mendoza and Sanchez are waiting outside the gate when they hear Zorro's whistle.  They rush the hacienda, Mendoza with his sword drawn and Sanchez carrying his musket.]

[The second bandit Zorro knocked out starts to get up but Mendoza reaches him first.  Mendoza pulls the bandit to his feet and starts to shake him.]

Where are they?  Where are they?

Bandit [pointing to his right]

[Mendoza shoves the bandit through an open door.]

[Mendoza shoves the bandit into the parlor then waves his sword at the bandit.]

Untie them!

[The bandit stumbles toward Ramón.]

The señorita first.

[The bandit goes over to Amanda.]


She's a lady, mi Alcalde.

Amanda [as the bandit helps her to her feet]
You saved us!

Don Alejandro
Good work, Sergeant!  Good work!

Don Alejandro, it was all totally nothing.

Don Alejandro
No. . .

But you certainly couldn't do it all yourself.

True, true.  Sanchez followed my orders to a ‘T'.

But how?

Well. . . [He shoves the bandit at Don Alejandro].  Untie him. [to Ramón] Call it instinct.

I call it bravery. [She grabs Mendoza's shoulders then kissed him on the lips.  Mendoza looks over at Ramón in a daze.]

Don Alejandro

[Ramón looks defeated.  Mendoza leads Amanda away as Don Alejandro grabs the bandit and shoves him forward, following Mendoza.  Ramón still has his hands tied behind his back as he get up and follows them.]

Ramón [walking backward and holding out his bound hands]
Ah, Mendoza.  Amigo.  Mendoza.


[Mendoza is at the tavern, talking to a table of soldiers.]

Amanda and I will probably be announcing our engagement pretty soon.

[Diego comes into the tavern carrying a book and catches Mendoza's eye.]

Mendoza [to the soldiers]
Con permiso.

[He then hurries over toward Diego.]

Don Diego!  Don Diego, I have another favor to ask of you.

Anything for the man who single-handedly rescued my father. [He lowers his voice conspiratorially.] Tell me something.  Is it true Zorro was sighted somewhere near our hacienda yesterday?

Mendoza [acting innocently]
Was he? [Diego shrugs.] I didn't know.  What I  wanted to ask you is, would you be the best man at my wedding?

Diego [surprised]
You're getting married?

Yes.  I proposed to Señorita Amanda just this afternoon, just right after I save her life.

And she accepted you proposal?

Yes.  She's coming here this evening to announce our engagement.

[Amanda walks into the tavern then.  Diego smiles at Mendoza who smiles back.  A man walks into the building after Amanda.  She comes up to Mendoza and Diego and stops in front of them.  The man stops beside her.]

Señorita Amanda.

Why Sergeant, how nice to see you again.

[Mendoza notices the man standing beside Amanda.]

Who is this?

Amanda [turning to gaze adoringly at the man]
My fiancé.  Isn't he gorgeous?

[Diego looks at the couple in disbelief.]

But Señorita Amanda, I thought. . .

Oh, you're sweet, Sergeant.  But I had a moment to think about it and I changed my mind.

[She and her fiancé walk away from a heartbroken Mendoza.]

Diego [putting a hand on Mendoza's shoulder]
Sergeant, I am sorry.  Really.

Mendoza [confused]
I don't understand.

You're not alone.  Perhaps women are a mystery that men are not supposed to understand.

[He reaches over and picks up two glasses of lemonade from the bar, then hands one to Mendoza.]

If that is the case, long live the mystery.

[He raises his glass.  Mendoza smiles and touches his glass to Diego's.]

*****END OF EPISODE*****

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland 4 August 2006

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.