"The Bounty Hunters"

Written by Philip John Taylor
Directed by Michael Vejar

First US Airdate 27 April 1990  Episode 1.21

[Exterior day shot of the de la Vega hacienda.]

Diego [off camera at first]
One of the first white men to arrive in California. . .

[Interior shot of the secret cave where Diego is walking across the cave as Felipe watches.]

Diego [picking up a stool]
. . .came into an Indian camp one night, cold and tired. [He sits Felipe down on the stool.] He asked the chief if he could have just enough land to put his blanket on for the night. [Diego reaches back and grabs a bottle of white powder then walks past Felipe.] Of course, the chief agreed. [He pours the white powder into something sitting on the lab table.] Do you know what that man did?

[Felipe shakes his head.]

Diego [pouring black powder into a shallow pan]
He unraveled his blanket into a single thread and enclosed an area several square miles. [He pours the contents of the pan into a dustpan looking object.] Then he said the land belonged to him.  Shameful fact.  Not all white men are as kind and generous to our Indian friends as my father is.

[Felipe smiles and points at Diego.]

Diego [slightly embarrassed]
Ah.  Thank you, Felipe.  But I'm merely trying to follow my father's example. [He goes and stands behind what looks like an box camera.] Now, what we're going to do is repeat an experiment by the Frenchman, Joseph Niepes.  But you have to hold very still and in a few moments we'll have a permanent portrait of you on that stool.  Hold still.  Don't move.  Smile.

[Diego bends down and puts his head behind the camera.  Felipe smiles.  The powders in the flashpan explode and a white flash fills the screen.  Toronado whinnies loudly.  Smoke fills the cave.  Diego coughs as he fans at the smoke with the flashpan.  He takes a couple steps forward and sees the stool where Felipe was sitting is now empty.  Toronado has also disappeared from his stall.  The smoke clears as Felipe and Toronado come out from behind some equipment.  Felipe looks scared.]

Diego [shrugging then turning to look at the camera]
Clearly the Frenchman was wrong.

[Felipe nods as he rolls his eyes then brushes off his clothes.]


[Exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda courtyard where a group of Indians are seated in chairs in a circle.  A female Indian smiles as she looks up from a book.]

Diego [off camera at first]
Good work, Maria.  Excellent.

[Diego takes the book from her and hands it to one of the male Indians.  Felipe sits nearby.]

Now you try it, Juan.

Juan [hesitantly]
And she brought for. . .for


And she brought forth. . .

[Wagon wheels can be heard coming closer.]

That's the Monterey wagon, Felipe.  Let my father know.  He has mail for Spain.

[Felipe gets up and leaves.]

Diego [to Juan]

And she brought for. . .forth.

Ah, that's good.

[Exterior shot of a wagon with two men in its seat and with two soldiers riding one on either side.  The driver brings the wagon to a halt in front of the hacienda gate.]

Driver [pulling on the reins]
Whoa!  Whoa! [after the wagon stops] Señor de la Vega.  Buenos dias.

Don Alejandro [walking up to the gate which Felipe is holding open]
Buenos dias.

[He holds up an envelope.]

Ah, a letter bound for Spain.

Don Alejandro [looking toward the wagon]
Why the soldiers?

A nervous Alcalde.

Don Alejandro
A red flag for every highwayman from here to Monterey.

Well, we want to make sure your letter gets there, sir.

[Don Alejandro nods.]

Driver [whipping up the reins]
Buenos dias.

[The wagon drives away as Don Alejandro watches.]

[Closeup shot of the horses' hooves as they pull the wagon down the road.]

[Exterior shot of the wagon on the road as it comes up to a tree across the road.]

Driver [pulling on the reins]
Whoa!  Whoa!

[He stands up and looks around as the wagon comes to a halt.]

Driver [to the soldiers]
Get the tree out of there.

[The soldiers dismount then lead their horses to the tree.]

Come on!  Hurry up!  Let's go!

[The soldiers push on the tree.  Suddenly yells are heard.]

One of the Soldiers

[The other man in the wagon aims his rifle and fires.]

[Exterior shot of three Indians riding horses coming up over the rise of a hill.  The soldiers go to their horses and get their muskets.  The man in the wagon fires again.  More Indians appear.  One of the soldiers aims his musket at them but an Indian shoots him with a arrow which lands in the soldier's chest.  More Indians shoot arrows.  The other soldier is also hit with one.]

