"The Devil's Fortress"

Written by Robert L McCullough
Directed by Ray Austin

First US Airdate 24 February 1991 Episodes 2.22 & 2.23

[Exterior shot of the ruins of an old house, surrounded by trees and fields.  The words "Los Angeles - Present Day" are superimposed on the screen.  A car drives toward the ruins on a dirt road.]

Man [voiceover]
This hacienda once rang with laughter, Laura.

Laura [off camera]
Yes, I know Grandpa.  You've told me a hundred times.

Grandpa [off camera]
They're going to build a freeway through here.  It's all my fault.

Laura [off camera]
Don't be sad.  It will all work out.  Just you wait and see.

[The car, a 1940 or 1950's model sedan, reaches the ruins and comes to a halt.]

Grandpa [off camera]
Your father and I lost everything when the market crashed.

[Laura, a girl of about twelve, gets out of the car.]

Grandpa [off camera]
We can't pay the property taxes.

[Laura slams shut the car door and runs around the front of the car as Grandpa opens his door and get out. He is a tall old man with a cane.]

Laura [as he shuts his door]
Well then show me before it's too late.

[She takes Grandpa's hand and leads him toward the ruins.]

Grandpa [waving his cane]
Come on.

[Exterior shot of Grandpa and Laura standing in front of a small hill.  Laura jumps on something on the ground and the hillside opens up.]

Ah, Princess (something I couldn't understand).  Come on.  You have the flashlights?

[They walk toward the opening in the hillside.]

[Interior shot of a cave.  A candle sits in a wall sconce as the beam of a flashlight shines upon it.]

Laura [off camera]
There's one.

Grandpa [off camera at first]
Well done.  [He reaches up and takes the candle from the sconce.] There we are.

[He lights the candle with a match before putting it back into the sconce.]

This was the cave where Toronado waited to ride like the wind at his master's command.

[He and Laura walk further into the cave.]

And over here. . .

[The flashlight beam shines on two more candles in another wall sconce.]

This was his secret laboratory.

[He lights the candles with his match.]

Where he must have concocted a multitude of experiments.

Laura [awestruck]
A hundred and seventy years ago.


[Laura goes over and shines the flashlight at objects on the lab table.]

A hundred and seventy years ago.  Life was very different then.

[Laura explores more of the cave.]

So much simpler.  There was excitement in the air.  You could almost breathe it.

[Laura is examining a bureau and pulls on one of its drawers.]

Grandpa [turning around at the noise]

Laura [as she pulls harder on the drawer]
Over here.  This one's stuck.

[Grandpa goes over to the bureau.]

Ah, let me see.

[He uses his cane to pry open the drawer.]

There we are.

[He pulls open the drawer which contains a mouse trap.]

It's an old mouse trap.  Wonder how many mice have been stuck with this.

[He presses on the trap with his cane and flames shoot out of the drawer, causing him and Laura to jump back.  They then notice a fuse burning across the wall toward the cave's stall.  Another explosion flares near the stall.  They go over to it.]

What is it?

[Grandpa bends down and stick his hands in a hole in the cave wall and pulls out a paper wrapped parcel.  He unties the string and peeling away the paper, reveals a book.]

Laura [as he flips through the pages]
It's a book.

Yes. [He reads from the book.] ‘To whoever finds this book, welcome.  I, Don Diego de la Vega, here set down a true account of one's of Zorro's remarkable adventures.  And you, dear reader, will be the first to know the secret of. . . [He turns the page.] . . .the Devil's Fortress.'

[He and Laura look at each other excitedly.]


[Interior shot of cave, Grandpa shakes out a blanket.]

Fortaleza del Diablo was in Baja California.

[He and Laura place the blanket on a bench of some sort.]

Many days ride to the south.  It was built to defend the Spanish Empire.  By the end of the eighteenth century,   [He and Laura sit down on the blanket-covered bench.] it had become a prison.  A hateful place.  Barbarous.  Very cruel.

[Laura looks up at the ceiling of the cave as the sound of engines are heard coming from above.]

[Exterior shot of a truck driving up to the ruins and coming to a halt.  Another truck does the same.]

[Interior shot of Grandpa and Laura sitting on the bench looking upward.]

Grandpa [sighing as he opens the book and starts to read from it]
‘I was working in my laboratory one crisp autumn morning.  Things had been unusually quiet of late.'

[The scene morphs from the dusty lab table to a clean one where beakers are boiling as Felipe stands by it.]

Grandpa [voiceover]
‘In fact, it seemed as if our esteemed alcalde had run out of tricks.'

Diego [holding up a test tube as Felipe watches]
Copper sulfate. [He picks up a vial contain a light brown fluid and starts pouring the contents of the test tube into it.] Science is an endless frontier, Felipe.  The more we know, the more there is to learn.

[He holds up the vial whose contents are know dark blue.  A distant knocking is then heard.]

We'd better answer that.

[He wipes off his hands as he and Felipe start to run out of the cave.  Felipe stops to look out the viewing hole before they continue on their way.]

[Diego and Felipe emerge from the library fireplace as the knocking on the front door continues.  Diego runs over and opens the door.]

Victoria!  Come in.  Forgive the delay.

Victoria [as she comes inside the hacienda]
Diego, may I please speak to your father?

I'm afraid he's just sprained his ankle.  He had a rather bad fall off Dulcinea.  What's wrong?

Victoria [holding up an envelope]
I don't know.  It has something to do with my father.

[She hands the envelope to Diego.]

Diego [as he leads her into the library]
Your father?  I though he dies in Mexico. . .during the revolution.  Please sit.

Victoria [as she sits down in the chair he indicates]
Well, that's what we all thought.  But he's alive, Diego.  He's a prisoner at Devil's Fortress.  The letter will explain it all.

[Diego opens the envelope and turns toward the fireplace.]

Don Alejandro [off camera at first]
Victoria! [He hobbles into the room, using a cane.] What a pleasant surprise.

Diego [as Don Alejandro sits down on a settee opposite Victoria]
Victoria has just received this letter.  From a man who was recently a prisoner of Fortaleza del Diablo.

Don Alejandro
Well, I pity him.  But what does that to do with Victoria?

Diego [reading the letter]
This man claims to have shared a cell with her father.

