"The Don's Dilemma"

Written by Adam Tyler
Directed by Peter Diamond

First US Airdate 27 Jan 1991 Episode 2.19

[Closeup shot of several lancers aiming their muskets.

Mendoza [off camera at first]

[The camera pans down the line of lancers to where Mendoza stands up against a wall to the right of the lancers.]

Aim!  Fire!

[He lowers the sword he is holding in his right hand as the lancers fire.]

[Closeup shot of four wooden targets painted to look like Zorro which are peppered with hole.]

[Closeup shot of Mendoza putting his sword back into its scabbard.]

Lancers [off camera]
Oh!  Oh!

Men!  Please!  It's only a picture of Zorro!  Listen. . .[He steps out in front of the lancers.] If we don't get ourselves into some kind of shape by the time the alcalde comes back, he will have us transferred to the Amazon campaign!

[The lancers murmur amongst themselves as a balding man in a blue suit walks up to them.]

And your alcalde will be joining you, Sergeant.

Mendoza [turning around to face the man]
Governor Frescas!

Deputy Governor.  For the time being.

Uh, the alcalde said. . .  Uh, you're a day early.

Yes, but not a moment too soon. [He turns and starts walking away and Mendoza follows.] In all the territory's garrison pueblos from Monterey to Mexico city, Los Angeles is a laughingstock.

But as you can see, we have begun a new training regimen.  Why, only yesterday, we pursued cattle thieves who have been preying on our rancheros.  The alcalde himself wounded one in the chase.

Cattle thieves are a trivial matter.  I have been sent here for one purpose and one purpose only.

What is that?

Frescas [pointing forward]

[Closeup shot of one of the Zorro targets.]

The governor has entrusted me with the capture of Zorro.  And I will.  I want him under lock and key by Saturday.

Saturday?  That is not much time to cap. . .

Either Zorro is in custody by then or your alcalde will be in irons.  Now, where is he?

Oh, Governor Frescas. . . [He pulls out an envelope from his pants pocket.] The alcalde's poor grandmother is on her deathbed.  She asked for him to be at her side in her last hours.  He has made me acting alcalde while he is away.

You? [Mendoza nods.] That malingering fool knew I was coming.  I need someone with command presence and I know just the man.

[Mendoza looks a bit insulted.]

[Closeup shot of Don Alejandro sitting in a chair in the de la Vega hacienda.]

Don Alejandro [putting his right hand on his chest]
Me? [He stands up.] Alcalde?

I had heard you were the best man for the job.  Consider yourself sworn in.

Don Alejandro
Well. . .  Very well.  I'll certainly try.  Now then, what do you want me to do?

The usual administrative duties.  Collect taxes, supervise the garrison.  Capture Zorro.

Don Alejandro [with a dismayed expression]
Capture Zorro?


[Interior shot of the de la Vega hacienda as Don Alejandro sits back down in his chair.  He then starts laughing.]

Don Alejandro [bringing his hand up to his mouth]
Oh, forgive me, Deputy Governor.  It's just that our alcalde has been trying to capture Zorro for years.

I want Zorro by Saturday.

Don Alejandro
Zorro is not some dull witted outlaw you can capture in three days. [Diego pauses behind a curtain to listen to the conversation.] Don't expect results.

I expect nothing less.  He's going back to Monterey in chains.

Don Alejandro [angrily]
Why? [He stands back up.] Just so you can put another feather in your cap with the governor about to retire?  Find someone else, Frescas.  I will not serve to further your political ambitions.

Do you realize to whom you are speaking?

Don Alejandro [a bit mockingly]
Oh, and do you realize that the de la Vegas have live through six territorial governors and will survive a good many more?  No!  I will not be silent because of some petty politician!

[Diego hurries out from behind the curtains.]

Diego [off camera at first]
Deputy Governor Frescas!

[Don Alejandro turns to look at Diego as he walks up to the two men.]

Diego [extending his hand to Frescas]
What an honor.  Diego de la Vega at your service.

