"The Best Man"

Written by Robert L McCullough
Directed by Ron Satlof

First US Airdate 2 February 1990 Episode 1.5

[Exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda.  Piano music can be heard being played.]

[Diego is sitting at the piano, playing with his left hand as he waves a quill around with his right.]

Don Alejandro [coming toward Diego, buttoning his cuffs]
Diego!  They're here.

[He sees Diego writing on a sheet of paper propped up against the piano.]

Don Alejandro
You're rather well-dressed.

Well, it's not every day my cousin Rafael makes the journey south from Santa Barbara with a new fiancée, no less.  You know, [He puts down the quill and gets to his feet.] it's hard to believe Rafael is actually getting married.

Don Alejandro [adjusting his bow tie]
Well he's certainly the proper age.

Although he's younger than I, don't you mean.

[He puts his hand on Don Alejandro's shoulder and they walk toward the front door.]

Don Alejandro
There's some very attractive women in Los Angeles, Diego.

[They walk out the front door, which Diego closes behind him.]

Don Alejandro [continuing to talk]
. . .well past the time for you to marry.

But who would have me?

Don Alejandro
Any number of women.  You have to show a little passion.

But I do have passion. . . for science, the arts, economics.

[They reach the gate and watch as a buggy carrying a man and a woman pulls up in front of the hacienda.]

Diego [rushing out to greet his cousin who has jumped out of the buggy]
Rafael!  You made it.


[The two men embrace.]

Your journey went well, I hope.

[Rafael goes over and hugs Don Alejandro.]

Uncle Alejandro.  You got my letter?

Don Alejandro
Indeed.  We've been expecting you.


Don Alejandro
Both of you.

[Rafael goes back to the buggy and takes the woman's hand as she stands up.]

Rafael [helping her out of the buggy]
Permit to introduce Margarita de Madera , my fiancée.

[Don Alejandro takes her hand and kisses it as Rafael continues to speak.]

My uncle, Alejandro.

Don Alejandro
You've chosen well, Nephew.

And my cousin, Don Diego.

Welcome to our fair pueblo.

Thank you.  I've been looking forward to visiting Los Angeles for quite some time.

We're flattered.

Of course, it's delightful meeting all of you.  But the truth is, I just can't wait to meet Zorro.

[She smiles excitedly as Diego gets a worried look on his face.]


[Rafael, Margarita, and Diego are seated in the de la Vega hacienda parlor as Don Alejandro stands up and raises his glass of wine, which has been handed to all of them by a female servant.]

Don Alejandro
To beauty.  To youth.  To love.

Diego [also getting to his feet]
And to wisdom.

[They all take a drink of their wine.]

Can one be both romantic and wise?

One had better be, Señorita.

[Felipe comes into the room then, catching Diego's eye.]

What is it, Felipe?

[Felipe lowers his right hand then brings it up and across his body.  He repeats the gesture but higher above his waist.

Diego [interpreting]
Trouble. . .in town. . .soldiers.

Don Alejandro
Soldiers!  I should go.

Rafael [getting to his feet]
I'm going with you.

Margarita [rising also]
So am I.

Don Alejandro
The pueblo's under martial law, my dear.  It's no place for a woman.

Oh, nonsense.  This will be the perfect time to see Los Angeles. [She looks over at Diego.} Besides, you'll be there to protect us, won't you?

Actually I have some reading to catch up on.

Rafael [surprised]
Reading?  Diego. . .

Don Alejandro
Diego has his own interests, Nephew.

Margarita [disapprovingly]
You would let your father go alone?

Well these things always have a way of working themselves out.

[Margarita walks out in a huff as the other men depart.  Felipe makes a ‘Z' in the air with his finger and Diego nods.  Felipe runs into the library while Diego sets down his glass of wine before hurrying behind him through the opened panel of the fireplace.]

[In the pueblo, Ramone is leaning against a porch post as Mendoza reads from a document to several peasants who are lined up and tied up before him.  Victoria stands off to one side, her arms crossed.]

Failure to pay taxes on your crops, which is an act of treason and is punishable by death. [He turns and looks at Ramone] Death?

[Ramone nods.  Mendoza takes a few steps before addressing the peasants again.]

You can't pay any of the agricultural tax?

[The peasants shake their heads,]

Just a little?  Perhaps if you pay a mere token on your crops, you will be granted leniency.

Everyone knows there was no harvest.  The crops failed.

