"The Reward"

Written by Robert L McCullough & Philip John Taylor
Directed by Ray Austin

First US Airdate 14 November 1992 Episode 4.6

[Exterior shot of the pueblo gate as a stagecoach passes under it and into the plaza which is full of people milling about.]

[Interior shot of the tavern.  Victoria is pouring something from a pitcher into glasses at a table where several soldiers and a couple of caballeros sit and listen to Mendoza, who is standing by the table.]

Si, si.  It was when I first joined the Royal Militia in Mexico City.  General Campos was looking for the best. . .

[Don Alejandro and Diego sit at a nearby table.]

the bravest. . .

[Don Alejandro gives Diego a look and Diego smiles and shakes his head.]

Mendoza [in a deeper voice]
‘Only a few good hombres' [back to his normal voice] as he was fond of saying.

[A stranger sits at another table, also listening to Mendoza.]

You see, we were supposed to accompany him on a dangerous march across the Yucatan Peninsula.

[Victoria is now at Don Alejandro and Diego's table, refilling their glasses.]

Don Alejandro [to Victoria]
Think he knows where the Yucatan Peninsula is?

Victoria [giggling]
Now, now.  Let Mendoza have his little moment of glory.

[Don Alejandro throws up his hands and shakes his head.  Victoria picks up a tray and starts to leave.]

Although his imagination does tend to run a little wild, huh?

[She walks away.]

Then there were only eight lancers left. . .  No food, just berries. . .roots. . .  Weapons were useless.

[The stranger continues to listen to Mendoza.]

Snakes and lizards crawling into our boots.  Savages attacking from everywhere!

[Don Alejandro and Diego drink their juice and laugh.]

Stranger [to Mendoza]
You say you were on the Yucatan campaign with General Campos?

Si, the general and I. . .

Then you are a liar!

[He sticks a dagger into his table.  Mendoza looks unnerved.  Diego gets to his feet as does the stranger.]

Stranger [as he walks toward Mendoza]
Campos was no where near the Yucatan.

Yes, but. . .

Stranger [pointing his finger at Mendoza]
And neither were you.  I was there.  Everyday.  Risking my neck.  You? [He laughs scornfully.] You know nothing about the life of a real soldier.

[Mendoza looks indignant.]

Victoria [angrily]
Excuse me. . .

[The stranger turns to stare at her.]

But Sergeant Mendoza happens to do a fine job of staffing our garrison.

[Mendoza puffs up his chest at Victoria's praise.]

Ah, the little innkeeper has fire.  I like that in a woman.

[Victoria looks at defiantly yet nervously.  Diego glares at him angrily.  De Soto walks into the tavern then.]

de Soto [coming to a stop behind the stranger]

Si, Alcalde.

de Soto
Sergeant, what do you think you're doing?  Do you think you're on a holiday?  We have work to do. [He gestures toward the tavern door.] Back to the cuartel immediately!

[Mendoza starts shouting orders to the other soldiers in untranslated Spanish.]

. . .cuartel immediatamente!

[The soldiers jump up and scramble out of the tavern.  The stranger stares at de Soto who stares back before bringing a handkerchief up to cover his mouth and nose.  The stranger turns and leers at Victoria.  Diego comes up and stands behind her.  She turns and glances up at Diego nervously.  The stranger goes over to his table then stares at Diego, who stares back.  The stranger sits back down.]

[Exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda at night as crickets chirp.]

[Interior shot of Diego in the secret cave, unbuttoning his shirt (yeah!).]

There was a rather unpleasant fellow at the tavern. [He takes off his white shirt as Felipe watches.] I didn't like the way he was looking at Victoria. [He starts putting on his black shirt.] A short visit from Zorro should put my mind at rest.

[Felipe smiles as Toronado snorts.  Diego buttons up his shirt (boo!).]

[Exterior shot of de Soto's office at night.  A lancer stands outside.]

de Soto [off camera at first]
Three thousand pesos for Lamarca.

[Interior shot of de Soto's office where de Soto and Mendoza stand by de Soto's desk, looking at two wanted posters.]

de Soto
Hmm.  That's him.  No doubt about it.

