"Family Business"

Written by Philip John Taylor 

Directed by Peter Diamond

First US Airdate 18 May 1990 Episode 1.24

[Shot of the pueblo's plaza, filled with people.  A stagecoach comes rolling into town.  Inside the tavern, Victoria is looking into a mirror.  She turns away smiling and straightening her blouse, rushes out of the kitchen.  The coach stops in front of the tavern as Victoria runs out the front door.]


[A young man emerges from the coach, dressed in a soldier's uniform.]


[They run into each other's arms.  Francisco lifts Victoria off the ground and spins her around on the tavern porch.  She is laughing as he puts her back down on the ground.]

Victoria [pushing her hair from her face before taking a step back]
Let me look at you. [She puts her hands on his face.] Well, you are more handsome than I remember.

And you must be the most beautiful woman in all of Los Angeles.

That's not saying so much.  Los Angeles is a very small pueblo.

[A woman is being helped out of the coach as Francisco and Victoria talk.]

Then in all of California.

Ah, that's better. [She gives him a big hug as the woman walks toward them.] Oh, it's so good to have you here.

[Victoria then notices the woman.  Francisco turns around and smiles at her.]

It was a pleasure meeting you, Señora Delanoso.

Señora Delanoso [nodding her head]
And you, Señor.

Francisco [turning to Victoria]
The señora and I have been traveling companions all the way from Mexico City.  Señora Delanoso, my sister, Victoria.

Señora Delanoso
I wonder if you could direct me to the de la Vega hacienda.

Why certainly. [She points to her left.] Take this road out of town, and then it's two miles to the left.  Do you know Don Alejandro and his son?

Señora Delanoso [putting the hood of her cloak on her head]
No, not yet.

[Victoria watches as the woman walks away.]

Victoria [calling after her]
It's a long walk, Señora.

[The woman just keeps walking out of town.  Victoria turns to her brother and smiles.]

Let's go inside.

[They walk into the tavern holding on to each other.]

[Señora Delanoso is walking in front of the de la Vega hacienda]

Diego [off camera at first]
So the square of the hypothenuse is equal to the sum of the squares on the hacienda roof.

[Felipe is sprawled on the settee in the library, doodling on a paper as Diego talks, obviously not paying attention to Diego's words.  Diego walks over and takes the paper from Felipe's hands.]

Diego [a bit of sarcastic amusement]
Right, Felipe?

[Felipe is surprise then embarrassed as Diego holds up the paper full of scribbles for him to see.]

I think that's enough, don't you?

[Felipe nods as Diego hands the paper back to him.  Diego sets aside the book he had been reading from.]

You know, with Father away, we really should check on things in the breeding barn.

[Felipe nods again and gets to his feet, following Diego out of the library to the front door.  Outside, Señora Delanoso pushes her hood from her head.  Diego and Felipe are both surprised to see her standing there when Diego opens the door.]

Señora Delanoso
You are Don Diego de la Vega?

I am indeed.  Buenas tardes.

Señora Delanoso [looking over at Felipe]
Then you must be Jose.

Diego [glancing over at Felipe]
Oh, no, this lad's name is Felipe.

Señora Delanoso
No it is Jose.  Delanoso.  And I am his mother.

[Diego and Felipe are both stunned by her announcement.]


[Diego, Felipe, and Señora Delanoso are inside the hacienda, Felipe and the señora sitting in chairs as Diego paces.]

I was on my back from my uncle's funeral in Guadalajara.  Quite by chance, I ran into one of the last battles of the August Revolution.

[He stares as his reflection in a glass cabinet]

It was a total victory for the government troops.

[Diego's reflection fades to a flashback of the battle.  There is smoke everywhere as cannons are being fired.]

Diego [voice-over]
They completely overran the rebels.

[More cannonballs explode as soldiers run through a destroyed building.  They fire shots as people are running away from the fighting.  Some of them are pushing carts of their possessions.  One couple struggle as their cart carrying a little boy gets stuck in a rut.  They finally get the cart moving again only to be hit by a cannonball.  The cart tips over, trapping the little boy inside.  The soldiers move on before the boy crawls out from under the cart.  He goes over to the woman and gently shakes her.  He tries to speak, but no sound comes out.  He mouths the word ‘Mama' before standing up and taking in the scene around him, backing away slowly.]

Señora Delanoso [voice-over]
Your father was dead beside me, Jose.   The cart had fallen on my leg, I couldn't move.  It was two days before they rescued me.

