"The Man Who Cried Wolf"

Written by Bruce Lansbury
Directed by Ray Austin

First US Airdate 22 September 1991   Episode 3.4

[Exterior shot of the countryside.  A man, woman, and a boy stand next to two horses hitched to a covered wagon.  The woman brushes off a blanket as the man lifts up one of the horses's hoofs.]

How bad is it?

Well, going to need a new shoe [A wolf pants as it sits and watches the humans.] up in the settlement they call Los Angeles if we're going to make it to the Oregon Territory.  You been keeping your ears open?

You bet.  Raccoon family across the creek awhile back.  Otherwise it's pretty quiet.  They wouldn't follow us now, Pa.  You're too tough for them.

Well, being tough isn't always the answer, Jack.  Sometimes men won't just let things be.  Cruzero, he's that kind of man.

[The wolf growls off camera.  Jack turns around and the wolf gets up then walks off.]

Pa [with a chuckle]
What got into her?

Cruzero.  Just hearing that name makes her crazy.

[The wolf wanders off.  Pa puts his right arm around Jack's right shoulder.]

She's your pal, huh?


Pa [putting his right hand on Jack's head]

[He turns back to the horse as Jack stares in the direction the wolf went.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as two men on horseback ride along a dirt road.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside where Jack and Pa sit by their wagon.  Jack pets the wolf.]

The way you fought, Pa..  You whipped that Cruzero.

[The wolf growls as Jack and Pa laugh.  Pa's expression turns serious after the woman gives him a disapproving look.]

Well, fighting's for fools, Jack.

Well, that Cruzero fellow wasn't treating her right.  Whacking her with that stick all the time. [The wolf growls.] If you hadn't stepped in. . .

[Two men ride into the family's camp.  Pa and the woman get to their feet as does Jack.  The woman runs over to stand by Jack as the two men dismount and aim their rifles at the family.  The wolf wanders off. One of the men is wearing a tan jacket and the other a dark brown jacket.]

Man with Tan Jacket [as he points with his right hand]
I want that animal back.

She don't belong to you anymore!

Quiet, Jack! [to Cruzero] Now I told you I'd fight you for that wolf.  You lost that fight fair and square.  Now why don't we just leave it at that?

Better, I think, if I kill a gringo.

[He raises his rifle.  The wolf growls and runs up to Cruzero.  She bites the rifle and Cruzero jerks it upward.  It fires into the air.  Pa kicks the second man's rifle from his hands then punches him in the face.  Cruzero struggles with the wolf over the rifle.  The wolf lets go of the rifle as Pa comes up behind Cruzero and grabs the rifle out of his hands.  Pa turns Cruzero around but the second man runs up and bear hugs Pa, pinning his arms to his sides.  Pa kicks Cruzero in the groin area.  Cruzero falls down to the ground.  Pa then elbows the other man in the ribs then turns around and punches him in the face.  Cruzero gets up and starts to swing at Pa.  Pa blocks the punch with his left arm then punches Cruzero in the face with his right fist.  Cruzero and the other man roll down into a shallow gully then get to their feet.]

Cruzero [pointing with his right hand]
You'll pay for this, gringo!  You'll pay!

[He and the other man run off to their left into some bushes as Pa watches.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Pa brings an armload of wood up to the covered wagon.  Jacks sits on the ground, petting the wolf.]

Hey, Pa.  How old do you think she is?  Four?  Five?

Pa [putting the wood down on the ground]
Uh, maybe.  Hard to tell.

I'm going to call her Lobo.

Well, you just take care of her and she'll take care of you, huh?

[The woman carries a black kettle over to where Pa put the wood.]

I'll take care of her all right.  I'm going to be a fighter, Pa.  Just like you.

[Lobo growls suddenly then gets up and runs off.]

Hey, Lobo!

[Lobo keeps going.  Jack looks worried.]

[Exterior shot of a corral holding several horses as Cruzero pushes a farmer up against the corral fence.]

Cruzero [holding a pistol on the farmer]
Hurry up, Ortiz!  We're going to need to make a trap for the gringo.

[The farmer turns around and grabs a garden implement of some kind but Cruzero hits him, knocking him down.  Cruzero then grabs the farmer by the shirt collar, lifting him off the ground.]

