"The New Broom"

Written by Philip John Taylor
Directed by Ray Austin

First US Airdate 1 September 1991 Episode 3.1

[Exterior shot of the plaza where it is market day and the plaza is full of people going about their business.]

[Exterior shot of the tavern's doors as Victoria opens one of them and bursts out onto the porch.  She looks to her left then to her right.]

Sergeant Mendoza!  [She walks out in the plaza.] Mendoza! [She walks further into the plaza then spins around, throwing up her hands.] Mendoza!

[She turns back around and starts walking in the other direction as people stop and stare at her.]


[She goes over to the garrison office, bangs on the door, then goes inside.]

Victoria [off camera]

[Don Alejandro walks up to the garrison office.]

Don Alejandro

[Exterior shot of the garrison office as Victoria sticks her head out of an open office window.]

Mendoza! [She nods angrily.] So our acting alcalde has left the scene.

[She spins away from the window.  Mendoza is peering around the corner of a building with a pained expression.]

Mendoza [looking upward]
Your majesty, send us a new alcalde soon.  Please!

Don Alejandro [off camera]
Where are you?

[Mendoza is startled and ducks back behind the wall.]

[Victoria sticks her head out of the window again.  Mendoza steps out from behind the wall, looks upward and shakes his head.]

[Exterior shot of a plaza surrounded by two storied buildings.  ‘Madrid, Spain' is superimposed on the screen.  A man in a tan jacket walk past a statute in the middle of a small plaza as another man rides by on horseback.  A carriage pulled by two white horses and carrying a man and a woman drive through the plaza.  Another man in a gray suit emerges from a building and other men and women come up to him, shaking his hand.]

Good morning.  Congratulations.  I heard the good news.

[The man in the gray suit shakes one more man's hand then walks away.  As he tries to pass by the man in the tan jacket, that man steps into his path.  When the man in the gray suit steps in the other direction, the man in the tan jacket steps that way also.  The man in the gray suit steps to the other side but the man in the tan jacket follows that move too.]

Man in the Gray Suit [staring at the other man]
You have the advantage of me, Señor.

Man in the Tan Jacket
Indeed I do.  Because I know a great deal about you, Don Javier Miguel Francisco Carroga.  As a matter of fact, I happen to know that very recently you came very close to being named the new alcalde of pueblo de Los Angeles.

Don Javier
But you have been misinformed, amigo.  I was named the new alcalde.  The appointment was ratified this morning by the King himself.

Man in the Tan Jacket
Ah, yes, but you see, the King will have a change of heart.  I would say that within an hour, he will have appointed someone else.

Don Javier
Really?  And who might that be?

Man in the Tan Jacket

Don Javier

[The man in the tan jacket chuckles.]

Don Javier
But why, Señor, would the King chose someone else?

Man in the Tan Jacket
There will be a terrible tragedy in your family making it impossible for you to travel.

Don Javier
Indeed?  And what tragedy is that?

Man in the Tan Jacket
Your death.

Don Javier
My death? [He looks slightly unnerved.] Once again, you have been misinformed.  I'm as fit as a fiddle.

Man in the Tan Jacket
Really?  Then play this tune.

[He punches Don Javier in the face.  Don Javier brings his hand up to the spot where he was hit.]

Don Javier
Ow! [He lowers his hand to reveal a bloody spot on his lower right cheek.] I don't know who you are, my rash friend, but you have chosen the wrong man to pick a quarrel with.

[Don Javier unsheathes his sword and aims it at his attacker.]

Man in the Tan Jacket
Perhaps the time has come to introduce myself.  Don Ignacio de Soto.

[He bows mockingly.]

Don Javier
De Soto?  There was a candidate for the post with that name.

de Soto
How very, very quick you are.  You know, I've always hated coming in second.  But it truly galls me to lose to a man whose only qualification for such an important position is his family's wealth and influence are exceeded only by their arrogance and stupidity.