[The battlefield fades to a man walking across it, stepping over bodies of fallen soldiers, as he makes his way to where the boy sits underneath a tree, his head in his hands.  The camera pans up to reveal it is Diego who stands in front of the boy.  The boys looks up at Diego who picks him up and holds him in his arms.  The scene then fades to Felipe's face being reflected in the glass cabinet.  Diego has his back to Felipe and the señora as Señora Delanoso looks over at him, waiting for him to finish his story.]

Thankfully, Felipe remembers very little of it all.  He was lost, frightened, unable to speak of what he'd seen.

Señora Delanoso
And so you brought him here?

Diego [turning around to face them and walking back toward them.]
No.  I first made inquiries at every single village in the territory.  No one would take him in.  Heaven knows they had enough trouble of their own. [He reaches out to touch Felipe's head.]

Diego [as Felipe looks over at Señora Delanoso with tears in his eyes]
This young man has shared my most intimate secrets. [He crouches down and puts his hand on Felipe's shoulder.] He's been like a son to me.  And yet I'm not his real father. [Felipe looks at him, obviously honored by Diego's statement.] The choice is yours, my friend.  But whichever road you take, know that you're still in my heart.

[Diego looks at Felipe then glances over at Señora Delanoso before looking at Felipe again.  He stand back up and takes a step back.]

Is this your mother?

[Felipe looks up at Diego and then over at Señora Delanoso, then at Diego again.  He looks at Señora Delanoso one more time before mouthing the word ‘mother'.  She reaches out and grabs his hand.  They smile at each other as Diego looks on with a devastated expression on his face.]

[Exterior shot of the tavern.]

Francisco [off camera]
Another one, Sergeant?

Mendoza [off camera at first]
You are a most generous man, Lieutenant.

[Francisco who is standing, pours more wine into a sitting Mendoza's glass, which he then lifts to his lips.]

Francisco [to Victoria who is waiting on customers at another table.]

[She glances over her shoulder at her brother before moving on to the next table.]

I wish I could say the same for my other officers.

I shortly hope to be one of those officers, Sergeant.  Victoria!  Another tankard for my good friend.

Victoria [to Mendoza]
You told me you had target practice this afternoon.  One more glass and you will shot yourself in the foot.

Mendoza [chuckling]
She's right.  I forgot.  I must keep my eagle-eye sharp. [He gets up from the table.] Excuse me.

Francisco [over his shoulder to the departing soldier]
Adios, Sergeant.


[Victoria sets down the tray she was holding as she watches Mendoza leave.]

Victoria [smiling]
Eagle-eye, indeed.  He couldn't hit. . . a barn door if it slammed in his face. [She laughs then looks over at her brother.] And shame on you, to encourage him to drink at such an early hour.

Francisco [with his back to her as he stares off into the direction Mendoza has taken]
When a man drinks, he talks.  If our sergeant is an example, Los Angeles is ineptly garrisoned.

We seem to muddle through.

And what will you do when the Americans finally decide they want California for themselves?  Muddle through? [He turns to face a worried looking Victoria.] Live as a second class citizen in your own country?

Victoria [smiling halfheartedly]
That's not going to happen, Francisco.

Francisco [going over and taking her hand]
Sister, you are very pretty but you have no head for politics.  I have to get ready.  I have an appointment with the alcalde.

You really have changed.

Francisco [shaking his head]
No.  I have learned.

[He kisses Victoria on the forehead before turning to go up the stairs.  Victoria stares after him for a moment before going to clear the glasses from the table Francisco and Mendoza had vacated.  She starts to move away when she sees Diego, Felipe, and Señora Delanoso entering the tavern.]

Victoria [noticing their somber expressions]
Is something wrong?

Felipe came to say goodbye.

Victoria [shocked]
Goodbye?  Where is he going?

To Mexico City. Señora Delanoso is his mother.

[Felipe and the señora look at each other with smiling faces as Victoria looks at them with concern.]

[Inside the alcalde's office, Ramone is staring at a piece of paper he is holding in his hand. Francisco stands at attention in front of the alcalde's desk.]

Your qualifications are impressive, Lieutenant Escalante.  Third in your class, many letters of recommendation from powerful men.

I would be a good and loyal officer, Señor Alcalde.

Prove it.

Anything.  Just name it.

You've heard of the man called Zorro?

The Fox?  Yes, I have.

Get me Zorro and you get yourself an appointment.  Comprende?

Francisco [saluting]
Consider it done.

