Transcriber's note: I am using the individual episodes to transcribe the so-called "Conspiracy of Blood" block of episodes that were the last four episodes of the series but will be inserting scenes added for the ‘Conspiracy of Blood" video movie.

"Death & Taxes"

Written by Robert L McCullough & Philip John Taylor
Directed by Ray Austin

First US Airdate 16 January 1993 Episode 4.11

(Added scene:

[Exterior shot of the rising sun?]

[Exterior wide shot of the de la Vega hacienda during the day.]

[Interior shot of the secret cave where Felipe holds Toronado's reins as Zorro gets up into the saddle.]

It's time I paid the alcalde a visit.  Adios.

[He turns Toronado around then ducks down as they ride out of the cave.  Felipe follows them.  Toronado's hoof hits the wooden board on the floor that activates the pulley system.]

[Exterior shot of the hidden cave entrance as Zorro and Toronado ride out of it then to their right.]

[Exterior shot of Zorro and Toronado riding through a meadow of pink flowers.]

Zorro [voiceover as he rides]
This is the thanks I receive for saving the alcalde from being torn into little pieces.  Now he's formed a search party to hunt me down just to save his own neck.

[Exterior shot of the cuartel gate as de Soto rides through it on a white horse.  He rides into the plaza and comes to a halt to watch as his lancers ride out into the plaza as well.

de Soto
Remember men, this might be your last chance to capture Zorro.

[Exterior shot of Zorro riding under the pueblo gate and into the plaza.]

Zorro [voiceover]
I'm here to talk some sense into him.  He's got to see that for once, we're on the same side.

[Exterior shot of the tavern as Zorro and Toronado emerge from its left side then pass in front of it.]


[De Soto raises his arm then lowers it.  The line of lancers fire their muskets at Zorro.  Zorro ducks down as he rides by on his way back out of the pueblo.]

Zorro [voiceover]
He really doesn't see anything at all.

de Soto [to the lancers]
Pistolas! [He leads the lancers out of the pueblo.] Don't forget the bounty, men!  Eight thousand pesos to the man who kills Zorro!  Don't let him get away!

[Closeup shot of de Soto and the lancers riding while holding their pistols in the air.  Zorro rides in front of them.]

de Soto [as lancers fire at Zorro]
Faster, men!

[Closeup of Zorro as he turns around and looks at the soldiers behind him.  He turns back around as more of them fire at him.]

[Exterior shot of Zorro riding through some green grass past some trees and large rocks.  De Soto and his men chase after him, firing their pistols.  Zorro rides under some trees with pink blossoms and de Soto and the others follow.]

de Soto
Don't lose him now!

[Exterior shot of Zorro and Toronado riding through a narrow gap between two rocks.]

[Closeup shot of the lancers riding and firing their pistols.]

[Exterior shot of trees as Zorro rides beneath them.]

[Exterior shot of Zorro and Toronado as they come out from behind some shrubbery.]

Zorro [patting Toronado's neck]
Well ridden, amigo.

[Toronado tosses his head and snorts.  Suddenly two shots are fired and hit a rock near Zorro.  He spins Toronado, looking around.]

[Exterior shot of de Soto and his lancers riding toward them.]

Zorro [voiceover]
Persistent, aren't they? [He spins Toronado around and they go back the way they came.] Time to get out of here.

[Closeup of de Soto riding, a determined look on his face.]

[Exterior shot of Zorro and Toronado riding across the country side with de Soto and the lancers in pursuit.  Zorro rides up a hill as the other follows.]

de Soto
He's heading for the ravine!  We've got him!

[Zorro rides Toronado across some rocky terrain.]

[Exterior shot of a narrow deep ravine.]

[Exterior shot of Zorro and Toronado riding past some rocks.]

This should separate the men from the boys.

[They ride up to the ravine and Toronado jumps over it, landing on the other side, then continuing onward.  De Soto and his men ride up to the ravine but pull up sharply.  Mendoza falls off his horse and rolls onto some rocks.]

[Closeup of Zorro looking over his shoulder as he rides Toronado.]

[Exterior shot of the ravine as de Soto comes to a halt at its edge.

de Soto
Whoa.  Easy, (he says the horse's name, which I couldn't catch).  Watch your step.