Driver [whipping up the reins]
Come on!

[The other man fires his rifle again.  The wagon goes around the fallen tree then back onto the road.  An Indian shoot an arrow and it hits the man with the rifle in the back.  He falls off the wagon.  The driver whips up the horses as the Indians give chase.  The driver keep looking over his shoulder and sees the Indians gaining on him.  He takes out a knife and cuts a rope.  Several bundles and barrels fall off the back of the wagon.  One barrel hits the ground and its lid pops open, spilling gold coins on the ground.  The Indians stop and turn back around as the wagon speeds away.  The Indians dismount and one goes over to the barrel, picking it up.  He reaches inside of it and brings out a bag then holds it up in the air as the other Indians cheer.]

[Exterior shot of the tavern at sunset as two lancers walk past it.]

[Interior shot of the tavern of Diego sitting and looking thoughtfully at an arrow.]

I have some knowledge of the local Indians tribes, Casey, but I've never seen an arrow like this before.

[The camera pulls back to show Don Alejandro and the wagon driver sitting at the table with Diego.]

Whatever tribe it was, they killed my men and made off with six thousand pesos in gold.

Don Alejandro
Six thousand pesos is a king's ransom.  What were you doing carrying so much?

New Spanish land settlements up north.  The government is trying to keep the Russians out of there.

Don Alejandro

You know, my partner and I brought that gold all the way up from San Diego. [He raises his voice and looks over at Mendoza who is sitting at a nearby table, eating.] And I'd like to know what the governor is planning to do about these murders.

[Mendoza puts down his spoon and glares over at Hawkes.]

Diego [calmly]
The governor should take all the appropriate measures.  I'm sure he's concerned.

Oh, he's concerned all right.  Concerned about his gold.  Politicians.  If you ask me, they're no better than horse thieves.

Yes, but are they cowards too, Señor Hawkes?

[Don Alejandro and Diego look over at Mendoza worriedly.]

Hawkes [getting to his feet]
I'd like to know what you would have done, Mendoza?  Maybe taken on a dozen savages single handed, huh?

If I'd been a hired guard, I would have done my duty.

Then you'd be dead.  And those heathens would still have the gold.

[Mendoza pushes his plate away.]

Don Alejandro
Come on, Casey.  These Indians are peace-loving.  They're hardly the type to commit this sort of atrocity.

Hawkes [turning and bending down toward the table]
Peace-loving or not, the were inhuman savages and they should pay for this.

[He pounds his fist on the table.  Victoria comes through the kitchen curtains and walks forward.]

Please sit down, Señor Hawkes. [She puts her hand on his arm.] You are making my other customers nervous.

[She leads him back to his chair.  Mendoza throws up his hands.]

I'm sorry, Señorita.  I guess I've been known to fly off the handle a little bit.

[A lancer hands Mendoza a scroll.  Mendoza stands up and unrolls it.]

The governor should make every effort to try to track down the perpetrators.

Those are big words, amigo.  Maybe you should run for office someday.

[Diego doesn't look thrilled at that prospect.]

Mendoza [reading from the scroll]
The governor has placed a bounty on the heads of the savages who robbed the state gold shipment and murdered the guards.  Fifty pesos for each Indian involved in this crime.  Dead or alive. [Hawkes looks pleased.  Diego looks worried.] And one hundred pesos to the man who recaptures the gold.

[People begin to talk excitedly.]

Hawkes [standing up and slapping the table.]
Now, that's more like it.

Diego [as Hawkes walks away]
Casey. . .

Don Alejandro [as Victoria comes over and fills up his glass from her pitcher]
This is supposed to be justice?

Well, I've seen bounty fever before and it's a dangerous thing.

[Diego looks worried.]

[Exterior shot of rocks and sagebrush as three Indians run through it.  Two men on horseback chase after them, swinging lassos in the air.  The men ride around a clump of trees.  One of the Indians, Juan, emerges from the trees and the other two follow.  They are surrounded by the two men on horseback as a third man rides up to them.]

Hawkes [the third man]
Don't waste your time taking any savages into town.  The reward said dead or alive, remember?

[The other two men are tying up the three Indians.]

But, Señor, we have done nothing wrong.

