Transcriber's note: I am using the individual episodes to transcribe the so-called "Conspiracy of Blood" block of episodes that were the last four episodes of the series but will be inserting scenes added for the ‘Conspiracy of Blood" video movie.


Written by Robert L McCullough & Philip John Taylor
Directed by Ray Austin

First US Airdate 23 January 1993 Episode 4.12

[Exterior shot of a grave with a cross marked ‘Julian Hidalgo'.  Camera pulls back to reveal Padre Benitez standing next to the grave.]

Padre Benitez
Lieutenant Hidalgo was a brave soldier and a loyal servant to the Spanish Crown, tragically shot in the course of his duties.

[Mendoza and de Soto stand nearby. De Soto looks guilty as two of Risendo's men stand behind him.]

Padre Benitez
We pray for his salvation under the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ.  For none of us is without sin and Lieutenant Hidalgo was no exception.

[Risendo glares over at Padre Benitez.]

Padre Benitez
May the Lord God enfold him in his infinite mercy.  Amen.


Amen.  [He turns to his left.] Lancers!  Prepare to fire!

[Several of Risendo's men and some of the lancers raise their muskets.]


[The soldiers fire into the air.  De Soto sticks a finger into his right ear.  Risendo starts to walk away, motioning to Mendoza and de Soto to follow him.]

Risendo [as they walk away from the cemetery]
So, take through this story again.

de Soto
Well, Zorro and Lieutenant Hidalgo were struggling outside the de la Vega hacienda.  Then suddenly, Zorro stepped back and, like the coward that he is, shot Hidalgo through the heart.

But you yourself had a pistol, de Soto.  Why didn't you shoot the villainous swine when you had the chance?

de Soto
Well. . .um. . .Your Eminence. . .um. . .  It was so dark, Zorro in black, difficult to see.

[Risendo draws out his sword and points it at de Soto.]

Risendo [angrily]
Hidalgo was worth twenty of you, you incompetent ignoramus. [He turns to look at Mendoza, bringing the sword up against Mendoza's chest.] Let me remind both of you that you are still under sentence of death.  [He returns the point of his sword back to de Soto's throat.] Bring me Zorro, or I shall take great pleasure in running you both through myself.

de Soto
With all due respect, Emissary, capturing Zorro, which I'm sure you must appreciate by now, is not an easy task.

Risendo [putting his sword back into its scabbard]
You actually believe the myths the locals weave around this masked bandit?  Zorro is a murderer, nothing more.  To catch him , all you have to do is get inside his treacherous mind. [He turns and taps Mendoza on the chest.] Bring the Escalante woman to my office. [He thumps Mendoza's chest again.] Now!

[Mendoza salutes, then turns and leaves.]

de Soto
Forgive me for saying so, Emissary, but. . .um. . .now that the special war tax has been collected, won't the King be waiting for his money?

The King has been waiting six months for that money.  Let him wait a few days longer until I have Zorro's head.

[He turns and walks away.  De Soto stares after him, shaking his head.]

[Exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda.]

(Added scene:

[Interior shot of the de la Vega hacienda where Diego sits in a chair in the parlor, holding a piece of paper as he waves a quill back and forth as he speaks.]

Miracles link in a cycle of contingence, locked to the riddle of which came first, from the belfry gable, a breeze murmurs from each. . .feather, a sweep of [He gets to his feet.] many movements crowds into the moving sky. . .

End of added scene)

Diego [off camera at first]
The sun sends. . .

[Interior shot of the de la Vega hacienda as Diego paces in the parlor waving a white quill and reading from a piece of paper he holds in his hand.]

The moon pulls. . .and. . .um. . . [He stops pacing and waves the quill some more.] A chapel door flies open.  Hmm. . .

[He starts to write it down as Felipe runs into the room and grabs Diego's arm.]

Diego [turning to look at Felipe]
What is it, Felipe?

[Felipe reaches for his hip, miming like a sword is there, then he touches his hands to his chest, then he flings his hands outward, then he runs his hands down the sides of his face, then he pushes his hands to his right.]

Risendo is taking Victoria to Monterey?  Why, in heaven's name?

[Felipe pumps his left hand forward twice then motions his right hand across his throat.]

To face the Inquisitor General? [through clenched teeth] By the time I finish with Risendo, he'll rue the day he ever set foot in Los Angeles. [He throws down his paper and quill.] Saddle Toronado.