Ramone [glancing at her contemptuously]
Proceed, Sergeant.

Mendoza [in a high-pitched voice]
You mean hang them? [Ramone nods again as he walks away.] Really?

[Zorro rides Toronado across the countryside toward the pueblo.]

[A carriage containing Don Alejandro, Rafael, and Margarita arrives in Los Angeles.]

Carriage Driver

[He brings the carriage to at stop.  Don Alejandro immediately steps out with Rafael following right behind him.]

Don Alejandro
This new law is outrageous, Alcalde!

This is none of your concern, Señor de la Vega.

[Zorro is climbing on rooftops.]

Who do you think you are?  You can't hang people without a court of law.

I'll tell you who I am. [He points at Rafael.] Arrest this man!

[A soldier runs up and grabs Rafael, followed by another soldier who grabs his opposite arm.  As Rafael struggles to free himself, a loud explosion is heard from inside Ramone's office.]

Mendoza!  My office!

[Mendoza and several other lancers run out into the plaza, coughing and choking, as smoke pours out the office door.]

Mendoza [coughing]
Alcalde. . .  Your safe has been destroyed.

Zorro [standing on the office roof, holding his saber and a large white bag]
But now you shall have your taxes.

[Victoria runs over to where Don Alejandro and Rafael are standing and looks up at Zorro with a big smile on her face.

You see, Alcalde, I just stumbled across this sack of gold coins.

Ramone [pointing at Zorro]
Thief!  That's my money!

Ah, but no longer.  I've stolen it and in the name of these poor farmers, I hereby pay their taxes.

[He hacks at the bag with his sword and coins rain down upon Ramone's head.  Zorro throws the emptied sack down on Ramone as well.]

Shoot him!

Of course, Alcalde.  Lancers!

[Four lancers rush up and aim their muskets at Zorro.  He jumps down on them as they fire.  They all fall to the ground.]

Margarita [standing up in the carriage, excitedly]
That's him.  Isn't it?

Victoria [smiling smugly]
Yes.  That is Zorro.

[Zorro goes over and uses his sword to slice through the ropes binding the peasants' hands.  He then bops a lancer on the head with his fist.  Ramone points at Zorro, putting his arm across Mendoza's throat.]

After him!

Mendoza [choking]
I'm trying, Sir.

[Zorro runs toward a lancer while being chased by another.  He zigs out of the way and the two lancers collide into each other.  Margarita continues to watch from the carriage, an pensive smile on her face.  Zorro engages a soldier with his sword before punching the lancer in the face.  Another lancer receives the same treatment.  Another soldiers get spun around and crashes into a wall.]

Zorro [coming up to Victoria and tipping his head]
Señorita, lovely as ever.

Victoria [smiling at his compliment then seeing movement behind him] Look out!

[Two lancers are coming at Zorro from behind.  He turns and shoves a push cart at them, knocking them over.  Zorro then runs toward the waiting Toronado, hops onto his back, and rides his toward the cuartel, scattering soldiers in his path.  He comes to a halt right in front of Ramone.]

Trouble those poor farmers again and I will personally take the next tax out of your greedy hide.

Ramone [through clenched teeth]
How dare you threaten me.

Not a threat, Señor, a most sincere promise.

[His sword makes three slashes before he turns around and rides out the pueblo as the people cheer.  Ramone looks down to see the ‘Z' carved into his vest.]

[A servant opens the door at the de la Vega hacienda admitting Margarita, Rafael, and Don Alejandro inside.  Diego is in the parlor painting a picture of a decorative plate and a vase of flowers.]

Rafael [to Don Alejandro]
The territorial governor should be informed.

Don Alejandro
He's in league with the Alcalde.  I was just glad there was enough distraction for you to escape arrest.

[Don Alejandro hands Margarita and Rafael glasses of wine before pouring one for himself.]

The Alcalde can't arrest me with sufficient charge.

Margarita [excitedly to Diego]
Guess who we saw?  Zorro!

Diego [not looking up from his painting]
That's always fun.

Oh, I've never seen anything like him.  He made fools of all the Alcalde's men.

This Zorro's the fool.  The peasants might be fond of him, but under law, he's just another criminal.

Don Alejandro
That's true.  If he's ever caught, Zorro will surely hang.

Diego [still absorbed in his painting]
And that would be something to see.

[Rafael walks around to look at Diego's painting.]