[He turns and walks out the door as Ramone smiles smugly.]

[Outside in the plaza, Diego is helping Señora Delanoso into a carriage.  When she is seated, he slowly turns to face Felipe, who places a note into Diego's hand.]

One last time, then you are Jose forever.

[Felipe throws his arms around Diego who embraces him and pats him on the back.]

Goodbye, Felipe.

[They moved apart and Felipe climbs into the carriage and sits down beside Señora Delanoso.  She takes up the reins as Felipe turns to stare at Diego.   He continues to look back at Diego, who gives him a little wave.  Victoria has been standing there and Francisco comes up behind her.]

Francisco [staring at Felipe]
Amazing.  That boy bears the most uncanny resemblance to the son of my friend, Emilio Alvarado.

[Victoria looks at her brother then they both turn and walk toward the tavern.  Victoria glances over her shoulder to look at Diego.  He is still standing there in the plaza when he opens the note Felipe handed him moments earlier.]

Diego [reading from the note]
You gave me a home when I had none.  Love when I thought it was lost.  I shall never forget you.  Give my regards to Z.  Felipe.

[Diego looks as if he has been punched in the stomach.  He turns away, obviously in despair]

[Felipe and Señora Delanoso are riding in the carriage over a rocky meadow.  Felipe signs that he wants something to drink.]

Señora Delanoso
You will have to wait, my boy.

[She pats him on the leg and he smiles at being called her boy.  She urges the horses forward.]

[A man is filling a canteen from a small spring.  He walks back toward his horse when he sees the carriage approaching and smiles.  Señora Delanoso brings the carriage to a stop and the man reaches out to hold one of the horses bridle.]

How did it go?

Señora Delanoso
Just as we planned. [Felipe looks at her in confusion.] Tie the little devil's hand so he doesn't escape.  He's worth his weight in gold.

[Felipe struggles as the man ties his hands together.  Señora Delanoso helps the man.]

Señora Delanoso [sneering at the man]
Imagine me a mother.  Hah!  Let's take him to the hideout.

[Felipe stares at her frantically, obviously wondering what is going on.]


[Exterior shot of the tavern.  Inside Victoria and Mendoza sits at a table.]

I've never seen Don Diego so upset.

[Victoria reaches out and touches his hands.]

Victoria [shaking her head and with tears in her eyes]
He has cared for him for a long time now.  They are more than just friends.

No boy could wish for a better father than Don Diego.

Victoria [sadly]
No. [Then a suspicious expression comes over her face.] But that woman. . . I wonder if he could wish for a better mother.

Mendoza [surprised]
Señorita, what. . . What are you saying?

I don't believe that woman is Felipe's mother.

That is impossible.  Why. . why are you saying that?

There was something about her.  Oh, it's difficult to explain

[Victoria sits there, her chin resting on her hands, deep in thought.  She turns as she hears footsteps coming down the stairs behind her.]

Francisco!  How was your interview?

Francisco [coming up to their table]
Nothing to it.  I shall shortly be the sergeant's superior officer.

That's wonderful news!

Mendoza [not sounding overjoyed]
Yes, splendid news.  Splendid.

[Francisco walks around the table.]

All I have to do is capture this Zorro.

And why would you want to do that?  Zorro is a friend of the people.

How can he be a friend of the people if he is an enemy of the government?

[Victoria rolls her eyes at her brother's statement as Mendoza looks on.]

[Inside the de la Vega hacienda, Diego is playing the piano when there is a knock on the door.  Diego turns around.]

Diego [sounding surprised]
Señorita Escalante.

[Victoria has come through the front door, out of breath like she has run all the way from Los Angeles.]

Don Diego, Felipe is in danger.  I know it.

[Victoria and Diego walk out of the library.]

So this twin of Felipe's is the son of a bank president?

Francisco says they are like two peas in a pod.

What an incredible coincidence.

Oh, it is more than a coincidence and you must do something about it.

Yes, yes, of course.  I'll start searching right away.

[They step out the front door.  Diego turns to face Victoria.]

Although they're probably many miles away by now.  Heaven knows which road they took.

Victoria [pleadingly]
Diego, you have to try and find him.


If only Zorro knew of this. [She touches Diego's arm.] I must go.

[She departs.  Diego's expression changes to angry as he goes back inside the hacienda and closes the door.]

[Zorro rides out of the cave and across the countryside .  He hops down off a galloping Toronado when he sees wheel ruts on the ground.  The marks lead to some rocks where a thin plume of smoke rises.  Zorro grabs Toronado's reins and leads him to the right.]