Don Alejandro [looking over at Victoria]
Alfonso?  My old friend is still alive? [Victoria nods.] Oh, Victoria, my dear, how do you know you can trust the man who wrote the letter?

He swore to my father he would write to me and my brothers upon his release.  And somehow I have to believe him.

Diego [reading from the letter]
He says Señor Escalante's health is declining rapidly.

Don Alejandro
Where are your brothers?

In Venezuela.  I haven't heard from Francisco or Ramon in months. [She gets up and goes over to Don Alejandro, sitting down beside him.] Don Alejandro, I can't let my father die in that foul place.

Don Alejandro
Of course not.  We'll do something.  And quickly.

But what?  What can we do?

Don Alejandro [shaking his head]
I don't know.  I'd go myself except for this. . .ankle.  Please, Victoria, I need time to think.

Time is the very thing we don't have.  I'll ride to the fortress.

Don Alejandro [incredulously]
You, Diego?

Victoria [worriedly]
But. . .

Well, it appears I'm the only volunteer. [He turns to Felipe who is standing in corner.] Felipe, pack my bags at once.

[Felipe nods and leaves the room.  Diego starts to follow him as Don Alejandro and Victoria stand up.]

Don Alejandro
Diego, what in the world are you going to say when you get there?

Diego [acting naive]
Well, I'll speak to the commandant of the prison.  If Señor Escalante's illness is as serious as that letter indicates, perhaps he'll be merciful.

Don Alejandro
And what if he isn't?

Well, I'll cross that bridge when I come to it.

Don Alejandro
Well, it seems my son has become a man of action overnight.

No. [He moves toward Victoria.] This lady has been a good and loyal friend to the de la Vegas. [He puts his hand on her arm.] Your family is our family.

[Victoria looks up at him then puts her arms around Diego's waist, placing her head on his chest.]

Thank you, Diego.

[Diego looks overwhelmed as he hugs her closer for a moment.]

Diego [moving away from her]
There's not a moment to lose.

[He leaves quickly as Victoria and Don Alejandro watch him go. (The following is an added scene from the two part showing of this episode.)  Victoria goes over to Don Alejandro and he grasps her hand.]

Your son has become a kind and generous man.  Thank you, Don Alejandro.

[Diego stops and eavesdrops on them from behind a post.]

If only Zorro know about this.

[Diego looks disappointed as he turns and leaves.  Victoria lets go of Don Alejandro's hand and leaves.  Don Alejandro has an odd expression on his face as he watches her go. (End of added scene.]
[Interior shot of Diego and Felipe in the secret cave.]

Victoria's mother was shot by a firing squad for aiding a wounded revolutionary. [He hands Felipe Zorro's black clothing.] Her father and brothers swore revenge, went off to join the rebel army, leaving Victoria to manage the tavern.

[Felipe points to his right, then to himself, then holds his hand palm down, indicating height.]

Yes, she was only about your age. [He smiles.] But she was already a strong, independent young lady.

[Felipe makes a ‘Z' in the air with his right index finger.]

Yes.  Saddle Toronado.  I'll meet you at the grove.

[Felipe hurries over to his right.  Diego takes Zorro's sombrero from the clothing rack.]

[Interior shot of Ramone standing in his office, look down at his desk.]

The Devil's Fortress, you say?

Mendoza [standing to Ramone's left]
Si, Alcalde.  Fortaleza del Diablo.  It's a few days ride to the south.

I know where it is, Mendoza. [He turns and looks over at Mendoza.] But do you know what it is?

Si, mi Alcalde.  It is a notorious penal colony for enemies of the state. [He points at something on Ramone's desk.} It's a shame Señorita Escalante's father was sent there.  He was a good man.  I knew him when I was just a little caballito.  He used to rock me on his knees. [He moves his hands in a rocking motion.] And he would sing lullabies. . .

Ramone [angrily]
The man is a notorious rebel who ought to be locked away for life.

Mendoza [chastised]
Si, mi Alcalde.

Ramone [pointing at his desk]
You know nothing else of the Devil's Fortress?

Mendoza [shrugging his shoulders]
What else is there to know?

Oh, Mendoza. [He turns and puts one arm on Mendoza's shoulder then holds Mendoza's chin with his other hand.] You are as shrewd as a water-logged sponge.

[Ramone pats Mendoza's hand as Mendoza smiles, not realizing he's just been insulted.]

Ramone [pointing at his desk again]
For eight years I have looked for an excuse to get in there and now I have my window of opportunity. [He chuckles evilly.] Saddle up my horse, and one for yourself.  Pack enough provisions of eight days. [He pushes Mendoza toward the door.] We are going to the Devil's Fortress.

Mendoza [turning around and coming back to stand beside Ramone]
Eight days?  Madre de Dios.  Alcalde, my back is already sore.  Why do we go there?

Ramone [looking down at his desk]
Because Mendoza, there is more to Devil's Fortress than just a prison.

[He chuckles evilly.]


[Interior shot of Laura and Grandpa sitting in the cave reading from the book as loud engines are heard overhead.]

Laura [excitedly]
Why did the alcalde decide to travel to the Devil's Fortress, Grandpa?  Do you think it was the same reason Don Diego mentioned in the book?

I have no idea.  Let's find out.

[He looks down at the book then looks up worriedly at the cave's ceiling.]

Grandpa [reading from the book]
‘I decided to make the long journey south as Don Diego.' [Scene morphs to Zorro walking down a hillside.]  ‘However, Zorro had to make one final appearance in Los Angeles.'

[Zorro walks up to where Felipe is holding Toronado's reins as another horse waits nearby.]

Thank you, Felipe.

[Zorro looks at Toronado who is sporting a white forelock and starts laughing.]

Zorro [as he pats Toronado's nose]
That's quite a disguise for Toronado. [He examines Toronado.] A different saddle.  White forelock.  Very good.

[Felipe puts his hands on Toronado's head and shakes it.]

I see.  Gracias, amigo.

[Zorro hops onto Toronado's back and rides a little way away before stopping and looking at Felipe.]

Be safe, my friend.  Take care of my father.

[Felipe nods.  Zorro gives him a salute before riding away.]

[Interior shot of the church.  Victoria is kneeling and praying inside, a rebozo covering her hair.]

