"Heir Apparent"

Written by Robert L McCullough
Directed by Ray Austin

First US Airdate 19 April 1992 Episode 3.24

[Exterior shot of Diego, Don Alejandro, and Victoria standing around a grave along with a priest, altar boy, and several other people.]

Don Alejandro
Robert Segovia and my father, they came to this land many years ago.  He would tell me they sacrificed the comforts of Madrid to accept the challenge of living in this new land.  I will be forever in their debt.  Forever in the debt of such men.  He was a true friend and he was a fine caballero.  We'll never see his likes again.

[Don Alejandro bends down and places a flower on the grave.]

Don Alejandro [as Diego and Victoria also place flowers on the grave]

[Don Alejandro puts his hands on Diego's and Victoria's shoulders then they walk away.  The other people move around the grave.  As they walk away, Diego places his hand on Victoria's back.]

[Wide exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda.]

[Inside the hacienda, Mendoza hands Don Alejandro some keys while holding some papers in his other hand.  Diego looks on.]

Congratulations, Don Alejandro.  You are now the proud owner of two fine haciendas.  Your own and the Segovia place.

[He hands Don Alejandro the papers.]

Don Alejandro
That's right, Sergeant.  I'd give them both up to have my friend back.

A man can only sleep in one bed at a time, Sergeant.

That's true, Don Diego.  But a man as rich as your father can afford to sleep in a very soft bed.

Don Alejandro [a bit angrily]
If I can sleep at all.  Do you understand I do not enjoy this windfall?  It comes from the death of a good friend, sir.

[Mendoza looks chastised.]

And Don Roberto had no one else to leave his property to.

Well, I know a noncommissioned officer he could of thought of.

[He chuckles as Don Alejandro shakes his head disgustedly.]

Diego [to Don Alejandro]
There's no reason to fell guilty. [Knocking is heard at the front door.] Perhaps we can do some good with the Segovia land.

Don Alejandro [over his shoulder toward the door]
Come in! [to Diego] Maybe you're right, Diego.  Maybe we could do something for the people of Los Angeles.

[A young man walks up behind them.]

Young Man
Excuse me. . .  I've just come from the Segovia hacienda.  It's all locked up.

Don Alejandro
Yes, it is.  Who are you, sir?

Young Man
Forgive me. [He extends his hand to Don Alejandro.] I am Segovia's son, Gregorio.

Don Alejandro [not taking Gregorio's hand]
That's impossible, sir.  Gregorio Segovia disappeared nearly twenty years ago.

Yes.  And now I have returned.

[Don Alejandro looks at Gregorio disbelievingly.]


[Exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda.]

[Inside, Don Alejandro, Diego, and Mendoza all stare at Gregorio.]

Don Alejandro
Gregorio? [He laughs softly.] Is it really you?

[He goes over and places a hand on Gregorio's shoulder.]

Please forgive me, it's been so long. . .

Don Alejandro
Oh, of course.  I'm sorry.  I'm Alejandro de la Vega. [He indicates Diego.] Do you remember Diego, my son?

Gregorio [turning to Diego and shaking his hand]
Diego!  Oh, I never would have recognized you.  You've changed.

And so have you.  It's been a long time.

Indeed it has.

[They all walk into the parlor and Gregorio and Diego sit down in chairs facing each other.]

So where is he?  I can't wait to see his face.  Where is my father?  Is he out of town?

[Don Alejandro and Diego exchange a look of sorrow.]

Gregorio, I'm sorry to have to tell you this.  It was your father's funeral this morning.

Don Alejandro
He died in his sleep, peacefully.

No!  No, that can't be!  All the years of hoping. . .and dreaming. . and now. . .

Did your father know you were coming?

No, no.  I was going to surprise him.

He. . .  We all thought you were dead.

I was stalking deer with my father when the Indian raiding party attacked our camp, stole our weapons, and dragged me off.

Don Alejandro
I remember like it was just yesterday.  For months the entire garrison. . .  They searched for you.

You would never have found us.  The Indians covered out tracks.

But you were found.

