"Broken Heart, Broken Mask"

Written by Eugene Pressman
Directed by Ray Austin

First US Airdate 9 November 1990 Episode 2.9

[Exterior shot of the tavern where four men are playing poker on the front porch.]

Bishop [laying down his hand]
Gentlemen, the cards don't lie

Don Carlos [jumping from his chair as Victoria comes out to the porch]

[Don Carlos walks over to the other table on the porch where Diego sits reading a book]

Diego [closing his book]
Don Carlos, lovely evening, isn't it?

Don Carlos
Not particularly.  It's too hot

[Victoria goes back inside the tavern.]

How's your game going?

Don Carlos

[He sits down at Diego's table]

The only man who wins at poker is the one who doesn't play.

Don Carlos [glancing over his shoulder]
I don't like being cheated.

[Bishop is offended by Don Carlos's words and gets up and walks over to Diego and Don Carlos's table.]

You have a big mouth, my friend

Mendoza [off camera]
What is going on out there?

[Don Carlos rises from his chair which slides noisily as Mendoza and two other lancers come out of the tavern.]

What is the problem, señores?

No man calls me a cheat and lives

This is a peace-loving pueblo.  You will act like gentlemen while you are here or you will go to jail for disturbing the peace.

Bishop [smiling insincerely]
Of course, I've forgotten my manners.  I've grown unused to such. . . [He glances over at Diego seated to his right still holding his book.] genteel surroundings.

That's more like it, Señor!

Bishop [bowing slightly to Don Carlos]
No hard feelings, friend. [He shakes a piece of paper at Don Carlos.] I'll give you a week to pay this note.

[Bishop walks away.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Zorro and Toronado ride up to the pueblo.]

[Exterior of the tavern where Don Carlos is still sitting at a table on the tavern porch, drinking heavily.  His hand shakes as it lifts the glass to his mouth.  Bishop is gathering up his winnings.]

Thanks, gentlemen.

[Victoria comes out of the tavern carrying a tray and goes over to Don Carlos.]

Shouldn't you be on your home, Don Carlos?

[Bishop saunters over to Don Carlos's table as Victoria places his pitcher on her tray.  Don Carlos reaches into his pocket to pay his tab.]

You're a dead man.

[Don Carlos jumps to his feet again.]

Victoria [turning to face Bishop]
Haven't you caused enough trouble? Get out of here!

No man calls me a cheat.

Zorro [suddenly popping around the corner of the tavern]
Suppose we just call you foolishly bad-tempered?

[Bishop chuckles then draws a pistol and aims it at Zorro .  Zorro whips the gun out of Bishop's hand and it falls to the table.  Zorro steps forward, coiling his whip.]

Zorro [to Don Carlos]
Go home, Señor.  And the next time, don't play cards with strangers.

[A humiliated Don Carlos walks away.  Zorro reaches down to pick up the pistol.]

A man who returns verbal insults with a bullet [He hands the pistol back to Bishop.] is a most unwelcome addition to Los Angeles.  Temper your anger, for the next time I won't be so forgiving.

[Bishop glares at Zorro and then walks across the plaza as the men remaining on the porch whisper amongst themselves.  Zorro takes Victoria's hand and lead her over to the porch step.]

I should see that Don Carlos makes his way home safely.

[He quickly glances to the right, whistles for Toronado then lifts Victoria's hand and kisses it.  Toronado comes up to the porch and Zorro goes over, intending to get in the saddle.  Bishop lurks behind the corner of a building and takes aim at Zorro.  Victoria watches Zorro then turns her head and sees Bishop with his pistol raised.]

Zorro, no! [She runs over to Zorro.] No!

[She grabs Zorro's arm as Bishop fires.  Victoria is struck on her left side by the bullet.  She collapses in pain]



[Victoria falls against a porch pillar. Zorro grabs her as he tries to see how badly she is wounded. The men from the porch creep forward.  Victoria is breathing heavily, obviously in great pain.]


[Exterior shot of the tavern porch where Zorro is grasping Victoria's shoulders as she writhes in pain.]

Victoria [gasping]
It was Bishop.

Victoria, why?

Victoria [reaching up her right hand to caress his face]
You are safe and that's all that matters.

[Mendoza and Ramone run out of the cuartel.  Mendoza points at Victoria.]


Ramone [pointing at Zorro as several lancers run out of the garrison]

Go.  Please, you must save yourself.