Victoria [closing her eyes]
Don Diego is a good man. [She opens her eyes and looks up at a statue of the Virgin Mary.] Please keep him safe.  And please let me see my father again.

[She closes her eyes again.  Zorro walks up to her left and stands in front of her.]

I pledge that you shall, Señorita.

Victoria [opening her eyes and getting to her feet then going over to him]

If it is within the power of man, I will bring your father home.

Promise to come back quickly.

Why would a man not hurry home [He touches her cheek.] with such beauty awaiting him at the end of his journey.

[He brings both her hands up to his lips and kisses them.]


Victoria [grabbing his hands]
Take care of Don Diego.

Zorro [smiling wryly]
He will never be out of my sight.

[He leaves as Victoria watches him go.]

[Exterior shot of Victoria coming out of the church, looking over her shoulder.  Ramone and Mendoza come toward her as she rearranges her rebozo.]

Victoria [wrapping her rebozo over her chest]
Buenos dias, Alcalde.  Sergeant.

[Ramone and Mendoza turn and walk along either side of her.]

Mendoza [giving her a little salute]
Buenos dias, Señorita Escalante.

Sergeant Mendoza and I are on our way to the Fortress to intercede for you father.

Victoria [stopping and looking at Ramone incredulously]
But you can't.  If you do, then. . .

Then what?

Ah, nothing. [Insincerely.] Your kindness is greatly appreciated, but I'm afraid Don Diego has already gone out to the Fortress.  Thank you.

Ramone [smirking]
De la Vega's gone out to the Fortress?  I will probably have to rescue him.

[He chuckles.]

I can't let you do this, Alcalde.  I mean, you have a pueblo to govern.

What else am I here for if not to ease the distress of my subjects. . .

[He tries to touch Victoria's left cheek but she backs away and glares at him.]

Ah, my people.

[He turns and walks off to his left.]

Victoria [as Mendoza starts to follow him]
Mendoza.  The alcalde could care less about my father.  What is he up to?

I don't know, Señorita Victoria.  He has some sort of secret.  He won't even tell me.  Please pray for our safe return.

Victoria [nodding]
I will, Sergeant.

[Mendoza tips his head to her then turns and leaves.  Victoria stares suspiciously after him.]

[Exterior shot of Diego riding across the countryside on Toronado.]

Grandpa [voiceover]
‘What had possessed the alcalde to set out on this formidable enterprise?  Only time would tell.

[Diego rides to the top of a ridge and comes to a halt.  He turns around when he hears gun shots.  Two riders are intercepting a stagecoach on the road below the ridge.  The coach driver whips up his team of horses as the bandits chase after it.]

Grandpa [voiceover]
‘In the mean time, Toronado and I had more pressing concerns.'

Diego [off camera as the bandits chase the coach]
It looks there's work for Zorro everywhere, old boy.

[The coach driver keep whipping up the horses but the bandits close in on the coach.  One of the bandits pulls out a knife and throws it.  It hits the driver in the back and he falls down off the coach.  The coach keeps going.  The bandit then slows down and rides under a tree, looking down at the driver's body.  Suddenly, Zorro jumps down out of the tree onto the back of the bandit's horse.  The bandit turns around and Zorro punches him.  The bandit falls off the horse.  Zorro rides the horse away, chasing after the second bandit and the runaway coach.  The second bandit pulls out a pistol but Zorro has his saber drawn and uses it to knock the pistol from the bandit's hand.  The bandit then rides off to the left.  Zorro rides up alongside the coach and its four horses.  He grabs the bridle of one of the lead horses and slows them to a halt.  He rides back toward the coach then dismounts.  He opens the coach door.  A young woman wearing white elbow-length gloves stands up and offers him her hand.]

I am Rosalinda de la Fuente. [She steps out of the coach.] To whom do I owe my deliverance?

A thousand pardons, Señorita.  Zorro, at your service.

[He bows gallantly.]

The fox?  I've heard of such a man.  But you could not possibly be that Zorro.

And why is that, Señorita?

They say he is a notorious outlaw with a price on his head.

Zorro [smiling]
That must be another Zorro.

Just so.  I mean what would he be doing this far south?

Evil and injustice are not confined to Los Angeles. [He smiles flirtatiously.] Besides, this Zorro you've heard about is really not such a bad fellow.

Clearly, if he would risk his life to save a stranger.

Zorro [huskily]
And may I say, a very beautiful one.

[Rosalinda turns away and pulls out a handkerchief from her left glove.]

Please accept this as a reward for your chivalry.

[Zorro takes the handkerchief then pulls her hand to his lips.]

You are too kind.

[He stares at her for a moment before releasing her hand.]

I must go.

Yu would leave me out here alone?

Forgive me, but we'll soon be running into the perimeter patrols for Devil's Fortress.  And my appearance tends to make men in uniform very upset.

Then remove your mask.  Your secret will be safe with me.

For your own safety, Señorita, my identity must remain concealed.  But I passed a lone stranger coming this way.  I'm sure he'll accompany you to the next town.

[He turns to leave.  Rosalinda looks disappointed as Zorro mounts his ‘borrowed' horse.]

I'll round up those outlaws.  Then I'll return to give your driver a decent burial.

I shall never forget your courage.

Nor I your beauty. [He gives her a salute.] Adios.

[Zorro then rides away as Rosalinda watches.  He rides the ‘borrowed' horse back to where Toronado is waiting behind some bushes.]

Toronado, old boy.  Good to see you.

[Zorro dismounts and goes over to Toronado.  He starts opening up the saddle bags.]

[Exterior shot of Diego once again riding the disguised Toronado across the countryside.  He comes to a halt when he reaches the place where Rosalinda is waiting impatiently by her coach.]

Such a beautiful horse, Señor Samaritan.

Thank you.  My name is Salvador Guilerans.  You look as though you could use some help.

[He dismounts as Rosalinda throws the end of her shawl up over of her right shoulder.]

[Exterior shot of the tavern as several people are loitering out in front of it.]

[Interior shot of Don Alejandro and Felipe sitting at a table with plates of food in front of them and a pitcher of orange juice.  Felipe is holding his head up with his right hand.]