Si, si.  That's him.

[Exterior night shot of the hidden cave exit.]

[Interior shot of the secret cave as Zorro swings up onto Toronado's back as Felipe watches.]


[He turns Toronado around.  Toronado steps on the wooden square on the floor which activates the pulley.]

[Exterior night shot of the cave exit as Zorro and Toronado emerge from it.]

[Exterior night shot of Zorro and Toronado riding across the countryside.]

[Exterior night shot of the pueblo plaza.]

[Exterior night shot of customers at a table on the tavern porch.]

[Interior shot of tavern where Victoria walks across the main room, dusting off a folded blanket.  She carries it over to the stairs and starts up them.]

[Exterior night shot of Zorro riding through the pueblo gate.  He bring Toronado to a halt by a porch overhang and climbs up on it, then onto the building's roof.]

[Exterior night shot of a soldier standing by a building as another soldier walks up to him.  The two soldiers trade places.  The first soldier walks away.  Above the second soldier, Zorro loosens a roof tile and drops it on the soldier's head.]

Soldier [as he falls to the ground]

[Zorro scampers away.]

[Interior shot of Victoria at the top of the tavern stairs with the blanket.  She stops and knocks on a door to her right.]

Señor Lamarca?

[Lamarca opens the door and steps toward Victoria.]

Victoria [holding out the blanket]
Here's the extra blanket that you requested.

Maybe you should put it on the bed for me.

Victoria [shoving the blanket at him]
Maybe not.

[He grabs her left wrist.]

You should show some respect.

Victoria [angrily]
I'll show some respect when you deserve it, Señor.

[He starts pulling her into his room.]

What are you doing? [He throws her into the room where she lands up against a wall.] Let go of me!

[Exterior night shot of three men sitting at a table on the tavern porch.]

Victoria [off camera]
I said let go of me!

[The three men jump up and run inside the tavern.]

[Interior shot of the three men running through the tavern door.]

Victoria [off camera]
Somebody help me!

[One of the men points up the stairs and they all run over to the staircase.]

Victoria [off camera]
Help me!  Somebody help me!

[The men run up to the door of Lamarca's room and try to go inside.]

It's locked!  Bust it down!

[They all throw their weight at the door and it comes open.  The three men rush inside the room.]

[Exterior night shot of Zorro running across the plaza being pursued by several soldiers.]

[Interior shot of the tavern's balcony as one of the rescuers is thrown out of Lamarca's room and landing against the balcony railing.  He recovers and runs back into the room.  Sounds of a fight emanate from the room]

[Exterior night shot of a soldier stopping and looking around before running off to his right.  Zorro runs out from behind a wall and climbs up onto another porch overhang.]

[Interior shot of the tavern's balcony as another man is thrown out of Lamarca's room and landing against the balcony railing.  A second man lands at his feet.  They both get up and go back inside the room where the fight continues.]

[Exterior night shot of Zorro walking across a rooftop, cracking his whip.]

[Interior shot of the tavern's balcony as a man is thrown out of Lamarca's room and flying over the top of the balcony railing, landing on the floor below with a thud.  One of the three rescuers and Victoria comes out of Lamarca's room and look downward, then at each other.  The two other rescuers rush out of the room.]

[Exterior night shot of Zorro opening a window shutter then climbing through the window.]

[Interior shot of the tavern's main room as Victoria kneels beside Lamarca lying on the floor.  The three rescuers gather around and crouch down beside Lamarca.]

Victoria [looking up at the men]
He's dead.

[The men just stare.  Zorro bursts through the kitchen curtains then.]

Zorro [rushing toward Victoria]

One of the Men

[Zorro crouches down beside Victoria and takes her hand as the men stand up.]

Zorro [to victoria]
Are you all right?

Victoria [shaking her head nervously]
Yes.  I think so.

What happened here?

Victoria [standing up]
This man attacked me. [Zorro stand up too and stares at her with a concerned expression.] And if it weren't for them. . .

[She looks over at her three rescuers.]