[He pats the his horse's neck as he looks at the ravine.  He wipes his brow then turns his horse around.

de Soto

[He and the lancers move away from the ravine.]

End of added scene)

(In the ‘Conspiracy of Blood' compilation, the following scene is after the scene on the church steps.}
[Exterior shot of de Soto and Mendoza riding their horses slowly through some trees.]

de Soto
Aha.  Another cave, Sergeant.

[Exterior shot of a cave entrance.]

Alcalde, we've already searched twelve caves today.  Still no sign of Zorro.

[De Soto and Mendoza bring their horses to a halt in front of the cave.]

de Soto
Well, Sergeant, in less than forty-eight hours we're both going to hang unless we find Zorro.  So I suggest it's worth the effort.

[Mendoza dismounts his horse.]

de Soto

[Mendoza draws out his sword and slowly walks toward the cave.]

Why me, Alcalde?

[He turns around and looks at de Soto.]

de Soto
Do it!

[Mendoza turns back toward the cave, makes the sign of the cross, then enters the cave.]

Mendoza [as de Soto drinks from a canteen]
Are you in there, Zorro?

[Mendoza disappears into the cave.  Suddenly ferocious growling is heard.]

Mendoza [as he runs out of the cave]
Aaah! [He looks at de Soto then at the cave then at de Soto again.] There's definitely no Zorro in that cave!

de Soto [calmly putting away the canteen]
Well, we move on. [He turns his horse around as Mendoza goes over to his horse.] Come along, Sergeant.

[Mendoza gets up into the saddle of his horse and follow after de Soto.]

[Exterior shot of the front of the church as Padre Benitez greets people as they leave the church.  Diego and Don Alejandro follow some other caballeros out of the church.]

Diego [to Don Alejandro]
I've never seen such a small turnout for Sunday Mass before.

Don Alejandro
People are afraid to come to town, Diego.

Diego [as he stops and shakes Padre Benitez's hand]

[He and Don Alejandro then continue on their way out into the plaza.  De Soto and Mendoza stop next to Padre Benitez as Risendo and Hidalgo come up behind them.]

Risendo [to de Soto]
I assumed you said your prayers, Alcalde.  Because if you don't catch Zorro with two days, you'll be soon meeting your maker.

[De Soto just glares at Risendo then walks away.  Mendoza follows after nodding at Padre Benitez.]

A splendid Mission you have here, Padre Benitez.

Padre Benitez
Well, thank you.  It was built by the local Indians.

Under Spanish rule and supervision, of course. [Padre Benitez shrugs.] Then I'm sure you appreciate his Majesty's generosity.

Padre Benitez
Generosity?  But it is the duty of every Christian king to send the word of God to the four corners of the earth.

Hmm.  Just as it is your duty to discharge this Mission's obligation to the royal throne.

Padre Benitez
With all respect, our only obligation is to God.

[He points his right index finger upward.]

God isn't engaged in a war with the French.  The Church shares our duty to support the Spanish Crown in that effort. [He raises his voice.] I hereby confiscate all Mission property.

Don Alejandro [who is standing nearby with Diego talking with some caballeros]
What? [He and Diego walk toward Risendo.] You can't do that.

Really?  And just who is going to stop me?

Padre Benitez
But this is unheard of.  What you propose is unprecedented.

Risendo [smugly]
It is rather creative, I agree.

Don Alejandro [angrily]
Be warned, Señor Risendo, the people of this pueblo will never stand for this.

The people are a seditious pack of jackals!  Don't threaten me with insurrection, de la Vega.  For years, the Church has grown fat with the help of the Crown.  Now it is simply time to pay the piper.

[He walks away and is followed by Hidalgo.  Don Alejandro and Diego look at each other then Diego turns to watch Risendo and Hidalgo walk across the plaza.]

Hidalgo [to Risendo as they walk across the plaza]
De la Vega's right.  This could cause the people to rise up against us.

[Risendo just smirks as he keeps walking.  Padre Benitez stands on the church steps, looking upset.]


[Exterior shot of the plaza where people are protesting in front of the church.  They are shouting and carrying signs that read ‘Don't touch Church property' and ‘Mission without taxes' and such.  Diego, Felipe, and Don Alejandro ride into town past the protestors.  The people start shouting at Risendo's men who stand outside the cuartel, backed by the garrison's soldiers.]