Don Alejandro [grasping his cane]
Felipe, I know that you're worried, but really, you must eat.  I meant it.  Look we both know Diego is not a man to do anything rash. [Felipe smiles as does Don Alejandro.] Right.  Besides, Victoria says Zorro is riding south, to the rescue.  He'll make sure Diego returns safe and sound.

[Victoria emerges from a door behind where Felipe is sitting, carrying saddlebags and wearing her riding habit.]

Don Alejandro
I guarantee it. [He looks up and sees Victoria about to walk past.] Ah, Victoria. . .  Where are you going?

[She sets down the saddlebags by Felipe then puts on her jacket.]

The alcalde and Mendoza have ridden south.  They are bound to meet up with Zorro.  I have to warn him.

Don Alejandro [shaking his head]
No, no, no, no.  A woman traveling alone?  No.

Don Alejandro, I just can't sit here and wait. [She glances at Felipe.] Adios.

[She walks away from their table.]

Don Alejandro [turning to watch her go]
Victoria! [He gets to his feet.] Victoria!

[He starts to hobble after her but drops his cane.  He grabs his right leg.]

Don Alejandro

[Felipe rolls his eyes and gets up.  He goes over and picks up Don Alejandro's cane.]

Don Alejandro [calling out the door after Victoria]
Be careful!

[Felipe hands Don Alejandro his cane.  Don Alejandro sighs as he pulls the napkin from his shirt and rests his bottom against a table.]

[Exterior shot of Diego driving Rosalinda's coach.  Several soldiers on horseback approach the coach from its right side.]

Lead Soldier
Halt!  In the name of the King!

[Diego brings the coach to a halt.]

Rosalinda [leaning out the window]
What is it?

Diego [leaning down from his seat]
Patrol from Devil's Fortress.

[The soldiers ride behind the coach, past where Toronado is tied to its back.]

Diego [as the soldiers stop on the left side of the coach]
Buenos dias.

Lead Soldier
Where are you bound?


Lead Soldier
What kind of answer is that?  Where are you bound, Señor?

I'm going to visit the commandant of Devil's Fortress.

Lead Soldier
And your business with him?

Is my own.

[The soldiers look over as Rosalinda steps out of the coach.]

Lead Soldier [surprised]
Señorita de la Fuente.

[Diego looks down at her worriedly.]

Rosalinda [with a smirk]
Sergeant. [She looks up at Diego.] Arrest this man.  He is the infamous bandit, Zorro.

[The sergeant looks incredulous as Diego looks down at Rosalinda, obviously very concerned.]


[Exterior shot of Diego standing beside the coach as the sergeant and another soldier point their swords at his chest.  Rosalinda stands to his right.]

So this is Zorro.

Diego [bringing up his hands]
I'm afraid you're making a grave mistake., Señorita.

[He looks over at Rosalinda.]

Rosalinda [as she walk behind him]
Oh no.  It was you who made the error.  I gave the handkerchief to Zorro. [She goes over to Toronado and places her hand on his back.] It was scented with perfume the Paris house of Sorbonne.  Very expensive and very rare.  Now, either it is in here or you have the sweetest smelling horse in Mexico, Señor Guilerans.

[She goes over and stands by the sergeant.]

Well, even assuming I was this bandit, which I'm not, why would you have me arrested?  You just told me he saved your life.

Sergeant [incredulously]
Zorro?  Rescued you, Señorita?

[He chuckles.]

Diego [confused]
Why is that so amusing?

Oh, forgive the sergeant.  There's an undeniable irony to the situation.  You've obviously never heard of Manolo de la Fuente. [Diego shakes his head.] Commandant of Devil's Fortress.  You see, Zorro rescued his daughter.

[She smiles smugly at Diego who looks at her grimly] (End of Part One)

[Interior shot of Laura and Grandpa in the cave.]

I can't believe it!  Zorro let himself get captured!

I don't think he had much choice, Laura.  Besides, it wasn't Zorro that got captured.  It was Don Diego.

Laura [shrugging]
Same thing.

Oh no it twisn't.  Remember, Don Diego always had to protect Zorro's identity.

[Overhead, the sound of equipment keeps getting louder.  Laura and Grandpa both look upward.]

[Exterior shot of a man driving a backhoe off one of the trucks.]

[Interior shot of Grandpa and Laura in the cave.]

They're starting the demolition. [He looks over at Laura.] Perhaps we should take the book home and finish it.

No, please, not yet.  I want to know what happens next.

Very well.  So do I. [He starts reading from the book again.] ‘Zorro's good deed backfired. . .'

[Exterior shot of Diego with his hand tied behind his back.  The sergeant spins Diego around to face Rosalinda.]

Rosalinda [holding a pistol on him]
If you try to escape, I'll not hesitate to shoot.  Now, Sergeant, search his saddlebags and you'll find my handkerchief.

Yes, Señorita.

[Diego winks at Toronado, who whinnies and winks back!  Toronado then rears up as the sergeant approaches him.  The sergeant backs off, throwing up his hands.  Toronado turns and runs away.]

Diego [a bit sarcastically]
Forgive my horse, Señor, but he hates ingratitude as much as I do.

[The sergeant punches Diego in the face, knocking him flat onto his back on the ground.]

[Interior shot of Laura and Grandpa in the cave.]

Poor Don Diego.  That Rosalinda was a totally bogus woman.  By the way, what happened to Mendoza and the alcalde?  They were heading down south too.

It's funny you should mention that. . . [He looks at the book and starts reading.] ‘Meanwhile, several miles down the road. . .'

[Exterior shot of Ramone and Mendoza standing by their horses and drinking from canteens.]

Mi Alcalde, I have followed you loyally for years.  With all due respect, won't you tell me why we are traveling all the way down to Devil's Fortress?  I have a little suspicion it has nothing to do with Señorita Victoria's father.

[A rider appears on the road behind them.]

Everything will be revealed to you when I see fit and not before.


[Ramone pulls out a pistol from his waistband and turns around, pointing it at the rider.  He immediately lowers the pistol when he sees the rider is Victoria.]

Señorita, what are you doing here?

I'm going to find my father, the same as you.

[She urges her horse forward as Ramone turns and puts his pistol away.]

[Exterior shot at night.  A soldier now drives Rosalinda's coach as the sergeant rides alongside of it.]