One of the Men
But we didn't mean to kill him.

Taking a man's life is always a painful thing, amigos.

[A commotion is suddenly heard outside the tavern.]

de Soto [off camera]
Zorro was last seen near the tavern, Sergeant.  Take some. . .

My presence here will only complicate matters. [He looks over at the three men.] For Señorita Escalante's safety, I am in your debt. [He turns and looks over at Victoria who smiles weakly.] Adios.

[He lets go of her hand and runs off.  He climbs a wall up to the second floor of the tavern.]

[Exterior night shot of soldiers running toward the tavern.  Zorro pokes his head out from behind a post and whistles.  Toronado snorts.  Zorro runs over and swings up onto Toronado's back and rides away.]

[Interior shot of the tavern where Victoria and the three men stand over Lamarca's body.  Mendoza then de Soto walk inside the tavern.]

Madre de Dios!

[De Soto crouches down and puts a finger on Lamarca's neck.  He looks up at Victoria then at the three men before he stands back up.  He looks over at Victoria again.  She looks very upset.]


[Interior shot of the tavern.  Don Alejandro, de Soto, Mendoza, the three men, Victoria, and Diego all stand around Lamarca's body which is still on the floor.]

de Soto
Well, how did this happen?

Well, that man attacked me.  There was a big fight. [One of the rescuers touches his bruised cheek.] And if it wasn't for these men. . .

[She indicates her three rescuers.]

de Soto
And which one of you killed him?

[The men all look downward.]

de Soto
I see.  Well, if no one's willing to accept responsibility, I'll have to return the reward money of three thousand pesos for Jose Baquero back to the territorial governor.

One of the Men (Paco)
It was me.  It was me.  I did it.

Another of the Men
I was the one.  Me.

Man with the Bruised Cheek
No, I killed him.

[De Soto starts laughing then shakes his head.]

de Soto
Isn't it something, Sergeant? [Mendoza nods.] Once reward money's attached, everybody becomes a hero.

[He chuckles as Mendoza nods and smiles.]

de Soto
Señorita, which man dealt the fatal blow?

I really don't know.  It was a terrible fight.  Everybody was punching and kicking.  There was so much confusion.  I really can't say.

de Soto
Well, I certainly need better evidence than that before I can release the reward money.

Alcalde, um. . .  Since it may well be impossible to prove which of these men is actually responsible for Baquero's death, perhaps they could share the reward money.

One of the Men
Si, si, that is reasonable.

Second Man
Verdad, we were all fighting him.

Third Man
Si, si.

de Soto
All right, all right.  I'll divvy up the reward money to all three of you once it arrives from Monterey.

[The men all smile.]

de Soto

[He and Mendoza leave the tavern.  The three men go over to a table.  Diego rubs his forehead.  Don Alejandro shakes his head as does Diego.  Victoria turns and looks up at Diego and sighs.]

[Exterior shot of the tavern as a man pushes a cart past it.]

Man's Voice [off camera]

[One of the rescuers sits at a table on the tavern porch with Mendoza and the other two men.  Victoria is at the table on the other side of the porch where Diego is standing.]

More tamales for the good sergeant, please.

Victoria [nodding as she carries a tray]

[She goes inside the tavern.  Diego walks over to the men's table.]

Paco, you've been buying lunches for everyone all week.

Why not?  When that reward money comes from Monterey, we're going to be rich men.

Even a rich man doesn't spend money he doesn't yet have.

[He shakes his head.  A man rides up to the hitching rail in front of the tavern and dismounts.  Diego turns to look at him.  The man removes his saddlebags from his horse then walks onto the tavern porch, passing behind Diego.  Victoria comes out of the tavern, carrying a plate.  The man stops and looks at Victoria, who steps to one side before bringing the plate over to the table.  The man stares at her before going inside the tavern.]

Paco [excitedly]
That him, isn't it?  The man from Monterey with the reward money.

Mendoza [nodding]
I think so, Paco.  I'll go find out.

[He gets up, picking up his hat, and goes to the tavern door.]

