"Love Potion #9"

Written by Robert L McCullough & Philip John Taylor
Directed by Ray Austin

First US Airdate 24 October 1992  Episode 4.3

[Exterior shot of the tavern as a woman sweeps its porch.]

Victoria [off camera]
Spring. . .

[Interior shot of Victoria with her back to some shelves.]

When a young man's fancy turns to thoughts of love. [She makes a rude noise.] For all I've seen of Zorro, it could be the dead winter.

[She turns around and takes something off one of the shelves.  She looks down as she takes something out of a dark bag.]

Victoria [as she looks as a silver vase with a ‘Z' etched into it]
Oh, who needs him anyway.  And who needs these silly souvenirs.

[She throws the vase and bag to the floor.]

Victoria [turning toward the shelves again]
Anyway. . .

[She reaches upward and loses her balance then falls off the steps she had been standing on.]

Victoria [as she lands on a mattress]
Aah!  Ow!

[She slides off the mattress, rubbing her behind.  She lifts up the mattress and sees a wooden chest under it.]

This wasn't here last spring.

[She pulls the chest out from under the mattress and opens its lid.  She takes out a brightly colored cloth then pulls out a smaller wooden case and opens that up.  Inside its lid is a plaque.]

Victoria [reading the plaque]
‘The Ten Potions of Doctor Henry Wayne'. [She reads the potion labels.] ‘Strength'.  ‘Passion'.

[She picks up a vial and holds it up.]

Victoria [reading its label]
‘Love'. [She turns the vial around and reads the back of its label.] ‘Everlasting love shall bloom ‘twixt the man and woman who partake this potion within the first sight'. [She looks up from the vial.]  Could that be possible?

[Exterior shot of the tavern as a man pushes a cart through the plaza in front of it and other people mill about.]

Mendoza [off camera at first]
Doctor Henry Wayne is nothing but a crackpot.

[Interior shot of Mendoza and Victoria sitting side by side at a table.  Victoria has the open potions case on the table in front of her.]

But what if these potions actually work, Mendoza?  After all, people are capable of changing.  Look. [She picks up one of the vials and reads it label.] ‘Strength'.  Perfect for you.

Mendoza [shaking his head]
Señorita Escalante, that is nothing more than colored water.

Victoria [challengingly]
All you can eat for a week. . .free.

Mendoza [incredulously]
All I can eat. . .for a week. . .free?


[He takes the vial from her.]

Mendoza [lifting the vial]

[He bites out the cork then drinks from the vial.]

Mendoza [making a face]
Aagh! [He sets the vial down.] See?  I told you.  Nothing.  He's a fraud, Doctor Wayne.

[Victoria lifts the case off the table and sets it on her lap.]

Nothing.  I won!

[He pounds his fist on the table and it breaks in half.  Mendoza and Victoria stare at each other open-mouthed.]

Mendoza [as other customers look on]
This is incredible.

[Mendoza stands up and looks at his hand.]

I don't believe it. [He backs up toward the bar.] It's impossible.

[He turns to face the bar and puts his hands on two cross beams that stick out from under the counter.  He starts to lift the bar off the floor several inches into the air.  Victoria gets to her feet, open-mouthed as the other customers murmur excitedly.  Mendoza sets the bar back down with a thud then turns and looks smugly at Victoria as he tugs down his jacket.  He throws back his shoulders and smiles.  He then makes a flourishing gesture toward the bar.]


[Exterior shot of Zorro riding Toronado at night across the countryside.]

[Exterior night shot of Zorro jumping from Toronado's back onto a building's awning.  He climbs up onto the building's roof then starts to walk across it.]

[Interior shot of Victoria in the tavern's kitchen as she set the potions case down on the table.]

Victoria [awestruck]
They really do work.

[She goes over to a cupboard and pulls out a bottle of wine.  She then takes one of the vials from the cupboard and holds it up.]

Victoria [reading from the vial's label]
‘Everlasting love shall bloom ‘twist the man and woman who partake this potion within each other's sight.'