[Interior shot of the coach, Diego wakes up as a horse snorts loudly.]

Rosalinda [reclining on the seat opposite him]
Believe me, Señor Guilerans, it will go easy on you if you confess.

Señorita, I cannot confess to being someone I am not.

Sergeant [off camera]
Stand to, guards!

Rosalinda [indicating the coach window]
Fortaleza del Diablo.

[Diego leans forward to look out the window.  A large fortress appear from behind some trees as a coyote howls.]

Diego [sarcastically]
Most picturesque.

[He sits back in his seat.]

Once inside those walls, you will beg to confess.

No, Señorita, I beg to differ.

[He pulls out his untied hands from behind his back.  Rosalinda stares at him in shock.  Diego opens the coach door and jumps out.  He rolls onto the ground.


[Diego gets to his feet and runs off toward some trees.]



[The coach comes to a stop and Rosalinda gets out.  Diego runs through some large trees.]

After him, guards!

Get him!

Follow me!

[He and the other soldiers take off on horseback as Rosalinda sits inside the coach, holding a pistol.  Diego runs up a hillside and jumps down the other side.  He scurries away through some bushes.]

Halt!  You fox!

[He rides up to the top of the hill and looks down the other side.]

He's gone down the ravine!

[He looks down and see nothing.  He turns his horse around and starts riding back toward the coach.]

He's escaped, Señorita.

[Rosalinda sit back, very upset.]

[Exterior shot of Diego running through the bushes, looking over his shoulder before coming to a stop.  Glancing around, he whistles.  A whinny is heard.  Toronado walks up to Diego, who pats Toronado's nose.]

It's time for Zorro to go to Devil's Fortress.

[He gets up onto Toronado's back and rides away.]

[Exterior shot of the Devil's Fortress the next morning.  Zorro sneaks through shrubs surrounding the building.]

Voice [off camera]

[Several soldiers start running in Zorro's direction.  He hides behind a hedge, watching as they run by.  Suddenly he reaches up and grabs a man to his right, flipping him onto his back on the ground.  Then Zorro jumps on top of the man's chest as the man struggles to get free.]

Zorro [with sudden recognition]

Ramon [who stops struggling]

Zorro [chuckling]
Could you remove your knee from my rib cage, amigo?

[Ramon nods and Zorro gets up off of him then helps Ramon to his feet. Then they crouch down behind the hedge.]

It's been a long time.

Yes.  I was on my way back to Mexico when I ran into the wagon bearing mail.  There was a letter from my sister for Francisco and myself with news of our father.

I'm glad she's such a faithful correspondent.  It'd be good to have an ally in this task.

Ramon [looking over at the fortress]
I've been watching this fortress.  They've doubled up the guards at every station.

I'm not surprised after my encounter with the commandant's daughter.  A lady with all the charm of a ravenous barracuda.

We must wait until dark.

No.  That what they expect.  We must seize the initiative.  Attack now.  Come on.

[Zorro and Ramon stand up and leave.]

[Interior shot of inside the Devil's Fortress.  Two people are fencing in a room decorated with banners, flags, suits of armor, and ancient weapons.  The smaller fencer drives the larger fencer up against a wall.]

Larger Fencer

[He swipes with his sword at the smaller fencer, making them jump back.  They continue their duel.  The larger fencer now drives the smaller fencer back across the room.]

Larger Fencer [as he lunges]

[He drives the smaller fencer backward until they hit a suit of armor.  The larger fencer removes his mask and helmet, revealing a balding older man, Manolo de la Fuente, commandant of Devil's Fortress.]

You are weak in the parry septime.

[He walks toward the smaller fencer who has stopped by a red cloth-covered table and is leaning against it.

Manolo [standing across the table from the smaller fencer]
I want you in charge of this place when I retire.  The first woman to run a prison anywhere in the Spanish Empire.  But you still fence like a female.

Rosalinda [removing her helmet and mask]
Well, I am!

What troubles you, hmm?  This Zorro?

He's coming here, I know it.

What can one do against a fully-armed garrison?  A flea couldn't crawl in here without my knowledge.

But a fox?

He troubles you greatly.  What puzzles me is what would bring Zorro all the way here.

[A soldier approaches from behind.]

Visitors, Commandante.  One of them says he's the alcalde of Los Angeles.

[Manolo and Rosalinda stare at each other.]

Show him in.

[The soldier turns and leaves.  Rosalinda continues to stare at Manolo.]

[Exterior shot of Ramon riding up to where Zorro is waiting in the shrubbery. ]

Ramon [handing a sack to Zorro]
I got everything you asked for in the next village.

Excellent.  Thank you, Ramon. [Ramon starts to dismount.] I would go myself but as you can see. . .

[Zorro indicates his black attire.]

I know your appearance is a red flag to the authorities.

Zorro [quietly]

[Interior shot of Manolo still in his fencing outfit walking toward Rosalinda.]

The answer is no, Señorita.

[Ramone, Victoria, and Mendoza stand in front of Manolo and Rosalinda.  A soldier stands behind Mendoza and Victoria.]

Please, Señor, show some mercy.  My father is dying.

Your father is an enemy of the state.  And in case you hadn't noticed, this is a prison, not a hospital.

We have come from such a long way. . .

One more word out of you, Sergeant, and you'll be swinging from the ramparts by your thumbs.  Now, go!  All of you!

[Victoria and Mendoza start to leave.  Ramone steps forward.]

Commandante, I hate to encroach upon your hospitality any further, but might we ask for a night's lodging before we return to Los Angeles?

Manolo [after a few moments]
Very well.  Sergeant. [The soldiers snaps to attention.] Put the alcalde and the señorita in the guest quarter.  He can billet with the men.

A thousands thanks, Commandante.

[He bows.]

Wait.  Señor Alcalde.  The outlaw Zorro.  You've never been able to discover his real identity?

Ramone [sneering]
No.  Why?

Rosalinda [laughing]
Then your journey will not have been totally in vain.

Zorro is here? [Victoria looks worried.] Señorita, to see Zorro dead is what I live for.  His name, please, tell me his name.

Rosalinda [dramatically]
Señor Guilerans.


Salvador Guilerans.  You must know him.  He rides a big black horse.

Ramone [disappointed]
And so does Zorro.  Ah, Guilerans, I've never heard of him.  Obviously you've been deceived.