[Interior shot of the tavern where Pilar is pouring a drink for the man with the saddlebags who is standing in front of the bar.  A smiling Mendoza walks up to him.]

Buenos dias, Señor.  Permit me to introduce myself.  I am Sergeant Jaime Mendoza.

[The man ignores Mendoza as he takes a drink from his glass.]

Mendoza [leaning forward and whispering]
Are you the man from Monterey who's bringing the money?

I'm not from Monterey.  I know nothing about any money.  Here to meet a friend.  Maybe you see him, huh?  Mean guy.  Drinks a little.  Goes by the name, uh. . .  Lamarca.

Mendoza [after gulping nervously]
Perhaps our alcalde can help you.

Your alcalde?

Oh, he is a very friendly man.  He knows everybody in the pueblo. [He points over his left shoulder.] His office is across the plaza.


[The man smiles then finishes his drink.  He picks up his saddlebags and leaves.  Mendoza turns and watches him go then follows him.]

[Exterior shot of Victoria, Diego, and the three rescuers on the tavern porch, looking across the plaza as Mendoza comes out of the tavern.]

He's taking the money over to the Alcalde's office.

[The man walks over toward de Soto's office.]

He'll probably need an official receipt for it.

No, amigos, I don't think [The man goes inside de Soto's office.] that is the man we thought it was.

[They all look at each other nervously.]

[Interior shot of de Soto's office where the man stands in front of de Soto's desk where de Soto is sitting.]

de Soto
Lamarca. . .  La. . .marca.  Yes, the name does ring a bell.  And you are Señor. . .


de Soto
Narcisco. . .  Well, Señor, I, um, have some good news and some bad news.

What's that supposed to mean?

de Soto
Well, your friend, Señor Lamarca, is indeed in Los Angeles.


de Soto
Well, that's the bad news.  You see, he's dead.

Dead? [He leans forward and puts his hands on de Soto's desk.] How?

de Soto

[Closeup of de Soto opening his office door.  Narcisco is standing behind him.]

de Soto [pointing]
Ah.  See those three peasants standing there in front of the tavern?

[Exterior shot of the three men, Victoria, Diego, and Mendoza standing on the tavern porch as two women walk past.]

de Soto [off camera at first]
It took the strength of all three of those men to kill your friend.

[Closeup of de Soto and Narcisco at de Soto's office door.  Narcisco walks past de Soto.]

[Exterior shot of Narcisco walking across the plaza.]

[Closeup of de Soto at his opened office door.]

de Soto [grinning]
This is my lucky day.  Two rewards.  Ah, it's too easy.

[He chuckles evilly then shuts the door.]


[Exterior shot of Narcisco walking up to the tavern porch.  He stops in front of Diego and smiles insincerely.  Narcisco steps back then swings around the other side of a post, bringing up a pistol and aiming it at the three rescuers.  They all get to their feet.]

These men have no quarrel with you.

Of course.  What's the point of killing them when they're going to give me the three thousand pesos they got in reward for killing my friend.

I don't think they should pay, not even one peso.

Oh, yes, they will.  By sundown or you don't see the sunrise.

We don't even have the money yet.  It's still on its way from Monterey.

Three thousand pesos by sundown or this is the only reward you'll ever see.

[He waves the pistol at them.]

One of the Men
Please, Señor, I had nothing to do with your friends death. [He points to the other two men.] It was them!  They killed him!

[Narcisco points his pistols at the third man.]

Man [putting his hands up]
I didn't even touch him.  When the reward was offered, I just wanted the money.

Narcisco [looking over at Paco]
And you?  You had no hand in my friend's death, huh?

He attacked Victoria.  I would kill him again if I had to.

Brave words.  They mean nothing.  Sundown.  The pueblo gates. [He starts to back away.] Oh, bring a gun.

But I don't even have a gun.

[Narcisco pulls out a pistol and tosses it onto the table.]

You do now.

[He backs over to his horse, tosses the saddlebags onto its back, then gets up into the saddle.  He rides out of the pueblo.]

Diego, we have to do something.