[Don Javier lunges as de Soto who spins out of the way.  The two men turn to face each other.]

de Soto
Your stupidity which you're demonstrating even as we speak.

[Don Javier lunges as de Soto again and cuts through the leather of de Soto's glove on his left hand.]

de Soto [as he grabs his injured hand]
Ah! [He examines his injury.] Merely a flesh wound but sufficient enough to justify your death in my self-defense.  Prepare to die, Don Carroga.

[De Soto finally unsheathes his word.  The two men commence dueling.  De Soto steadily drives Don Javier backward until Don Javier is back up against a wall.  De Soto then disarms Don Javier.  De Soto bends down and picks up Don Javier's sword and extends it to him, hilt first.]

Don Javier [not taking the sword]
I'll not fight you anymore.

Whispered Voices
What is he, a coward?

de Soto [still proffering the sword]
The result will be the same, Señor.  You see, all these people have just witnessed your utter cowardice.

Whispered Voices
Can you believe it?  Coward.

de Soto
Will the King send a coward to govern one of the most troublesome outposts in all his empire?  I don't think so.  You see, no alcalde has ever succeeded in Los Angeles.  They've either been hounded out of office or died in disgrace.  Perfect place for a man to make a reputation overnight.

Don Javier
Or die overnight.

de Soto
I'm prepared to take that risk.  See, unlike you, Don Javier, my family is not well-placed at court.  I've had to work hard and fight hard for everything I have.  And unlike you, I will bend Los Angeles to the will of the King or I will break them!

[He uses his sword to cut Don Javier's sword in half.]

de Soto
And then, I shall return to my beloved Madrid, a hero.  Hmm.  Until then.

[He saluted Don Javier mockingly with his sword then starts to walk away but pauses and turns around.]

de Soto [with an evil smile]
Wish me luck.

[He swaggers away.]


[Exterior shot of the tavern.  People are lined up in front of the building and up on its balcony.  Felipe leads Diego's horse away as Diego and Victoria walk toward the tavern.]

Don Alejandro [standing on the tavern porch next to Mendoza]
Ah!  There you are, Diego. [He turns to Mendoza who is dressed in his finest.] Sergeant Mendoza, doesn't he look splendid?

A picture of sartorial elegance.

[He bows to Mendoza.]

Thank you, Don Diego.  I want to start off with the right foot with this new alcalde.  You might find this hard to believe, but I have made a few mistakes in the past.

Don Alejandro [a bit sarcastically]

No, Sergeant.  Really?

Mendoza [missing the sarcasm]
I don't mind admitting it, but today. . . [He takes a deep breath.]. . .is a new day.  My slate is clean.

[He looks over at Don Alejandro and smiles.  Felipe comes running toward them.]

Felipe!  Oh, there's Felipe!

[Diego turns to look at Felipe who points to his right.]

The coach is here.

[A stagecoach drives past the church and up to the front of the tavern.]


[Mendoza steps off the porch, looks up and signals three musicians on the tavern balcony who then start playing.  The coach comes to a halt.]

Mendoza [opening the coach door]
Welcome to Los Angeles, Alcalde.

[A man dressed in rough clothing steps out of the coach.]

Mendoza [accusingly]
You're not the new alcalde!  You're Juan the coach driver!

[Mendoza peers into the coach to see if anyone else is inside.  The musicians stop playing.  Mendoza turns  around and looks at the others on the porch with a confused expression on his face.]

Driver [chuckling]
He was the coach driver.  He should have been pensioned off years ago.  After we were passed by a burro. . . [Diego looks up the man curiously.] . . .and two tortoises, I decided to take the reins myself.

[People laugh.]

de Soto [standing up and flinging off the tan driver's coast he was wearing]
I am your new alcalde

[He stands atop the coach in his uniform.  Mendoza salutes.  Don Alejandro nods approvingly.]


[De Soto looks down at Diego in surprise.]