No.  I waited nearly two years to make my escape.  Then I ran across an army patrol near Juarez and they immediately drafted me into the Amazon.

To fight Indians?

Yes.  They said my experience was far too valuable to pass up.  So for the past sixteen years, I have been scouting for the army throughout South America.

Couldn't you have written?

My friend, there is no mail service in the Amazon jungle.  And then last year, I was made a lieutenant.  And they finally gave me my leave to return home and. . .  I'm too late.

Don Alejandro
Gregorio, listen to me.  Your father was a very prosperous man.  He left a considerable estate.

Yes.  But if he didn't know I was alive. . .

He left everything to Don Alejandro.  My friends, the de la Vegas, are among the richest families in the entire territory.

With no heirs, I guess my father did the best thing.

Don Alejandro [shaking his head]
No.  No, he didn't.  The best thing is for a son to inherit his father's estate.  And that is why we're going into town.  We're going to record a new deed in your name.

Ohh. . . [He stands up and shakes Don Alejandro's hand.] You are most gracious, Don Alejandro. [He then hugs Don Alejandro.] And a good friend.

Don Alejandro [hugging him back]

Gregorio [turning and embracing Diego]
And Diego, so are you!

[Diego pats Gregorio on the back.]


[Exterior shot of the pueblo where lots of people are milling about in the plaza.]

[Victoria is on the tavern porch, sweeping.  Diego, Gregorio, and Mendoza walk toward her.]


[She looks up and stops sweeping.]

Buenos dias, Don Diego.  Mendoza.

[She stares at Gregorio.]

Diego [smiling teasingly]
Well, aren't you going to say hello to an old friend?

[Victoria looks at Diego with confusion then glances over at Gregorio. She spies a ring on the pinkie finger of his right hand.]

Victoria [looking up at Gregorio's face]
Gregorio Segovia?  Is it really you?

It's really me.

[He steps forward, takes her hand and kisses it.]

Oh, I have never forgotten you.  Not for a single day.

[Diego rolls his eyes disgustedly.]

They told me you were alive.  I never gave up hope.  And now you're here! [She licks her lips.] I'm sorry about your father.

Thank you.

Are you back to stay?

What could drag me away?  I resign my commission.

Diego [after rolling his eyes again]
He's here to take over his father's land.

Thanks to the generosity of Don Alejandro.

And to show my gratitude, the first thing I'm going to do is to get some men from the garrison to clear all the creek beds that run through the Segovia property.

Mendoza [shaking his head]
Oh no, no.  The men of the garrison are not available for common labor.

Perhaps you have forgotten, Sergeant, until my release from Madrid comes through, I'm still a lieutenant in the Royal Army.

[Mendoza makes a choking, coughing sound.]

If necessary, I can simply order it.  The rocks and the brush in the bed will impede the flow of water by fifty percent in the rainy season.

Well, I'm sure the governor will be pleased to hear that the garrison is doing some good for the people.

[Gregorio smiles at Victoria.]

Mendoza [bowing]
Of course he will.  This way, Lieutenant.

Gregorio [to Victoria]
Will I see you again this evening?

Victoria [flirtatiously]
Of course.  I will be here.

We have so much to talk about. [to Mendoza] Let's go, Sergeant.

[He and Mendoza turn and walk away as Diego steps closer to Victoria.]

Even when we were very young, Gregorio was always the smartest boy in school.  A true leader.

I'm surprised you recognized him so easily.

Oh, it was easy.  He's wearing the ring that I gave him.

Diego [moving to stand beside her with a wary expression]
You gave him a ring?  When did you do that?

Victoria [smiling as she remembers]
When he gave me my first kiss.  Of course.

[She giggles.]

Diego [looking jealous]
Of course.

[Inside the secret cave, Diego is speaking off camera to Felipe who is standing by the table.]

It sounds very civic-minded of Gregorio to improve the pueblo's water supply.

[He rolls out a parchment onto the table in front of Felipe.]