Hawkes [cocking his pistol and aiming it at Juan]
Tell that to your heathen gods.

[A whip wraps around Hawkes' pistol and it pulled from his hand.]

Zorro [sitting astride Toronado]
The shooting of unarmed innocents is hardly the act of a gentleman.

[The other two men pull out their pistols.  Zorro whips the weapons from their hands.]

Zorro [to Juan and the other Indians]
Run.  Save yourselves.

[The Indians throw off their ropes and run away.]

You caballeros need to work on your manners.

Hawkes [bringing up a rifle and aiming it at Zorro]
That's very good advice, Zorro.  But too bad you won't be able to take it for yourself.

[Zorro shrugs.]

Only a fool would carry one gun for work like this. [to the other two men] There is a greater reward for this bandit than all the Indians put together.  Dead or alive. [He looks over at Zorro.] Which way do you think will be best for us, huh?

[Zorro shrugs again.]

One of you take the reins of his horse and the other one take his weapons.

[The one of the men takes Toronado's reins as Zorro hands his whip and saber over to the other one.  That man backs away.]

Hawkes [to Zorro]
Now dismount.

As you wish.

[He climbs down off Toronado's back then slaps Toronado on the belly.  Toronado rears up and hits Hawkes on the arm with a hoof.  Hawkes falls off his horse and rolls onto the ground.  Toronado turns around and backs up.  He then kicks the other two men in their chests, sending them flying into the air.]

Aaah! [then as they hit the ground] Oof!

[Zorro picks up his saber and uses its tip to pin Hawkes' pistol to the ground just as Hawkes reaches for it.]

The Indians in this pueblo will not be terrorized by money hungry bounty hunters.  I will find the men who took the governor's gold and I shall bring them to justice.


[Exterior night shot of the plaza with the tavern on the left, the cuartel on the right and the church in between.]

Mendoza [off camera at first]
Unlucky at cards, lucky at love, Don Esteban.

[Mendoza emerges from the shadows between two buildings.]

Mendoza [chuckling]
Buenas noches.

Don Esteban [off camera]
Yeah, buenas noches, Mendoza.

[Mendoza walks along the side of a building, chuckling to himself.  He looks up then pulls down a note that was stuck to the bars of the cuartel jail.  Hawkes and the other two bounty hunters are inside, tied up together.]

Mendoza [looking at the note]
Zorro.  A nice job.

[He looks over at the prisoners and chuckles.]

[Exterior day shot of the de la Vega hacienda gate as Don Alejandro rides his horse up to it.  A male servant comes up and opens the gate.]

[Interior shot of the secret cave where Diego stands behind the camera holding up the flashpan in his right hand and his index finger of his left hand in the air.]

Hold still.  Don't move.  Smile.

[Diego ducks down under a black cloth.  Felipe sits on the stool and smiles.  The flashpan explodes.]

[Exterior shot of the hacienda gate as Don Alejandro pauses as he dismounts his horse, obviously hearing the explosion.  His horse whinnies and he puts his hand on its neck as he walk by it on his way to the hacienda.]

[Interior shot of the hacienda library as Diego and Felipe come out of the fireplace, coughing and brushing off their clothing.]

My patience with this Frenchman's camera is dwindling fast.

[Don Alejandro starts to walk past the library then stops and walks toward Diego and Felipe.]

Don Alejandro
I though I heard an explosion.


Don Alejandro
The man's a parrot.  Yes, I heard a definite blast from within the house.

Diego [leading him from the library]
Oh.  I was composing at the piano.  The creative muse deserted me.  I slammed the lid in frustration. [He looks over at Don Alejandro.] You seem troubled.

Don Alejandro
Ah, and with good reason.  The Alcalde just released those vigilantes.

Casey Hawkes and the others?

Don Alejandro
Yeah.  He says the only evidence against them [He starts to mock Ramone.] ‘came from Zorro, a common criminal'.  Diego, those bounty hunters don't care who's guilty or innocent.  They'll collect fifty pesos for any dead Indian.  Something must be done.

Yes.  Quite a dilemma.

[He walks over to the piano as Don Alejandro crosses his arms.]

Don Alejandro
Instead of slamming piano lids, you might try using your new-found temper in more constructive ways, my son.

Diego [hitting a key on the piano]
What would you suggest?