I think my best man is quite an artist.

Diego [looking up at Rafael]
Me? [Rafael nods.] Rafael, I'm honored.

Rafael [lifting his glass]
A toast to my best man.

[Instead of toasting, Margarita spins around and walks away.]

Rafael [starting to go after her]
Margarita!  A toast!

To what?  There's not going to be any wedding.

[She runs off.]

Rafael [stunned]
What?  Margarita! [to Don Alejandro] She's tired.

Don Alejandro [nodding]
Yes indeed.  It's been a long day.

Diego [cleaning the paint from his hands with a cloth then getting to his feet]
Not that long.  I'll go talk to her.

[He pats Rafael on the shoulder and goes to find Margarita.]

[Diego finds Margarita staring out a window.]

Margarita?  Rafael loves you very much.  I think you know that. [He walks over and stands in front of her.]  He's a good man, my cousin.

But I cannot marry him.

Why not?

I love another man.

[Diego stares at her in disbelief.]

[Rafael and Diego in the parlor.]


I know it's hard to believe but that's what she said.

If that's what she said, fine.  Then I will challenge this Zorro to a duel.

Diego [his voice full of concern]
No.  No, you don't want to do that.

I can hold my own with any brigand wearing a mask.  And I won't sit idly by while he toys with my fiancée.

But you're only a horse rancher.  This Zorro is a master swordsman.

The choice is clear, Cousin.  Either I kill Zorro or he kills me.

[Rafael walks away, leaving a disturbed Diego behind.]


[Exterior shot of the pueblo with market stalls set up in the plaza.  Victoria is walking through the market, smiling at people.  Margarita is also there, looking at bolts of fabric.  Victoria accidentally bumps into Margarita, who is holding a piece of white lace material against her dress.]

Oh, excuse me.

{She then goes over to look at produce at a nearby booth.]

Margarita [with a sneer]
Of course.

[Margarita holds up the lacy fabric against herself again.]

Margarita [in a loud voice]
Oh, a bit provincial, don't you think?  It may not be to Zorro's taste.

[Victoria spins around to stare at Margarita, who finds a bolt of black and white striped fabric and starts draping it across her bosom.]

But this!  Yes!  I think Zorro will like this.

Victoria [laughing nervously]
Excuse me again, but do you know Zorro?

Know him?  My dear girl, I'm going to marry him.

[Victoria turns away, a look of shock and anger on her face.  Behind her, Margarita smiles smugly.]

[Diego's hand breaks off a piece of a cactus plant.]

Rafael is a good man.  He only needs a chance to prove it in the eyes of his fiancée.

[He takes several steps toward something off camera.]

He went looking for Margarita in the plaza. [He holds up the piece of cactus.] This should create all the attraction you need.

[Diego hands the cactus to Felipe, who is seated on a white horse.  Felipe puts the cactus into one of the saddlebags.  Diego slaps the horse's rear and it takes off.

Hold on with both hands!

[Felipe waves as he rides away.]

[Victoria and Margarita are confronting each other in the market.]

Victoria [laughing haughtily]
Zorro wouldn't give you a second look.

Margarita [laughing with insincere politeness]
I'm sure he gave you one and decided to keep looking.

[Victoria smiles at her cattily.  Margarita pulls at a strand of her own hair and plays with it coyly.  A crowd has gathered around them]

Oh, my guess is Zorro is tired of peasant girls.

Victoria [deeply insulted]
Peasant!  Peasant?  Well, I'll have you know that Zorro has kissed my hand many, many times.

Only to avoid those well-worn lips, I'm sure.

[Victoria calmly reaches over and takes a tomato from the produce stall and mashes it onto Margarita's nose.  Margarita shrieks and tries to wipe the juicy tomato from her face.  Victoria smiles triumphantly and goes over to the booth to pick up a cloth to wipe her hands.  Margarita spies a flan sitting nearby and picks it up.  She smashes it up against the unsuspecting Victoria's chest.  Victoria grabs Margarita's hair and pulls hard.  Margarita grabs a handful of Victoria's hair and does the same.  Rafael runs over and tries to break up the fighting women.]

Margarita!  Señorita!

[Felipe puts the piece of cactus under his horse's saddle and then whacks his hand down on it.  The animal goes crazy, bucking and rearing into the plaza.  People scream as they hurry to get out of its way.  The noise draws Ramone out of his office.  When Felipe and the horse come near the cuartel, Ramone reaches out and takes the horse's reins, bringing its wild antics to a halt.  Rafael is still restraining Margarita and Victoria as they watch the scene taking place across the plaza.]

