"They Call Her Annie"

Written by Robert L McCullough
Directed by Ray Austin

First US Airdate 8 March 1992   Episode 3.18

[Exterior shot of the pueblo gate.]

[Exterior shot of the plaza as the camera pans up and shows the front of the tavern.]

[Exterior shot of the plaza as people mill about the market stalls.  A man waits on a customer by his cart.]

[Closeup shot of a woman with long red hair juggling oranges.]

Woman [as she loses control of the oranges]

[Several boys and girls stand facing her and they laugh as she tosses the oranges to them.]

Okay, back to our lesson.  Now, children, [She puts her hand on a scale hanging to her left.] this is a balance scale.  The growers use it to weigh the food we buy.  And with this counterweight, [She indicates the counterweight with her left hand.] we all pay a fair price.

[Exterior shot of the plaza as the woman leads the children over to another market stall selling pottery.]

Remember when we made the pots in class?  They do the same like this. [She touches her left hand to a large terra-cotta jar.] But it's baked in a kiln to make it hard. [She leads the children away from the pots.] Come on, kids, let's go look at the chickens.

[The woman leads the children past Victoria, who is carrying a basket.  Don Alejandro walks up to her.]

Don Alejandro
Well, those children certainly seem to be enjoying school these days.

Victoria [as she and Don Alejandro walk along]
I think they like the new schoolteacher.

Don Alejandro [as they stop at a stall and Victoria picks up and looks at an apple]
Well, let's face it, she's wonderfully creative.  But I was wondering what attracts a young lady to come out to California and teach at one of our schools.

[Closeup shot of the schoolteacher leaning over and talking to the children.]

What does the chicken go?

[She starts making chicken noises and the children do the same.  A gunshot is heard off camera.]

[Exterior shot of the bank as three men with pistols and wearing bandannas over their faces back out of the building.  They fire their pistols into the bank.]

[Exterior shot of the plaza as people run around and several of them are screaming.  The schoolteacher starts grabbing the children.]

Quickly, children, under the table.

[The bank robbers run out into the plaza.]

Robber #1
Move it, hombre, move it.

[People continue to run around the plaza and scream.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Zorro rides Toronado to the top of a hill.  Another gunshot is heard off camera and Zorro brings Toronado to a halt.]

[Exterior shot of the plaza as de Soto runs out of his office and into the plaza.]

de Soto
Lancers!  Cut them off! [Mendoza runs up beside de Soto as de Soto points in several directions.] Lancers, seal off the plaza!

[Victoria and Don Alejandro help the schoolteacher get the children under cover.]

Hurry!  Under the bench!

[Four lancers stand blocking an archway as the robber run up to it.  The robbers stop in their tracks.  Three more lancers aim their muskets.  The robbers run over toward a cart.]


[Three lancers come up behind a produce cart and fire their muskets.  The robbers run to their left.  One of the school girls crouches beside a cage of chickens.]


[She rushes over to Juanita but Robber #1 reaches her first.]

Schoolteacher [trying to pull Juanita out of the robber's grasp]
No!  Don't touch her!

[De Soto, Mendoza, and several other lancers stop in the middle of the plaza.]

Schoolteacher [off camera]
No!  No!

[Robber #1 lifts Juanita off the ground.]

Let her go!

[Robber #1 pushes the schoolteacher down but she gets right back up.]

Robber #1 [holding his pistol at Juanita's head]
Three horses now!

de Soto [aiming his sword forward]
Hurt that child and you're a dead man, Señor.

Mendoza [pointing forward]
But, Alcalde, if he hurts the child, the child will be hurt!

Please, do as he says!

de Soto
I don't make deals with kidnappers, Señorita!

But he has Juanita.  You don't have a choice!

Robber #1
Listen to her, Señor.  What's it going to be. . .three horses or this innocent little muchacha?

[De Soto lowers his sword then hits his leg with it in frustration.]

[Exterior shot of the pueblo gate as Zorro and Toronado gallop underneath it.]

[Exterior shot of the plaza as a lancer leads three horses behind where the three robbers standing.]

de Soto
All right, you have what you asked for.  Now let the child go before she gets hurt.

Robber #1 [lifting Juanita off the ground again]
Only when we leave.

[Zorro climbs up onto a roof of a building.]

Robber #1 [off camera]
No one follows.  Comprende?

de Soto [off camera]
Señor, I swear, you'll regret this.

[The three robbers back up toward the horses. Robber #1 carries Juanita.]