Don Alejandro [shrugging one shoulder]
Oh, like protecting our Indian friends.

Zorro seems to be performing that job admirably.

[Don Alejandro nods then turns and walk away.  Felipe steps up and sags in relief as does Diego.  Diego then runs his right index finger over the piano keys then hits one key.]

[Exterior shot of the plaza as market stalls are set up and people ride, drive, or walk through it.]

[Interior shot of the tavern as men stand around, drinking and talking.  Diego looks around, smiling when Victoria comes up to him.]

Victoria [as she walks past him]
Buenos dias, Don Diego.

Diego [turning to face her]
Buenos dias.

A table?

I think not.  Is Casey Hawkes still a guest here?

Why, yes.  He's in his room right now.  But he left strict orders not to be disturbed.

Huh.  I see.

[Victoria turns and leaves as Mendoza walks down the stairs and stands next to Diego.]

Ah, Don Diego.

Sergeant Mendoza, I'm surprised you're not out chasing Indians for that lavish bounty.

[He pats Mendoza on the left arm.]

Well, to tell the truth, I don't have the stomach for it.  The Indians of this district are good people.

What an admirable sentiment, Sergeant. [He looks over at Victoria who is behind the bar.] Victoria, a bottle of wine for the sergeant. [He pats Mendoza's arm again.] Place it on my bill.

[He starts to walk away.]

You are most kind, Don Diego.


Goodbye, Don Diego.

[She walks out from behind the bar as Mendoza goes over to a table and sits down.]


Your usual wine, Sergeant?

Uh, well, uh, perhaps maybe not.  What do you have in the way of champagne?

[Victoria puts her hand on her hip, tilts her head and smiles at him knowingly.  Mendoza just grins back.]

[Exterior night shot of the tavern as a dog barks.]

[Interior shot of Hawkes in his bed.  Knocking is heard at his door.  He rolls over as the knocking continues.]

Victoria [off camera]
Señor Hawkes?

[Hawkes gets up off the bed and goes over to the door then opens it.  Victoria stands outside, holding a lit lamp.]

Forgive me, Señor Hawkes, but I heard someone prowling downstairs and since you're the only man in the tavern, I. . .

All right.  Let me get my boots on.

[He turns and moves away from the door.  A couple of thumps are heard off camera.  He comes back to the doorway.]

He's in the kitchen, I'm sure of it.

[Hawkes goes out the door and to his left.  Victoria follows him.  Zorro comes out from another room and sneaks into Hawkes' room then looks around.]

[Interior shot of the tavern staircase as a wolf howls.  Victoria leads Hawkes back up the stairs.]

I'm sorry to have disturbed you, Señor Hawkes.

Ah, well, you must have been dreaming.

[They reach the top of the stairs.  Victoria stands aside as Hawkes goes back into his room then shuts and locks the door.  Victoria goes back down the stairs.]

[Interior shot of the tavern kitchen as Zorro stands in one corner.  Victoria comes through the curtains and turns to see him.]

Zorro [as he comes toward her, holding an arrow]
I'm in your debt, Señorita.

Ah, but for once I am in your service, Señor.

[He takes her hand and brings it to his lips.]

You must be exhausted after all that climbing.  Stay awhile and I will make you the best enchiladas you have ever tasted.

Ah, a tempting offer.  But this arrow may shoot straight to the hear of the gold theft. [He sighs as he looks at her.] So much work to do.

[He kisses her hand again then climbs up some shelves to the second floor.  He turns and waves at her before disappearing.  Victoria closes her eyes dreamily as she touches her hand to her chin.]

[Closeup shot of a man sitting on a rock, shaving his right left with a straight razor.]

Man [jerking the razor to the side of his leg]

[Another man walks past him then past three men playing cards nearby.]

Hawkes [sitting with his back to camera]
Stick with it, Benny. [He turns to his left.] Remember, Indians don't have hair on their legs.

[The other man laugh.  Hawkes looks up when he hears a horse's whinny.  He then cocks his pistol.]

Sorry, boys.  Been a little bit jumpy lately.  Ever since I found that arrow gone. [He lowers his pistol.] Maybe we should delay this robbery a spell, huh?

All right, boss.

[Suddenly there is a loud explosion and a white flash fills the screen.]

What was that?

[He gets to his feet as do the other men, all raising their pistols.]