But look at this. [He points to the parchment.] Three of the creeks on his property run straight into the San Fernando Valley.  They never even reach Los Angeles.. [He traces along a line on the map.] And this fourth creek has never produced more than a trickle.

[Felipe hold out his left hand then points his index finger at his own head then shrugs.]

I don't know what Gregorio is planning.  But I think it's time Zorro paid him a visit, don't you?

[Felipe smiles excitedly as the scene morphs into Zorro turning Toronado around and out of the cave as Felipe watches them go.  Toronado's hoof hits a piece of wood on the floor that activates the pulleys.  The cave entrance opens and Zorro and Toronado ride through it.]

[Exterior shot of Zorro rides Toronado across the countryside.]

[Exterior shot of Zorro and Toronado riding through a creek.]

[Exterior shot of Zorro riding Toronado up to the top of a hill where Zorro stand up on Toronado's back for a moment before jumping down and going behind some rocks.]

[Gregorio is carrying a small keg as several soldiers are digging with shovels and picks in a creek bed.]

Come on!  Bring it over here!

One of the Lancers [to another lancer]
Why don't you do this for a while, huh?

Why don't you do this?

[Zorro watches them for a moment then moves closer down the hillside.]

[The lancers work and complain as Gregorio set the keg down a rock ledge.  Mendoza is talking to some of the lancers then turns around and looks up.]

Zorro!  Lancers!

[Gregorio turns around as the lancers pick up muskets and start shooting at Zorro.  He moves out of the way as the bullets hit the rock where he had been standing.]

Sergeant, there's too much gunpowder under that rock!

Who is that man?

Mendoza [pointing at Zorro]
That is Zorro!

Zorro [as he unsheathes his saber]
A friend to all honest men, Señor.

Mendoza [putting up his hands]
Zorro, we're only clearing out the creek.

Zorro [as four lancers slowly approach him with swords drawn]
That much explosive won't clear it, Sergeant.  It will dam it up.

Gregorio [waving his arm]

[He turns back toward the keg.]


Gregorio [turning to the lancers]
Lancers, get him!

[Zorro waves his saber at the soldiers.  A lancer to his right attacks first and Zorro parries.  A second lancers also attacks and Zorro defends himself.  Mendoza watches the fight as Gregorio does something (strikes at flint?) by the keg.  Zorro elbows the two lancers in their stomachs.]

Lancers [as they fall down]
Uh!  Uh!

[The other two lancers attack Zorro then.  One lunges at Zorro who sidesteps and hits the lancer in the back with his saber as he passes by.  Gregorio runs over and unsheathes his sword that was lying on some rocks nearby.  Zorro hits the last lancer on the head.]

Lancer [as he goes down]

[Zorro turns and flourishes his saber at Gregorio, who then attacks.  They duel as the fuse burns toward the keg.  Mendoza looks on excitedly at the fight then glances over at the lit fuse.]

Madre de Dios!  It's going to blow!

[Zorro knocks the sword from Gregorio's hand, then turns and runs away.]

Lancers [as they scramble to their feet]
Let's get out of here!

[The burning fuse is almost to the keg.]


[The burning fuse is almost to the keg.]

Madre de Dios!  It's gonna blow!

[He runs away from the keg, joining Gregorio and the other lancers who are trying to take cover.  Zorro runs up to a tent where a water jug sits on a table.  He picks up the jug and slings it up into the air.  He then grabs a pistol off the table and shots at the jug which is right above the burning fuse.  The shot shatters the jug, spilling the water onto the fuse and putting it out.  Gregorio, Mendoza, and the others look over at the keg.]

Mendoza [taking his fingers out of his ears as he stands up]

[Zorro stands on the hillside above them.]

Gregorio [standing up and walking toward Zorro]
How dare you?  This is private property.

Damming one of the pueblo's precious water supplies makes this a very public matter, Señor.

[Gregorio turns and looks at Mendoza then back at Zorro.]

Use explosives out here again and my next visit will be less cordial.

[Gregorio looks at Mendoza again then turns to point at Zorro.]

I'll te. . .

[He stops as he sees that Zorro is no longer there.]

He's gone!