Frescas [ignoring Diego's outstretched hand]
Fail me, and I will impose such a tax surplus on your property that you will be bankrupt within the month.  Find this Zorro, Alcalde, or take the consequences. [He starts to walk off but then turns back around.] This is one petty politician you may not survive.

[He turns again and leaves.  Diego pats Don Alejandro on the right shoulder as Don Alejandro glares angrily.]

[Exterior shot of an old farmhouse where a man is hoeing to its right.  Another man approaches the house on horseback.  The farmer looks up as the other man fall off his horse.  The farmer drops his hoe and runs over to the man.]

(Say a name I can't catch) Madre de Dios!

[He touches the man's chest then goes over and dips a cloth into a water barrel then touches the cloth to the man's forehead.  He then lifts the man's shoulders off the ground as he dabs his face with the cloth.]

You rode like this all the way from Los Angeles?  What happened?

I was accused of being a cattle thief.

By whom?

The alcalde of Los Angeles.  I told him I was just passing through but he wouldn't listen.  I got scared and rode off.  The alcalde himself shot me.

Farmer [looking at the wound]
Gracias a Dios, it is only a flesh wound.  You must rest now.  I will get our neighbors to look after you.

Why?  Where are you going?

I am going to Los Angeles.  I promise you, my brother, this alcalde has shot his last innocent man.

[He looks down at his injured brother.]

[Exterior shot of the pueblo gate as Diego and Felipe ride through it and into the plaza.]

Diego [to Felipe as they ride]
Since Zorro can hardly surrender himself to help my father, we must deliver these cattle rustlers to justice.  Deputy Governor Frescas will at least have something to show off when he returns to Monterey.

[Felipe pats Diego's left leg, points to his own chest then downward, then waves his right hand to his left across his saddle.]

Exactly.  Our plan hinges on luring these rustlers out into the open. [He pats Felipe's right arm.] You know what to do.

[Diego rides off ahead of Felipe, toward the tavern.]

[Interior shot of the tavern as Diego walks through its front doors.  He looks around as he walks up to Victoria.]

Busy day, Señorita?

Oh, it's been like this all week.  I can't imagine why so many people want to visit Los Angeles.

Your cooking?

[Victoria smiles and giggles before turning and leaving.  Felipe steps through the curtains leading from the tavern kitchen.  Diego turns to look over his shoulder at him.]

Diego [in a loud voice to no one in particular]
Oh, there's Felipe.  Our new prize bull must have just arrived from San Diego.

[Two men at a nearby table perk up at Diego's announcement.  Felipe comes up to stand at Diego's right and looks up at him.]

I better get him into the corral before nightfall.

[He winks at Felipe then they turn and walk out of the tavern.]

[Closeup night shot of a bull in a corral.]

[Exterior night shot of the corral as a masked bandit slowly opens its gate as another bandit holds the reins of their horses.  The first bandit walks over to the bull.]

Second Bandit [off camera]

[A thud is heard off camera.]

First Bandit

[He looks over at their horses but doesn't see Sanchez.]

First Bandit

[He walks back out of the corral.]

Zorro [popping up out of the shadows behind the bandit]
Looking for someone, amigo?

[The bandit turns around and sees Zorro.  He turns and starts to run away but Zorro lashes out with his whip and it coils around the bandit's ankles, causing him to fall down.]

First Bandit

[He falls face down into the dust.]

[Interior shot of the tavern as Mendoza takes off his hat as he walks inside, followed by Don Alejandro.  They walk across the room to where Frescas is sitting at a table, eating and drinking.]

Deputy Governor, Zorro just delivered the cattle rustlers to the jail.

Don Alejandro
He's come to our aid once again.

Dear fellow, one swallow does not a summer make.  And one good deed will not save Zorro from the gallows.  Don't stand around talking about it, de la Vega.  You only have thirty-six hours.

[He pops a piece of chicken into his mouth.  Don Alejandro Mendoza look at each other then turn and walk out of the tavern.  The farmer walks past them as he steps inside the tavern, carrying a brown leather satchel.]

Victoria [as she wipes the bar counter]
Buenas noches, Señor.

