"The Jeweled Sword"

Written by Bruce Lansbury
Directed by Michael Levine

First US Airdate 3 February 1991   Episode 2.20

[Exterior night shot of the plaza as a coach drives past the church.]

Ramone [off camera at first]
Are you sure these men can be trusted, Sergeant?

[Exterior night shot of the cuartel gate as Ramone and Mendoza walk through it.]

I would trust them with my life, mi Alcalde.

[The coach comes to a halt in front of the cuartel gates.  A soldier wearing a helmet and a white uniform opens the coach door as another soldier hands him a long wooden box.]

If word were to get out about this, it would be your life, Sergeant.

[The soldier hands the box to Ramone who nods.  Another soldier salutes and Ramone salutes him back.  The two soldiers walk through the cuartel gate followed by Ramone then Mendoza.]

[Interior shot of the cuartel jail as the two soldiers salute Ramone again.  He irritably salutes them back. They leave.]

Ramone [to two of his lancers]
No one is to get in or out.  Is that understood?

Lancers [nodding]
Si, Alcalde.

[They turn to their right and leave.  Ramone waits until they're gone before opening the box, revealing a sword.]

Imagine.  Over a thousand years old and once held by the great Charlemagne himself.

Mendoza [looking upward]
Our pueblo is blessed.

Ramone [glaring at Mendoza]
Blessed? [He shuts the box's lid then walks off to his left.] If word were to get out that the great sword of Charlemagne was here. . .

[He slides the box into a hole under a niche in the wall.]

Every thief in the territory will be paying us a visit.

[Ramone shuts the lid of the hiding place then walks toward Mendoza.]

Ramone [whispering dramatically]
It's not every thief I worry about, Sergeant.  I worry about Zorro.

Don't worry, mi Alcalde.  That jeweled sword is as good as on that ship.

[Closeup shot of an eye peering through a slightly opened door.]


[Exterior day shot of the plaza as several people get out of a yellow caravan parked near the fountain.]

[Closeup shot of the side of the caravan which has ‘Theatrical Troupe Alfonso Figueroa' painted on its side.  A dwarf wearing a gold vest and black top hat walks in front of the caravan.]

People of Los Angeles, I have the great pleasure to introduce to you my traveling acting troupe.

[People start murmuring excitedly.]

I am Don Alfonso Bautista Alvardo de Figueroa.  Actor, singer, dancer. . . [He does a little dance step.] and impresario extraordinario.

[He takes off his hat and bows as people start to clap, including Don Alejandro and Diego.]

Alfonso [indicating the people to his left]
First, my luscious and talented leading lady, Arcadia. [A woman with long blonde hair takes his hand and he leads her from left to right.] Empress of the European stage.

[People clap as Ramone and two lancers walk over from Ramone's office.  Ramone smiles.]

And, of course, villain supreme. . .Demetrius.

[A tall, muscled man comes over and lifts Alfonso off the ground as the crowd boos.  Demetrius puts Alfonso back down and walks to his right.]

And last, but not least, thespian nonpareil. . .Ithcarus

[A man wearing a blue shirt and a top hat walks over toward Alfonso, then takes off his hat and bows dramatically.  The people clap again.]

Tomorrow night, we shall present the romantic tragedy, Nights in Madrid.  Tickets go on sale in the tavern this afternoon. [He holds up two fingers.] Only two pesos each.  Thank you.

Ramone [walking up behind Alfonso]
Be informed. . . [Alfonso turns to look at Ramone.] In this pueblo, there is a fifty pesos tax on all entertainment companies.

Who in tarnation are you?

Ramone [glaring menacingly]
Luis Ramone, Alcalde.

Alfonso [incredulously]
You make me pay for the privilege of bringing you culture?  No wonder you have none.  However, when our first receipts are in, I shall.

[He starts to walk away.]

The tax is to be prepaid. [Alfonso stops and turns around.] No exceptions.

[He turns and walks away.  Don Alejandro, Diego, and Felipe all look on disappointedly.]

Don Alejandro
Well that's a pity. Nights in Madrid, it's a good little drama. [He walks over to his left] Well, I shan't be long with the padre.