Isn't your life worth more than a couple of horses?

[Zorro rides up on Toronado.]

Isn't yours, Señor?

[Cruzero lets go of the farmer and turns to look at Zorro.  Zorro cracks his whip, coiling it around Cruzero's pistol and yanks it out of Cruzero's hand.  Zorro catches the pistol with his left hand then tosses at Ortiz in the corral.  The pistol hits Ortiz in the forehead and he falls to the ground.  The farmer runs off to his right as Cruzero draws out his sword.  Zorro rides Toronado at Cruzero who slashes at them with his sword as they ride past him.  He doesn't hit either of them.  Zorro brings Toronado to a halt then dismounts.  The farmer hides behind a post.]

Cruzero [to Zorro]
Who are you?

Zorro [unsheathing his saber]
The question is, Señor, who are you to steal this poor man's horses?

[Ortiz crawls on the ground and picks up a shovel.]

All you need to know it that we are two and you are one.

Ortiz [as he raises the shovel behind Zorro]

[Zorro steps to his right and Ortiz hits the fence with the shovel.  Zorro punches Ortiz in the face, knocking him to the ground.]

Zorro [a bit sarcastically]
Yes, I can see that.  You do have quite the advantage.

Cruzero [as he rushes at Zorro with his sword]

[Zorro turns to his right again and Cruzero runs into the fence.  Zorro steps behind Cruzero and slashes a ‘Z' into the rear of Cruzero's trousers.  The farmer smiles as he watches.  Cruzero turns around and swings his sword wildly at Zorro, who ducks out of the way.  Zorro parries two more thrust from Cruzero before turning Cruzero's blade aside, pinning it to a fence railing.  Cruzero crashes into another fence and Zorro picks up a wooden bucket and puts it over Cruzero's head, then hits the bottom of the bucket with his saber hilt.]

Cruzero [as he falls down]

Zorro [turning to the farmer]
Let's tie them up, amigo.

[He hands the farmer some rope.  Cruzero gets up on his knees and takes off his hat.]

Cruzero [pleadingly]
Please, there has been a misunderstanding.

[He reaches into the crown of his hat where a knife is stashed.  Zorro's eyes narrow and he smiles knowingly.]

Indeed there has, Señor.

Let me explain. . .

[He pulls the hat away and holds out the knife.  Lobo comes running up behind Cruzero, growling.  Cruzero turns around and Lobo attacks him. She bites his hand which is holding the knife.  As they struggle, Cruzero pulls his hand free and slashes at Lobo's left side.  She whimpers and lets go then goes off the way she came.  She whimpers again and comes to a stop.  Cruzero stands up and goes over to the corral.]

Cruzero [to Ortiz]
Let's get out of here!

[Zorro approaches Lobo with a concerned expression then turns to see Cruzero and Ortiz riding away on stolen horses.  The farmer comes up to Zorro.]

Mil gracias, Señor Zorro.

The thanks should go to that wolf, amigo. [Lobo runs off.] She attacked that man like they were old enemies.

[Lobo disappears into some bushes.]


[Exterior shot of the tavern as people mill about in front of it.]

[Interior shot of the tavern as Diego and Don Alejandro sit on opposites sides of a table.  Don Alejandro is reading the newspaper as he drinks from a glass of orange juice.  De Soto walks into the tavern and comes up to their table.  He sets a newspaper down on the table in front of Diego then slaps his hand on it.  Diego takes a drink from his glass of orange juice, looking at de Soto innocently.]

de Soto [angrily]
You chose not to print my article?

I'm very sorry.  There just wasn't room this week.

de Soto
I see.  There wasn't room [He turns over the newspaper and points at it.] There was room for this tripe and none for my scientific study of criminal types?

I'm afraid that personal prejudices based upon physical appearances hardly qualifies as science. You hypothesize that all men with long noses are pickpockets.  And those with small ear lobes are. . .embezzlers.

[He looks up as Cruzero walks into the tavern.]

de Soto
No, no, no, no, no.  You're oversimplifying a very complex system of crime detection, my friend.

Diego [glancing over at Cruzero]
Then let's put it to the test, shall we?  That man, right there, who just came in. . . [Cruzero takes off his hat as de Soto turns around to look at him.] Behind you.  Very distinctive nose. . .  Earlobes of a horse thief, perhaps?