[She nods then takes the cork of the vial then takes the cork out of the wine bottle.  She pours the love potion into the wine bottle then sighs.]

[Exterior night shot of a lancer carrying a musket as he walks by the church.  Right above him, Zorro is using his whip to rappel down the side of the church.  Zorro hits the lancer on the head as he jumps down to the ground.]

Lancer [as he falls to the ground]

[Zorro runs over to a window (in the tavern?), opens it then climbs inside.]

[Interior shot of Victoria in the tavern's kitchen.]

Victoria [as she re-corks the wine bottle]
This may be tricky. . .  But if it works. . .

[She holds the bottle out in front of herself as Zorro walks into the kitchen..]


[She drops the bottle but Zorro kicks it up in the air with his foot before it hits the floor.  He catches it in midair.]

Zorro [smiling]
Sorry if I started you.

Victoria [kind of sarcastically]
Oh, not at all.  It's just I almost forgot what you looked like.

Well, I've been rather busy lately.

Victoria [even more sarcastically]
Of course.  There's always someone in danger.

Fortunately at the moment, that's not true.

You mean you risked coming here just to see me?

A risk well worth the reward of your kiss.

[He leans down, intending to kiss her but she pushes him away.]

You know, you've never actually told me how you feel about me.

Zorro [a bit affronted]
Surely you know how I feel.

Victoria [coyly]
Yes, but it's always nicer when I hear it.

[Laughter from the main room of the tavern is heard just before de Soto walks through the curtained doorway into the kitchen.]

de Soto
Señorita , why. . .?

[He stops in his tracks when he sees Zorro and Victoria holding hands.]

de Soto
Zorro! [He turns back toward the curtains.] Lancers!

[Zorro lifts up the bottle of wine.]

Victoria [grabbing his arm]
No, not that one!

[De Soto unsheathes his sword and steps toward Zorro.  Zorro punches him in the face.]

Zorro [handing the bottle to Victoria]
Forgive me.

[She nods and smiles.  A lancer bursts through the curtains and rushes at Zorro.  Zorro punches the lancers, knocking him backward.]

de Soto

[Another lancers enters the kitchen and Zorro punches him too.  The lancers flies backward through the curtain and into the main room of the tavern.]


[De Soto picks up Doctor Wayne's potion case off the table and rushes at Zorro with it.  Zorro grabs a skillet and bashes de Soto on the forehead with it.  De Soto falls backward through the curtains.  He lands on his back in the main room, clutching the potions case.]

Zorro [turning to Victoria]
Our time together is always too brief.

I was just hoping we could toast our mutual feelings together.

Zorro [putting his hand on her cheek as de Soto shouts out orders in the other room]
A wonderful idea.  Perhaps another time.  Adios.

Victoria [as he turns and leaves]
But. . .

[She watches him go then slaps her hand on the wine bottle.]


[Interior shot of the tavern's main room.  De Soto and several lancers still lie on the floor..  Victoria comes through the curtained doorway.]

de Soto [on the floor clutching the potions case]
You're under arrest, Señorita.

Victoria [indignantly]
For what?

de Soto [as he gets to his feet]
Consorting with the known outlaw, Zorro. [He walks over to the bar and sets down the potions case.] And helping his to escape.  Lancers!  Take her to jail.

[Two lancers run up and grab her arms.]

Alcalde. . . [The lancers start dragging her away.] How many times have we been through this?

[De Soto starts after her after picking up the case.  He stops and opens the lid.  He then takes out a vial and read its label.]

de Soto [as he walks forward, holding up the vial]
I assure you, Señorita. . .  This will be the last.

[Exterior night shot of the tavern.]

Mendoza [off camera]
Alcalde. . .

[Interior shot of Mendoza and de Soto peeking out from a window in the tavern.]

I think it's a mistake to try to bait Zorro, especially with Señorita Escalante.

de Soto [putting up his hand and whispering]
Sergeant, he's here.

[Exterior night shot of Zorro running across the roof of the cuartel.]