[He grabs Felipe's shoulder and they run out of the room.  The camera pans down and zooms in on the discarded paper and quill on the floor.]


(Added scene:

[Interior shot of de Soto's office looking out the window.  Suddenly Zorro hangs upside down outside the window.  He looks inside then somersaults downward to the ground.]

[Closeup shot of the office door with a key in the lock.  The key pops out of the lock and the camera pans down to where the key has landed on a piece of black satin that is sticking out from under the door.  The satin and the key are slowly pulled under the door.]

[Interior shot of de Soto's office as the door opens and Zorro steps inside, shutting the door behind him.  He walks across the room carrying his sword. (This scene is from "Dead Men Tell No Tales")]

[Closeup shot of another door as a dagger slides the bolt over, unlocking it.  The door opens and Zorro steps through it then looks to his right.]

[Interior shot of an empty jail cell.]

Zorro [voice over]
Missed them.  They must have already set off for Monterey.

[Interior shot of de Soto's office as Zorro opens a window and climbs out of it. (This scene is from "Freedom of the Press")]

[Exterior shot of outside de Soto's office as Zorro's feet land on the ground.  He then whistles.  Toronado comes out from behind an archway and Zorro goes over to him.  Zorro hops onto Toronado's back and they ride off.]

[Exterior shot of Zorro riding through the plaza, carrying his saddlebags.]

de Soto [standing outside his office]
Lancers!  Seal off the plaza!

[Zorro rides up to a line of lancers aiming their muskets at him.  He spins Toronado around and rides to his left, straight at de Soto, who gets out of the way.]

de Soto

[More lancers block Zorro's path.]

de Soto
Fire, men!

[The lancers fire at Zorro, who spins around again to his left.  His way is block again by lancers and he turns around and rides under a low archway as lancers shoot at him.  More lancers block his path.  He spins Toronado again and rides up into the back of a wagon then jumps up onto a nearby roof.]

de Soto
Lancers!  After him!

[Zorro rides across the rooftop as the lancers chase afer him on the ground, firing up at him.  Toronado leaps off the end of the building and out of the pueblo.]

de Soto [as lancers run past him]
The bounty on Zorro's head is hereby doubled!  (This scene was from "Wicked, Wicked Zorro")

End of added scene)

[Exterior shot of some trees and brush as Zorro rides up behind a tree.  Four horses carrying Risendo, two soldiers, and Victoria are traveling down the road.  Risendo stops his horse as the other ride forward.]

Zorro [off camera in a low voice]

[Zorro rides out from behind the tree.  Risendo wheels his horse around and aims a pistol at Zorro who is riding across the top of a ridge.  Risendo fires but hits a boulder.  Zorro rides down toward Risendo as Risendo tries to reload his pistol.  Zorro circles his whip above his head as he rides closer to Risendo.  Zorro hits Risendo on the right cheek with the end of his whip.  Risendo puts his hand to his injured cheek.  Zorro cracks his whip two more times.  Risendo winces in pain,]

Zorro [angrily]
Lay a finger on the señorita again, Señor, and you're a dead man.

[A horse's whinny and hoofbeats are heard.  Zorro looks over his shoulder then rides past Risendo.  Risendo's men appear on horseback at the top of the ridge.]

Risendo [holding his hand to his injured cheek]
After him, guardsmen!

[Zorro rides Toronado across the countryside as the soldiers chase after him.  Zorro catches up with the two soldiers escorting Victoria.  He jumps onto the back of one of them's horse and pushes the soldier out of the saddle.  Toronado runs off down a hillside.  Risendo rides up to the fallen soldier and comes to a halt.]

Risendo [pointing downward]
Leave him!  I want that horse! [He points to his right.] Go!

[He and the soldiers ride down the hillside.  Zorro catches up to the horse carrying Victoria and rides up alongside it.  He pulls Victoria off her horse and drapes her face down over his saddle.  Zorro comes to a halt as the other soldier slows down and starts to turn around.  ‘Victoria' turns out to be a man with pistol.  Zorro punches the imposter in the face as the man fires his pistol.  The other soldier aims his pistol at Zorro but Zorro coils his whip around the soldier's neck and pulls him off his horse.]

Soldier [as he falls]

[Zorro turns and rides away as Risendo and four other soldiers chase after him.  Risendo and the soldiers stop as they come to a small cliff.  Zorro has disappeared.]