[Toronado runs across the plaza in front of Ramon and the other soldiers.  He rears up, holding the lancers at bay.]

Zorro [to the men from the porch]
Amigos, get her to a doctor at once.

[Toronado continues to run interference]

Look out!  Look out!  Hey!  Hey!  Back, back, back!

[Toronado keeps coming at the soldiers until they are backed up into the garrison gate.  Zorro relinquishes Victoria to the care of one of the men.]


[Zorro runs across the plaza.]


[The horse gallops out of the cuartel chasing a lancer.  They are followed by Ramone and more soldiers.  Zorro hops onto Toronado's back and starts to ride away.]

Shoot him!

[Zorro continues on his way out of the pueblo.  The lancers scramble for their weapons.  Ramone, a expression of disgust on his face, grabs a musket from the nearest soldiers and fires it at Zorro.  He misses and Zorro disappears.  Ramone shoves the gun back to the man he snatched it from.]

[Exterior night shot of the de la Vega hacienda.]

[Interior shot of the de la Vega hacienda where Señor Peralta is standing in the foyer with Don Alejandro.]

Señor Peralta
Don Alejandro, Señorita Escalante has been shot.

Don Alejandro

Señor Peralta
It is very bad.

Don Alejandro
Where is she?

Señor Peralta
At the taverna.  Doctor Hernandez is with her.

Don Alejandro [as he leads Peralta to the door]
Thank you for coming out and telling me. [He turns away from the door as he closes it.] Diego!  Diego?

[He strides into the hacienda and encounters Felipe.]

Don Alejandro
Felipe, where is Diego?

[Felipe points, then makes a circle, gestures toward his mouth, then makes a downward parallel lines with his index fingers.]

Don Alejandro
Oh, he's still at the tavern.  Get my horse ready.  Victoria Escalante, she's been shot.

[He walks away as Felipe stands there, a very worried expression on his face.]

[Interior shot of a room as Doctor Hernandez stands over Victoria, who is lying on a slanted surface.  She has a pillow under her head and a white sheet covers her.  The doctor uses his stethoscope on Victoria's upper chest then walks over behind Diego and Don Alejandro.]

The bullet's out

Then she's going to live?

It's far too early to tell

Don Alejandro
She'll stay with us

[The doctor nods and goes back over to Victoria, lifts the sheets and probes her abdomen.]

[Exterior day shot of Ramone's office.]

Ramone [off camera]
There will be no charges filed.

[Interior shot of Ramone's office as Don Alejandro grips the back of a chair, holding his gloves in one hand while Ramone is seated at his desk.]

Don Alejandro
What are you talking about?  This Bishop shot an innocent and defenseless woman.

He shot at Zorro.  Unfortunately, the poor girl got in the way.  Besides, I understand the bullet has been removed.

Don Alejandro
Yes, that's right.  She happens to be lying unconscious at our hacienda.  Are you aware she might die at any moment, Sir?

Those who befriend and assist an outlaw like Zorro [Don Alejandro turns away in disgust] do so at their own peril.

Don Alejandro [facing Ramon again]
I say the man should stand trial.  All right?

Ramone [getting angry]
I say he should be commended!  If there were more citizens like him, there would be less trouble in this pueblo.

Don Alejandro [getting angry too]
No, there has been nothing but trouble since that gambler arrived here and you know it!

I'd hardly call an assassination attempt on Zorro trouble!  Besides, I understand he may rid us of your friend Don Carlos.

Don Alejandro
And what is that supposed to mean?

You haven't heard?

Don Alejandro

It seems your friend Don Carlos repeated some slanderous accusation about cheating.  There's to be a duel at sunrise.

Don Alejandro [leaning forward and snarling]
That's a lie.  My friend Don Carlos, he would never do that.

When a man loses at cards, it brings out his true colors.

[Ramone flashes Don Alejandro an insincere grin.  Don Alejandro snaps his gloves and strides out of the office.]

[Interior shot of a bedroom in the de la Vega hacienda as an unconscious Victoria is lying in bed at the de la Vega hacienda.  Diego is at her bedside, holding her hand, stroking it and kissing it.]

I've been forced to postpone much of what a man my age should be doing. Like building a life with the woman I love.  The woman I love lies here dying. [He touches her forehead, pushing back a piece of her hair.] If you die, Victoria, Zorro will die with you.

[He kisses her hand again.]

[Exterior shot of the plaza as Don Alejandro is walking beside Don Carlos, who is holding a pistol.]