Mendoza [off camera]
This is not going to work, Alcalde.  He's going to suspect something, especially when no one tries to trap him.

[Interior shot of de Soto and Mendoza crouching in front of the tavern window.]

de Soto
Patience.  Patience.

[Mendoza stands up on tiptoe to see out the window.]

[Exterior night shot of de Soto's office as Zorro and Victoria run across the plaza away from it.]

Lancer [off camera?]
It's Zorro!

[Several lancers run out into the plaza.  Zorro swings Victoria out of the way then starts punching lancers as she watches.]

Lancers [as they get hit]
Ugh!  Ugh!

[Zorro punches the last standing lancer then turns to Victoria who runs toward him.]

[Interior shot of de Soto and Mendoza moving away from the tavern window.]

[Exterior night shot of Zorro and Victoria running toward the tavern, hand in hand.]

[Interior shot of the tavern's front door.  It opens and Zorro steps inside.  He pulls Victoria inside and she shuts the door behind them.  They walk across the room and over to the bar.  Victoria looks into the kitchen then turns to Zorro.]

You were wonderful.

Zorro [shaking his head]
It was nothing really.  Which is curious.  The Alcalde knew that I would come for you, yet he and Mendoza were strangely absent.

[He turns away then shakes his head then looks at Victoria again.]

When those soldiers recover, they'll raise the alarm.  My presence here will endanger you.

Wait.  Don't go just yet.  I have a wonderful bottle for a special occasion.  I'll go and get it.

[She turns and goes into the kitchen as Zorro takes a few steps forward and removes his hat, setting it down on the bar top.  He leans on his elbow on the bar as Mendoza and de Soto peek up from behind him.  They quickly duck back down.  Victoria comes out of the kitchen carrying the wine bottle and two glasses.]

It's an aldia.

[She pours the wine into the glasses.]

Very nice.

[She hands Zorro a glass.  He takes it them sets it down on the bar then leans down and kisses her.  While they kiss, de Soto pops up and switches Zorro's wine glass with another glass of wine then ducks back down behind the bar.  Zorro and Victoria end their kiss and move apart.  Victoria picks up her glass of wine.]

To us.

Zorro [huskily]
To you, my Victoria.

[They click their glasses together, then take a sip of the wine.  Victoria looks at Zorro expectantly.  De Soto rises up from behind the bar as does Mendoza.]

de Soto [as Zorro leans down to kiss Victoria again]

[Zorro stops and turns to look at de Soto.]

de Soto [holding a glass of wine in his right hand]
You are a romantic fool.

Zorro [quite angrily]
Alcalde, you frequently irritate me, but this time you really do need to be taught some manners.

Mendoza [turning pleadingly to de Soto]
Alcalde, please. . .

de Soto
Relax, Sergeant.  In a minute, he's going to turn into a trembling coward.

[Victoria looks up at Zorro worriedly while he looks confused.]

de Soto [holding up the glass of wine]
You see, I switched glasses, Zorro.  The one you drank was filled with fear. [He lifts his glass.] Now, I drink to your demise.

No, don't do that!

[She ducks behind Zorro as de Soto drinks the wine.  Mendoza looks worried as Zorro still looks confused.]

de Soto
Hmm. . .

Victoria [from behind Zorro's back]
I put one of Doctor Wayne's potions in that bottle.

Zorro [trying to look over his shoulder]
Doctor Wayne?  Not Henry Wayne?

Mendoza [whispering to Victoria]
Which potion was it?

[De Soto picks up the wine bottle and looks at it.]

Victoria [rolling her eyes]
Everlasting love.  And he drank the potion.

[Zorro turns around as de Soto starts to blink and act like he is being overcome by something.  Zorro stares at Victoria.]

Victoria [defensively]
Well, don't be so surprised.  Every time you walk out that door, I never know when I'm going to see you again.

[Zorro shakes his head.]

de Soto
Yes, you need a man of flesh and blood who'll never leave your side.

[He starts to walk to his left.]

Well, that's true.