Yes.  I'm going to tell my father.

[He walks behind her.]

Your father?

Diego [stopping by her right side]
He'll know what to do.

[He continues on his way then, leaving behind an openmouthed Victoria.]

[Exterior shot of de Soto's office where two lancers stand on either side of its door.]

[Interior shot of the office where de Soto is sitting behind his desk, cleaning his pistol as Mendoza watches as he stands by the right side of the desk.  Victoria bursts through the door and marches up to de Soto's desk.]

Alcalde, Narcisco is planning to kill Paco Garcia for the reward money.

de Soto [chuckling]
Don't be ridiculous, Señorita.  The reward money hasn't even arrived here from Monterey.

Yes, but Narcisco doesn't even care.  He told Paco to meet him at sundown with three thousand pesos or be prepared to defend himself.

Narcisco will kill him.

de Soto
Señorita Escalante, we cannot get involved with every little piece of gossip and hearsay.

But I was there!  Narcisco even gave him a gun.

de Soto
This is a military garrison, Señorita.  We cannot get involved in every petty, personal squabble.

[Victoria glares at him then turns to leave but continues to glare at him over her shoulder.]

Victoria [turning to look at de Soto with her fist clenched]

[She stomps out of the office.]

de Soto [acting nonchalantly]
Oh, Sergeant, just to appease everyone, why don't you take a couple of lancers and go out to the pueblo gates, say at sundown?

But you just said we shouldn't involve ourselves in petty, personal squabbles.

de Soto [holding up his pistols]
Sergeant, it's a matter of three thousand pesos.  You see, [He crosses the pistols over his neck and rubs them against each other.] I want that reward money, Sergeant.

[Mendoza looks at him in disgust.  De Soto starts to chuckle evilly as Mendoza grimaces at him.]

[Exterior shot of the hidden secret cave exit as it opens up and Zorro and Toronado ride out of it.]

[Exterior shot of Zorro and Toronado riding across the countryside.]

[Exterior shot of the pueblo gates as Zorro comes to a halt by the right side of the gate.  He climbs up to the top of the gate.]

[Exterior shot of the pueblo.  Three lancers on horseback wait near the left side of the church as other people mill about.]

[Exterior shot of the sun setting as coyotes howl.]

[Closeup shot of the sign that hangs across the pueblo gates that reads ‘Pueblo Los Angeles' as it squeaks as it swings in the breeze.  The shot moves down to show Paco walking toward the gate, holding the pistol.  Other people walk behind him, including Victoria.  Narcisco walks past Victoria and she glances at him, her hands on her hips.]

Narcisco [to Paco's back]
Do you have the money?

[Paco turns around to face Narcisco.]

I told you the money is mine.

And I told you you'd pay for killing my friend.

[Victoria looks worriedly at Paco.  Zorro rises up from the pueblo gate to look downward.]

One way or another.

[He moves his hand to his pistol, holstered on his belt and pulls it out.]

Defend yourself.

He doesn't have to defend himself.

[Paco nervously cocks his pistol.  Narcisco aims his pistol at Paco's head.]

Please be quiet, woman.

If you're going to shoot him, you're going to have to shoot us all.

As you wish, Señorita.

[He swings around and aims his pistol at her.  Zorro jumps down from the pueblo gate and cracks his whip around Narcisco's left leg, knocking him flat on his back on the ground.  Zorro stares down at Narcisco as he coils up his whip.]

Narcisco [smiling insincerely as he starts to sit up]
This is none of your business.  It's between him and me.

Zorro [glancing around at the other people]
Apparently not.

[Narcisco get up to his knees then looks around and sees all the people standing around.]

Narcisco [indicating Paco]
He killed my friend.

Your friend was a man of violence whose death was caused by his own deeds.

Narcisco [shrugging]
He must pay.