[Interior shot of de Soto's office as Hidalgo opens the front door and steps inside, closing the door behind him.  He walks over to where Risendo is looking out a window.]

[Shot from Risendo and Hidalgo's point of view of the soldiers lined up in front of the cuartel as the people protest in front of the church.]

[Closeup shot of Risendo and Hidalgo looking out the window.]

Hidalgo [calmly]
Allow me to arrest the ringleaders and make an example of them.

Risendo [smirking]
No, Lieutenant.  Let them simmer a while longer.  An angry mob is easily led by the nose.

[Interior shot of Risendo and Hidalgo standing by the office window.]

And I know precisely where to lead them.

[Exterior shot of Don Alejandro, Diego, and Felipe standing beside their horses in front of the tavern.]

Don Alejandro [loudly]
It's time for a town meeting.  Come on.

[He waves his arms as he, Diego, Felipe, and most of the people in the plaza head toward the tavern.]

[Interior shot of Risendo and Hidalgo looking out the office window.]

[Interior shot of the tavern where people stand facing Don Alejandro, Diego, Padre Benitez, and Victoria who are standing on a small stage.]

Don Alejandro
My friends, we are faced with the brazen disregard for sanctity of our church.

[People start to shout and wave their fists in the air.]

Padre Benitez [waving his hands]
No, no, no, no.  No, my friends.  Rebellion is not the answer.

His troops will crush us.  We have to get Zorro to help us.

[The doors of the tavern open.  Diego turns and hold out his hand at Victoria.  Risendo and Hidalgo enter the tavern.]

Risendo [walking through the crowd]
Good people, the fact is I share your concerns.  But you've got to take a broader view of things.  I have been sent here to collect a special war tax.  If I return to Madrid empty-handed, [He reaches the stage and turns to face the people.] the King will undoubtedly make an example of this pueblo.  A violent, bloody example.  You see, my friends, there are two inescapable realities of life; death and taxes.  And you must choose between them.

Padre Benitez
The Church has never been required to pay taxes.

Risendo [turning to look up at him]
If the people of Los Angeles would only pay the balance of this special assessment, I would not be forced to confiscate Church property.

Padre Benitez
Many people have paid.

True, Padre. [He turns to face the crowd again.] Humble farmers go hungry to support their country's war effort.  But as long as certain wealthy caballeros [He glances at Diego then Don Alejandro.] avoid paying their taxes, I have no choice but to sell off Church property to make up the deficit.

Man in the Crowd (Señor Peralta)
What do you mean?  Why don't they pay the same tax as us?

Because they get tax credits for supplying the military garrison with beef.

Don Alejandro [getting angry]
Yes, but the value is well below the market price.

And they get twelve thousand acres of prime land tax free just for putting it under the plow.

Don Alejandro [angrily]
That is perfectly legal.

[The crowd grows restless.]

Oh, it may all well be perfectly legal, my friends, but as always, there is one law for the rich and another for the rest of us.

Man in Crowd (Señor Peralta)
Who does this?  Which caballeros?

Well, there are two right here.

[He first looks at Diego then over at Don Alejandro.]

Man in Crowd (Señor Peralta)
Let the emissary take their haciendas instead of our church!


[Risendo nods as he pretends to look thoughtfully.]

[Interior shot of the de la Vega as Don Alejandro and Diego sit in the parlor.  Don Alejandro sits at a desk, writing with a quill while Diego sits on a settee, holding a book.]

What good will a letter to the governor do?  Risendo is an emissary to the King.

[Three knocks on the door are heard.]

Don Alejandro [looking up at Diego]
You expecting someone?


Don Alejandro [getting to his feet]
Well, I'm still sending the letter.

[He walks toward the foyer where Felipe is dusting the piano with a feather duster.  Don Alejandro points at Felipe then at the door.  Felipe goes over to the door and opens it as Don Alejandro follows him.]

Don Alejandro
Emissary Risendo, Lieutenant Hidalgo.  What can I do for you?

Risendo [from the doorstep]
Aren't you going to invite us in?

Don Alejandro
Of course.  Why not?

[He steps back, allowing Risendo and Hidalgo into the hacienda.]

Don Alejandro

Risendo [looking around as he walks inside]
A magnificent hacienda.  How long have you lived here?