Don Alejandro
Carlos, I have a plan.  I'll stall for time until Zorro get here

Don Carlos
Zorro?  Why should he appear?  This is my fight, not his.

[They continue walking until they confront Bishop.  The three men stare at each other for a moment, then Bishop turns away, holding up his pistol.  Don Carlos also turns and the two men stand back to back.  They then proceed to mark off ten paces.  Don Carlos turns first and aims his pistol.  He fires and misses.  Bishop deliberately lowers his pistol and takes aim.  He fires and hits Don Carlos in the chest.  Don Carlos falls to his knees as Don Alejandro hurries over to him.]

You lose, Señor.

Don Alejandro [quietly]
Ah, Carlos.  Carlos

[Bishops turns and leaves.  Don Alejandro is holding the wounded Don Carlos in his lap.  Three other men gather around.]

Don Carlos
I have been foolish

Don Alejandro
Be quiet.  Say nothing.  Shh.

Don Carlos
Do not let him take my land.

Don Alejandro [shaking his head.]
I won't

Don Carlos
My servants, the farmer, they are like family to me. It should be theirs.  [Don Alejandro nods.] Promise me, Alejandro.  Promise me!

Don Alejandro
I promise, Carlos.

[Don Carlos falls out of Don Alejandro's arms onto the ground and dies.]

Don Alejandro
Carlos!  Carlos! [He places his hand on Don Carlos's head.] Adios, amigo. [One of the other men removes his hat.]

[Interior night shot of the de la Vega hacienda as Diego walks into the library and stares into the fireplace.  Then he holds up a black silk mask and looks at it.  He throws it into the flames and watches it burn.  He looks heart broken.]


[Interior day shot of Ramone's office where Ramone looks at a piece of paper while seated at his desk while Bishop stands before him.]

Don Carlos isn't even in his grave and you already lay claim to his land?

Bishop [sitting down]
I won it fairly, huh?

I heard otherwise.

And what do you mean by that?

You are guilty of gambling and in general disturbing the peace.  However, I will validate this IOU provided you pay all of the transfer taxes which amount to one-half the estate.

Bishop [rising from his chair with an angry expression]

[Ramone looks up at him causing Bishop to smile insincerely and sit back down.]

You're a very generous fellow, Alcalde.

Ramone [still giving Bishop the evil eye]
Didn't you want to say something else?

Yes.  Thank you

The pleasure is mine.

[Bishop leaves the office.  Ramone leans back in his chair, looking thoughtful.]

[Exterior shot of the pueblo as Bishop walks out into the plaza and stops when he notices Don Alejandro riding into the pueblo.]

Bishop [as Don Alejandro dismounts his horse]
Buenas dias, Senor de la Vega.  And what brings you to town?

Don Alejandro [confronting Bishop]
You still dare to show your face in this town.

But Los Angeles is my new home.  You and your son must come and visit me sometime in my new hacienda

Don Alejandro [angrily]
You mock my friend!

Then I'm sure you'll want to join him as soon as possible.

[He strikes Don Alejandro on the cheek

Don Alejandro
Dawn, tomorrow, sir.

[Don Alejandro remounts his horse and rides away.]

[Exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda as a rooster crows early the next morning as Felipe goes out into the courtyard carrying a jug to fetch water.  He stops when he hears a horse snorting and then hoofbeats.  He turns to follow them.  He sees Don Alejandro riding away from the hacienda.  Then he goes back into the hacienda..

[Interior shot of the de la Vega guest room where Victoria starts to stir as Diego lies sleeping in a chair next to her bed.    She rubs her hand over her face and is confused to see Diego there.]

Diego? [He doesn't respond so she speaks a little louder.] Diego?

[She touches her hand to his knee.  He wakes up and realizes she has regained consciousness.  He moves towards her, kneeling beside the bed.]

Victoria, you're. . .

Victoria [a bit disoriented]
How long have I been here?

Over a week.

And Zorro?

He escaped.  We brought you here.  He's not been seen since.

What?  But why?

When the bullet struck you instead of him, he knew could no longer endanger innocent people.

Victoria [shaking her head]
One bullet is a small price to pay for Zorro.  I would gladly take that bullet again that was meant for him.  Not only because of my feelings towards him, but for the poor and the weak.  Whom do they have but Zorro?  You must find him, Diego?

Zorro is only a part of our past now.