We'll have lunch at the tavern.

[Don Alejandro nods then continues on to his left.  Diego and Felipe turn and walk toward the tavern.  Ramone walks into his office and shuts the door in Alfonso and Arcadia's faces.  They throw up their hands.]

Alfonso [pointing up to his right]

[Closeup shot of Zorro's wanted poster.]

[Interior shot of the tavern as Diego and Felipe sit at a table, eating and drinking.  Alfonso, Arcadia, and the other two actors walk inside.  Alfonso goes over to Victoria who is behind the bar.]

Uh, Señorita Escalante?

Yes, that is me.

I am told your tavern has been used for theatrical events.

On occasion.  But I am told your pockets are empty, Señor.

A temporary condition.  My troupe attracts a large audience of the cultural elite. . . the well-to-do, the eaters and the drinkers.  In return, will you provide us with two nights' room and board?  What do you say?

I will think about it.

Oh, tell me, Señorita, how is it that no one has been able to capture this outlaw, Zorro?

Because Zorro is not an outlaw.  He is a friend of the people.  [Diego smiles at Victoria's words.] But he's an obsession in the alcalde's mind.

Come, Arcadia, let us take a closer look around this lovely pueblo while the señorita makes up her mind.

[Alfonso and Arcadia turn and leave.  Diego watches then stands up and goes over to the bar.]

Let them have the rooms, Victoria.  Who knows, Don Alfonso might even drum up a little business.  And fun.

I suppose you're right. He's a likeable fellow.

[They both chuckle.]

[Exterior shot of the plaza as Alfonso and his actors walk up to the church where Don Alejandro is standing on its porch.]

[Exterior shot of the tavern as Diego and Felipe walk out of its door and into the plaza.]

It's unfair the alcalde won't let them perform without paying the entertainment tax.  They're just penniless actors, trying to scrape together a living.  I may even lend them fifty pesos myself.

[Diego stops and looks to his left.]

Alfonso [in front of the church]
We must always remember those who are less fortunate than ourselves.

[Demetrius then lifts up Alfonso so Alfonso can put some coins into the church's poor box.]

Diego [to Felipe]
He may only have two pesos in his pocket, but he gives unselfishly to others. Inside that little man is a big heart, Felipe.

[Demetrius put Alfonso back down on the ground.  Alfonso puts on his hat and looks up at Arcadia.]

[Exterior shot of Ramone's office where two lancers stand on opposite sides of the porch.]

Alfonso [off camera at first]
Allow me one performance of Nights in Madrid, and I promise to deliver Zorro to your lancers.

[Interior shot of Ramone's office where Alfonso sits in a chair while Ramone stands and looks down on him.]

Preposterous!  You're not going to trick me into letting your wretched little troupe perform without paying my tax.

[He pounds his right fist of his desk before sitting down in his chair.]

But the reward of six thousand pesos still stands?

It is in this very room.

[Alfonso's eyes dart around.  Ramone starts chuckling.]

So, you're a bounty hunter too?  Are you sure you're, um. . .how shall we say. . .equipped?

Like all other idiots who doubt my skill, you measure ability as if it were a shoe size. [He points to his head.]  Brains, not brawn, will be the downfall of Zorro.  But if you're not interested.. . .

[He gets up and starts walking out of the office.  When he reaches the door, Arcadia steps inside.  Alfonso nods at her then leaves.  Arcadia approaches Ramone's desk as he shuffles some papers.]

Arcadia [seductively]
Señor. . .

Ramone [looking up, slightly startled]
Ah. . .  You startled me, Señorita.

I have a trunk, Alcalde, and I wondered if you knew of a safe place I might put it overnight?

[Ramone smiles up at her indulgently.]

[Exterior night shot of Ramone's office as Demetrius carries a large trunk on his left shoulder as he follows Mendoza inside the office.]

[Interior shot of Ramone's office as Demetrius set down the trunk on the floor.  Mendoza goes over and looks out a window then follows Demetrius out of the office, closing the door behind him.  The lid of the trunk opens and Alfonso climbs out.  He walks around the office.