Where did he go?

[A horse's whinny catches Risendo's attention.  Three of his men had cornered Toronado.  Risendo smiles.]

(Added scene:

[Exterior shot of the cuartel yard where one of Risendo's men pounds a stake into the ground with a pick axe looking tool.  The stake has a ring attached to one side.  The soldier hits the stake then bends over and jiggles it.  He then drops the tool.  A horse can be heard whinnying loudly.  The soldier goes over to the cuartel gate and opens it.  His eyes widen and his mouth drops opens as he backs away.  Toronado is rearing up as he is being held with rope by two soldiers, one on either side.  The two soldiers stretch out the ropes, trying to tie them to the ring on the stake.  Toronado keeps rearing up and finally pulls the ropes from the soldiers' hands.]

End of added scene.)

[Exterior shot of the outside of the cuartel gate as people walk past it.  Loud whinnying is heard coming from inside the cuartel.]

[Exterior shot of the cuartel yard as Toronado rears then spins around as several soldiers try to get him under control.]

Aah!  Hold on to him!  Look out!  Look out!

[Toronado keeps spinning and knocking down soldiers.  He kicks one who comes up behind him.  Two more soldiers grab onto his saddle but Toronado spins them off then rears up.]


[Toronado rears up again.]

[Interior shot of de Soto's office as Risendo sits behind the desk, covering his right cheek with his hand.  The door opens and de Soto steps inside, then shuts the door.]

de Soto [as he walks up to the desk]
That infernal horse is about to destroy the entire cuartel.

Risendo [not looking up from the paper he is reading]
That infernal horse will help me to capture Zorro.  Is it true that Diego de la Vega is something of a poet?

[De Soto laughs loudly.]

de Soto
A poet?  Well, I suppose so.  But his verses are somewhat. . .metaphysical.  Extremely immatur. . .

[Risendo lowers his right hand to reveal the ‘Z' slashed into his cheek.  De Soto stares openmouthed.]

Risendo [angrily]
I want examples of de la Vega's poetry on this desk by sundown.  In his own handwriting.  Go!

[He waves a quill at de Soto.]

de Soto

[He turns and goes toward the door but stops and turns to look at Risendo who is rubbing his thumb on the ‘Z' on his cheek.  De Soto smirks then leaves.]

[Exterior shot of the tavern porch where Mendoza and Don Alejandro sit at a table.  Mendoza takes a drink from a white cup then sets it down on a saucer.]

Don Alejandro, if Zorro doesn't come quick for Toronado, there's not going to be anything left of the armoury.

[De Soto walks into view behind Don Alejandro.]

de Soto
Sergeant!  Can I see you for a minute, please?

[Mendoza gets to his feet and picks up his hat as Don Alejandro drinks from his own white cup.  Mendoza starts to leave but stops and pulls out the napkin from his uniform, then tosses it onto the table.]

Si, mi Alcalde.

[He walks toward de Soto, putting on his hat.  Don Alejandro turns to look at them as he puts down his cup.  Victoria comes up to his table.]

Don Alejandro [turning to look at Victoria]
Victoria. [He turns to looks at Mendoza and de Soto again.] Wonder what the Alcalde's up to now, huh?

[Victoria stares over at Mendoza and de Soto.]

de Soto [as he and Mendoza stand next to the plaza fountain]
Sergeant, [He pats Mendoza on the left shoulder.] You know the de la Vegas rather well, don't you?

Oh, si, mi Alcalde.  They are very good friends of mine.

de Soto
Good.  Good. [He pats Mendoza on the shoulder again.] In that case, Sergeant, there's a little something I'd like you to do for me.

Mendoza [nodding]

[De Soto smiles and pats Mendoza's shoulder again.]

Victoria [on the tavern porch]
I don't know, but I'm sure it's no good.

[She picks up a tray as Don Alejandro takes another sip from his cup and stares at de Soto and Mendoza.]

[Exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda.]

Diego [off camera at first]
What really angers me. . .

[Interior shot of the hacienda as Diego and Felipe walk away from the fireplace in the library.]

is that I rode right into his ambush.  I underestimated him.  It must never happen again.

[Felipe grabs Diego's right arm, then puts his hands out in front of him, then pull them back, then pulls his right hand away from his left hand then makes chopping motions with both hands to his right.]