[The farmer nods.]

Are you looking for a room?

Si, Señorita.  But please, could you tell me the rate?

Five pesos, including breakfast.

[The farmer pulls out some coins from his pants pocket and looks at hem.  He puts them back into his pocket.]


[He turns to leave.]

Victoria [waving her hand at him]
I. . . I also have another room in the back.  Ah, it is very small but so is the price.  Two pesos.

Farmer [smiling]
Muchas gracias, Señorita.

If you wait here a moment, I'll have someone prepare it for you.

[She walks off to her left.  The farmer sets his satchel down on a bench then sits down beside it.  Victoria carries out a tray then sets a bowl down on the farmer's table.]

There was some extra soup.  I didn't want it to go to waste.  No charge.

Farmer [smiling up at her]
You are very kind.  Could you please tell me the name of the alcalde of this pueblo?

Victoria [proudly]
That would be Don Alejandro de la Vega.  You passed him on your way in.

Voice [off camera]

Victoria [looking to her left]
I must go.

[She walks off to her left.]

Don Alejandro de la Vega. . . is a very long name. [He takes a pistol out of his satchel.] He will need a big headstone.

[He rests the barrel of the pistol against his left cheek.]


[Exterior day shot of Ramone's office as two lancers stand on its porch.]

Don Alejandro [off camera at first]
How long have these drawings. . .

[Interior shot of Ramone's office where Don Alejandro sits behind the desk, looking at some papers as Mendoza stands to his right.]

Don Alejandro
. . .been sitting here, Sergeant?

Mendoza [holding his hat]
The alcalde ordered the survey about eighteen months ago.  But when he discovered how costly the new aqueduct would be, he abandoned the whole idea. [He looks thoughtful.] That's about the time he ordered his bathtub from Paris.  The one with the gold bars.

Don Alejandro
I remember that.

[The office door and Don Alejandro stands up as Diego walks inside, followed by Felipe.]

Don Alejandro
Ah, Diego, look at these plans.

[Diego walks around to the right side of the desk and looks at the papers as Don Alejandro points at them.]

Don Alejandro
The pueblo's irrigation system.  They've been gathering dust here while our alcalde spends and fritters away the public's monies on himself, son.

Well, we're certainly in need of a new water supply.

Don Alejandro
That's it.  It's settled.  I am going to push this project into effect at once.

[He picks up a quill and dips it into an inkwell.]

Don Alejandro
Alejandro de la Vega [He writes on a paper.] Acting alcalde. [He stamps the paper then holds it up.] You may go, Sergeant.  Thank you.

[Mendoza nods then turns and leaves.  Don Alejandro chuckles.]

If only all your problems could be written off so easily.  What about Zorro?  After all, tomorrow is Saturday.

Don Alejandro
Aah. . . [He sits down.] What can I do, Diego?

[Knocking is heard on the door.]

Don Alejandro
Yes?  Come in.

[The door opens and the farmer steps inside, carrying his hat against his chest.]

Don Alejandro
Well, what can I do for you, my friend?

You are the alcalde?

Don Alejandro [nodding]
Yes, I am.

Farmer [chuckling nervously as he steps forward]
My name is Miguel Martinez.  I am new in town. [He is hiding his pistol behind his hat.] I came to pay my respects.

[He bows.]

Don Alejandro [smiling]
Well, that's very kind of you, Señor.  Please.

[He waves to Miguel to come closer.]

No, I can see that you're busy.  I will come back when you're alone.

[Diego stares at Miguel suspiciously.  Miguel bows again then turns and leaves, closing the door behind him.]

Don Alejandro
You see, Diego, only two days as alcalde and I am already a friend of the people.

[Diego smiles but still looks concerned.]

[Exterior shot of Ramone's office as Diego and Felipe step through its doors and out into the plaza.]

Diego [as they walks across the plaza]
Unless he has custody of Zorro, Frescas will bankrupt us.  Not to worry.  It is a long way to Monterey and Zorro has a knack for escape.

[Felipe taps Diego's left arm then puts his right hand over his eyes then drops his hand.]