A secret hiding place for fools. . .  It's usually near and needs no tools.

[He looks at Ramone's desk then looks up at the walls.  He climbs up on something and looks behind a shield.  He turns and puts his hand on some books on a bookshelf and it moves.  He pulls the bookshelf away from the wall, revealing a niche which contains a black box.  Alfonso takes out the box and opens it then smiles.  He closes the lid.]


[Exterior day shot of the plaza as Demetrius carries the trunk back across the plaza.  Lancers are running around frantically.]

This way!  Did you check over by the church?  Over here!  Hey!

Diego [as he and Felipe pull up in front of the tavern in a carriage]
What's all the commotion, Sergeant?

Mendoza [as he runs out of the tavern]
Don Diego!  The Zorro reward is missing!  All six thousand pesos!  The alcalde has sealed off the pueblo!

[He goes running off across the plaza.]

[Interior shot of Ramone's office as Ramone paces back and forth.  The door ope and Alfonso walks inside.]

Allow me to solve this mystery, Alcalde.

[He pulls out a magnifying glass and puts it up against his left eye.]

Ramone [turning away]
Get out before I put you behind bars!

[Alfonso walk further into the office, goes over to a window and climbs up on the settee underneath it.]

What are you doing?

[Mendoza comes into the office and removes his hat.  Alfonso holds up a thin piece of a dark brown substance and looks at it through his magnifying glass.]

The thief was dark-haired, brown-eyed, no more than five foot three. [He holds up the pinkie finger of his right hand.] With the little finger of his left hand missing.

How do you know that, Señor?

Don't encourage him, Sergeant.

[Alfonso starts sniffing the air.  Ramone and Mendoza both lean down and walk closer to Alfonso.]

He wore a French perfume. [He points to the window behind him.] Entered here, left the same way.

[He jumps down off the settee and walks off.  Ramone glares at Mendoza.]

Mendoza [nervously]
I locked the window, Alcalde.

[Ramone glares then walks off.  Mendoza turns and follows.]

[Exterior shot of Ramone's office as Alfonso peers through his magnifying glass.  He walks under a hitching rail and into the plaza.  Mendoza follows after him.  Alfonso stops by a post as Diego and Felipe watch from the tavern porch.]

Alfonso [holding up his hand at Mendoza and Ramone]
He gets to here.  Someone's coming!  He runs!

[Alfonso starts running and grabs the post then circling around it.  Mendoza copies him.  Diego starts chuckling.]

Alfonso [stopping suddenly]
Notice the footprints are suddenly lighter.

[He walks slowly, peering through his magnifying glass as Mendoza and Ramone follow behind him.]

Alfonso [turning and pointing at Ramone]
He knew you'd seal off the pueblo so he hid the box. . . [He points to his right then walks up to the side of a building.] Here!  Planning to reclaim it later.

[Alfonso runs over to a watering trough.]

Alfonso [as he starts digging in the dirt]

[He uncovers a black box.  He carries it over to an incredulous Mendoza.  Felipe looks up at Diego questioningly.  Mendoza starts to open the box.]

Ramone [grabbing the box of Mendoza's hands and opens it]
Alfonso.  Forgive me for ever doubting you.  Can I make amends at lunch?

My pleasure, Alcalde.  But first, allow me a word with Arcadia.

[He goes over to where Arcadia is leaning against the caravan steps.  Alfonso climbs up them then motions for Arcadia to come closer.  Felipe points at the ground, then at Alfonso, then shrugs his shoulders.]

Yes, Felipe.  There's more to Don Alfonso that we thought.  A little lip reading, if you please.

Alfonso [to Arcadia]
We really pulled one over the alcalde's eyes that time.

[Closeup shot of Felipe's eyes.]

[Closeup shot of Arcadia's mouth.]

But how will we get all those lancers out of the jail, my love.

[Closeup shot of Alfonso's mouth.]

Zorro!  The alcalde's obsession with capturing him will bring us the jeweled sword.

[Exterior shot of the tavern where Felipe looks up at Diego.]

[Closeup shot of a pocket watch being opened.]