[He bows and starts to walk out of the room.  He is followed by Victoria, Mendoza, and the sergeant.]

Manolo [to Rosalinda as he watches them go]
Keep a close eye on her.  Put a guard on her door.  She still may try to see her father.

[Rosalinda nods then leaves.]


[Exterior shot of Zorro and Ramon crouching down around a sack.  Zorro pulls out several items, handing some of them to Ramon before tossing the empty sack to his left.  Standing up and picking up a rope, Zorro sneaks away, followed by Ramon.]

[Exterior shot of a soldier patrolling the Fortress grounds.  Zorro and Ramon crouch down in some shrubbery.  Zorro holds out a object that similar to bombs he has made before.  Ramon lights a match then lights its fuse.  Zorro throws the device into a narrow window on the second floor of the Fortress.]

[Interior shot of a room where the device lands on the floor and smoke starts to pour from it as it burns.]

[Exterior shot of Zorro crouching down beside Ramon and watching the smoke coming out of the window.]

[Interior shot of more smoke filling the room.]

[Exterior shot of smoke billowing out of the window.  Below, a soldier spies the smoke.]

Fire!  Guards!  Fire!

[He starts running as a bell starts ringing.  More soldiers run toward the Fortress.]

[Ramon and Zorro look at each other.]

Zorro [shrugging]
Where there's smoke. . .

[More soldiers start running around the outside of the Fortress.  Zorro pats Ramon on the back and they creep closer to the Fortress.]

[Interior shot of a doorway inside the Fortress.  Mendoza is standing outside it, looking confused as the bell continues to ring and soldiers are shouting.  He is bumped out of the way by a soldier running through the doorway as he pulls on his boots.  More soldiers run through the doorway and Mendoza joins them.]

[Exterior shot of Zorro and Ramon running up to a wall of the Fortress.  Zorro begins to swing the end of the rope which has a grappling hook tied to it.  As Ramon stands lookout, Zorro throws the hook upward and it catches onto a ledge.  Zorro gives the rope a tug then starts to climb up it.  Suddenly Ramon darts to his right and Zorro hides behind a hedge.  A soldier comes up then stops in front of the hedge, then runs off.  Zorro and Ramon resume their positions.  Zorro starts up the rope.]

[Interior shot of Victoria entering a room with a glass-paned door.]

Alcalde?  Did you hear the alarm bell?

[She looks around and starts to leave but then turns around.  She walks inside the room and goes over to a desk.  She picks up a paper lying there and looks at it.  Victoria brings it closer to the door.  It is a map of the Fortress.  Hearing voices coming nearer, she folds up the map and leaves the room.]

[Exterior shot of Zorro climbing up the side of the Fortress.  At the top, a soldier is hacking at the rope with his sword.  Holding onto the rope with one hand, Zorro uncoils his whip with the other and whips it around the soldier's neck then yanks it downward.  The soldier's forehead hits the ledge of the Fortress, and he is knocked out.  Zorro continues his climb.  He reaches the top and waits for Ramon to reach the top as well.  Zorro helps Ramon onto the roof of the Fortress.]

[Interior shot of Victoria running into the dimly-lit cell area.  Looking around, she sees some keys hanging from a nail then goes over and grabs them.]

Rosalinda [coming up behind Victoria, aiming a sword at her throat]
I thought my father's instruction were quite clear.


Señorita, my father is dying in one of these cells.

[Looking around, Victoria reaches out and grabs a broom.  Rosalinda lunges at her and Victoria uses the broom to defend herself.  Victoria hits Rosalinda on the behind with the bristles then hits her behind again, causing Rosalinda to stumble forward and drop her sword.  The prisoners in nearby cells cheer on Victoria.  Rosalinda bends down and picks up her sword and points it at Victoria menacingly.  Rosalinda charges her and Victoria sidesteps the attack then hits Rosalinda's behind a third time.  Rosalinda falls against a cell door but recovers and lunges at Victoria again.  She raises her sword and hacks at Victoria but Victoria ducks and hits Rosalinda on the behind again with the broom and Rosalinda goes crashing into a wall.  Zorro and Ramon enter the room as Rosalinda falls against some crates to the floor.]

Ramon [as Zorro grins]
An Escalante down to her fingertips!


[She drops the broom and runs over to Ramon, hugging him.  Then she turns to Zorro.]

I knew you would come.

[Zorro glances over quickly at Ramon then leans down and kisses Victoria quickly.]

Always for you, Señorita.  Come, we must hurry.

[All three of them run over to one of the cells and Victoria uses the keys to unlock the door.]

Hey!  Let us out!  Yeah!

[Victoria opens the door.  She and Ramon run into the cell.  Victoria crouches down next to a man lying on the floor.]


[Ramon crouches down on the other side of Alfonso Escalante who is obviously very sick.  His eyes open and he looks at Ramon then Victoria.]

My children.

Come, Father, we have no time to lose.  We're taking you home.

Alfonso [shaking his head weakly]
No.  It is too late for me.

[Ramon looks over sadly at Victoria.  She looks out the cell door.]

I think I saw them over there!

[Ramon gets to his feet.]

No, Ramon.  Stay with your father.

[Zorro leaves the cell just as two soldiers come into the cell area.]

Wait!  There he is!

[The sergeant attacks Zorro who defends himself.  He pushes the sergeant into the wall then goes after the other soldier.]

It is enough that I have seen my children one last time.  Victoria, is there a man in your life?

[She looks over her shoulder at Zorro who is fighting with a soldier.]

Victoria [looking back at her father]

Good.  Marry him and have children.  And then the Escalantes will never be forgotten.

[He closes his eyes (and dies?) as Victoria and Ramon look at each other sadly.]

[Interior shot of a spiral staircase.  Four soldiers stand on it as Zorro fights them on his way up.  He hold out his sword and they all touch their swords to it.  He thrusts upward and the soldiers are fall backward.  Zorro then runs up to the top of the stairs where another soldier tries to stop him but Zorro punches him and knocks him out.]

Mendoza [coming up to Zorro's left]

Zorro [handing the cell keys to Mendoza]
Here, Sergeant.  Free all the prisoners.