Don Alejandro
Many years.  Ever since my father first arrived and worked the land.

Indeed, but I'm afraid your fellow Los Angelenos won't let you justify your failure to pay taxes on the backs of your ancestors.  You see, the mere threat of me seizing the Church property very nearly caused a riot earlier today.  And since part of my responsibility is to prevent civil insurrection. . . [Diego nods at Felipe who shakes his head.] the will of the people must be taken into account.  Lieutenant Hidalgo, if you please.

[Hidalgo turns and goes to the front door and opens it.  All of Risendo's men pour into the hacienda, surrounding Diego and Don Alejandro.]

Alejandro de la Vega, by the power invested in me by King Ferdinand, I hereby seize this hacienda and all adjacent property.

[Don Alejandro looks over at Diego, who is glaring at Risendo.]


[Exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda as Risendo's soldiers stand guard outside.]

[Interior shot of Risendo in the hacienda library, sitting in a chair and writing.]

Risendo [voiceover as he writes]
And so, dearest Mother, I cannot wait for you to join me where we truly belong. [He dips his quill into a bottle of ink.] In the magnificent de la Vega hacienda.  Now only one more hurdle remains. . .

[The camera pulls back and show Felipe polishing Hidalgo's boots.]

Risendo [voiceover as he writes]
Diego and Alejandro will soon be groveling at my feet.

Hidalgo [looking over at Risendo]
Don Alejandro isn't going to take this eviction lying down.

It's Diego that troubles me.

[He stands up and starts to walk across the room as Felipe turns to watch him, a worried look on his face.]

Hidalgo [sarcastically]
I can't imagine why.

There's something about him. [He turns and puts his hand on the fireplace mantle.  Felipe turns and gulps as Risendo's hand fondles the mantle.] There's more to Don Diego de la Vega than meets the eye.

[He taps his fingers on the mantle.  Felipe stares worriedly for a moment before looking away.]

[Exterior shot of the tavern as people mill about in front of it.]

[Interior shot of the tavern where Diego sits at a table as Victoria places a bowl of soup in front of him.]

It's really very kind of you to put us up like this, Victoria.

Oh, well, it's the least I can do for all the times you and Don Alejandro have helped me.

Don Alejandro [as he walks into the tavern]
Diego!  I don't believe it.

Diego [as Don Alejandro comes to a halt by his table]
What's wrong?

Don Alejandro
Emissary Risendo. . .  He's impounded our bank accounts.

He can't do that!

Diego [angrily]
As the emissary is so fond of telling us, he can do anything he pleases.

Don Alejandro
How do we get our hacienda back?

Señor Peralta [turning around as he sits at a nearby table]
You should have paid your taxes.  Then you wouldn't be in so much trouble.

Don Alejandro
Señor Peralta. . .

Diego [holding up his hand]
Father, please.

Don Alejandro [angrily]
The man is living in our hacienda.

Diego [getting to his feet]
I know.

Don Alejandro [turning to look at Peralta]
You. . .

Diego [leading Don Alejandro over to the bar]
I know.  Consider this, it if was simply a matter of collecting the ten thousand peso war tax, he'd quickly sell our hacienda to the first bidder and be on his way back to Madrid.  Instead, he chooses to protract this entire affair by taking our hacienda as his own home.  And why impound our bank accounts so we have no way of regaining the hacienda?  He's after more than money.

Why doesn't Zorro do something about this man?

We can't expect Zorro to fight all our battles. [He starts to walk away.] I'm going to Santa Barbara to consult with Don Luis Cristobal.

Don Alejandro
Oh, my friend the lawyer.

Diego [as he puts on his jacket]
Yes.  If we are to rid ourselves of Risendo, this battle must be fought in a court of law.  I'll return in three days.  Adios.

[Don Alejandro waves then turns to look at Victoria.  Diego walks toward the tavern door just as de Soto and Mendoza enter.]

Alcalde, Sergeant.  Any luck?

De Soto [wearily]
No.  No luck at all. [He and Mendoza walk up to the bar as Diego leaves.] Risendo is not in his office. [He worriedly looks upward.] He's not here, is he?

Don Alejandro
No, Alcalde.  The man is firmly ensconced in my hacienda.

Mendoza [incredulously]
You. . . sold your hacienda?