Ramone [off camera at first]
I'm sorry, Alfonso, but you'll find it hard to convince me that one single performance of Nights in Madrid will guarantee Zorro's appearance, let alone his capture.

[The camera pulls back to show Ramone sitting across a table from Alfonso in the tavern.  Alfonso is holding the watch.]

I can reveal my plan to no one. [He shines light reflecting off the watch back and forth across Ramone's eyes.] Have faith, Alcalde.  You must trust me as you never trusted anyone before.  Zorro will be here.  Hear yourself say it.  Those wonderful words.  Zorro will be here and Zorro will be captured.

[At a nearby table, Diego looks from Alfonso and Ramone's table over at Felipe with a grim expression.]

Ramone [in a monotone as Alfonso keeps shining the light in his eyes]
Zorro will be here and Zorro will be captured.

You must place every lancer in the pueblo around the tavern tonight and you cannot fail to get him.  Say it!

Ramone [in a monotone]
I cannot fail to get him, on stage, in front of the leading people of the pueblo. [He grins evilly as Alfonso stills shines the light across his eyes.] The idea is irresistible.

[Felipe looks over at Diego and makes a ‘Z' with his right index finger then points downward.]

Exactly.  I think Zorro will be going to the theater tonight.

[Exterior night shot of the tavern as four lancers run up to its front doors.]

All right, men, come on.  I'll take this position.  All right, all right.

[Interior shot of the tavern as Don Alejandro leads Victoria to their right.  Demetrius stands on a curtain draped stage, beating a drum.  Alfonso comes through the curtains dressed in a red jacket and top hat.  He takes off his hat and bows as people start clapping.  Arcadia and Ithcarus come out on stage.]

Ladies and gentlemen, Nights in Madrid.  Prince Pietro had told Elizabeth he will force her into marriage, unaware that the one she really loves, the handsome and dashing Mariano, is hiding close by.

[Alfonso goes over and climbs into a trunk set to one side of the stage.]

Arcadia [to Ithcarus]
Nay, Pietro.  I cannot love you. . .

[Exterior night shot of Ramone's office.]

[Interior night shot of the cuartel jail as Mendoza sits at a table, eating chicken.  Alfonso peeks around the corner then looks up then puts his right index finger to his lips.  He then points forward.  He and Demetrius tiptoe up behind Mendoza.  Alfonso moves a chair up behind Mendoza then Demetrius pokes him in the back with a sword.  Mendoza jumps up to his feet.]

Alfonso [in a deep voice]
Don't move. [Demetrius sets the sword on the back of the chair so it is poking Mendoza's back without anyone holding it.] Or you'll feel the sting of Zorro's sword.

Zorro?  What are you doing here?  The alcalde's expecting you at the tavern.

[Demetrius goes off to his right.  Mendoza starts to turn around.]

Don't turn around!

Mendoza [as Alfonso motions to Demetrius to hurry]
I don't have to turn around, Zorro.  I would recognize your voice anywhere.

[Demetrius takes out a knife and carves a ‘Z' on the wooden box holding the jeweled sword.]

Are you hungry?  I have no objections if you want to take a bit of my chicken.

[Demetrius removes the jeweled sword from the box and carries it over to Alfonso.]

The widow Elena makes this special sauce that she puts on the chicken. . .

[Alfonso smiles as he admires the sword behind Mendoza's back.]

It is nothing short of sensational.

[Demetrius and Alfonso leave with the jeweled sword, leaving the other sword poking into Mendoza's back.]

It was a recipe, Zorro, it was handed down by her mother from her mother who got it from her great grandmother.

[Exterior night shot of the cuartel gates as Alfonso and Demetrius peek out.]

Why go back to the tavern?  Let's get the others and make a break for it.

And be hounded all over the territory?  We have the perfect alibi.  Come on.

[He and Demetrius go back inside the cuartel.]

[Interior shot of the jail where Mendoza is still standing with the sword poking him in the back.]

Are you hungry?

[Zorro comes through the door behind Mendoza as Mendoza takes a bite of chicken.]

Mendoza [shaking his finger]
You have really disappointed me, Zorro.