Don't worry, Juanita!  You'll be all right!

de Soto
Stop them, Sergeant!

Mendoza [as Robber #1 puts Juanita on a horse]
But, Alcalde, we'll hit the child if he do.

de Soto
All right.  Hold your fire, lancers!

[Zorro looks down from a rooftop.  The three robbers start to ride away.  The schoolteacher grabs a musket from the lancer standing to her left.]


[The schoolteacher aims the musket toward the robbers.]

What are you doing?

[The schoolteacher fires the musket and hit Robber #1 in the back.  Juanita screams as the robber falls off the horse.  The other two robbers keep riding.  One of them grabs the reins of Juanita's horse and leads it away.  Zorro still watches from the rooftop.  The schoolteacher lowers the musket as people murmur excitedly.  Zorro runs across the roof of the tavern then jumps onto a thatched porch roof then onto Toronado's back and rides off.]

de Soto [awestruck]
That was an amazing shot, Señorita.

[Zorro rides through the plaza behind de Soto, Mendoza, and the other lancers.]

Lancers [turning around]

Zorro!  Zorro!

de Soto [also turning around]
Zorro!  He's with them!

Schoolteacher [grabbing another lancer's musket]
Give me that rifle!

[She aims the musket as Zorro as he and Toronado ride across the plaza.  De Soto watches in anticipation.  Victoria ‘accidently' stumbles into the schoolteacher as she fires the musket.]


[Zorro looks over his left shoulder as a bullet whizzes by him.]

de Soto [in frustration]

Victoria [acting innocently]
I tripped.

[She shrugs her shoulders as Don Alejandro looks at her skeptically.]

de Soto [to the schoolteacher]
You shot the bank robber so easily.  How could you miss Zorro?  You had him in your sights.

Schoolteacher [handing the musket back to the lancer]
Yeah. . . [She turns and looks at Victoria.] Well, I guess nobody's perfect.

[She gives Victoria the evil eye as she walks away.  The lancers walk over to where Robber #1 is lying on the ground.  De Soto rubs his chin with his right hand and looks thoughtful.]


[Exterior shot of the plaza as the schoolteacher leads the children through the market stalls.  De Soto comes up to her.]

de Soto
Señorita?  May we talk?

Talk?  I think that's all you can do.  Now, what about Juanita?

[Mendoza, Victoria, and Don Alejandro follow along behind the schoolchildren.]

de Soto
It's not a problem.  My men are taking care of that.  But I have a proposition for you.  A. . .uh. . .business proposition.

Something tells me I'm not interested in your type of business.

de Soto
Señorita, uh, you see, in my official capacity here, often situations occur which I could make great use of a person with your shooting skills.

Like I said, not interested.  Excuse me.

[She starts to turn away.]

de Soto [aggressively]
What about your responsibility to the Spanish Crown?

Schoolteacher [turning to face de Soto]
My what?

de Soto
Forgive me, Señorita, but anyone who enjoys the privilege of residence in this territory owes a certain civic. . .

Schoolteacher [holding up her hand]
Whoa, whoa, whoa!  Wait one second.  The fact is I heard you needed a teacher so I came out for the job.  But I'm an American citizen and I sure as heck don't owe the Spanish Crown anything.  Now, how long will it take your men to track those bandits?  That child's life is in danger.

de Soto
A patrol I being set up immediately.

Schoolteacher [looking at the children]
Your men had better be good.  That man in black is an excellent rider.

Mendoza [proudly]
Oh, Señorita, he's impossible to track.

de Soto [angrily]
Nothing is impossible, Sergeant.  Zorro will be caught. . .sooner or later.

Schoolteacher [sarcastically]
Oh, really?  Well, if it's left up to you, from what I've seen so far, it's going to be later.  A lot later. [to the children.] Come, children.

[She and the children walk away.]

de Soto [leaning toward Mendoza]
Watch her, Sergeant.  Monitor her every move.

[He chuckles as he turns away.  Mendoza takes off his hat and smooths his hair back with his right hand.]

[Closeup shot of a gate as children walk up to it, talking and laughing.]

Schoolteacher [coming up behind the children]

[The children open the gate and go out into the plaza, past Victoria who walks up to the schoolteacher.]

Excuse me.

[The schoolteacher turns around to face Victoria, then walks up to her.]

I'm Victoria Escalante.

Annie [holding out her right hand]
Annie Smith.

[Mendoza sticks his head out in the opening between the cuartel gates.]