[Some of the soldiers on the stairs start to get up.  Zorro kicks the closest one in the stomach and he falls backward, knocking the others down as well.]

But Zorro. . .

Don't argue, Sergeant.  It may be the only way we can get out of here alive.

[He punches a soldier in the face.  Another soldier comes at him, sword drawn and they duel.]

Zorro [to Mendoza as he fights]
Make sure Victoria is safe.  I'll buy you some time.

[He kicks the soldier down the stairs.  Manolo is lying under an unconscious soldier at the top of the stairs.  Zorro beckons to him and slowly backs away.  Manolo gets to his feet and goes after Zorro.]

You're finished, Zorro.

[Mendoza starts down the stairs but stop and punches a soldier in his way.]

Mendoza [as he shakes his hurting hand]
Oooh! [Then he puffs out his chest.] We breed men of steel in Los Angeles.

[He starts down the stairs.]

[Interior shot of the cell area as Ramon places Alfonso on a stretcher.  Victoria crouches down beside Alfonso.  Mendoza runs into the cell area.]

Come on!

[Mendoza goes over to the door where several prisoners have gathered and unlocks it.  Then he goes over to Victoria and Ramon.]

Oh, Señorita Victoria, Ramon, I am so sorry.

Ramon [crouching down beside Alfonso]
We must move quickly.

There are soldiers everywhere.

The alcalde had a map of the Fortress. [She pulls it out of her waistband and opens it.] There's a secret passageway that goes somewhere. [She crosses in front of Mendoza and looks behind him.] It should be that way.  But first we must go back for Zorro.

No, no.  He told me to make sure you escape.  Those were his orders.  Come on, we must do as he says.  Quick!

[He bends down and helps to lift the stretcher as Ramon lifts one end and a prisoner lifts the other.  Victoria leads the way out.  After they are gone, Rosalinda starts to wake up and groggily gets to her feet.  Several soldiers burst into the room.]


[He tires to help her but she throws off his hand.]

Go!  Come with me!

[She runs through the soldiers and they turn and follow her.]

[Interior shot of the room with banners and armor.  Zorro and Manolo are dueling.  Manolo is driving Zorro backward but Zorro is easily defending himself.  Zorro reaches out and grabs Manolo's right shoulder and throws him onto the table in the middle of the room.  Manolo rolls off it and back onto his feet.  He goes after Zorro and Zorro easily parries every thrust.  Then Manolo lunges at Zorro but Zorro sidesteps him then kicks Manolo in the behind as Manolo goes by. Manolo hits the wall but spins and faces Zorro again.  The two men circle each other, crossing blades.  Manolo raises his sword and rushes Zorro but Zorro elbows him in the side and Manolo crashes into the wall.]


[Manolo turns and thrusts at Zorro but Zorro knock the sword from his hand.  Rosalinda and three soldiers enter the room then.]

Rosalinda [looking stunned then waving her arms at the soldiers]
Go!  Go!

[The soldiers run past her and challenge Zorro.  He knocks out two of them then turns and kicks the third.  Zorro then turns his attention back to Manolo who has picked up his sword.  The soldiers get up and run away.]

Your men have deserted you.  You led with fear, not loyalty.

[Manolo stares at him while breathing heavily.]

[Exterior shot of the prisoners pouring out of the Fortress.  Many shield their eyes from the bright sunlight.

Prisoners [as they run away]
We're free!

[Interior shot of the banner room as Zorro and Manolo resume their duel.  Victoria and Mendoza come out of a door and into the room, followed by Ramon and the other with the stretcher.  Zorro disarms Manolo once again.]

Go ahead.  You've defeated me.  I deserve to die.

Oh, no, Commandant.  You deserve to live and endure your shame.  Something to remember me by.

[He slashes a ‘Z' into the front of Manolo's uniform.  Zorro then punches Manolo in the face.  Manolo falls face down to the ground.  Rosalinda appears at a balcony above them and stares down, openmouthed.  Zorro turns and sees her and they stare at each other.  Zorro then takes out the handkerchief she gave him and holds it up.]

Zorro [as Victoria watches him, a curious expression on her face]
I cannot keep something given by someone so treacherous.

[He dramatically throws the handkerchief to the floor.  Rosalinda looks upset.  Zorro turns as Victoria comes toward him and they embrace.  Rosalinda looks slightly crazed as she brings up a pistol and strokes its barrel.  Manolo rolls over and sees her with the pistol.  Zorro and Victoria start to walk away.]

Manolo [waving his arm at Rosalinda]
Rosalinda!  Kill him!

[Rosalinda aims the pistol at Zorro.]

Ramone [off camera]
Yes! Yes!  Shoot him!

[Rosalinda turns around as the slightly crazed-looking Ramone comes up behind her.]

You!  This is your fault!

[Ramone tries to grab the pistol and he and Rosalinda struggle over it.  He tugs it away from her, causing Rosalinda to lose her balance and fall backward over the balcony.]

Rosalinda [as she falls]

[She lands on the floor with a thud.  Manolo stares in horror and Victoria turns her face and buries her face into Zorro's chest as Rosalinda lies still on the floor.  Zorro looks over at Rosalinda sadly.]

The Devil's Fortress has claimed its final victim.

[Everyone is staring at Rosalinda's body but Victoria looks upward.]

Zorro, look!

[Ramone is staring down from the balcony, look even more crazed.  He dashes out of sight.  Zorro runs across the room.]

[Interior shot of Laura and Grandpa in the cave.]

Good.  We're going to find out the alcalde's secret at last.

Oh, I hope so.

[He looks upward as the noise from the machinery overhead grows louder.]

[Exterior shot of a bulldozer pushing piles of rocks.]

[Interior shot of the cave as Grandpa looks over at Laura.]

Oh, dear.  Oh, dear.  Oh ,dear, dear, dear.  This is very painful, Laura.  They're going to destroy it all.  Perhaps we should take the book home.

Oh, no, please.  We can't stop now, Grandpa.  What did the alcalde find in the Devil's Fortress?

Grandpa [sighing then reading from the book]
‘The upper hall was empty.'

[Interior shot of Zorro running into a hallway then stopping and looking a around.  He sees a door with the sign ‘Deed Room'.]

[Interior shot of Grandpa and Laura in the cave.]