[Gregorio looks at Mendoza who shrugs.  A horse whinnies.  The scene morphs into Zorro riding Toronado across the countryside.

[Zorro approaches the secret cave entrance and rides Toronado inside when it opens up.]

[Felipe is walking into the cave.]

Zorro [off camera at first]
We were right, Felipe.  Gregorio is up to something.

[He walks up to Felipe.]

Zorro [as he takes off his gloves]
If I hadn't stopped him, he would have blown a huge hole in the hillside and stopped up the creek.  Why anyone would want to block the flow of water is beyond me.  Unless. . . [He turns and picks up a glass vial.]  I want you to go out there and collect some soil samples for me. [He gives the vial to Felipe.] But stay well away from where the lancers are working.  Go on.

[Felipe turns and starts to walk away.]

Felipe. . .

[Felipe stops, turns around to face Zorro.]

Be careful.

[Felipe nods.  Zorro looks thoughtful before turning to his right.]

[Exterior shot of the pueblo, people are still milling about the plaza.]

[Gregorio is bending over some papers which he is signing with his left hand.  He is in de Soto's office with Mendoza standing at his left and Don Alejandro at his right.  Diego stands facing Gregorio.]

Mendoza [shaking Gregorio's hand after he finishes signing]
Congratulations.  Don Roberto's hacienda is now officially in the hands of a Segovia.

Don Alejandro
As it should be.

[Diego looks on suspiciously.]

Don Alejandro [shaking Gregorio's hand]
You know, your father considered his land a sacred trust.  Treat it well. . .

I shall, Don Alejandro.

Don Alejandro
We haven't celebrated his return properly.  Be our guest at the tavern.

You are too kind.

Mendoza [a bit giddily]
Oh, a party!  How wonderful!

Don Alejandro
You're invited, Sergeant.

Oh, I'm sorry, Don Alejandro, but I can't go.  With the alcalde out of town, I'm stuck with all this garrison bookkeeping.

Don Alejandro
Ah, maybe I can help.

Would you?

Don Alejandro
Oh, yes.  Listen, [He points to Gregorio then Diego.] why don't you two go along?  We'll be right there.

[Gregorio nods then he and Diego leave.]

Don Alejandro
Now then, Sergeant, as you recall, I was alcalde for a few weeks.  Please show me.

[Mendoza picks up a ledger and starts turning pages.]

Don Alejandro
And now then, the problem. . .

Mendoza [pointing at a page in the ledger]
My main problem , see, is all these numbers.

[Don Alejandro looks grimly at the ledger.]

Don Alejandro [looking at Mendoza]
All right.

[Victoria is outside the tavern clearing a table.  She turns around when she hears Gregorio's voice.]

Gregorio [off camera at first]
Aren't you going to congratulate me?

[He and Diego walk up to Victoria.]

My father just signed over the deed to the Segovia hacienda.

Victoria [smiling]
Well, congratulations, Gregorio.  That's wonderful news!

Diego [somewhat sarcastically]
Yes, isn't it?  My father even wants to host a party to celebrate.

Well in that case, I'd better get busy.

[She picks up something from the table and leaves.  Gregorio and Diego start to follow her but Gregorio stops and turns around.]

Uh, Diego. . .  May I have a moment alone with Victoria?

Diego [smiling insincerely]
Of course.  I'll be here waiting for my father.

[Gregorio turns and goes inside the tavern as Diego sits down on a bench outside.]

[Gregorio walks into the tavern where two old men sit at a table.]

One of the Men
Then the taxes were raised. . .and they kept my horse.

Other Man
No!  Pedro, they can't do that.  I don't believe they can do that.

Gregorio [coming up to their table and touching the first man on the shoulder]
Get out!

[The two men get up and leaving, grumbling as they go.  Gregorio sits down at their vacated table.  He smiles as Victoria approaches him, carrying a bottle of wine.  She looks at him then starts toward the door then turns back to face him.]

What happened to Don Diego, Gregorio?

I wanted to talk to you alone.