[Felipe runs into the room, carrying a large brown box.  Diego turns around, a big smile on his face, ready to tell him the good news. Diego's smiles fades when Felipe opens the box to reveal that the two pistols it held are gone.  Diego jumps up and stares at the box then Felipe.]

What is it?

My father's pistols are missing.

[Felipe strokes his chin, points his hand, then flattens his palm and makes a chopping motion, then squares his shoulders, then brings his hand up to resemble a gun and shakes it.]

Bishop!  He's gone to fight Bishop!

[Felipe nods]

Surely, Zorro would not desert Don Alejandro?

No, I don't think he would.

[He turns his head to glance over at Victoria]

Rest now. Rest.

[He nods his head and he and Felipe leave the room.]

[Interior shot of the de la Vega hacienda where Felipe grabs Diego's arm to stop him.  Felipe pulls out a black piece of material from his waistband and hands it to Diego.]

You know me well.

[Felipe smiles as Diego turns to leave.]

[Interior shot of the secret cave where Zorro sits astride Toronado as Felipe looks up at him. ]


[He waves at Felipe who waves back.  Zorro spins Toronado around and they leave the cave, with Zorro ducking so he doesn't hit his head on the low ceiling.  Toronado's hoof hits the piece of wood that causes the pulley to open the back entrance of the cave.]

[Exterior shot of the hidden entrance as Zorro and Toronado emerge from it and ride across the countryside to the pueblo.]

[Exterior shot of the plaza where Don Alejandro and Bishop stand back to back, pistols in hand.   They pace off eight steps then turn around and take aim at each other.  But Zorro rides Toronado in between them, the horse rearing high into the air.]

Zorro [once all four of Toronado's hooves are on the ground again]
Don Alejandro, you must stand aside!  This has been my fight from the start.  And I've waited far too long to finish it.

[He dismounts Toronado and walks over to confront Bishop.  The two men stared each down for a moment then Bishop brandishes his pistol.  Toronado rears up and knocks the pistol away with a flying hoof then trots off.  Bishops grabs his injured wrist.]

Toronado doesn't really care for guns.

[Bishops reaches down and pulls a knife out of his boot.  He chuckles.]

I'm going cut your heart out.

[Bishops back away as Zorro keeps stepping towards him.]

Ah, Señor.  My heart belongs to a certain young lady.

Then I'll make sure she gets it.

[He takes a swipe at Zorro's head. He ducks out of the way.  Don Alejandro looks on concernedly.    Zorro continues to advance until Bishop charges at him.  Zorro lowers one shoulder and rolls Bishop over his back.  Bishop lands flat on his back but quicky springs to his feet and waves his knife around menacingly]

You're quick, I'll give you that.

[He grabs a rope that is hanging from the stable rafters and uses it to swing around a pole, trying to kick Zorro in the chest.  Zorro moves out of the way.  Bishop smiles as he holds the knife out.]

I suggest you put the knife away, Señor.

Why don't you make me?

Zorro [unsheathing his saber]
I'm afraid it won't be much of a contest.

I'm not so slow myself.

[He kicks dust into Zorro's face, causing Zorro to turn his back on him.  Bishop runs at him but Zorro spins out of the way and Bishop goes crashing through the stable wall, landing on his face.  Zorro follows after him then throws his sword at a fence post where it sticks .  Bishop gets to his feet and takes two swings at Zorro which are both blocked with ease.  Bishop then grabs Zorro's shoulders and falls backwards, throwing Zorro over his head.  Bishop jumps up and turns around, but Zorro is gone.  Only his hat lies on the ground.]


[Bishop approaches the hat cautiously then looks up as Zorro speaks from atop the stable roof.]

Speed is one thing.  Balance is another.

[Zorro jumps down from the roof and pushes Bishop forward.  He spins away as Bishop picks up a pitchfork and chases after him.  Zorro leaps into the stables and walks across the back of the saddled horses lined up in their stalls.  Bishop tries to poke Zorro with the pitchfork but can't reach him.  Zorro comes to the end of the horses and uses a roof post to swing out and kick Bishop in the face, knocking him to the ground]

This is truly primitive, but since you insist. . .

[Both men come around opposite sides of a pole.  Zorro grabs Bishops and throws him down to the ground.  Ramone and several lancers come running out of the garrison.]

Ramone [pointing at the two fighting men]
Mendoza!  It's Zorro!

Yes, and he looks very angry too.