Oh, my identity.  I'll insist that my mask be removed at my trial.  The governor will want that pleasure for himself.

[He stops and looks upward.  A man is climbing from the building next to the tavern then onto the second story balcony of the tavern.  Diego sees that it is Miguel.  Miguel crouches down as he goes to the opposite end to the balcony.  He then aims his pistol at Don Alejandro who is walking across the plaza.  Suddenly the pistol is wrenched from his hand and tossed to the balcony.  Diego slams Miguel up against the wall by his throat.]

Let me go!

Diego [grabbing Miguel's jaw]
Not until you tell my why you're trying to kill my father.

Your father shot my brother who was an innocent man.

You're mistaken.  My father wouldn't. . .

[Miguel bites Diego's right hand.]


[Miguel tries to get away but Diego spins him around and punches him in the face.  Miguel falls down.  Diego looks at him as he rubs his injured hand.]

I may have a use for that hard head of yours.

[Exterior shot of the tavern as two men step off its porch followed by Don Alejandro.]

Frescas [off camera]
Ah, de la Vega!

[Don Alejandro stops and turns to his right.  Frescas stands holding the reins of a white horse.]

I'm just on my way out to your property to assess your tax surcharge. [Don Alejandro walks up to Frescas.]  Remember, my edict was quite clear - No Zorro, no hacienda.

[A horse whinnies loudly off camera, causing both men to look around.]

[Exterior shot of the plaza as Zorro rides through it on Toronado, brandishing his saber.  He comes to a halt in front of Frescas and Don Alejandro.]

I heard you wish to see me.  Well, here I am.  Zorro.  At your service.

[He reaches out with his saber toward Frescas.  Frescas puts his hand up on the left side of his jacket which now is marred by a ‘Z'.  Frescas turns to Don Alejandro.]

Just don't stand there!  Arrest him!

[He points toward Zorro.]

Don Alejandro
Very well. [He turns to face Zorro.] Zorro, you're under arrest!

Oh, I've cooperated this far, Señor.  But don't expect miracles.

[He salutes with his saber as Mendoza and five other lancers come up behind him.]

Mendoza [as he ducks]

Frescas [waving frantically]
Get him!

[Zorro sheathes his saber then rides off to his left.]

Mendoza [turning to the lancers]

[The lancers all try to quickly load their muskets as Zorro rides through the plaza.  Zorro stands up on Toronado's back, spinning his whip around in the air.]

Look out!  Ah!

[Zorro coils his whip around the top of a post then uses the whip to swing down and knock over all the lancers.  He unsheathes his saber as one of the lancers gets up and draws his sword.  The lancer lunges at Zorro but Zorro parries then punches the lancer in the face.  He falls backward.  Two more lancers lunge at Zorro with their swords and Zorro duels with them, finally kicking one into the other, knocking them both to the ground.  Another lancer takes their place and Zorro soon punches him in the face.  Two more lancers run out from behind the church carrying muskets.  Zorro whistles.  Toronado whinnies loudly then gallops at the lancers, driving them across the plaza.  Zorro duels with the last lancer then punches him in the face.  Four lancers get to their feet and rush Zorro.  He dumps out a basket of apples at their feet and they slip and fall down.  Toronado herds several lancers toward the cuartel as Zorro watches.  Two lancers get up and run at Zorro.]

I got him!

[Zorro runs around a cart as three lancers chase him.  He grabs the cart's handles and spins it into the lancers, knocking them down.]

[Closeup shot of the tavern as Victoria runs out onto the porch, followed by Felipe.]


[The camera pans over to where Don Alejandro is standing at Frescas's left.]

Frescas [off camera]
Seize the insolent rogue!

[Zorro duels with two more lancers then slips between them then elbowing them in their backs.  Mendoza runs up to Zorro.]

Zorro [in Mendoza's face]

Mendoza [turning away]

[Zorro walks across the plaza, pointing his saber at Frescas.]

You had your chance.  Adios.

[He salutes then runs off to his right as Frescas stares openmouthed.  Zorro runs off behind the tavern.]