Ramone [stroking the horse's head]
Easy, boy, easy.

[He walks down the length of the horse.]

What's the problem here?  You're a better rider than that, aren't you?

[He runs his hand under the saddle, bends down and spies the cactus piece tucked underneath.  He pulls it out and holds it up to Felipe.]

Well, what have we here?

[Ramone then spots Rafael and the still struggling women.  He throws down the cactus and marches over to them.]

[Mendoza also at the market, talking to some ducks.}

Mendoza [ in un-subtitled Spanish]
. . .y pensar que esta tarde vamos a hacer un estu de pato  [Translation: and think that this afternoon we are going to have a nice duck stew (thanks Cristina for the translation!)]

[Ramone walks by and taps Mendoza on the arm.  Mendoza follows Ramone to where Rafael, Margarita, and Victoria are standing.]

You de la Vegas have a particular habit of upsetting me.  Yesterday you obstruct the administration of justice; today you disturb the peace.

Rafael [indignant]
Now, wait just a moment. . .

Actually I'm prepared to wait two hours for you to leave Los Angeles.  Barring that, you will have many years waiting in my jail.

You can't threaten. . .

Ramone [interrupting him by holding up two fingers]
Two hours.  No more.

[He turns and walks away.  Mendoza follows him.  They stop by the ducks.]

Collect the usual traveler's taxes before he reaches Tres Equinas.

[He starts to walk away.]

What traveler's tax?  Oh, of course.  That traveler's tax.

[Mendoza looks down at the ducks worriedly.]

[The front door of the de la Vega hacienda opens and a servant emerges carrying two suitcases.  Margarita and Don Alejandro follow him out the door.]

Oh, but it's so ridiculous leaving like this.

Don Alejandro
Believe me, the Alcalde would like nothing better that to make examples of you.

Oh, but Zorro will rescue us!

Diego [leaning against the outside of the hacienda where he had been speaking with Rafael]
Oh, he's terribly unpredictable.

Margarita [petulantly]
But I want to stay!

You think Zorro is coming to sweep you off your feet?  Maybe I should stay just to deal with that scoundrel.

Don Alejandro
Now, don't let your pride cloud your good judgement, Nephew. [He pats Rafael on the back as they walk to the buggy.] The Alcalde gave you two hours, take them. [He points away from the hacienda.] Now the shortest route from here is past the boulders at Tres Equinas.

[Rafael points in the same direction as Don Alejandro nods.]

[In the secret cave, Felipe hands Toronado's reins to Zorro, who is sitting on the horse's back.]

Our last attempt to help Margarita see Rafael in a heroic light was a spectacular failure.  This time, we'll be all alone out on the highway.  The Alcalde won't be around to interfere.

[Zorro then ducks down as he and Toronado enter the cave's exit tunnel.]

[Zorro rides across the country side to catch up to Rafael and Margarita.]

[Rafael and Margarita near Tres Equinas in their buggy when they are stopped by Mendoza and two other lancers.  Rafael stands up in the buggy.]

Señor, you are in violation of the law.

What law?

You have failed to pay your traveler's tax.

Traveler's tax?  What nonsense is this?

Fifty pesos if paid before departure.  Two hundred if not.

[Rafael climbs down from the buggy while Margarita remains seated.]

And if I refuse to pay?

Mendoza [chuckling]
The Alcalde becomes agitated.

[Rafael reaches into the buggy and brings out his sword, which he then pulls from its scabbard.]

Rafael [pointing the sword as the soldiers]
This is what I have for your alcalde.

[Mendoza lets out a sigh as the two lancers go for the hilts of their swords.]

Rafael, what are you doing?

Rafael [glancing over at her]
Perhaps Zorro was right.  It's time to fight back.

Mendoza [to the lancers, who pull out their swords]
Muchachos.  Try not to hurt him.

[The lancers both attack Rafael who defends himself nicely.  Mendoza pulls out a chorizo wrapped in a cloth as he sit down on a rock.  Margarita throws their suitcases at the soldiers, scattering their contents.  Mendoza takes a bite of his sausage before the tip of a blade taps him on the shoulder.]

Zorro [off camera]
Sergeant Mendoza?  So sorry to disturb you.