[Zorro smiles as he looks around.  His expression sobers when he sees the ‘Z' carved in the jeweled sword's box.]

The alcalde said you'd be coming back after the sword but I myself doubted him.

[Zorro walks past Mendoza then turns around and faces him.  Mendoza drops his chicken.]

Mendoza [choking]
Zorro!  How can you be standing there and jabbing me in the back at the same time?

Where is the jeweled sword, amigo?

You just stoled it!

[Zorro knocks down the sword poking Mendoza's back with his saber.  He walks out a door to his right.  Mendoza picks up a piece of chicken but stops and turns around to look behind him.]

Madre de Dios!

[He picks up his hat and his sword then runs out of the jail and into Ramone's office.]

[Interior shot of the tavern as the play continues.  Ithcarus is grabbing Arcadia's arms.]

Arcadia [struggling]
No!  Please, Pietro!  Unhand me!

[The trunk lid opens and Alfonso hops out.]

Cease and desist, cruel Prince Pietro. [He turns to the audience and puts the back of his hand to his forehead.] I can stand it no more!

Zorro [off camera]
My sentiments exactly.

[Everyone turns to see Zorro sitting up on the balcony railing.]

Zorro!  Zorro!

[Don Alejandro, Victoria, and Ramone get up from their chairs.]

Alfonso was right.  You did come.  Lancers!

[Zorro jumps down form the balcony then runs over to the front doors and opens them.  He punches the nearest lancer then shuts the door and latches it.  He then turns.]

We wouldn't want to be interrupted, would we?

Ramone [bellowing]
Around the back, men!

You'll find that barred too.

What do you what?

I'm about to be accused of a crime I did not commit.

Ramone [sneering]
What crime?

[Exterior night shot of the tavern porch where Mendoza runs up and pushes a lancer out of his way then starts pounding on the door.]

Alcalde!  Alcalde!

[Interior shot of the tavern where Zorro holds up his right index finger then turns and opens the door.  He grabs Mendoza by the collar and pulls him inside.]

Urgh! [He stumbles inside the room] Zorro took the sword!

Zorro [locking the door then pointing at Mendoza]
That crime.

Mendoza [turning to look at Zorro]
What are you doing here, Zorro?

Zorro [as he walks toward the stage]
I came to ask Don Alfonso what he's done with the jeweled sword of Charlemagne.

Ramone [turning to face Alfonso]
What is he talking about?

The man's mad!  I couldn't possibly steal the sword.  I was on stage the entire time.

Zorro [as he steps onto the stage]
Ah, now, Don Alfonso, we all know that the art of an actor is to deceive.

[He kicks away the trunk then steps down, opening a trap door that was underneath the trunk.  Zorro turns and crouches down in front of Alfonso.]

By your own trap door.  Where's the sword?

[Alfonso runs across the stage then jumps off it.  He reaches beside the stage and pulls out the jeweled sword.]

Alfonso [brandishing the sword]
En garde!

[He thrusts the sword at Zorro.]

Ramone [horrified]
No!  One does not duel with the sword of Charlemagne!  It's far too valuable!

You can't.  I can.

[He thrusts it again at Zorro, who steps down on the blade, trapping it down on the stage.  Demetrius and Ithcarus come out from the kitchen.  Demetrius jumps over the bar.  Zorro kicks him in the chest and he falls backward on the floor.  Zorro takes his foot off the jeweled sword and Alfonso lifts it up.]

Ramone [to Mendoza]
Just don't stand there!  Do something!

[He points at the stage.  Ithcarus throws a bottle off the bar at Zorro, who catches it then throws it at Mendoza, who falls down.  Ithcarus throws another bottle at Zorro who then throws it at Ramone who also falls down.  Zorro steps toward Alfonso.]

Give it back, my friend.

Alfonso [challengingly]
Come and get it.

If you insist.

[The front doors burst open off camera.]

Behind you, Zorro!  Look out!

[Zorro turns to see lancers rushing into the tavern.  Zorro picks up the trunk and pushes the lancers back with it, knocking them down.  He then hurries back over to Alfonso.]