Don Alejandro
No, Sergeant.  We've been evicted.

de Soto

Diego's on his way to Santa Barbara to hire a lawyer.

Mendoza [taking a deep breath through his nose]
Ah, chicken mole.

de Soto
Sergeant, you stomach can wait until after we've captured Zorro.

[He turns and walks toward the door.  Mendoza holds out his hands.]

de Soto
Now, Sergeant!

[Mendoza turns and follows de Soto out of the tavern.  Don Alejandro turns and puts his hands on the bar and bows his head.]

[Exterior night shot of the de la Vega hacienda as Risendo's soldiers patrol inside its gates.]

[Interior shot of the hacienda dining room where Risendo and Hidalgo sit at the table as Felipe pours brandy into their glasses.]

Risendo [leaning back in his chair]
Ah. [He tosses his napkin on the table.] Go, boy.  Leave the bottle.

[He picks up his glass as Felipe sets the bottle down on the table then just stands there.]

Risendo [raising his voice]
Get out of here!

[Felipe still doesn't move.  Hidalgo jumps up out of his chair and points a dagger at Felipe's throat.  Felipe hurriedly backs away.  Risendo and Hidalgo laugh.  Hidalgo sits back down and puts his foot up on the table.  Felipe backs into the library then goes over to the fireplace and touches the mantle.  He then goes through the opened panel.]

[Interior shot of the secret cave as Felipe appears at the top of the steps.  He goes over to the lab table then over to the clothes rack holding Zorro's costume.  He turns his back to Toronado's stall and a hand touches his left shoulder from behind.  Felipe spins around to see Diego and sighs with relief.  He gestures something that is below the camera's view.]

It's good to see you too, Felipe.  You all right?

[Felipe shrugs.]

Obviously I had to come in through the cave.  Risendo has the house surrounded with guards.

[Felipe makes a ‘Z' in the air with his right index finger.]

Yes, Felipe.  Tonight is a night Gilberto Risendo will never forget.

[He and Felipe go over and take Zorro's hat from the rack.]

[Exterior night shot of the hacienda gate as soldiers patrol in front of the house.  De Soto and Mendoza peer around the wall.]

Alcalde, how can you be sure Zorro will come?

de Soto
The de la Vegas have been thrown out of their own home, Sergeant.


de Soto
There's no greater friend to Zorro than Don Alejandro de la Vega.  Zorro has to come to help him.

It doesn't seem right to capture Zorro if he's coming to help a friend.

de Soto
We aren't trying to capture Zorro, Sergeant.  We're going to kill him.

We are?

de Soto
Do you want to die the day after tomorrow?

No, but. . .

de Soto
Zorro must die.

[He and Mendoza back up behind the wall as a soldier comes their way.]

[Interior shot of the hacienda dining room where Risendo and Hidalgo still sit at the table.]

An excellent meal.  I just may take the de la Vega cook with me back to Madrid.

[Hidalgo chuckles.  Risendo reaches for the brandy bottle then sees that it is empty.]

Ah. . .

[Felipe walks through the fireplace panel and into the library.]

[Closeup shot of Zorro's eye looking through the viewing hole in the book shelves.]

[Interior shot of Risendo getting up out of his chair and carrying his empty glass.  He and Felipe meet at the entrance to the library.  Risendo grabs Felipe's arm and holds up his glass.]

I want a drink!

[Interior shot of the secret cave as Zorro looks through the viewing hole.  He shakes his head.]

[Interior shot of the hacienda as Risendo grabs Felipe's right ear.]

I don't care if you are deaf, you insolent pup.  This is a brandy glass.  When I hold this up and it's empty, it means I want brandy.

Zorro [standing in front of the fireplace in the library]
You shall definitely have your brandy.

[Risendo lets go of Felipe's ear as he spins around to face Zorro.  Zorro throws a glass of brandy into Risendo's face.]


[Hidalgo jumps to his feet and grabs something off the table (his sword?).  Zorro turns around and sets the empty glass on a table.]

Let me have him!

Kill him and be quick about it.

[Hidalgo brandishes his sword at Zorro.]

Not again.