[De Soto turns back and looks at Diego before walking over to the bar where Cruzero is standing with Mendoza standing to his right.  De Soto comes up on Cruzero's left.]

de Soto
Con permiso, Señor.  I'm Ignacio de Soto, alcalde of Los Angeles.

Just the man I've been looking for.  Jorge Cruzero. [He holds up a badge with a six-pointed star in its middle.]  Deputy of the guards at San Isidro Territorial Prison. [Mendoza looks disbelievingly at Cruzero's clothes.]  I've been riding for many days.

de Soto
The prison, yes.  I understand there was trouble there.  Two guards were killed.

Si.  An Americano escaped.

I heard he was a Spaniard.

No. . .  No, an American. . .in disguise.  Will Adams. [Don Alejandro and Diego listen in on Cruzero.] He travels with a woman and a boy. . .  And a wolf.

de Soto
A wolf?  The man must be insane.

Cruzero [as de Soto chuckles]
Oh, si, si, si.  And very dangerous.

de Soto
Indeed. Has Madrid heard about this?

Why, I suppose so.

de Soto
Well, then, Señor, you shall have the full cooperation of my entire garrison.

Mendoza [stepping up to de Soto]
Alcalde. . .

de Soto [impatiently]
What is it, Sergeant?

Don Alfonso has a highly trained hunting dog.  A magnificent animal.  Perhaps it could be instrumental in capturing this Americano?

de Soto
Excellent idea, Sergeant.  Excellent idea.  Bring this hunting dog to me at once.  The sooner we capture this fugitive, the sooner Madrid will hear of our expertise in these matters.

Mendoza [smiling as he salutes]
Si, Alcalde.

[He turns and leaves.]

de Soto
Señor Cruzero, [He puts his hand on Cruzero's right arm then leads him out of the tavern.] could I have a full report on this prisoner?

Don Alejandro [to Diego as de Soto and Cruzero walk out]
So much for the Alcalde's theory on criminal types.  Huh, Diego?

[Diego looks worried.]

[Exterior night shot of the countryside as an owl hoots.  Jack, Will, and the woman sleep on the ground near their covered wagon.  Lobo comes into the camp, whimpering.  Jack wakes up.]

Hey, Lobo.  Where you been?

[Will and the woman wake up as Jack finds the wound on Lobo's left side.]

Pa!  Lobo's been hurt!

Will [as he approaches Lobo]
Easy, girl.  Easy, girl.  Easy now.

Jack [as Will runs his hands over Lobo's body]
She must have been caught by coyotes.

Will [looking at the blood on his fingers]
Uh-uh.  Only animal that does something like this is the two-legged kind.

[Lobo whimpers.]

[Exterior night shot of the sky as clouds pass over the moon.]

Jack [off camera]
Pa says the Oregon Territory got trees in the mountains. . .

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Jack sits up and pets Lobo.]

. . .as far as you can see.  Rivers full of fat fish, skies full of birds.  Forests so thick with grizzly bears. . . [Lobo whimpers.] You're not afraid of bears, are you?  Maybe we'll find ourselves a cub and bring it up just like it was one of the family.  Then you'll see no reason to be afraid of anything once you get to know it and it knows you.  It will be the three of us. . .you, me, and this cute little grizzly bear.  Yeah.

[Jacks lays down and goes to sleep.  Lobo gets up and wanders off.   A wolf is heard howling off camera.]

[Exterior night shot of the sky as the clouds pass over the moon as more wolves howl.]

[Exterior day shot of the plaza as Mendoza places a dog down on the ground.]

de Soto [scornfully as he stands next to Mendoza]
This is a highly trained hunting dog?

Mendoza [as the dog, a basset hound, sniffs around]
Si, mi Alcalde.

de Soto
Looks like he need a good night's rest.

Mendoza [as Cruzero and two other lancers stare at the dog]
Don Alfonso says he can flush out almost anything. . .  Quail, mountain lions. . .  Maybe we shouldn't judge him by his look alone, mi Alcalde. [The dog whimpers.] He does have quite a reputation.

de Soto
So do I.  And I intend to keep it by tracking down this killer and his wolf.