Yes, rescuing Toronado will require careful strategy.

[Felipe points at Diego, who points back at Felipe.]

Let's take a ride into town and see what Risendo has in store for us.  Saddle the horses, would you?

[Felipe goes off to his right as Diego goes straight ahead then turns right and goes through an archway.  The front door of the hacienda opens then Mendoza steps inside, removing his hat.]

Alejandro? [He shuts the door then walks further inside the hacienda.] Diego?

[He keeps walking then bends down and sneaks into the library where some papers sit on a table. Mendoza looks over his shoulder then down at the papers.  He looks through them then pulls one from the bottom of the pile and reads it.  He looks up then folds the paper in half then reluctantly stuffs it up inside his hat.  He sneaks away.]

(Added scenes:

[Exterior wide shot of the pueblo plaza which is filled with people, horses, and market stalls.]

[Closeup shot of a man in a green shirt hammering on a copper pot.]

[Closeup shot of two women, one buying apples from the other.]

[Closeup shot of a woman wearing a shawl and carrying a basket looking at something being held out to her by a balding man with his back to the camera.]

[Closeup shot of a woman handing a bouquet of flowers to an older man.  A man hands the first woman a coin then he and the older woman walk away.]

[Closeup shot of people standing in the plaza, gasping when they hear a horse's whinnying and pounding on the cuartel gate.  Then they smile and laugh.]

End of added scenes.)

[Exterior shot of the cuartel yard where Toronado is rearing up and kicking at the cuartel gate.  He whinnies loudly.]

(Added scene:

[Exterior wide shot of just outside the pueblo as Diego and Felipe ride toward the pueblo gate.  At the gate, they ride past a carriage.  Diego and Felipe ride into the plaza, coming to a halt in front of the tavern where they dismount.]

End of added scene.)

[Exterior shot of Diego and Felipe standing outside the tavern next to their horses.]

Diego [grinning broadly]
Looks as though Toronado is giving them a tough time.

[Felipe looks up at him then nods and smiles.  Diego and Felipe turn and head toward the tavern.]

[Exterior shot of de Soto's office as a lone lancer stands outside of it.]

Risendo [off camera at first]
‘So you are the stone prince. . .'

[Interior shot of de Soto's office where Risendo is pacing while reading from a piece of paper as de Soto and Mendoza stand to his right.]

Risendo [reading from the paper]
Again gloating under camouflage, bearing feathers in your cap.' [He sits down behind his desk.] Hmm, seems harmless enough.

de Soto [laughing]
His verse is so irregular.  It doesn't even rhyme.

[Risendo glares up at him.  De Soto stops laughing.]

Risendo [looking over at Mendoza]
Something bothering you, Mendoza?

Mendoza [shaking his head]
No.  It's just that Don Diego is a friend of mine, uh. . .

Oh, you feel as though you have violated his friendship, betrayed his trust?

Mendoza [shrugging]
Well. . .  Something like that.  Yes.

You are a sentimental fool.  Get out.

[Mendoza salutes then turns and leaves.]

de Soto
A thousand, thousand pardons, Emissary, but. . .uh, there must be many examples of de la Vega's poetry in the local newspaper, The Guardian.

Risendo [looking down at the paper]
That may be true.  But not in his handwriting.

de Soto [chuckling]
Forgive me.  I. . .I. . .I simply don't understand. [He sits down in a chair across the desk from Risendo.] Why is it so important for you to see, um?

Risendo [thumping his hand on a book on the desk]
Read your Machiavelli, of whom you seem so excessively fond.  Don't you remember his maxim, "Divide and conquer"?

de Soto [chuckling]
Well, yes. [He puts his elbow on the desk and props up his head.]  Yes, of course.  But. . .uh. . .

[Risendo stares at de Soto who removes his elbow from the desk.]

de Soto
Aah.  Why the de la Vegas?  What possible reason. . .?

Do you really expect me to tell you.  Capture Zorro and you may still be alive when the fun begins.

[He picks up a quill and looks at the paper in front of him.]


(Added scene:

[Closeup shot of a wood post built structure through which the tavern can be seen.  The camera pulls back to show more of the tavern.]

End of added scene.)

[Exterior shot of the tavern as people mill about in front of it.]

[Interior shot of the tavern where Felipe, Diego, and Don Alejandro sit at a table with glasses of juice in front of them.]