[Hidalgo lunges at Zorro who kicks him in the back.  Hidalgo falls down and smashes a table.  He gets back up and thrusts his sword at Zorro's right side.  Zorro sidesteps it then another at his left side.  He punches Hidalgo in the face, sending the other man backward and falling onto a settee.]

You're quick. . .

[Hidalgo gets up and hacks at Zorro with his sword.  Zorro steps on Hidalgo's blade, pinning it to the fall.  As Hidalgo bends over, Zorro reaches over and grabs a bottle which he then smashes onto Hidalgo's head.  Hidalgo falls to the floor.]

But not quick enough.

[He walks out of the library as Hidalgo lands on his back.]

Guards!  Zorro!

Zorro [sarcastically]
And here I thought this was just going to be between the two of us.

[Exterior shot of the hacienda's front door as soldiers run toward it.]

[Interior shot of the hacienda foyer as two soldiers burst through the front door.  They aim their muskets at Zorro then fire.  Zorro ducks down and Felipe darts out of the way as the shots hit a plate hanging on the wall.  One soldiers draws out his sword and swings it at Zorro.  Zorro grabs his wrist then knees the soldier in the stomach (or possibly lower).  The other soldier comes at Zorro with his sword drawn.  Zorro uses the first soldiers as a shield, grasping the man's arm holding his sword and using it to fight the other soldier.  Zorro sends the second soldier flying backward into the library where he lands on his back on the floor.  When the soldier tries to get up, Felipe hits him in the face with a large book.  Risendo whips out a pistol and aims it at Zorro.  Zorro ducks down again as Risendo fires.  Risendo tosses the pistol aside as he and Zorro circle each other.  Risendo draws out his sword.]

You have interfered with my plans for the last time.

It is indeed the last time.

[He unsheathes his saber and salutes.  They cross blades and begin to duel.  Zorro forces Risendo's sword down and to the left where it breaks several porcelain knickknacks sitting on a table.  Risendo kicks the table aside and they continue their duel.  Risendo tries to punch Zorro with his left fist but Zorro stops the punch with his left hand and pushes Risendo backward onto a settee.  Risendo throws a table at Zorro who sidesteps the table's contents.  Risendo grabs a sword from several that are just leaning up against a cabinet.  He slashes at Zorro with both swords but Zorro ducks down out of the way.  They continue their duel.]

[Exterior night shot of the hacienda gate where de Soto and Mendoza are hiding.]

de Soto
Zorro's in there.  How'd he get in?

He's a very tricky fellow.  Maybe he used the back door.

de Soto [shaking his head]
Well, tricky or not, I'll be the final victor.

[He and Mendoza sneak through the gate toward the front door of the hacienda.]

[Interior shot of the hacienda foyer where Zorro and Risendo are still dueling, Risendo still with two swords.  Zorro parries every thrust.  Risendo slashes at Zorro who ducks down, causing Risendo to break a plate hanging on the wall.  He slashes at Zorro with his other sword.  Zorro again ducks down and Risendo breaks another plate on the wall.  Zorro reaches up and pulls down a curtain over Risendo's head then uses it to pin Risendo's arms to his sides.  Zorro then turn him around to face him and punches him in the face.  Felipe watches from the library, a smile on his face.  Hidalgo gets to his feet behind Felipe.  De Soto peeks through the front door, holding up his pistol.  Hidalgo comes up behind Zorro and grabs him, pinning his arms to his sides.  Zorro's saber flies over and lands on a chair in the dining room.  Zorro throws off Hidalgo's embrace then turns around.  De Soto aims his pistol at Zorro's back.]

de Soto [quietly to himself]
Farewell, my masked friend.

[Zorro punches Hidalgo as de Soto fires.  The shot hits Hidalgo who falls face down on the floor.]

Mendoza [peeking inside the door behind de Soto]
What happened, Alcalde?

[Zorro rushes over to Hidalgo and crouches down beside him, then touches his neck.  He look over at the unconscious Risendo lying on the floor nearby then he looks up at de Soto and Mendoza in the doorway.  He stands up and darts away to his left.  De Soto grabs a handful of Mendoza's uniform as he looks down at Hidalgo.  He looks ill.]


[Exterior shot of the tavern porch where Don Alejandro is sitting at a table while Victoria stands beside him, holding a pitcher.  She looks out into the plaza then touches Don Alejandro's right arm.  He gets to his feet and they both walk out into the plaza where other people are starting to gather.  De Soto and Mendoza ride past the church followed by Risendo's men on horseback. Hidalgo's body is draped across the saddle of a horse that is being led by one of Risendo's men.]