[The carriage that Felipe and Señora Delanoso traveled in is sitting at the entrance of a cave.  Señora Delanoso has been brushing her hair and flips it forward then backwards.  She admires the results in a handheld mirror.  She walks past the man, who is drinking from the canteen.  He leers after her before walking toward Felipe, an evil smile on his face.  Felipe is tied with his hands behind his back to a post.  The man offers Felipe a drink from the canteen, which he then jerks away before Felipe can drink more than a couple of drops.]

That's enough!

Zorro [angrily, off camera]
You're right that's enough.

[Everyone turns to look at Zorro, who is still off camera.  Suddenly a whip wraps around the man's throat and he is pulled toward Zorro.  Zorro then pushes the man to the other side of the cave.  He then unties Felipe.]

All right, Felipe.

[Felipe jumps to his feet and goes stand behind to Zorro.  The man uses the distraction to begin to pull a knife from his waistband.]

I wouldn't take that knife out if I were you, Señor.  Using such a young boy to rob a bank. . . it's a terrible thing.  I don't make a habit of killing men, but in your case, I'm willing to make an exception.

Señora Delanoso [putting her hand out toward the man while never taking her eyes off Zorro.]
Jorge.  No.  He is Zorro.

Jorge [as the señora stands next to him and grabs his arm]
He is only a man.  I can take him.

Señora Delanoso
No.  We were going to use him to get us into the bank.

How did you find out about him?

Señora Delanoso
Months ago, I was passing through Los Angeles.  I saw him then.  His likeness to the bank's president's son was perfect.

[Felipe looks confused as Jorge throws down his knife.]

Jorge [to Zorro as he looks at ‘Señora Delanoso']
Now, what are you going to do?

Oh, it's not what I am going to do, Señor.  It's what the alcalde will do.

[Felipe smiles triumphantly as the kidnappers look worriedly at each other.]

[Felipe drives the carriage back into Los Angeles, the kidnappers tied up behind him.  Mendoza comes out of the garrison and walks in front of the carriage's horses.]

Mendoza [as the carriage comes to a stop]
Felipe! What are you doing back here?  What is going on?  Why are all these people tied up?

[Felipe points out to Mendoza the note on Jorge's back.  Mendoza takes it and reads it.  He smiles then laughs before reaching out and shaking Felipe's hand.]

[Victoria is carrying a dirty plate back into the kitchen as Francisco walks down the staircase.  The curtain fall behind her as Victoria walks through the entrance way.  She sets the dish on a table before turning to find Zorro sitting on a table next to the doorway.  She places a hand on her heart and gasps.]

Zorro!  Has Felipe returned?

Zorro [getting to his feet]
I heard of your suspicions from Sergeant Mendoza.  You are as observant as you are beautiful.

[He brings one of her hands up to his lips.  They are surprised as the curtains are brushed aside as Francisco enters the kitchen.]

And they call you the Fox?  I've had a harder time catching chickens.  Move.

[He is aiming a pistol at Zorro's head.  Zorro still holds Victoria's hand.]

Zorro [to Victoria]
Your brother, I presume?

Francisco, you are making a terrible mistake.

On the contrary, I am making my reputation. [He indicates with his head that Zorro should move.] Adonde!

[Zorro holds up his hands and walks toward Francisco.]

Yes, a reputation for stupidity!

[Zorro smiles at her words. Francisco backs out of the kitchen, holding the gun on Zorro.  The customers scatter when Zorro emerges from the kitchen.]

Señor, this ‘stupidity' must come to an end.

[Zorro grabs Francisco's arm that is holding the pistol and smashes it against the bar.  The pistol slides down the length of the bar and onto the floor.  Zorro pushes Francisco who lands against the table where Victoria is standing.]

Señor, I hold your sister in great esteem.  I do not wish to harm you.

Francisco [unsheathing his sword]
Set your mind at rest, outlaw.  You will not so much as scratch me.

[Francisco lunges at Zorro who also draws out his sword.  Zorro parries Francisco's attack and grabs his sword arm.]

You're right, Francisco.  For your sister's sake, I will not harm you.

[He pushes Francisco up against the table again.  Victoria grabs Francisco's arm before he can lunge at Zorro again.]

Francisco!  Wait!

Get out of my way!

[He pushes Victoria away and she nearly falls.]

Señor, you need a lesson in manners.