Sooner or later, Emissary Risendo must return to Madrid.  We only need to be patient.

Don Alejandro
Why, Diego?  The man is a walking pestilence.  I say we drive him out.  He's a disgrace.

[Diego shakes his head.  The tavern door opens and Risendo steps inside.]

Risendo [as he walks toward them]
Ah! Don Diego, Don Alejandro.

Diego [in a low voice]
Speak of the devil.

Risendo [stopping by their table]
I am so glad I found you.  I wanted to apologize to you both for my rather ill-considered seizure of your property.  You see, this is my first imperial appointment and in my eagerness to please His Majesty, I clearly overstepped my authority.

Diego [getting to his feet]
That, Señor, depends on whether such recklessness repeats itself.  If you'll excuse me, I have work to do.  [He touches Felipe on the shoulder.] Felipe.

[Diego turns and leaves.  Felipe gets up and follows him.]

Diego [looking over his shoulder at Risendo as he and Felipe walk out of the tavern]
I think it's about time we got Toronado out of this madman's clutches.

Risendo [sitting down in Diego's vacated seat across from Don Alejandro]
I can hardly blame him for being so hostile.

Don Alejandro [lifting his glass of juice]
Neither can I. [He takes a drink then sets down the glass.] Adios, Señor.

[He gets to his feet and starts to walk away.]

Uh, Don Alejandro. . .

[Don Alejandro keeps walking.  Risendo pulls a piece of folded paper from his boot.]

Don Alejandro [with his back to Risendo]
Talk to me, sir.

Risendo [holding up the paper]
This was on the floor, Señor.  Does it belong to you?

[Don Alejandro turns and pats his jacket.]

Don Alejandro
Hmm. . .  I don't think so.  But. . .

[He takes the paper from Risendo and opens it.]

Don Alejandro [looking at the paper]
Well, it's my son's handwriting. . .  A letter to the governor.

[He reads the letter as Victoria comes up beside him.]

Victoria [glancing at Risendo then Don Alejandro]
Is something wrong, Don Alejandro?

Don Alejandro
I don't know, Victoria.  This is a letter to the governor from Diego informing him that I have grown mentally incompetent. [He looks up at Risendo.] And that I'm incapable of handling my own affairs.

Risendo [with mock horror]
Good heavens!  How perfidious!

Victoria [taking the letter from Don Alejandro]
He asks the governor to name him administrator of your estate? [She looks at Don Alejandro, then at the letter, then at Risendo.] I wouldn't worry, Don Alejandro.  Don Diego would never do such a thing.

Don Alejandro
He wouldn't, Victoria, and he didn't.

Didn't you say that was your son's handwriting?

Don Alejandro [nodding]
Mm-hmm.  It appears to be.  But as you might know, the difference between reality and appearance. . .

[He chuckles.]

Risendo [getting to his feet]
This certainly seems real enough.

Don Alejandro
No, sir.  I trust my life to my son.  Perhaps you don't understand that since you don't have children, Señor.  Tell me about your father.  Did you love him?

I never knew my father. . .until recently.

Don Alejandro
That's unfortunate.  However, the bond between this father and his son is not so easily broken with a letter which is obviously a fake.  Whoever forged this was very skilled, but not skilled enough to look into my son's heart.  I'm going to show it to him.  This is going to give him a good laugh like it did me.  Emissary.  Adios.

[He turns and leaves as Risendo stares after him angrily before turning away.]

[Exterior shot of the cuartel yard as Mendoza opens the cuartel gate, carrying a bucket of hay.  Toronado whinnies loudly.]

Mendoza [slowly approaching Toronado]
Toronado?  Nice horsey.  Look. [He holds up the bucket of hay.] I got some hay for you. [He slides the bucket forward on a bale of something.] Nice horsey.  Nice. [He sets the bucket down on the bale, then starts backing away.] Nice horsey. [in a sing-song voice] I have some hay for you.

[Toronado thrusts his nose into the bucket and it flips up into the air.  It lands on Mendoza's head.]

Mendoza [flailing around with his head in the bucket]

[The other soldiers in the yard laugh and point as Mendoza pulls the bucket off his head and throws it down.  He walks away.  Zorro watches from the cuartel roof.  Toronado whinnies and nods his head.  Zorro gives him a salute.]