Frescas [waving his hand]
Well, don't let him get away!

[The lancers get up and run after Zorro.]

Get him!  Yeah!

[Mendoza and two lancers run around the side of the tavern then come to a halt.]

Mendoza [a bit surprised]

[They look down to see Zorro unconscious on the ground with a roof tile beside his head.]

Mendoza [crouching down]
He must have been hit by this tile when it fell off that roof. [He points behind himself.] This is our lucky day.

[Mendoza stands up and the two lancers pick up Zorro.]

[Closeup shot of Don Alejandro.]

Don Alejandro
It's not that easy a task to capture Zorro, sir.

Mendoza [off camera]
Deputy Governor!  Deputy Governor!

[Exterior shot of the plaza as Mendoza runs out from the side of the tavern.]

We've caught him!

Oh, no!

[The two lancers drag Zorro up to where Don Alejandro and Frescas are standing in front of the tavern.]

I find it hard to believe myself.

Frescas [to Don Alejandro]
I so hate secrets, don't you?

[He steps forward and starts to untie the now awake and struggling Zorro's mask.  Frescas removes the mask to reveal Miguel..]

Here is your Zorro.

Don Alejandro [incredulously]

[People start to murmur.]

Victoria [incredulously]

Miguel [groggily]
Zorro?  I'm not Zorro.

Diego [coming from the opposite side of the tavern, discreetly buttoning his white shirt]
You certainly have the same tailor.

But I tell you. . .  I'm not Zorro.

[Diego walks up beside Don Alejandro.]

Mendoza [shaking his head]
I never saw him before.

Maybe he planned it that way.

And we caught him so easily.

Perhaps Zorro's just not feeling himself today.

[Victoria runs up to face Miguel.]

Well. . .?

Well, what?

Now that your mask has been removed. . .  You. . .you made a promise to me.

Yes, I did.

Well, then say it.  I don't care if you're under arrest.

This is hardly the time, Señorita.  But I promise to repay the two pesos I owe for the room.

[Victoria turns away from Miguel.]

This can't be Zorro.

[She faints into Diego's arms.]

I guess Zorro is just not as romantic as she imagined.

[He fans her with his hand as he holds her.]

[Exterior shot of the cuartel as Miguel is placed upon a horse.  A lancer leads out a horse as Frescas walks beside them.]

Well, gentlemen, this should make the governor quite happy.

[Diego, Don Alejandro, and Felipe all face Frescas, none of them looking too happy.]

Diego [crossing his arms over his chest]
You will be known as the man who brought Zorro to justice.

Yes.  It worked out well for everyone. . .except perhaps Zorro here.

Miguel [his voice muffled by a black gag]
I'm not Zorro!  I'm not Zorro!

Voice [off camera]
What did he say?

[Frescas mounts his horse.]

Miguel [muffled]
I'm not Zorro!

I'm sure his trial will be shorter than the rope that hangs him.

[Frescas rides off.]

Don Alejandro
You know something, Diego?  I think maybe Victoria's right.  That man is not Zorro.

Diego [putting his arm around Don Alejandro's shoulders]
Well, if the real Zorro show himself again, Frescas will be forced to admit his error and set that man free.

[He smiles mischievously at Don Alejandro.]

Don Alejandro
And that would definitely frustrate the deputy governor's political plans, wouldn't it?

Diego [mockingly]
And that would be a shame.

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Frescas, Miguel, and two lancers ride down the road.]

Frescas [bringing his horse to a halt as he stares ahead]

[Zorro and Toronado are in front of some trees.  Zorro salutes.]

Frescas [looking at Miguel]
Then who. . .? [He then points at Zorro.] Take him!

[The two lancers dismount and run toward Zorro, one of them drawing out his sword.]

Frescas [drawing out his own sword]
Surrender or die!

I'm not sure I like those choices.

[The two lancers run up to Zorro and Toronado.  Zorro does a back flip off of Toronado then crouches under Toronado and grabs the lancers's ankles.  They both fall on their back onto the ground.  Zorro jumps over them then picks them up by the necks of their jackets and hits their heads together.  He walks up to Frescas, unsheathing his saber.]