Ignacio de Soto?

de Soto

[Diego chuckles.  De Soto puts on a hat with white fluffy feathers and climbs down from the driver's seat and stands in front of Diego.]

de Soto
Diego de la Vega.  After all these years.

Diego [shaking de Soto's hand and smiling]
So you're the new alcalde.

de Soto [looking around the pueblo]
Well, it doesn't look like there'll be many distractions from the task at hand.

This is quite a surprise.

de Soto [acting insulted]
Really?  Why should you find it surprising?

Oh, I wasn't suggesting anything.  You were an exceptional student.  In face, we were all a little envious of you.  You never seemed to spend any time studying, we all wondered how you managed to get such high marks.

de Soto [deadpanned]
I cheated.

[Diego is obviously stunned.  Then de Soto starts laughing and the others join in, even Diego.]

Diego [turning to Don Alejandro, Mendoza, and Victoria]
Ignacio and I were students together at Madrid University. [He extends his hand.] May I present Ignacio de Soto, our new alcalde.

de Soto [extending his hand which Don Alejandro takes and shakes]
Don Alejandro de la Vega.  Half of Madrid sends it regards.

Don Alejandro
You exaggerate.

de Soto [sincerely]
No, sir.

Diego [indicating Victoria]
And this is Señorita Victoria Escalante, the owner of our tavern and one of our most concerned citizens.

de Soto
How beautiful.

[He removes his hat, clicks his heels and bows gallantly.]

de Soto [standing back upright]
And how amusing that a woman should show an interest in civic matters.

Don Alejandro [clearing his throat as Victoria seethes]
Ah, Don Ignacio, I was thinking perhaps you could join us at our hacienda this evening, hmm?  I've invited some leading citizens of Los Angeles and perhaps we could, ah, sit down and iron out the problems facing our little pueblo.

de Soto
Sounds delightful.  Until tonight then.

[Don Alejandro nods.]

de Soto
Sergeant Mendoza.

Mendoza [bowing]
Sergeant Jaime Mendoza reporting for. . .  You know my name?

de Soto [putting his hat back on]
Naturally, Sergeant.  Assemble the garrison, if you please.

Corporal Sepulveda!

[Sepulveda comes up and faces Mendoza.]

Would you be so kind to assemble the garrison for inspection, please?

Sepulveda [saluting]
Yes, sir!

[Mendoza salutes back.  Sepulveda marches off.]

Sepulveda [off camera]
Lancers, fall into formation.

Don Alejandro
Hmm.  Come on, Diego, you've met him before.  What kind of man is he?

de Soto [inspecting the lancers as Don Alejandro speaks]
Well, I shall not comment on your truly slovenly appearance.

Diego [talking over de Soto]
Ignacio was on a scholarship.

de Soto
Today is a new day, gentlemen.

He had no connections.  His father was a farmer, I believe.

de Soto
. . .we are going to transform this garrison into the finest fighting. . .

He succeeded through sheer ability.  He should be very sympathetic to the problems of the poor.

If he starts flaunting his old world ideas about in women in Los Angeles, he's going to be in for a rude awakening.

Diego [chuckling]
Give him time, Victoria.  He's a very astute fellow.  Once he realizes this isn't Madrid, he'll change his attitude.

de Soto
But I promise you, you will be the pride of the colonial militia.  What's more important, you will be proud of yourselves.  Long live the King!

[The lancers all salute.]

de Soto [shaking his head]
Sergeant, dismiss you men.


[The lancers fall out, grumbling amongst themselves.  De Soto cover his eyes in disgust.]

We might finally have the right man for the job.

[De Soto marches to his new office as Mendoza spins around a couple of times before following after him.}


[Interior shot of de Soto's office as de Soto goes through his desk as Mendoza watches.  De Soto opens a drawer then coughs.  He holds up a piece of old food.]

de Soto
Last week's lunch, I presume?