[He spins on one knee, picks up his pistol and fires at Paco.  Zorro unsheathes his sword and uses it to deflect the bullet.  Paco moves to his left.  Narcisco gets to his feet and draws out his sword.  He lunges at Zorro who sidesteps the thrust.  Narcisco runs past him and into one of the columns of the pueblo gate.  He turns around and slashes at Zorro who steps backward.  Narcisco thrusts again at Zorro, who parries it, spinning Narcisco around.  Narcisco thrusts at Zorro again and again is spun about by Zorro's parry.  Narcisco slashes his sword at the air a couple of time before lunging at Zorro again.  Another parry from Zorro spins Narcisco around and he falls to one knee.  Narcisco gets up, lunges at Zorro and is spun around yet again by Zorro's parry.  Narcisco comes at Zorro again, this time raising his sword and bring it down like he is trying to slice Zorro in half lengthwise.  Zorro blocks the blow.  Victoria has been nervously watching the fight but now turns and sees de Soto and Mendoza making their way through the crowd.

de Soto [pushing and shoving]
You people!

Victoria [nervously]
Oh, no!

de Soto [trying to fight through the people who keep pressing up against him and the soldiers as Zorro and Narcisco continue to cross blades]
Get out of the way!

Victoria [making her way toward de Soto]
If you're going to shoot, you're going to have to shoot us all.

[The people keep impeding de Soto and the soldiers.]

de Soto [holding his pistol in the air]
Have you people lost your minds?  I can get Zorro and Narcisco at the same time!

[Zorro parries and spins Narcisco around again.]

Victoria [in the midst of the crowd, quite smugly]
These petty, personal squabbles have nothing to do with military concerns.

[De Soto tires to fight his way through the crowd as several people thrust his arm holding the pistol up into the air.  Zorro thrusts Narcisco's blade downward as they stand side by side.]

I think I've had enough fun for one day.

[He elbows Narcisco in the face and Narcisco falls on his back on the ground.  Zorro goes over and gets upon to Toronado's back as Paco steps forward, aiming his pistol at Narcisco.  The crowd is still holding de Soto and Mendoza at bay.]

de Soto [from the midst of the crowd]

Zorro [as he rides Toronado to where Paco is aiming his pistol at Narcisco lying on the ground]
Where the truth is concerned, amigo, never be afraid to stand alone.

[He salutes Paco, who smiles up at him.]

de Soto [off camera]
Zorro's getting away!

[The crowd begins to clear away as Zorro rides off on Toronado.]

de Soto [off camera]

[De Soto watches in disgust as Zorro rides away.  Mendoza and Victoria stand to his right, smiling.]


[Interior shot of the tavern as Victoria carries a full tray across the main room.]

Diego [off camera at first]
Do you think the Alcalde might have learned something from all this?

[Diego is sitting opposite Mendoza at a table.  Victoria sets down the tray on their table and starts handing out bowls of soup.]

Mendoza [stammering]
Well, I. . .  I don't know about that.

Well I think he realized that without the support of the people, the army is useless.

[Diego smiles up at her.  Paco walks up behind Mendoza.]


Si, Paco.

Paco [nodding at them as he speaks]
Señor de la Vega, Sergeant. [He turns to face Victoria.] I just wanted to say thank you for what you did for me today.

Ah.  Well, it was the least I could do.  Besides, [She puts her hand on his left shoulder.] you stood up for me, remember?

Is it true you're going to be collecting the reward money for both Narcisco and Baquero?

Señor de la Vega said he talked to the Alcalde about it already.

[Mendoza turns and stares at Diego incredulously.]

Well, Paco is responsible for bringing two killers to justice.

Mendoza [turning to smile up at Paco]
Well, I'm sure we're going to be having some wonderful lunches together.

Sergeant. . .Señor de la Vega told me a thing or two about managing my money.

[Mendoza looks over at Diego again.  Diego smiles and nods at Paco.]

I've decided I'm going to buy a small farm.

Oh? [He looks disappointedly over at Diego.] That is nice.

Well, you see, Sergeant, even you learned something from all this.

Yes, this is true, Don Diego.  I've learned there is no such thing as a free lunch.

[Paco and Victoria start laughing and Diego joins in as Mendoza still looks disappointed.]

*****END OF EPISODE*****

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland 12 & 13 January 2007

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.