[Francisco attacks Zorro again but Zorro sidesteps the lunge and Francisco's momentum carries him past Zorro. .  Zorro follows him and the two men engage their weapons. Victoria looks on worriedly before going after them as well.  A lancer spots them fighting and goes into the garrison.  The fight moves outside onto the tavern porch and Victoria tries to stop them but has to stay back for fear of being injured.  Tables are upset as the sword fight continues.

Ramone and Mendoza come out of the cuartel along with four lancers who busily load their muskets.]

Zorro at last.

[The men have moved their fight to the side of the tavern.  Victoria still follows them.]


But that is Señorita Victoria's brother.

[Across the plaza, Zorro is easily parrying every one of Francisco's attacks.]

Zorro [throwing up his hands pleadingly]
Señor, we should break off.


[Victoria runs up to Francisco and grabs his arm.]

Ready! [The lancer raised their muskets] Aim!

Victoria [moving between Francisco and Zorro]
Stop! No! Please don't!

Señorita, please.

Ramone [waving his hand]
Señorita Escalante!  Out of the way!

Victoria [defiantly]

Francisco [grabbing Victoria's arm and turning her so she faces him]
Victoria, I. . .

Francisco, you're my brother.  I may not like you very much right now, but I do love you.

Ramone [sneering]
Most touching.  However since the señorita will not remove herself.

[He pulls his sword from its scabbard.  Victoria turns around and looks at Zorro.  Francisco sees him as well.]

Forgive me, Señor.  I have done you wrong.  Allow me to assist in your escape.

Zorro [raising his sword in a salute]
You are too kind.

[Francisco returns the salute and they both charge at the lancer who had also drawn out their swords.  The soldiers run across the plaza followed by Ramone and Mendoza.  Zorro and Francisco approach a pot hung over a fire.]

I see courage runs in your family.

[They kick the supports holding up the pot and its hot contents spill onto the feet of the lancers.  They hop around in pain.  Ramone pushes Mendoza backward up against the hitching rail in his attempt to avoid the hot liquid.  Zorro and Francisco then each grab a pole holding up a canvas awning and knock it down.  The canvas lands on the heads of the lancers and they become entangled in it.  Ramone and Mendoza charge back into the fight.  Zorro sees them, and pushing a soldier into some crates on his way, rushes at Ramone, going on the offensive.  Zorro drives the other man back toward the garrison while a helpless Mendoza is also pushed back.  Ramone stumbles and ends up facing Mendoza instead of Zorro.  Zorro kicks Ramone in the butt and he lands against Mendoza.  Zorro slashes a ‘Z' into the back of Ramone's jacket.]

Mendoza [keeping Ramone from falling]
I think we are losing.

A most perceptive assessment of the situation, Sergeant.

[Ramone spins around to confront Zorro but is just driven backwards inside the garrison.  Francisco slaps down one of his opponents then motions for rest of the soldiers to move into the cuartel.  Once all the lancers are inside, Zorro and Francisco lower a bar across the gate.]


[The lancers and Ramone are all scrambling around inside the cuartel.]

Around the other way!

[He leads the way toward his office.]

[Outside the garrison, Francisco stand in front of the gate as Zorro and Victoria rush toward him.  Victoria hugs him.]

Francisco [to Zorro, with his arm around Victoria]
You are a man of principle, Señor.  And quite a swordsman.

Well, I do my best.

Francisco [turning to Victoria and holding her close]
How can I apologize?  My ambition almost drove us apart.

Victoria [moving away from her brother]
By leaving Los Angeles.  The alcalde will never forget that you helped Zorro.

And neither will I.

[Zorro and Francisco shake hands.  Francisco moves away from Victoria and stares off into the distance.]

You will take Felipe back to Don Diego?

[Victoria nods.]

You were a very brave lady to defend your brother with your life.

Oh, it just wasn't for my brother.

I know

[He smiles at her then glances about the plaza.]

Perhaps another time, when we don't have an audience.

Is it so difficult to say?

No.  But it must be said when this mask is removed forever.

[Victoria nods her understanding.  Zorro leans over and brings her hand to his lips and kisses it.]

Zorro [staring intently into her eyes]
I must go before the alcalde finds a way out.

[He then jumps onto Toronado's back.  He rides out of the pueblo as Victoria watches him leave.  Francisco comes back and puts his arms around his sister as Felipe stands behind them, watching Zorro leave as well.]

*****END OF EPISODE*****

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland 2 June 2006

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.