Monterey is that way, Señor.

Don't tell me where to go.

[He points his sword at Zorro.  Zorro knocks it from Frescas's hand with his saber.]

If you're going to be stubborn about it. [He slices Frescas's horse's rein with his saber.] I'm sure your horse know the way home.

[He whacks the horse's rump with his saber.  The horse whinnies then gallops off.]

Frescas [trying to keep from falling off, waving his arms in the arm]
Aaah!  Whoa!

[Zorro unties Miguel's hands.  Miguel pulls down the gag.]

You let them arrest an innocent man!

And you almost shot one!  Don Alejandro is the temporary alcalde.  He is not the man who shot your brother.

How did you know I was going to kill him?

How? [He smiles mischievously.] Because I'm Zorro.  [He pulls off Miguel's fake mustache.] Now go home and remember you're a farmer, not an executioner.

[He pats Miguel's horse on the rump and Miguel rides off.  Zorro watches then walks to his right, sheathing his saber.  He then runs up and jumps onto Toronado's back.]


[Interior shot of Ramone's office where Mendoza sits behind Ramone's desk, smoking a cigar with his feet propped up on the desk top and making a mocking face.]

Ramone [off camera at first]

[Mendoza swings his feet off the desk then jumps up.]

What do you think you are doing?

Oh, mi Alcalde, you are back.  How is your grandmother?

Ramone [dismissively]
Grandmother. . .  Ah, grandmother.  Yes, uh. . .  Remarkable recovery, quite remarkable, uh. [He looks down at his desk.] What is this?

Mendoza [as Ramone picks up a paper]
Oh, good news, mi Alcalde.  While you were gone, Don Alejandro was made acting alcalde and he signed the new irrigation bill into law. [Ramone glares at Mendoza.] Or maybe it's bad new?

Ramone [angrily]
What else has been done, hmm? [He points at the paper.] My stamp! [He looks up at Mendoza.] No one is supposed to use my stamp!

[He tosses the paper down onto the desk.  He then picks up a box and opens it.]

My cigars!  Where are my cigars?  Is nothing sacred?

[He slams the empty box down on his desk.

Well, one good thing happened while you were gone.  We'll never see Zorro again.

[Zorro uses his saber to move aside a curtain covering the doorway he is standing in.]

Think again, Sergeant.

Zorro!   Impossible!

[Ramone picks up the irrigation bill and starts to roll it up.]

I couldn't take the chance of our alcalde vetoing Don Alejandro's orders for the pueblo's irrigation system.  I'll take that. [Ramone hands him the paper.] Thank you.

[Zorro turns to walks away but then turns back around.]

I almost forgot.


I really can't resist.

[Ramone looks down at his desk.  Zorro steps forward, his saber raised.  He carves a ‘Z' into the wooden desktop.]

No, not again!

[Zorro bends down and looks at the desk.]

You know, Alcalde, you have termites.

[He then turns and goes out the door he came in.  Mendoza stares down at the desk as Ramone hits it with his fist.]

[Closeup shot of a black gloved hand using a knife to stick the irrigation bill to a post on the tavern porch.]

[Exterior shot of the tavern as Zorro sits astride Toronado in front of the tavern.]

People of Los Angeles!

[People gather around.  Victoria and Don Alejandro come out of the tavern.]

I bring you welcome news.  This is a bill, signed into law by a man who, although only in office a short time, governed well and wisely.  You may thank Don Alejandro for your new irrigation system.

[People start cheering and clapping.]

Yay!  Don Alejandro!  Yay!

[Zorro rides up to where Victoria and Don Alejandro stand on the tavern porch.]

Señorita, my promise still holds true.  Never doubt it.  It is engraved forever in my heart.

[He salutes then rides off.  People start cheering again.]

Zorro!  Yay!  Zorro!

Don Alejandro
I knew they had arrested an imposter, Victoria.

Hmm, of course.  There's only one Zorro.

*****END OF EPISODE*****

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland  18 May 2007

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.