[Mendoza turns around slowly and sees Zorro standing on a boulder behind him.]


[He drops his chorizo.  Zorro smiles then his sword slashes at Mendoza, whose pants fall to the ground.]

I think you better get to a tailor.

[Mendoza struggles to pull up his pants.]

Mendoza [calling over his shoulder to his lancers]
Vamanos, muchachos!

[The two lancers abandon Rafael and run over to mount their horses.  Margarita gets out of the buggy and rushes over to Zorro, who jumps down from the boulder.]

Ah, just the sight of you frightened them off!

Are you all right?

[Margarita nods.]

Rafael [coming toward them]
Thank you for your concern but we're just fine. [He grabs Margarita's arm and moves her out of the way.]  And we'll be even better when you've met your proper end.

Zorro [holding out his hand]
You know we have no quarrel.

Rafael [pointing his sword at Zorro]
Defend yourself or die.

Zorro [saluting with his sword]
Of necessity, as you wish.

[Rafael lunges at Zorro, who parries before driving Rafael behind some large rocks, out of Margarita's sight.  Zorro knocks the sword from Rafael's hand.]

Pick up your sword.

You'll kill me.

If that were my intent, you'd already be dead.

I don't understand.

To fight is easy.  To create faith where there is none, that is a challenge.  Pick up your sword.  I'm going to show you how to create that faith.

[Rafael nods.]

[Margarita sits in the buggy as the sound of swords striking each other nears.  Rafael is driving Zorro back toward the buggy.  Zorro lets Rafael disarm him.  Rafael puts his sword to Zorro's throat as he lies seemingly helplessly against a boulder.]

Señor, spare me!

What's this?  A plea for mercy?  No Zorro, your time has come.

Margarita [getting out of the buggy]
Rafael! Wait!  He's not worth it.

[Rafael lowers his sword.]

Rafael [to Zorro]

Zorro [standing up and bowing]
Señor, I am in your debt.

[He goes over and hops onto Toronado's back then rides away.

[Rafael walks over to where Margarita is standing up in the buggy.]

Rafael, you truly are brave.

To fight is easy.  Now to create faith where there is none, that is our challenge.

[Margarita smiles and leans over to kiss his cheek.  He gets into the buggy as she sits down and they drive away.]


[Exterior shot of the pueblo during the day.]

[Inside the tavern, Mendoza is telling his version of what happened at Tres Equinas to several lancers and others gathered around a table.]

Mendoza [pacing as he talks]
He had already overcome three of my best men.  That's when I knew I had to take matters into my own hands.

[Diego and Felipe walk into the tavern then.  Diego waves at Victoria who is listening to the story from the bar.  Diego and Felipe go over to where Mendoza is holding court.]

Let me guess.  Zorro?

How did you know?

Diego [sitting down at the table]
Well, Sergeant, you're the only one brave enough to challenge the sword of the infamous Zorro.

Mendoza [puffing up a little]
How true. [He then continues his story.] And so there I was, my men scattered like leaves in the wind, two helpless traveler's at his mercy.

Diego [pouring a glass of something from a pitcher]
So you skewered him.  You gave Zorro what he truly deserved, one solid thrust right through the heart.

Well, n-not exactly.

Well you cut him.  Scarred him for life.

But that would be cruel.

Well, Sergeant, there are warrants out for Zorro, a price on his head.  Surely you forced him to surrender to you?

Mendoza [turning to the others at the table before looking at Diego again]
Zorro's life was mine for the taking.  He knew it.  And I knew it. [He thumps his fist against his chest.] Killing him would have just meant a waste of time.  Besides, I had wounded men to take care of.

Diego [hiding a smile]
Ah, of course.  We all know how seriously you take your responsibilities to your men.

Mendoza [standing up straight and adjust his jacket proudly]
That's what leadership is all about, Don Diego.

[He takes a drink from his glass.]

Diego [standing up and acting nervously]
So, um, Zorro is still at large then, is he?

You needn't worry.  He won't be showing his face around here anymore.

You're truly that confident?

Ah, let's just say Zorro knows who he's dealing with now.

[Diego looks at Felipe who smiles.  Diego pats Mendoza on the shoulder before departing the tavern.  Mendoza opens up a napkin that was in his hand.  He jumps when he sees a ‘Z' written on it in black ink.  He glances over both shoulders, a wary expression on his face.]

*****END OF EPISODE***** 

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland  16 June 2006

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.