Zorro [standing on a rock above and behind them.]
Now who ever heard of an Indian who bought his paint at the general store? [He holds up the arrow.] The yellow tint on this fletching is not a natural dye used by any tribe.

My hat goes off to you, Zorro. [Zorro nods.] But unfortunately you're going to carry that knowledge to the grave.

[He cocks his pistol then aims and fires.  Zorro ducks off to his right as the other men fire as well.  Zorro pops his head out from behind a rock.]

Two more, I think.

[Two more men fire and hit the rock as Zorro ducks back down behind it.  Toronado runs off to his right.  Hawkes and his men start reloading their pistols.]

Zorro [as he emerges from behind some trees]
Well, gentlemen, the race is on.  Let's see how fast you can reload.

[He unsheathes his saber as he jumps down into their camp.  He coils his whip around the barrel of one man's rifle and yanks it from his hands.  Zorro slashes a ‘Z' into the front of the man's jacket then punches the man in the face.  Zorro then coils his whip around a second man's throat, slashes a ‘Z' into the man's vest the pulls the man toward him and punches him.  Hawkes watches worriedly then starts to sneak off to his right.  Zorro turns and sees a third man fumbling with his pistol then lashes out his whip, coiling it around the man's right ankle.  Zorro yanks on the whip and the man falls onto his back.  The man turns over and gets on his knees, facing away from Zorro, and starts dusting off his bottom.  Zorro reaches out and slashes a ‘Z' into the rear of the man's trousers.  Two other men start to run away up past some rocks.  Zorro whistles and Toronado comes out from behind a bush, trotting toward the men.  They back away, pinning themselves up against the rocks as Toronado snorts at them.  Zorro watches as Hawkes runs off.]

Zorro [raising his saber]
My sword never sleeps, Señor.

[Hawkes rides away on a white horse.  Zorro turns around, slicing his saber through the air.]

Come, my friends.  We have an appointment with justice.

[He cracks his whip and the men get to their feet then start walking toward Toronado who snorts at them.]


[Exterior shot of the plaza as the church bell rings.  The bounty hunters are tied up together in the fountain, struggling to get free as people start to gather around them.  Mendoza comes out of the cuartel, tucking his shirt into his trousers.]

Who is making all this noise at six o'clock in the morning. [He looks toward the fountain.] Madre de Dios!

[Victoria comes out of the tavern.  Zorro stands on the church roof.]


[Mendoza looks up.]

Good morning.  I bring you the murderers who robbed the gold shipment.

Mendoza [walking forward]
But Señor Hawkes said the savages were all Indians.

Zorro [holding a white square in his right hand]
Only by way of disguise.  These men are the true savages.

[The men continue to struggle in the fountain.  Hawkes comes out of the tavern and looks up at Zorro then steps forward, walking past Victoria, who eyes him suspiciously.]

And where is the gold?

The gold will be returned to its rightful owners, the people of California.

[People start clapping and cheering, including Hawkes.]

But there is one other, in this plaza, who is more guilty than any of these outlaws.  I give you their leader, Señor Hawkes.

[He points down at Hawkes.  Hawkes turns around then turns back and points up at Zorro.]

That's a lie!  You all know me.  I do an honest day's work for an honest's day's pay.  Whose word are you going to trust?  Mine, or a bandit?  And a bandit who won't even show his face.

It is not a matter of words this time, but a matter of evidence.

[He holds up the white square then slings it through the air.  It lands at Mendoza's feet.  He bends down and picks it up then looks at it.  He then turns to Hawkes.]

Señor, you are under arrest.

I can explain.

Mendoza [pointing at Hawkes]
Seize him!

[Two lancer grab Hawkes' arms and haul him away.]

Mendoza [looking at the square]
This is indeed evidence, Zorro, but how on earth did you manage to. . .

[He looks up at the church roof but Zorro has disappeared.  Victoria comes over to Mendoza.]

What is it, Sergeant Mendoza?

I don't know, but. . .

[Closeup of a rectangular picture of Hawkes and his man making arrows.]

Mendoza [handing the picture to Victoria]
It is amazing.

No, Sergeant. [She hands the picture back to him.] Zorro is amazing.

[A white flash fills the screen then a sepia picture of Victoria and Mendoza appears.]

*****END OF EPISODE*****

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland  30 March 2007

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.