Cruzero [pointing with his left hand]
That's him!

[Will stands in front of the blacksmith's shop, adjusting his horse's halter.]

That's Adams!

[Will climbs onto the back of his horse and turns it around, riding out of the pueblo.  Cruzero runs to his left and grabs a rifle leaning against a railing.  Diego wanders out of the tavern, sees what's happening, then steps out into the plaza, walking right in front of Cruzero who has his rifle raised.]

de Soto [impatiently]
Get out of the way, Diego!

Diego [acting innocent]
What's that?

de Soto

Diego [not moving]

[Cruzero gives the rifle to a lancer then runs to his right.]

Diego [pointing to his left]
Who was that man?

de Soto [ignoring Diego as he turns around]
Get the horses!

[Two lancers run toward the cuartel as Will rides away.  Diego goes over and stands next to Felipe as a woman stands behind them.  Diego pulls a piece of paper from behind his back and hands it to Felipe.]

Diego [in a low tone]
I want you to take this note to someone in San Isidro.

[Felipe puts the note behind his back then goes off to his right.  The woman looks at Diego suspiciously.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Mendoza holds onto the basset hound's leash as de Soto, Cruzero, and several other lancers follow behind him on horseback.  The dog starts barking and takes off, pulling its leash out of Mendoza's hands.]

de Soto
After him!

Mendoza [stumbling forward]
Si, mi Alcalde!

[Mendoza, de Soto, Cruzero, and the lancers go off to their right.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Jack runs up to the front of the covered wagon and sits beside the woman.  Will brings up two white sacks and tosses them into the wagon.  Lobo looks around as she hears barking off camera.  Will sit down on the other side of the woman.]

Jack [clapping his hands]
Come on, Lobo.

[Lobo runs off to her right.]

Jack [trying to jump out of the wagon]
Lobo, come back here!

Will [putting out his arm to restrain Jack]
Jack, you can't.  They're too close.

Lobo! [Lobo continues to run off.] Lobo!

Will [as he flicks the reins]

[The covered wagon moves forward.  Lobo runs off into the bushes.]

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Mendoza stops and looks around.  A dog barks off camera.  De Soto, Cruzero, and the lancers come up behind Mendoza and bring their horses to a halt.  Mendoza runs forward then stops again and smiles.

Mendoza [looking over his shoulder and pointing forward]
Look, Alcalde!  Galletaño has found a friend.

[De Soto and Cruzero dismount.  The basset hound and Lobo are sitting side by side.  Galletaño barks.]

Cruzero [leading his horse forward]
That's the wolf!

de Soto [as Cruzero turns to his horse and pulls something from behind its saddle]
What are you doing?  Your man Adams must be around here somewhere.

Cruzero [holding up a rolled blanket]
Ah, si. . .  And this wolf will bring him to us.

[He unrolls the blanket as Galletaño and Lobo growl at him.]

Mendoza [to Cruzero]
I don't think she likes you very much.

Cruzero [moving forward cautiously]
That makes us even.

[Lobo growls as Cruzero approaches with the blanket.  Cruzero then lunges forward.]


[Exterior shot of the countryside as Jack and Will sneak up behind some bushes.  Growling is heard off camera.]

Jack [pleadingly]
Pa. . .

There's nothing we can do.

But we just can't leave him behind.

Jack, listen. . .

[Shot from Jack & Will's point of view of Cruzero and Mendoza trying to control Lobo and Galletaño on leashes.  Both animals are barking and growling.]

Cruzero's got Lobo.  That's not enough.  He really wants me.

[Exterior shot of the countryside as Jack and Will watch from the bushes.]

But you could fight him.  You could beat him again.

And what happens if he shoots me, huh?  Where are you and your ma going to be then? [He puts his hand on Jack's head.] Come on.  The sooner we get to Oregon, the better.]

[He and Jack turn to their left and walk away.]

[Closeup shot of Jack, the woman, and Will sitting on the front seat of the covered wagon as it moves along.  Will looks over at Jack.  Then Jack climbs into the back of the wagon.  The camera pans down the side of the wagon to the back where Jack emerges from behind a green-striped curtain.  He then jumps down out of the back of the wagon.]