Mendoza [smiling nervously]
Uh. . .

[De Soto tosses the food away.]

de Soto
Sergeant, I think it's time you got to know me a little better.  Sit down, please.

[Mendoza sits down as de Soto removes his white gloves, then sits down too.]

de Soto
I had to work my way up through the ranks.  I wore a sergeant's stripes for five years.  I know every little trick. . .every little dodge ever conceived. [He leans forward.] And if you cross me, I'll take your sergeant's stripes and I'll make you eat them in your next enchilada.

Si, Alcalde.

de Soto
Now, did Alcalde Ramón keep personal files on all the prominent citizens of Los Angeles?

Si, Alcalde.  They are right on your desk in alphabetical order.

de Soto
Excellent, Sergeant.  I think we're beginning to understand one another.

[He looks through the files.]

Si, Alcalde.  So you and Don Diego were friends at the university.

de Soto [as he goes through files]
No.  I was a senior and he was a freshman.  We were both in the university dramatic group for a time.  We played in a Passion Play together.  As I recall, Diego played Jesus.

Mendoza [chuckling]
And who did you play, Alcalde?

de Soto
Judas. . .Iscariot.

[He starts to laugh evilly as Mendoza smiles nervously.]

de Soto
That will be all, Sergeant.

[Mendoza rises and starts to leave but turns around and salutes before turning around again and leaving.  De Soto picks up a very thick file and opens it up.  The cover has ‘Zorro' written on it.]

Victoria [off camera]
Did you know him well?

[Interior shot of the de la Vega hacienda where several people stand around, holding drinks and talking.]

No, not really.  He made quite an impression on me. [He looks over at de Soto who is talking to an older couple.] He's just what this pueblo needs.

I do hope you're right.

Diego [smiling]
Well, if I am, tyranny and injustice might be things of the past in Los Angeles.  Perhaps Zorro will finally keep his promise to you.

Oh, I know he will.

Will you still love him once he's no longer the dashing hero in a mask, but just an ordinary fellow. . .like me?

Diego, Zorro could never be ordinary, even without his mask.

[Diego smiles and nods but looks concerned at her words.]

Don Alejandro [off camera at first]
You are mistaken, Señor Alcalde.  How did you come by this slanderous information?

de Soto
Oh, my illustrious predecessors kept personal files on each and every one of you, didn't you know?

Don Alejandro
Well, first of all, your predecessor was far from illustrious.

Victoria [moving toward them]
And it was his own greed that brought about his death at Devil's Fortress.

Don Alejandro [shaking his finger at de Soto]
You ask anyone, Luis Ramón was unscrupulous, suspicious, and irrational.

de Soto
Well, perhaps he became irrational when it finally dawned upon him he was surrounded by a nest of traitors who would not lift a finger to help him.  You see, Alcalde Ramón became obsessed with the capture of this petty criminal named Zorro.

[Felipe, who is holding a silver tray with glasses on it, looks over at Diego, who is listening open-mouthed.]

de Soto
He failed.  Why?  Because at each and every turn, Zorro was aided and abetted by you, the so-called ‘elite' of Los Angeles.  Well, I will not make the same mistake.  I've given myself three month to bring Los Angeles to heel and by God, I will do it!

Don't be deluded, Ignacio.  You can't just dismiss Zorro so easily.

de Soto
We shall see.  But in future, you will address me as Don Ignacio.  Our school days are over, Señor.

They are indeed.

de Soto [walking behind Don Alejandro to the middle of the foyer]
Your former alcalde suspected everyone in this room at one time or another with being in league with Zorro.  Therefore, no one shall leave this hacienda until Zorro is apprehended.

Don Alejandro
You can't hold us indefinitely.

de Soto
Oh, no, no, no.  You misunderstand, Don Alejandro.  I can do anything I want to do.  Madrid is eight thousand miles away.  I am the only law here!  And this pueblo has been nothing but trouble to the Spanish Crown.