[Exterior shot of the cuartel roof as Zorro climbs on it, going from the armory to de Soto's office roof.]

[Interior shot of de Soto's office ceiling as the skylight is opened and Zorro drop down through it.  He stands on the exposed rafters.]

End of added scene.)

[Closeup shot of de Soto's office's front door as a dog barks.]

[Interior shot of de Soto's office where de Soto stands in front of a door as Risendo stands opposite him.]

Is everything ready?

de Soto
The minute Zorro tries to breach the cuartel gate, he's a dead man.

(Added scene:

[Interior shot of de Soto's office ceiling as Zorro lowers himself down onto the rafter then hangs on it before letting go.]

End of added scene.)

[Zorro suddenly drops down beside de Soto.]

Zorro [mockingly]
Why use the gate?

[He punches de Soto in the face.]

de Soto [as he falls to the floor]

[Risendo reaches for something to his left but Zorro unsheathes his saber and points it at Risendo's throat.]

Close the drawer, please.  Slowly.

[Risendo closes the desk drawer he was trying to open.]

You're wasting your time.  The minute you enter the yard, my men have orders to shoot that horse.

If Toronado dies, you will join him. [He motions with his saber.] Now, move.

[Risendo turns and walks to his left, toward a door.  Zorro keep his saber pointed at Risendo's' throat as he follows him.]

[Closeup shot of a door which is opened and Risendo steps out of with Zorro right behind him, holding his saber across his throat.]

First man to shoot will be responsible for the Emissary's death.

[The soldiers turn around and point their muskets at Zorro as Mendoza watches.]

You, the big corporal.  Untie the horse.

[The soldiers goes over to Toronado.]

[Interior shot of de Soto's office as de Soto gets to his feet.  He goes out through the opened door.]

[Exterior shot of the cuartel yard where de Soto comes up behind Zorro and grabs him around the neck.  Zorro lets go of Risendo and elbows de Soto, pushing him away.  Then Zorro punches de Soto in the face again.]

de Soto [as he falls]
Oomph! [when he hits the ground] Aah!

[Toronado backs up and pushes some soldiers around.]

Guards!  Watch that horse!

[He draws out his sword and thrusts it at Zorro.  Zorro parries and they start to duel.  A soldier aims his musket at Toronado.  Zorro punches the soldier who goes flying backward and knocking down two other soldiers.  Mendoza watches with a grimace.  Zorro and Risendo continue their duel.  Two of the soldiers get up and run at Zorro, their swords drawn.  Zorro turns Risendo's blade aside then takes on the two soldiers.  He punches one of them and they both fall up against Risendo.  Three more soldiers rush Zorro with their swords but he sidesteps their thrusts and they fall face down.  He hits them on their heads with a bale of something.  Zorro then turns and tosses his saber up onto the cuartel roof.  Risendo runs over toward Zorro.  Zorro climbs up onto the roof.  Risendo throws his sword up onto the roof and climbs up after Zorro.]

Mendoza [going over to where de Soto is lying on the ground]
Alcalde, I think it would be wise for us to leave.

[He helps de Soto to his feet as soldiers run all around them.]

[Exterior shot of the cuartel roof where Zorro waits for Risendo.  Risendo attacks Zorro and they continue their duel.]

[Exterior shot of the cuartel yard as Mendoza opens the gate and starts walking through it, followed by de Soto.  A soldier aims his musket at Zorro up on the roof then fires, hitting Zorro's upper right arm.  Zorro falls down and rolls part way down the roof.]


[Risendo jumps over Zorro then lifts his sword arm to stab Zorro.  Zorro kicks Risendo and Risendo falls off the roof and lands with an off camera thud.  Zorro grimaces with pain and clutches his arm as he struggles to stand up.]

[Closeup shot of Risendo lying on the ground.]

[Exterior shot of the cuartel yard as Zorro climbs down from the roof and onto Toronado's back.  He rides out through the open cuartel gate.  Two soldiers run after him, aiming their muskets and firing their muskets as the camera pans down to Risendo lying motionless on the ground.]


[Exterior shot of the cuartel yard as de Soto crouches down beside Risendo.  Mendoza comes up and crouches down beside de Soto as Risendo's men stand in the gateway behind them.]

Alcalde, do you. . .?

de Soto
Obviously, Sergeant.