Victoria [as she turns and goes toward the bar]

[She walks behind the bar and puts the wine away.]

Gregorio [getting up and going over to the bar]
Victoria. . .  My feelings for you have not changed.

I can't believe it.  We were just children then.

Yes, I know.  But now I'm a man and you are a woman.  And you are the most beautiful woman in the territory.

Victoria [putting her hand on his]
Well, I have to admit, you have become a very attractive man.

[She walks out from behind the bar, carrying a tray.  She goes over to the table.  Gregorio follows her.]

Well then it's settled.  You can say goodbye to this place and never have to wait on another table again.

Victoria [turning to face him with a confused expression]
What are you talking about?  This is my. . . my. . .

Gregorio [grabbing her shoulders]
Victoria, you are going to marry me.

Victoria [looking surprised]
Marry you? [She shakes her head.] That's very sweet of you.  I'm afraid there's someone else.

Gregorio [a bit stunned at the possibility]
But there can't be!

[Diego is still waiting outside the tavern.  Felipe comes up behind him and touches him on the back.  Diego turns around as Felipe sits down.

Oh, Felipe!

[He sits down across from Felipe.]

You got the sample?

[Felipe hands the vial to Diego.]

None of the lancers saw you?

[Felipe shakes his head.  Diego opens the vial and pours the soil onto his left palm.  He sifts through it with his right index finger.]

Look at that. . .  Right there.

[He holds out his hand for Felipe to see.  Then he brushes the soils from his palm down onto the porch.]

I need Zorro's things as soon as possible.

[Felipe smiles knowingly.]

They're already here?  Good thinking.

[He get up and runs off to his right, going around the corner of the tavern.  Felipe sits at the table, looking at the vial.]

Lancer [to a man standing behind Felipe]
Mendoza wants to see you for questioning.

[The lancer grabs the man's arm.]

[Inside the tavern, Victoria is putting new candles into the chandelier which has been lowered.  Gregorio is pestering her.]

Who is it?

Victoria [annoyed]
I really don't think that it is any of your business.

It's not Diego de la Vega, is it?

Oh, please, don't be silly.

I didn't think so.  But then, who is it?  Tell me!

[He grabs her arm.]

Victoria [defiantly]
The man that I love is called Zorro!

Zorro?  That bandit?  I nearly killed him today and next time I will finish the job!

[Victoria slaps Gregorio's face.]

I want you out of here!

[She turns to go.]

Gregorio [grabbing her, pining her arms to her sides]
And I. . .  I want you!

Victoria [struggling]
Let go of me!

Zorro [sitting on the balcony railing, holding onto the chandelier rope]
It appears the señorita doesn't want you, Señor.

[Gregorio looks up then pushes Victoria aside.  He brings out a pistol and points it at Zorro.  Zorro steps off the balcony.  He goes down as the chandelier goes up.  Gregorio fires at him but misses.]

Desire is no substitute for affection, amigo.

Zorro, be careful.

[Gregorio draws out his sword with his right hand then switches it to his left hand as Zorro unsheathes his saber.]

Oh I will.

[He salutes Gregorio with his sword.  Then they cross blades several times before Zorro has his saber at Gregorio's throat.]

A left-handed Andalusian redoublement. [He knocks Gregorio's sword from his hand.] Most interesting.  But so awkwardly executed.

[He goes over then kicks Gregorio's sword back up in the air.  Gregorio catches it with his right hand and resumes the en garde position.  Gregorio attacks Zorro vigorously but Zorro barely has to put any effort in defending himself.  He turns asides Gregorio's sword and it rests against a table that is between them.]

Zorro [as he moves his saber from hand to hand]
Correct me if I'm wrong, Señor, but haven't you switched sword blades?

[He then points his sword at Gregorio's chest.]

Yes. All the better to kill you.

[Gregorio starts to raise his sword but Zorro brings his saber blade down on top of it, pressing it to the table.  Gregorio struggles to lift up his sword but can't.]

Zorro [as he circles around the table]
Gregorio Segovia, like his father, was left-handed.

That's right.