Diego [walking toward de Soto and speaking quite impassionedly]
You really don't understand, do you?  The people of this pueblo will not be a stepping stone for corruption, ambition, or greed.

de Soto [ignoring Diego's outburst]
You will all be free to go once Zorro is apprehended.  Until that time, I suggest you make yourselves comfortable.

[He starts to leave.]

de Soto [pausing and turning back around]
And pray that Zorro shows himself quickly.

[He walks away.]

de Soto [off camera]

[De Soto opens the front door of the hacienda.  Mendoza runs in saluting.]

Si, Alcalde.

de Soto
You are in charge.  I shall send a squad at dawn to relieve you.

[De Soto salutes mockingly to the party guests and then goes out the door.]

Don Alejandro [through clenched teeth]
Well, Diego, you still think your ‘friend' is the right man for the job.

[Diego looks angry and chagrined.]

[Exterior night shot of the de la Vega hacienda as two armed lancers pace back and forth while another armed lancers stands guard near the front door.]

[Exterior day shot as the sun come up over the horizon.]

[Exterior shot of de Soto's office.]

[Interior shot of de Soto's bedroom as de Soto throws his sword and scabbard on his bed and sighs.]

de Soto [walking up to a picture]
In no time, I will be out of this dusty little pueblo. . .

[He takes off his jacket as he walks over to a curtained doorway.]

de Soto [opening the curtain and hanging up the jacket]
. . .and back in my beloved Madrid.. . .

[He claps his hands then hold his arms up in the air.]

de Soto
. . .where the world shall be my oyster.

[He walks over to his bed and falls backward upon it.  The bed collapses.]

de Soto [flailing]

[Zorro shoves aside the curtains and comes out of the closet where he had been hiding.  De Soto stares at him in shock.]

Consider the bed a welcoming gift.  And you must have to be the neatest man in all of Spain.  I've had ample time to study your wardrobe. [He turns back to the closet.] Take this collections of silk cravats, for example.  Most impressive.

[He takes down a pink cravat and runs his hands down it.]

de Soto
Don't touch them!

Forgive me.

[He acts like he is going to sneeze, then he does, right into the cravat.]


[De Soto gets off the bed and bends down to get something.]

I think I'm getting a cold.

[He uses the cravat to wipe his nose.  De Soto picks up his sword and stares at Zorro.  Zorro throws down the cravat and starts walking toward de Soto.]

I came to tell you I always work alone.  I have no accomplices.  Never have, never will.  So you can free those innocent people at the de la Vega hacienda.

de Soto [defiantly]
Make me.

[Zorro smiles as de Soto draws out his sword.  Zorro spins around as he unsheathes his saber.  Then he salutes de Soto.  De Soto lunges at Zorro and they duel.  Zorro parries de Soto's every move then their swords become entangled.]

Zorro [glancing at the painting on the wall behind him]
Niccolo Machiavelli.

[He pushes de Soto backward.]

Your hero, I presume.

[De Soto lunges at Zorro's right but Zorro sidesteps him and de Soto's blade impales the wall.]

How appropriate since he was a despicable little man who kissed up to the rich. . .

[De Soto lunges this time at Zorro's left, but again, Zorro moves out of the way and de Soto's sword hits the wall again.]

. . .and failed in everything he tried to do.

[De Soto slashes at Zorro's throat but Zorro ducks out of the way and spanks de Soto on the behind with his saber.  De Soto is now in front of the portrait.]

Zorro [looking at the picture and smiling]
Ah, now you've both lost your heads.

[De Soto looks up at the portrait and gasps when he sees the cut he made in the canvas, right across Machiavelli's throat.]

I find it quite confining in here, don't you?

[De Soto snorts then charges at Zorro.  Zorro moves away from the door he was standing in front of and pushes de Soto through it when de Soto passes by him.]