[Mendoza makes a sign of the cross.]

de Soto
Take him into the jail until a coffin can be made.

[Townspeople come up behind the soldiers.  De Soto stands up and steps over Risendo.  Six of Risendo's men pick him off the ground and carry him past de Soto, who is standing against a wall, clasping his hands.  He then dusts off his hands and smiles before putting his right hand up against his throat and sighing.]

[Interior shot of the tavern as music plays and people dance.  Diego, Felipe, and Don Alejandro walk inside the tavern, following a man playing a guitar.  They make their way across the room.  Diego comes up to Mendoza and de Soto who are standing by the bar.]

Mendoza [smiling]
Aha!  Welcomes, Señores.  What a fight, Don Diego!

[He grabs Diego's upper arms and shakes him.  Diego tries unsuccessfully to hide the pain.]

Zorro was magnificent.  You should have been there.

Diego [as Mendoza pretends to sword fight]
So I've heard, Sergeant.

Don Alejandro [as Victoria walks past him.]
Quite a party, huh?

Victoria [stopping and turning around]
And the Alcalde has agreed to pay every centavo.

de Soto [wiping his face with his handkerchief]
Yes, as a matter of fact, I have.  I think we all need to let off a little steam.

[Felipe starts dancing with a woman.  Don Alejandro points at them then claps.]

de Soto
You all know how personally close I came to death.

Me, too.  If it wouldn't have been for Zorro. . .

de Soto
Sergeant, if it weren't for Zorro, we wouldn't have come so close to hanging in the first place.

Victoria [coming up beside de Soto]
Oh, come on, Alcalde.  It's a celebration.  Can't you bury the hatchet with Zorro just for one night?

de Soto [stuffing his handkerchief up his sleeve]
You're quite right, Señorita.  This is a joyous occasion.  May I have the honor of this dance?

Diego [coming up behind de Soto]
Pardon me, Alcalde, but the señorita promised this dance to me.

[He goes over and leads Victoria out to dance.  She smiles up at him.]

Diego [as they dance away]
The Alcalde will bury the hatchet all right.

Yes, right on Zorro's head.

[De Soto turns to his right and extends his arm but Don Alejandro grabs it and pulls it down.]

Don Alejandro
What was that expression?  Blow off a little steam?  I like it.  Señora?

[He and an older woman start dancing, leaving de Soto and Mendoza by themselves.  Mendoza starts to step forward as a woman walks up to them but de Soto puts his hand on Mendoza's arm.]

de Soto
Don't even think about it, Sergeant.

[De Soto looks at the woman then they start dancing, leaving Mendoza by himself.  He starts dancing anyway.]

[Exterior night shot of the plaza as a horse and buggy come into the pueblo.  It stops in front of de Soto's office.]

Woman [off camera at first]
Sentry?  Where can I find Special Emissary Don Gilberto Risendo?

[The guard looks confused as the woman gets out of the buggy.]

Haven't you heard, old woman?  The emissary is dead.

It cannot be.  Where is he?

His body is in the jail. [He points at the woman as she walks up to the door of the office.] Hey, you!  You can't go in there!

You dare to stop his mother?

[The guard shrinks away as the woman goes inside the office.]

[Closeup shot of a blanket covering a body.  The woman reaches out a hand and touches the blanket.]

Gilberto?  My poor Gilberto! [She pulls off the blanket covering his face.] The fools!  There is still blood in that face.

[She takes off her hood, revealing her as Inez Risendo.  She touches his left cheek.]

Inez [as she strokes his cheek]
Gilberto, don't leave me now.  I am here.  Come back to me.

[Risendo moves his head then groans.  He then opens his eyes.]

[Closeup fuzzy shot of Inez's face that becomes clearer.]

Mother?  Am I dreaming?

Inez [shaking her head]
It's no dream.  I wanted to be here for the final triumph.  How goes our plan?

The de la Vegas have outmaneuvered me at every turn.  I was in the hacienda.  It was ours.  They would have been penniless outcasts.  I even tried to drive a wedge between Alejandro and his son.  But they are so strong, nothing seems to move them.

[He coughs several times.]

Then humiliation alone will not serve our purpose.  If you are to regain your birth right, Gilberto, there is no other choice.  The de la Vegas must die.

[She reaches out and grabs his right hand and they stare at each other.]

*****END OF EPISODE*****
 Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland 2 February 2007

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.