I appreciate you not telling the Alcalde I bumped you today.

Well, I didn't think it would change much if I did tell him.  Why did you bump me?

Because the man you almost shot had nothing to do with the bank robbery.

Could have fooled me.  He rode through here with that gang.

Victoria [as Mendoza sneaks out of the cuartel and into the plaza]
You see, you don't understand.  Zorro's all that stands between the people and this government's endless oppression.

Annie [a bit sarcastically]
Oh, really?  Sounds likes a very interesting man, this Zorro. [She acts flirtatiously.] Tell me more about him.

Victoria [not picking up Annie's manner]
He's more than interesting.  He's absolutely fascinating.

Annie [even more flirtatious]
How can I meet him?

Victoria [finally noticing]
I'm afraid he's already spoken for.  Adios.

[She turns and walks away.  Annie stares after her.  Mendoza hides around the corner of a building and writes on a piece of paper with a pencil (scene originally used in "Whereabouts" Episode 1.16).  Annie turns and walks away.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside where Annie, dressed in a fringed leather vest and a split riding skirt with her hair in braids, walks away from three green glass bottles lined up on a rock.  She turns around and pulls two pistols from the waistband of her skirt.  She aims the pistols and fires, hitting two of the bottles.  The third bottle is knocked over by one of the other bottles.  Annie sets the pistols down on a rock.  Mendoza hides in a nearby bush and it jiggles.  Annie bends down and pulls a pistol from her right boot and shoots Mendoza's hat off his head.]

Hey! [He comes out from behind the bush.] Hold your fire!  Don't shoot!

Annie [aggravated]
What are you doing here?

[She walks up to Mendoza.]

You could have shot me!

Yeah, I guess I could have. [She waves the pistol around.] Guns can be very dangerous and accidents can happen, now don't they?

[She reaches into her left boot, pulls out another pistols and shoots, hitting the glass bottle lying on its side.]

Mendoza [nervously]
Be careful with that pistol, Señorita.

Annie [blowing on the end of the pistol's smoking barrel]
I'd just like to know that you're doing out here.

Mendoza [even more nervously]
The Alcalde gave me strict orders to watch you and to keep an eye on you.

[Annie walks past Mendoza with a grim expression.  Mendoza puts his right hand over his heart and sighs with relief.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Zorro rides Toronado through a creek.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as the two robbers and Juanita ride through steep, rocky terrain.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Zorro rides Toronado past a big rock then slows down.]

Zorro [voiceover]
These men killed the coach driver in San Fernando. [Toronado picks his way over rocky terrain.] They're dangerous and obviously desperate if they traveled this trail.

[Zorro and Toronado reach the top of a ridge then come to a halt.  The robbers and Juanita ride along the top of a ridge to Zorro's left.  Zorro turns Toronado around and goes back the way he came.]

[Exterior shot of the tavern porch as Victoria lifts a pitcher off the table and puts it on a tray.  Several lancers sit at the table.  Victoria turns to go inside the tavern.]

de Soto [sitting at a table to her left]
Ah, Señorita. . .  You wouldn't happen to have a finger bowl, would you?

Victoria [as de Soto wipes his hands on a red-checkered napkin]
A what?

de Soto
Ah, never mind.  It's nothing. [He continues to wipe his fingers on the napkin as Victoria goes inside.] The sacrifices I make. . .

[A horse snorting off camera makes him look up to his left.  Annie dismounts her horse then walks up on the porch and over to de Soto.  De Soto stands up.]

Annie [still wearing in her fringed leather vest and braids]
Have your men found Juanita yet?

de Soto
Señorita, you've, um, changed.

Those desperados still have her, don't they?

de Soto
Well, you see, a manhunt in the formidable terrain surrounding this territory is rather like looking for good caviar in this tavern.  It's a very difficult task. [He indicates a chair to his left.] Please.

[He sits back down.  Annie leans over the table and gets in his face.]

If it's such a difficult task, how can you spare a sergeant to spy on me?

de Soto
Well, it's for your protection only, I assure you.

Annie [moving her vest aside to show the pistols in her waistband]
I can take care of myself.  Thank you.

de Soto
Indeed.  Is that why you almost shot my sergeant?

That was an accident.

de Soto
Ah. . .  And the shot that killed the bank robber this morning in the plaza. . .  That was also an accident? [Annie glares at him.] Who are you?

Your new schoolteacher.

de Soto
Oh, I see.  A schoolteacher.  And I am a fool, hmm?  Lancers.