[Ramone grabs the rifle of the lancer on his left.  Bishop gets to his feet only to be punched in the face by Zorro.]

That was for Don Carlos

[He punches Bishop again.]

That is for Victoria

[He then strides over and picks up Bishop and holds him by the back of his neck.]

And this...  This is for me!

[He throws Bishop through the side of the stables.  Bishop lands face down in a stack of hay.  Zorro goes over to retrieve his hat and sword.  Ramone takes aim with his rifle.]

Soon he will be very dead.

[Mendoza swats at Ramone's arms just as he fires, causing him to miss.  Ramone thrusts the musket back at the man he took it from and angrily confronts Mendoza.]

You fool!

You had a wasp in your arm!

[Ramone raises his hand to strike Mendoza but checks himself.  Zorro pulls his sword from the fence post and places it at the back of Bishop's neck.  Bishop is holding onto the fence.]

I don't enjoy killing anyone, but in your case, I just might make an exception.

Wait! [He points.] The Alcalde made me!  He demanded half my share of Don Carlos's estates

[Ramone who is walking across the plaza toward them, stops in his tracks.]

Don Alejandro, your pistol!

[Don Alejandro tossed his pistol to Zorro, who catches it then aims it at Ramone.]

Ramone [pointing at Bishop]
The man is a complete liar and a cheat!  We all know that.  There were no papers made up!  He is entitled to no one's estate.

And where there is no will, a man's final words must be followed.

Don Alejandro
Don Carlos wants his monies and land given to his farm hands and servants.

Ramone [pointing at Don Alejandro]
An excellent idea!  I hereby appoint Don Alejandro to carry this out.

[Zorro walks up to speak into Bishop's ear.]

The day I see you in or near the Los Angeles pueblo again, that day will be your last.

[Zorro steps back and tosses the pistol back to Don Alejandro, who catches it then gives Zorro a little salute.  Zorro returns the salute hen he carves a ‘Z' into the back of Bishop's vest.  He picks up his hat, jumps over the fence onto Toronado's back and rides out of the pueblo.  Mendoza spins around as he watches Zorro go and finds himself face to face with Ramone.]

But... but Alcalde.  It was a very big wasp.

Ramone [snarling]
You idiot

[Ramone stalks off to the cuartel leaving a chagrined Mendoza standing in the plaza.]


[Exterior night shot of the de la Vega hacienda courtyard as Victoria walks about aimlessly with a smile on her face.  She spins around a pole, then looks up at the sky as an owl hoots.  She walks over to another post and leans her back against it, opening her fan.  Zorro stands in the shadows a few feet behind her.  She suddenly senses his presence and turns around to face him.]

Señor Zorro

[Zorro glances at the open door leading into the courtyard then moves closer to her.]

You look lovelier than ever.

Victoria [as he places his ungloved hand on her cheek]
Thank you, I am feeling much better.

I've been thinking.  You should have a husband. [She raises her face as she obviously expects him to propose.] Someone like Diego, perhaps.

Victoria [her expression crestfallen]
Like Diego?  I thought... I thought we shared certain feelings.

We do.  More than you'll ever know.

[They stare intently at each other for several moments before Victoria starts to say something but kisses him instead.  Zorro puts his arms around her and pulls her close as they continue to kiss.]

Don Alejandro [off camera]

[The kissing couple break apart.  Zorro strokes Victoria's hair and face.]

Zorro [as he touches her hair and face]
I must go.  I must go.

[Zorro dashes off, leaving a weak-kneed Victoria. She turns and leans against the post again, fanning herself as Don Alejandro enters the courtyard.]

Don Alejandro
Ah, Victoria, good evening.  Have you seen Diego?

No,  I... I haven't.

Don Alejandro
Ah, I guess he's gone to bed.  Well...Victoria, are you all right?

Victoria [fanning herself nervously]

Don Alejandro
Your face, it seems so flushed.

Victoria [putting her hand to her forehead]
Oh [She laughs a little] I am feeling a bit warm.

Don Alejandro
Well, I think you should get some rest tonight, my dear.  Good night.

[He turns and walks back into the hacienda.]

Good night.

[As soon as he is gone, Victoria stops her fanning and begins running around the courtyard.]

Señor Zorro?  Zorro?

[She stops when she notices a black piece of fabric hanging from the wall.  She reaches for it and hugs it to herself, closing her eyes and smiling happily.]

*****END OF EPISODE*****

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland 

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.