[Exterior shot of the cuartel yard as De Soto lands face down outside amidst the door splinters.  Zorro shrugs and walks through the broken door.  He leaps over de Soto's prone body.]

This is much better.  Now we have more room.

[De Soto gets up and goes over to an archway.]

de Soto

All your men are either riding to or from the de la Vega hacienda.  I'm afraid it's just you and me, amigo.

[Zorro kicks de Soto's sword up in the air at him.  De Soto catches it and flourishes it several times before lunging at Zorro.  They pause for a moment, blades crossed then Zorro motions de Soto forward.  De Soto attacks again.]

de Soto [as they duel]
I'm afraid you're very outclassed, Señor.

I think not, Señor.

[Zorro does a redoublement which leaves de Soto open-mouthed.]

Zorro [as they duel]
I always try to match my style to that of my opponent. [He goes on the offensive, driving de Soto backward.]  When I fence with Mendoza, I fence with simplicity.  When I fence with a subtle swordsman like yourself, I employ. . .  Subtlety.

[Zorro and de Soto clash their blades together, then Zorro does another redoublement.  He punches de Soto in the face.  De Soto falls back against a wall and slides down to the ground.]

Zorro [staring down at de Soto]
Unfortunately, I don't always succeed.

[He shakes his head then salutes de Soto with his saber.]


[Exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda where Mendoza and several other lancers are on horseback in front of the hacienda.]

Breakfast!  Señorita Escalante. . .!

Mendoza [pointing to the hacienda]
Señorita Escalante is in there!

[Zorro and de Soto comes riding up to the hacienda.]

Who's gonna cook it? [He turns around.] Zorro!

[Zorro points his saber at de Soto who is riding his horse backward with his hands tied behind his back.]

No rash moves, Señores. [He looks over at de Soto.] The speech, if you would, Alcalde.  Just as we rehearsed it.

de Soto
Sergeant, take the men back to cuartel.  The people inside are innocent and free to go.

Mendoza [waving his arm]
Lancers!  Vamanos!

[Mendoza and the other lancers all ride away.]

Zorro [taking his sword away from de Soto's neck]
You have a great deal to learn about me and the people of this pueblo.  Deal with them fairly and openly and there's nothing they won't do for you.  But if you treat them with cruelty, they will pay you with defiance and I'll ride out to defend them.

de Soto
I'll grant you one thing.  You're a far more worthy adversary than I thought.  But I promise you, Señor, I'll see you hang if it's the last thing I do.

Zorro [smiling]
I doubt that.  However, the first thing you should do. . . [He slashes a ‘Z' into de Soto's vest.  De Soto stares down at it in dismay.] . . .is to see a new tailor.

[Zorro rides off.  De Soto sighs as he watches Zorro disappear.]

de Soto
That renegade could keep me in this godforsaken place forever.

[Don Alejandro and Victoria walk out of the hacienda and over to the gate.]

Don Alejandro
Ah, Señor Alcalde.  What on earth happened, sir?

Victoria [smugly]
It looks like our Alcalde had his first encounter with Zorro.

de Soto [struggling against his ropes]
Will someone please untie me?

Don Alejandro [pointing at de Soto]

[He goes over and starts untying de Soto.]

de Soto
The man is a menace.  He must be eliminated. [After Don Alejandro finishes untying him, he turns around in the saddle.] I should go to the governor in Monterey and have him double the troop strength here in this garrison.

Victoria [sharply]
That won't do any good.

de Soto
We shall see, Señorita.

[The front door of the hacienda opens and Diego and Felipe walk out.]

de Soto
But I promise you when I return, I will hound him to kingdom come.

Oh, I would if I were you, Alcalde, otherwise Zorro may do to your career what he did to that lovely vest.

[De Soto just stares at Diego then rides away.  Diego smiles and waves at him.  Don Alejandro and Victoria turn around to look at Diego as they all laugh.]

*****END OF EPISODE*****

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland  27 October 2006

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.