[Zorro stops next to Gregorio then kicks him in the rear.  Gregorio stumbles forward against the table.  Zorro turns and walks away.]

But you knew that.  That's why you pretended to be left-handed.

[He turns back around and faces Gregorio.]

Until you were under pressure.


[Gregorio shoves the table aside and lunges at Zorro, who easily defends himself.  Mendoza runs into the tavern as they duel.]

Mendoza [to Victoria]
I heard a shot. [He turns and sees Zorro and Gregorio fighting.] Zorro!  Don't worry, Lieutenant Segovia.  I will back you.

Wait!  This man is not Gregorio Segovia.

What are you talking about?

[Zorro executes a redoublement and disarms the imposter Gregorio.]

The better question is, Sergeant, who is this man?

That is Gregorio Segovia.  Is it not?

[Zorro goes over and grabs the imposted by the neck, then pushes him over toward Mendoza.]

Speak while you can.

Imposter Gregorio
I knew Gregorio Segovia in the army.  He told me about his family and about the kidnapping.

You assumed his identity.

[Victoria comes up to stand between Mendoza and Zorro.]

But he has the ring!

Imposter Gregorio
Gregorio died in battle and I took the ring.

You even went to the trouble of becoming left-handed, all for the hope of finding gold.

Gold?  What gold?

Tell him.

Imposter Gregorio
In the creek.  Near the rocks.  Don Roberto knew it was there.  He didn't want anyone to destroy his land.  He was afraid of a gold rush.

But how did you know Don Roberto had died?

Imposter Gregorio
I didn't.  I just call it good luck.

And if he had been alive when you came?

Imposter Gregorio
Let's just say he would have met with an accident.

The same kind of accident Gregorio Segovia suffered in battle?

[The imposter looks guiltily stunned.]

Sergeant, I suggest you hold this man for the murder of Gregorio Segovia.

[Zorro pushes the imposter toward Mendoza, who grabs him and takes him out of the tavern.  Victoria turns and stands by Zorro, then looks up at him.]

Are you all right, Señorita?

Yes, but you must go.  Hurry!

[Zorro brings her hand up to his lips, barely brushing her knuckles.  He then hurries away.  Victoria stares after him a bit worriedly.]


[Inside de Soto's office, Don Alejandro is sitting in de Soto's chair as Mendoza opens a box and takes out a piece of paper.]

Mendoza [placing the paper in front of Don Alejandro]
Don Alejandro, if you would just sigh right here, and then the witnesses can sign right on the bottom.

[Don Alejandro dips a quill in an inkwell and signs the paper.]

Diego [who is sitting at the desk across from Don Alejandro]
This is a very generous thing you're doing, Father.

[Victoria who is sitting in chair to Diego's left smiles at him then looks over at Don Alejandro.]

Don Alejandro
I sincerely believe that I am just carrying out the wishes of an old friend.

[Mendoza picks up the paper and walks behind Victoria and Diego's chair.  He places the paper in front of Diego.]

I don't understand.  With all this unspoiled land in our pueblo, [Diego picks up the quill and signs the paper.] why create a, uh. . .   What did you call it?

Diego [handing the paper and quill to Victoria]
A game and land preserve.

Don Alejandro [as Victoria signs the paper]
You see, Sergeant, Roberto Segovia considered his land a gift from God and that's why he's going to leave it just the way it was, a gift to share with all the Los Angelenos.  Maybe forever.

I think it is wonderful that there will always be a place where the land will never change.

[She gives the paper to Mendoza, who walks over to the other side of the desk.]

Yes, I suppose you're right.  But the thought of all that gold. . .  Just being there.  I'm sure the alcalde would just love to get his hands. . .

[He picks up an envelope and puts the paper inside it.]

Victoria [noticing something on the envelope]

[Mendoza turns the envelope over and sees a ‘Z' written on it and gasps.]

Diego [looking innocent as he fiddles with his left ear]
I don't think the alcalde or anyone else will be disturbing that land.

[He looks up at Mendoza and smiles.]

*****END OF EPISODE*****

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland  15 December 2006

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.