Grandpa [continuing to read]
‘The door to the deed room had been forced.'

[Interior shot of Zorro stopping at the bottom of a staircase.]

Grandpa [voiceover]
‘The alcalde had not gone down, so. . .  He must have gone up.

[Zorro turns and heads up the stairs.]

[Exterior shot of the Fortress's roof as Zorro cautiously walks through the door leading out to it.  He walks closer to the roof's ledge.  A hand is clinging to the ledge.]

[Exterior shot of Ramone clinging to the outside of the Fortress.  He is trying to climb to his right.]

Just get out of here!  Aaah!

[He grabs the ledge with both hands as his right foot slips.  Zorro walks closer to the ledge.]

If you're not going to help, just stay away, Zorro.

Zorro [his saber drawn]
Buenos dias, Alcalde.

[The two men stare at each other.]


[Exterior shot of Ramone clinging to the outside of the Fortress as Zorro stands on the roof and stares at him.]

The document.

Ramone [with a sneer]

Never may be sooner than you think.

[They stare at each other then Zorro hits Ramone's right hand with the tip of his saber.]

Ramone [jerking his hand out of the way]

[His right foot slips again and he has to regain his hold.  Zorro hits his left hand with his saber.]

Ramone [moving that hand out of the way and grabbing the ledge with his right]

[Zorro taps his right hand again.  Ramone moves it out of the way.  Then Zorro hits his left hand, which Ramone moves.  Zorro then hits his right hand.  Ramone moves it, clinging to the ledge with his left hand.]

All right!  All right!  Help me and I'll give you the document.

You haven't been paying attention, Alcalde.  The document first.

[Ramone nods then pulls himself up a little.  He reaches into his jacket with his left hand while clinging to the ledge with his right.  He pulls out a rolled paper tied with a red ribbon.  Zorro steps forward, reaching out to take the document.  Ramone reaches out with his right hand and grabs Zorro's hat and mask, pulling it off Zorro's head.  Ramone and Diego stare at each other.]

Ramone [incredulously]
De la Vega? [His right foot slips but since his hands are full (the right holding Zorro's hat and mask, the left holding the document), he starts to fall backward.  Diego rushes over to the ledge.]

Ramone [as he falls]
Nooo!  I should have known!

[Diego watches helplessly as Ramone falls and lands with a thud on the concrete below.]

[Exterior shot of Diego running up to where Ramone's body lies on the concrete.  He crouches down and picks up Zorro's hat and mask.  Then he stands up then goes over and takes the document from Ramone's hand.  On the other side of the hedge, Victoria and Mendoza walk alongside Alfonso as he is being carried on the stretcher by Ramon and a couple prisoners.  Victoria is holding onto Alfonso's hand.  Zorro emerges from between two hedges as the others walk past.]

[Interior shot of Laura and Grandpa in the cave.]

Go on.

Grandpa [looking over at her then turning back to the book]
‘Once inside, he had stolen the King's deed of gift to my grandfather, Sebastian de la Vega.  Without proof of the grant, the finest land in California would have reverted to the state for auction. . .'

And knowing the alcalde, that would have been some auction.  He wanted it for himself.

Grandpa [continuing to read from the book]
‘So for safekeeping, I buried the King's document under the bottom left stone in the old fireplace.  And you, dear reader, will still find it there.'

[Laura looks up at him excitedly.]

Grandpa [reading from the book]
‘Guaranteed to the descendants of Don Diego de la Vega that this land will be theirs forever'

[Laura and Grandpa get to their feet.]

Come on, Laura.

[He shuts the book and they hurry out of the cave.]

[Interior shot of Don Alejandro sitting in the library of the de la Vega hacienda, reading a book as a fire blazes in the fireplace.  He looks up as Felipe walks into the room.]

Don Alejandro
What is it, Felipe?

[Felipe stops and points to his right.  A disheveled Diego walks into the room.]

Don Alejandro [getting to his feet]
Diego!  Look at you!  What happened to you?

I'm afraid I got lost.

Don Alejandro [incredulously]
What do you mean you got lost?

[Diego sighs and shrugs.]

Don Alejandro
Well, you're back and that's all that matters, son.  And in the future, leave the daring exploits to Zorro.

[Diego nods.]

Don Alejandro
Oh, I've got to tell you what happened at Devil's Fortress.

[He walks between Diego and Felipe.  Diego starts to follow him but turns back toward Felipe.]

Diego [to Felipe in a low voice]
I'll tell you what happened at Devil's Fortress.

Don Alejandro [off camera]

Coming, Father.

[Diego turns and leaves as Felipe smiles.]

[Exterior shot of Laura and Grandpa running toward the demolition workers.]

Grandpa [waving his cane]
Stop!  Stop!  Stop, sir!

[One of the workers waves off the bulldozer as it heads for the hacienda ruins.]

Thank you.

[He and Laura walk over to what is left of the ruins.]

What's he doing?  What's that old man doing?

[Grandpa looks down at some stone flooring.]

All right.  Shut it down men.

[Grandpa bends down and picks up a flat piece of metal, then crouches down.]

Now then. . .

[He uses the metal to pry up of the stones then sticks his hands under the stone.  He pulls out a flattened scroll then he stands up.]

Now let's a look at what we got here.

[He unwraps several layers of paper before unrolling the document.]

Aha. [He turns to one of the workers.] This is it, young man.  Look at this, young man. [He holds up the document.] This is a land grant from Carlos of Spain, bestowing all of this property on the de la Vegas for posterity.  Which means you cannot take it away from us.  The city is obliged to honor this grant. [He hands the document to the worker.] There are legal precedents.

[He puts his arm around Laura and starts to walk off, leaving the grant with the worker!]

Grandpa [as the worker shows the grant to the other workers]
Yes.  Guerrero versus Los Angeles, that was 1972. Then there was Martinez versus San Diego in 1954.

You see, Grandpa.  I told you it would all work out.  Zorro saved us across the centuries.

Yes, Laura.  Your great-great-great-grandfather, Don Diego, may be gone, but Zorro. . .   [Zorro rides up on Toronado and waves.]. . .still lives on.

[Toronado rears then Zorro turns and rides off as Grandpa watches.]

*****END OF EPISODE*****

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland  18, 19, 20, & 21 December 2006

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.