Give it to me.

[Alfonso looks at him then the sword then hands it to Zorro, hilt first.]

Thank you. [He turns and reaches out for Victoria's hand.] Victoria.

[He leads her up onto the stage and through the curtains.]

[Interior shot of the tavern kitchen.]

Zorro [holding out the jeweled sword]
When the alcalde comes round, please return this to him. [He hands her the sword.] Forgive my haste.

[He touches her right arm then climbs up the kitchen wall to the second floor and disappears.]

Victoria [looking upward then at the sword]
I want his heart and his lips and all he gives me is this ugly old sword.

[She looks up again and sighs.]

[Interior shot of the tavern where Alfonso helps Demetrius to his feet then all four actors run out of the tavern.  Mendoza and Ramone are still unconscious on the floor.]

[Exterior shot of the plaza where lancers are running all around.  One runs past the yellow caravan then Zorro opens up a hatch in its side and looks out.  The actors run out of the tavern and into the plaza.  Zorro closes the hatch.]

Quick!  Let's get out of this town!

[He runs around to the back of the caravan then stops.]

Zorro [coming out of the back of the caravan]
You should be ashamed of yourself, Alfonso. [He jumps down in front of Alfonso.] Squandering your natural gifts.

Maybe if I had your size, Zorro, I could become a champion of the people like you.

Ah, now you know a truly big man is large in spirit, not in body.  In deeds, no words.

Oh well, none of that matters anymore anyway.  You're going to turn us over to the alcalde.

Oh, I don't go out of my way to assist the alcalde. Besides, I suspect you're a better person than you think you are.  You could have let those lancers attack me and in the confusion, made off with the sword.

I did occur to me, then I thought what the alcalde might do to you if he ever got his hands on you.

Zorro [turning away]
Yes.  It's not a pleasant thought. [He turns back and faces Alfonso.] You also deserve better than rotting in his jail.  Maybe we can strike a bargain?

What kind of bargain?

You and your friends are free to go on condition there'll be no more escapades like this.  Use your talents to help those less fortunate than yourselves, Alfonso, then you and I will no longer be adversaries.

That would please me.  I never really enjoyed being a thief anyway.


[He whistles then.  Toronado whinnies off camera then comes up from behind the caravan.  Zorro gets up onto Toronado's back as the rest of the troupe climb into the caravan.  Alfonso waves his hat at Zorro who then rides off to his right.  The caravan moves off to the left.  Zorro stops and Toronado rears up before they ride off again.]


[Exterior day shot of the plaza as a coach driven by two soldiers in white uniforms and metal helmets moves away from the cuartel.]

Ramone [to Mendoza and Victoria]
The last of the jeweled sword.

Thank goodness.

Victoria [angrily]
Thank Zorro.

Ramone [sighing]
Ah, Señorita, please.  Not that laughable story again.

How many times do I have to tell you, Alcalde?  It was Zorro who gave the sword. . .

. . .to you in order to give it to me.

[Victoria smiles and nods.]

Yes, and chicken pies can fly.

[Victoria glares at him then walks off to her left.  Ramone smiles and starts chuckling as he looks over at Mendoza.]

Diego [off camera at first]
I heard you've had no luck tracking down Señor de Figueroa and his accomplices.

[Diego and Don Alejandro walk up to stand by Ramone and Mendoza.]

Don Alejandro
Sounds like a pretty slippery customer.

I'll find him.  The six thousand pesos he stole from me. . .

Zorro's bounty money?  How could that be?

Because the box that he found over there against the wall, [He turns and points off behind him.] was full of lead counterfeit. [Diego shakes his head.] How he managed to make that switch is beyond me.

[He walks off to his right and Mendoza follows.]

As are so many things.

Don Alejandro
Oh, Diego, by the way, did you know the padre found a very large donation in the poor box this morning?  Six thousand pesos to be exact.  Do you suppose that little rascal Alfonso had a change of heart?

No, Father, I think maybe he found his heart.

Don Alejandro

[Diego pats Don Alejandro on the back and they walk off smiling.]

*****END OF EPISODE*****

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland 25 May 2007

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.