[Two of the lancers sitting at the opposite table stand up.  Annie turns to look at them.]

Yes, mi Alcalde.

Annie [looking at de Soto]
Of course not. [She sits down as do the lancers.] You're simply in business.  Just like me.

de Soto
Really?  And what business would that be?

I'm hunting the man they call Zorro.


[Exterior shot of the tavern porch as de Soto and Annie sit at the table on the left side of the porch.]

de Soto [a bit smugly]
There was something about you.  I knew you weren't a schoolteacher.

I love the children.  But I needed to get the lay of the land without tipping my hand.

de Soto
Ah, very clever, very clever.  But tell me, what is a beautiful young woman like yourself doing tracking a bandit like Zorro?

My pa had a wild west show.  It ran the circuit through the Missouri Territory.  And when I was just a little girl, he taught me trick riding and sharpshooting.

de Soto
He taught you well.

Last year, he had a bad horse fall, got busted up, lost the show, and went broke.  And then I saw this.

[She reaches down then brings up a wanted poster of Zorro.]

de Soto [chuckling as he takes the poster]
A reward poster for Zorro, huh?

Annie [as Victoria comes up to their table and picks up a cup and a pitcher, putting them on a tray]
I'm hoping to get the cash to buy my pa a small place he can farm.  I figured if the poster make it as far as Missouri, you folks must need to get this bandit pretty bad.

Victoria [angrily]
Excuse me again.  But you must know that Zorro is not a bandit.  Talk to the people and you will see he is our only hope.

de Soto [shifting in his chair and waving his hand disgustedly]
Ah. . .

Annie [standing up]
Victoria, your local politics are your own business, not mine. [She waves the wanted poster at Victoria.]   I only know what this flyer's offering and it's hard cash for the man, or woman, who can capture or kill Zorro.

Well, I for one would like to see you try and capture Zorro. [She grabs the poster from Annie.] Zorro's a hero.

[She rips the poster in two.]

Don Alejandro [off camera at first]

[Don Alejandro walks out of the tavern and comes to a stop beside Annie's right side.]

Don Alejandro
Everything all right?

Victoria [to Annie]
Who do you think is right now chasing after those kidnappers?

de Soto
Nonsense!  Zorro's their leader.  My men are scouring the hillsides right now looking for Zorro and his band of cutthroats.

Don Alejandro
Zorro rides alone!  You know that!

de Soto
I know nothing of the sort, de la Vega!  Zorro is a renegade!  The truth of the matter is birds of a feather do flock together.

Maybe it's best I find out for myself.

[She turns and walks off.  Victoria grabs her tray and goes inside the tavern.  Don Alejandro stares at de Soto, then slaps the table, scoots a chair out of the way with his foot then turns away.  De Soto sits and smirks.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Zorro rides Toronado across the top of a ridge.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as the robbers and Juanita ride through some trees.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Annie gallops her horse up a hillside.  She keeps looking to her right.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as the robbers and Juanita continue riding.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Zorro rides Toronado to the top of a ridge then comes to a halt.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Annie keeps riding and looking to her right.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Zorro rides Toronado down a hillside then rides off to his right.  The robbers and Juanita bring their horses to a halt and one of the robbers turns around.]

Robber #2
It's Zorro!

[Zorro rides Toronado up a small hill.  The robbers and Juanita ride off to their left.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Annie and her horse approach a low-hanging branch.  She slides off the saddle and down the left side of her horse.  The horse goes under the branch with Annie hanging off its left side.  She hops back into the saddle and keeps riding.  She rides her horse across the top of a ridge.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as the robbers and Juanita ride through some bushes then come to a halt.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Annie rides her horse over steep, rocky terrain.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as the two robbers laugh as they dismount their horses.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Zorro rides Toronado up a hillside.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Robber #2 lifts Juanita off her horse.  Robber #3  leads the three horses over to a tree while Robber #2 carries Juanita over toward the tree as well.  The robbers both laugh.  Then Robber #3 pulls out his pistol.]

Robber #3

[Robber #2 turns around.]

What took you so long, amigos?

[Robber #2 pulls out a pistol.  Zorro flicks his whip and knocks Robber #3's pistol from his hand.  Robber #2 fires his pistol and Zorro ducks.  The bullet hits a tree behind Zorro.  Robber #3 is down on one knee, holding his right wrist.  Robber #2 pulls out a knife.]