Padre Benitez [off camera at first]
Emissary, what happened?

[Risendo, who was riding behind the horse carrying Hidalgo, comes to a halt and look down at Padre Benitez.]

A hero had died, fight for the King of Spain.  Alcalde!

[De Soto turns his horse around and looks at Risendo.]

See that Lieutenant Hidalgo's body is properly taken care of.

[De Soto just stares at Risendo.]

I have some unfinished business. [He dismounts.] Lancers.

[De Soto turns back around and rides off, followed by the soldier leading Hidalgo's horse.]

Don Alejandro [standing next to Victoria behind Padre Benitez with his hands on his hips]
So, you're back.

Risendo [walking up to Don Alejandro, Victoria, and Padre Benitez]
Zorro killed my lieutenant.

Victoria [incredulously]
He did?

But only after making your house unliveable.

Don Alejandro
Does that mean you're abandoning our hacienda?

I've lost my taste for it.  Therefore the Church property will have to be sold to pay for the overdue taxes.

[Padre Benitez turns and looks at Don Alejandro.]

Don Alejandro
Just one moment.  You've got the money from my bank accounts. [He points at Risendo.] You pay the taxes with that.

But since we'll be investigating the sources of your frozen assets, which could take years, those funds aren't legally available to pay the taxes.

Zorro [from the cuartel rooftop]
They are now, Emissary!

Risendo [turning around and looking up at Zorro]
Zorro!  Guards!

[Zorro lashes out with his whip, wrapping it around a piece of wood setting on top of a barrel near the cuartel gate.]

[Exterior shot of the inside of the cuartel where soldiers run out of a doorway, buttoning up their uniforms.]

[Closeup shot of outside the cuartel gate where Zorro's whip lowers the piece of wood onto its brackets, barring the gate.]

[Exterior shot of the inside of the cuartel where the soldiers have reached the gate and start pounding on it.]

[Closeup shot of the outside of the gate which is bowing outward.]

Soldiers [pounding on the gate]
Open up!  Let us out of here!

[Exterior shot of Zorro on the cuartel roof, winding up his whip.]

I personally released the de la Vega funds from the back.

[Padre Benitez puts his hand over his mouth as Risendo looks up at Zorro angrily.  Padre Benitez removes his hand which was hiding a big smile.]

Zorro [lifting up a white sack]
Since they're now mine, allow me to pay the pueblo's back taxes.

[He tosses the sack into the plaza where it lands a few yards from Risendo's feet.]

Risendo [stepping toward the sack]
You can't pay the taxes with stolen money.

Padre Benitez
Why not?

[Risendo turns around and stares at Padre Benitez.]

Victoria [to Don Alejandro]
But that money is really yours, Don Alejandro.

Don Alejandro
It's money well spent to save the church.

[Zorro looks down from the cuartel roof and smiles.  He then whistles and Toronado comes running under an archway.  Zorro jumps down from the roof and onto Toronado's back.  Risendo bends down and picks up the sack of money.  Zorro turns Toronado around and rides up to where Risendo is standing.]

You underestimated these good people, amigo.

Risendo [through clenched teeth]
I'll have your head.

Zorro [as he rides past Risendo]
Careful, amigo.  You want my head, you get the rest of me as well. [He starts to ride out of the pueblo then stops and addresses the crowd.] Remember who your friends are.  For only by standing together will any of us be able to stand at all.

[He rides away as the people cheer.]

[Exterior night shot of de Soto's office as a lone lancer stands outside.]

[Interior shot of de Soto's office where Risendo sits behind the desk, writing with a quill.]

Risendo [voiceover as he writes]
Dear Mother, unforeseen events have undermined my true propose in volunteering for this assignment. . . the ruin and humiliation of Alejandro de la Vega and his son.  But first there is one obstacle I must over come.  A bandit by the name of Zorro.  I shall tear him limb from limb and bring his head back to Madrid on a spike of Toledo steel.  There is no alternative and I shall not rest until this is done!

[He looks upset as he twirls his quill.]

*****END OF EPISODE*****

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland 26 January 2007

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.