Will [off camera]
Jack!  Pass me up that water jug!

[Jacks runs back the way they came.  Will looks over his right shoulder.]

Jack! [He pulls on the reins.] Whoa!  Whoa!  Whoa!

 [He gets up and goes into the back of the covered wagon.]

Will [off camera]
Oh, that boy. [He comes out of the wagon and sits down in the seat beside the woman.] He's gone after the wolf.]

[The woman looks at him worriedly.]

[Exterior night shot of de Soto's office.]

de Soto [off camera]
Please, Señor Cruzero, relax.

[Interior shot of de Soto's office as de Soto sits in his chair behind his desk.  Cruzero stands to de Soto's right, looking out a window and pounding his fists on the wall.]

de Soto
Take a lesson from my mentor, Machiavelli. [Cruzero turns to look at de Soto.] Patient cunning, not bravado, wins the day.

[Cruzero turns back to look out the window as de Soto picks up and read a red-bound book.]

[Exterior night shot of the pueblo as Zorro and Toronado ride up to porch roof.  Zorro stands up in the saddle then starts to climb up on the roof.  A lancer walks to his right in front of the cuartel then meets another lancer coming from the opposite direction.]

Lancer #1
Buenas noches.

Lancer #2
Como estas?

Lancer #1 [off camera as Zorro climbs up onto the cuartel roof]
I'm cold.

[Jack peeks out from behind a building then runs forward.  Zorro, up on the rooftop, looks around.]

Lancer #2
It looks bad.

Lancer #1
I don't know why we have to guard this wolf.

[Zorro quickly looks to his right.  Jack runs across the plaza.]

Lancer #1
Well, I have to get back.

[Jack runs up to a doorway.]

Lancer #2
All right, we'll check back in an hour.

Lancer #1
See you later.

[The lancers turn and start walking in opposite directions.  One of them walks past the doorway where Jack is hiding.  Jack runs to his left and into the cuartel yard where a dog is whimpering off camera.  Zorro looks down from the cuartel roof and watches as Jack approaches a wooden cage in the middle of the cuartel yard.  Lobo is inside the cage as Galletaño paces outside it.  Jack tries to open the cage door but can't.  He runs to his left and picks up a rock.  Zorro uses his whip to break off a part of the wooden latch.  Jack runs back to the cage and see the broken piece of latch, looking at it curiously before looking around the yard.]

Jack [as he opens the cage]
Yeah, boy.  Come on.

Mendoza [coming up to the cage]
Lancers! [Jack runs off to his right.] Lancers!

[Galletaño and Lobo growl as de Soto runs past Jack who has run into Cruzero.  De Soto stops and turns around as Zorro watches.]

Cruzero [to Jack]
Where's your father?

Gone.  Doesn't even know I'm here.

[Galletaño and Lobo continue to bark and growl.]

Cruzero [to de Soto as he points at Jack]
He's even better bait than the wolf.

[De Soto rubs his chin thoughtfully.]

Voice [off camera along with hoof beats]

[Will then rides up to the cuartel gates.]


[Will dismounts and runs forward.]

You hurt that boy and you're going to die!

Cruzero [pointing at de Soto then at Will]
You see?  He's a killer!

de Soto [pointing forward]
Lancers!  Arrest that man!

[A lancer moves toward Will, who punches the lancer in the face, spinning him around.  Another lancer comes forward and Will grabs him then punches him in the stomach.  Will then picks up the lancer, turns around then throws the lancer to the ground.  Will steps over the first lancer who is still on the ground and walks up to de Soto and Cruzero.  Cruzero is still holding onto Jack.]

You get your hands off my boy.

[Cruzero lets go of Jack and pushes him forward.]

Will [to de Soto]
Now I don't know what he told you, but I didn't kill nobody.

de Soto
What about the two guards at the prison in San Isidro?

Zorro [standing on the cuartel roof above]
Perhaps you should ask Señor Toledo about those guards, Alcalde.

[Zorro throws something downward.  De Soto jerks back as a knife with a piece of paper on its blade sticks into a nearby post.  De Soto goes over and pulls the knife out of the post.  He takes the paper off the knife and unfolds it.  It is a wanted poster which reads: ‘Wanted, Guillermo Toledo, Reward' and has a sketch of Cruzero's face on it.]

de Soto
Toledo. [Toledo looks nervous as de Soto turns to him.] Cruzero was one of the guards you killed.