Robber #2
Back off of the girls dies.

If I do back off?

Robber #2
I might show her some mercy.

I have a better idea.  Suppose I show you some mercy?

[Juanita bites Robber #2's right arm and he drops his knife.]

Robber #2

[He lets go of Juanita and she runs off to her right.  Zorro hits Robber #2 on the right arm with his whip.]

Zorro [to Juanita]
Touché, little one.

[Robber #2 tries to punch Zorro but Zorro blocks his fist then punches Robber #2 in the stomach then hits him with an right uppercut to the chin.  Robber #2 falls backward.  Robber #3 reaches for his pistol but Zorro kicks him in the face before he can pick it up.  Robber #3 lands face down in the dirt.  Zorro walks over anc crouches down in front of Juanita as Toronado whinnies off camera.]

I'm certainly glad he showed us some mercy.

[He chuckles as Juanita puts her arms around his neck and he lifts her off the ground.]

I know a safe way to the pueblo.  Why don't you follow me on your horse?  All right?


First, I think we should tie these hombre up, don't you?

Si, Zorro.

[He carries her forward.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Annie slowly rides her horse as she looks right and left.]

[Closeup shot of a rattlesnake hissing and flicking its tongue.  It shakes its rattle.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Annie urges her horse forward.  The rattlesnake strikes at the horse's hoof.  The horse whinnies loudly.]

Annie [as she falls off the horse]
Oh! [She rolls down a rocky hillside.] Aah!  Oh!

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Zorro secures one of the robbers who is slung over the saddle of a horse with a ‘Z' slashed into the rear of his trousers.  Juanita sits on her horse and watches.]

Annie [off camera]
Aah!  Aah!

A woman. . .somewhere down canyon. [He turns to Juanita.] These two won't be any trouble so you can carry on without me.  Would you be all right?


I'll catch up with you later.

[He walks around the rear of the horse then looks to his left.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside where Annie's horse stands at the top of a rocky hillside.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Zorro urges Toronado to their left.  They ride past some boulders and trees.]

Annie [off camera]

[Zorro brings Toronado to a halt.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Annie sits among some rocks, rubbing her right leg.]

Hello!  Anybody?

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Zorro turns Toronado to their right then to the left.  They come to a halt and Zorro stands up in the stirrups.  Toronado whinnies.]

Annie [off camera]
Who's up there?  Hello?

[Exterior shot of the countryside as she waves her right arm then puts her right hand next to her mouth.]

Help me!

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Zorro dismounts then runs to his right then down a small slope.  He stops at the rim of the canyon.  Annie is at the bottom.  She lowers her right hand and looks up as Zorro looks down at her.]

Are you all right?

I turned my ankle.

Zorro [a bit angrily]
What are you doing out here?

Annie [hostilely]
What do you think?  I'm hunting you.

Zorro [a bit sarcastically]
Well, your hunt is over.  You found me.

Very funny.  I suppose you taunt all your victims before you do them in.

Something tells me you're hardly anyone's victim, Señorita.  Can you climb?

Annie [hostilely]
If I could, you'd be staring down the barrel of the rifle right now.

[Zorro turns and disappears.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Zorro walks over to Toronado.]

Annie [off camera]
Sure, run away, coward!

Zorro [to Toronado]
She's a tough one, amigo.

[He takes something from Toronado's left saddlebag then runs back down the slope to the edge of the canyon.  He crouches down.]

Can you pull yourself up?

[He tosses down one end of a rope.]

Yes, I can.  And when I do, I'll be after that reward on your head.  I'm not through with you, Zorro.

Zorro [holding the other end of the rope]
I'm not one to run from a confrontation, Señorita.  But in this case, discretion might be the better part of valor. [Annie pushes herself up.] Adios.

[He lets go of his end of the rope which is tied to a boulder and leaves.]

Annie [as she struggles to reach her end of the rope]
Sure, hightail it out of here while you can.  But I'll get you, Zorro! [She starts climbing up the rope.] Might as well give up now!

[Exterior shot of the plaza as several lancers on horseback wait in front of the fountain.]

[Exterior shot of de Soto's office as de Soto faces Annie who is leaning on a stick.  Victoria walks past them then stops.]

Annie [as de Soto shakes his head]
Just give me ten good men.  We can take him by surprise.  I followed them.  I know where Zorro is.  Where Juanita is.

Victoria [walking up to Annie and de Soto]
And I know where they are, too.