[Toledo reaches out and grabs Jack.  Zorro turns to his left and disappears.]

Back off or the boy dies!

[Galletaño and Lobo growl as Zorro jumps down from the roof then walks up between Will and de Soto.]

Only a true coward hides behind a child.

[Toledo pushes Jack aside.  Jack runs over to Will who puts his hands on Jack's shoulders.]

Toledo [angrily]
No man calls me a coward.

[He pulls out two knives, one in each hand.  Zorro unsheathes his saber.  Toledo throws the knife from his right hand at Zorro, who knocks it away with his saber.  The knife stick into a post near Toledo's head.  Toledo then throws the other knife and Zorro knocks it away too.  It sticks into a board to Toledo's left.  Zorro puts the tip of his saber to Toledo's throat.]

Let's hear the truth.

All right.  I escaped.  I killed the guards.

And you turned the Alcalde against Señor Adams to keep the authorities off your own trail.

de Soto [indicating toledo]
Lancers, put him in irons.

[Zorro moves his saber away from Toledo's throat as two lancers come forward and grab Toledo's arms.]

de Soto
And as for you, Zorro. . .  I appreciate your appearing. [Zorro nods.] Because now I have two fugitives under arrest.  Lancers!

Ah, don't get greedy, Alcalde.

[He slashes a ‘Z' into the left side of de Soto's vest.  De Soto looks down at the ‘Z' then over to where Zorro is climbing back up onto the cuartel roof.]

de Soto
Lancers!  After him!  Get your horses, Mendoza!  After him!

[He turns to his left.  Zorro flattens himself down on a porch roof as lancers ride past Will and Jack and out of the cuartel.  Zorro gets up then jumps back down into the cuartel yard in front of Will and Jack.]

Señor Adams, you have a fine young man there.  Every bit as courageous as his father.  Our alcalde isn't a very nice man.  You and your family had best be on your way.

And to who do I owe my thanks to?

The name is Zorro. [He and Will shake hands.] But no thanks are necessary.

[He turns and climbs back up onto the cuartel roof again.  He turns and salutes.]

Vaya con Dios.

[He disappears.]

Son, you get Lobo.  It's time we headed for the north country.

All right.

[He crouches down and opens Lobo's cage.  Zorro swings down off the roof and onto Toronado's back.  They then ride out of the pueblo.]


[Closeup day shot of Galletaño sniffing around on the ground.]

Mendoza [off camera]

[Closeup shot of Mendoza as he points to his left.]

Go now!

[Exterior shot of the plaza as Don Alejandro, Diego, Mendoza, de Soto, and Victoria stand around looking down at Galletaño.]

Mendoza [pointing forward]
Go!  Come on!

de Soto [with a sneer]
Some hunting dog, Sergeant.  The fugitive was, if you'll pardon the expression, right under his nose.

Si, mi Alcalde.  If it wasn't for Zorro, we'd. . .

de Soto
We'd never have half the problems that he have.

[He glares at Victoria who glares back.  De Soto then turns to his right and walks away.  Diego and Victoria walk up to Mendoza who is now holding Galletaño.]

Diego [as he scratches behind Galletaño's ears]
Apparently the Alcalde doesn't have much affinity for our animal friends.

Mendoza [as Diego and Victoria both pet Galletaño]
Si, Don Diego.  He feels Galletaño lacks the spirit of a true hunter.  Personally, I think he's just exhausted.

Don Alejandro [looking confused]
What do you mean by that, Sergeant?

Because Señor Adams told us Lobo is. . . [She lowers her voice.] prenada.

Don Alejandro [incredulously]
Pregnant?  Excuse me, Victoria.  Lobo is a wolf.  Galletaño is a dog.

Diego [as he scratches behind Galletaño's ears]
Galletaño, my friend.  What you lack in spirit, you make up for in audacity.

[He chuckles.]

Victoria [looking up at Diego and sounding shocked]

[Diego continues to scratch behind Galletaño's as he and the others laugh.]

*****END OF EPISODE*****

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland   11 & 14 December 2007

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.