[She walks forward to where Zorro and Juanita are riding into the pueblo leading the robbers on their horses.]

Zorro!  Zorro!  Zorro!

[Annie looks stunned as de Soto looks a bit nervous.]

Zorro [to Victoria as she helps Juanita off her horse]
See that she gets home.

de Soto [looking around]
Lancers! [He turns back toward his office.] Never around when you need them!

Zorro [to Annie]
Glad you made it back safely.

Annie [sputtering]
You. . .  You just can't ride into town like this!  I'm hunting you.

I'd better be going.

[Toronado whinnies then Zorro turns his around and they ride away.]

de Soto [handing Annie a musket]
Here's a gun.  Here, shoot him. [Annie doesn't take the musket and de Soto shakes it at her.] Shoot him!  The bounty is yours.  Kill him!


[She urges Juanita to her left.  Zorro and tornado ride out of the pueblo.]

de Soto
If you don't shoot that man, I'll have you in my jail.  I swear it!

All right.  If you insist.

[She takes the musket, licks her thumb then touches it to the end of the musket's barrel.  Victoria runs out into the plaza.]

Zorro, look out!

de Soto
Señorita! [He runs toward her.] Don't interfere!

[Zorro and Toronado continue to ride out of town.]

Victoria [off camera]

[Annie aims the musket.]

de Soto
Escalante, I'm warning you!

[He comes up behind Victoria and grabs her around the waist.  She struggles to get free.]

Let go of me, you swine!

[A gunshot is heard off camera then a pot of flowers shatters then falls on de Soto's head.]

de Soto

[He staggers backward up against a post then slides to the ground.  Victoria looks at him incredulously then looks up at Annie.]

Annie [smiling]
Well, hope I'm not losing my touch.

[Victoria looks back down at de Soto then back up at Annie and smiles.  Annie smiles at her.  Zorro rides back into the plaza then comes to a halt.  Annie gives him a salute which he returns.  Zorro then turns Toronado around and rides back out of the pueblo.]


[Exterior shot of the plaza as Annie secures something to her horse then pats it on the rump. Don Alejandro comes out of the tavern and walks up to Annie.]

Don Alejandro
Sorry to see you go, Annie.  The schoolchildren could certainly use a good schoolteacher.

[Victoria comes up behind Don Alejandro.]

I know that, Don Alejandro.  But. . .as much as I love those children, I promised my pa he'd get his farm.

But how can you accomplish that now without Zorro's reward money?

Well, they're having a lot of trouble on the American frontier. . .with highway robbery and rustlers.  I thought I'd sign up somewhere as a deputy sheriff.

[She puts her foot in her horse's left stirrup.]

Don Alejandro
Well, Annie, I've never heard of a woman with a badge and a gun.

Victoria [looking at him and smiling]
Well, now you have, Don Alejandro.

Annie [in the saddle now]
Just you wait and see.  One day, women are going to do all sorts of things you never thought they would.  Of course, we'll still be women.  So if you happen to see that Zorro fellow again, tell him I owe him one.  And give him a kiss for me.

Victoria [smiling]
It will be my pleasure.

Well, adios, amigos.

Don Alejandro [waving]

[Annie turns her horse to her right and rides away past the blacksmith's shop.  Children wave as she passes by.]

Bye!  Adios!  So long!

Annie [waving at the children]
Bye, kids!  Be good!

[She rides out of town, passing Diego on his way into the pueblo.]

Diego [waving as he rides by the children]


Father. . .

[He brings his horse to a halt a little ways from the tavern then dismounts.]

Don Alejandro [as Diego leads his horse toward the tavern]
Fine time to take a trip to Santa Paula, Diego.  We had a bank robbery, a shooting, and a kidnapping.

Is everyone all right?

Well, yes. . .thanks to you know who.

Don Alejandro
Oh, and you missed a chance at meeting a very special young lady.

Diego [snapping his fingers]
Well, just my luck.

Oh, don't worry, Don Diego.  She was too much woman for you anyway.

[Diego looks sheepish as Victoria turns and goes back inside the tavern.]

Diego [to Don Alejandro]
Well, I do have some wonderful news.

[He pats Don Alejandro's right shoulder.]

Don Alejandro [a bit impatiently]
Out with it, Diego!

My violin has never sounded better.

Don Alejandro [through clenched teeth]
Welcome home, son.

[He turns toward the tavern as Diego smiles and pats his horse's mane.]

*****END OF EPISODE*****

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland  4 and 5 December 2007

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.