[De Soto walks around the end to he bar as Zorro stares in shock at Victoria.]

de Soto
You need a man. .   Like me.

Victoria [spinning around to face de Soto]
Like you? [She stares at him then giggles.] You mean, like you?

de Soto [staring intently at her]
Victoria. . .

Victoria [with a dazed smile]
Ignacio. . .

[They walk toward each other as a stunned Zorro looks on.]

Uh. . .


[Interior shot of Diego and Felipe in the secret cave.  Diego is seated at the lab table, pouring the contents of the potion spiked wine into a beaker, then swirling it around.  Felipe watches then puts his hand on Diego's arm.  Diego looks up at Felipe who makes a gliding motion with his right hand then points to the beaker.]

I wish I knew, Felipe.  Some of the potions lose their potency very quickly.  But the label on the one Victoria poured said ‘everlasting love'.  I need to find an antidote for the formula before Victoria and de Soto's passions run away with them.

[He sets down the beaker.]

Who know what might happen then.

[Exterior shot of the de la Vega hacienda (the next day?)]

Don Alejandro [off camera]
Oh, there you are, Diego.

[Interior shot of Diego walking out of the library and meeting Don Alejandro in the foyer.]

Don Alejandro
The rumors are true.  Victoria and de Soto, they're madly in love with each other. [in a disgusted tone]   They just sit there in the tavern, gazing at each other.  Actually, it's quite nauseating.  Well, you've been like a brother to her.  Think of something to help her.  She's looking like a fool.

Well, I'll do what I can.

[Don Alejandro sighs and walks away.  Diego looks grim.]

[Exterior shot of Victoria and de Soto sitting on a blanket underneath a large tree.  Diego ducks under the tree's branches as he comes up behind them.]

de Soto [as he kisses her neck]
Victoria. . .

[Diego starts coughing.  Victoria and de Soto turn to look up at him.]

Victoria, Alcalde.  I was just riding by.  I saw your horses.

Victoria [a bit irritated]
Yes, Diego.  We came out here for a picnic.  A very private picnic,

[De Soto chuckles.]

Diego [acting naive]
Yes, it is very secluded out here.

[He picks up a bottle of wine.]

de Soto [somewhat sarcastically]
Help yourself.

Thank you. [He looks down as Victoria and de Soto gaze into each other's eyes.] What's this?  A family album? [He picks it up and starts turning its pages.] I just love pictures.  Ah, that must be Madrid.

[The book is opened to two pages containing several pictures of a city and also several portraits.]

de Soto [taking the book from Diego]
Yes, it is.

And that is where we're going to be married. [She turns back to de Soto.] Isn't that right, Ignacio?

de Soto
Ah, if that's your wish, my darling.

Marriage?  Um. . .  What do you think Zorro is going to say about all this?

de Soto [as Victoria shrugs and pops a piece of food into her mouth]
Zorro? [He chuckles.] What can he say?  Victoria and I are in. . . [He kisses Victoria on the cheek.] love.

[Victoria giggles.  Diego looks ill as he holds a paring knife in his right hand (he kind of looks like he wants to use it either on them or maybe himself!).]

de Soto
Even Zorro is no match for love.

[Diego picks up an apple and slices off a piece of it.]

de Soto
Isn't that right, mi pomelita?

Um hm. . .

[The sound of their kissing can be heard.  Diego looks disgusted as he eats the apple slice.]

de Soto [as Victoria giggles]
Preciosa, I hope you'll enjoy a big wedding.

[Diego really look ill as Victoria giggles again.]

[Interior shot of Diego looking out a window in de Soto's office.]

. . .and then he called her his little grapefruit.  And she called him her peach. [He turns away from the window and walks toward the middle of the room.] Between them, they have the makings of a nice fruit salad.  My father was right, Sergeant.  It's really quite nauseating.

[Diego sits down on a corner of de Soto's desk where Mendoza sits in de Soto's chair.]

Mendoza [pointing his hands at stacks of papers on the desk]
Check out all this work.  Señorita Escalante told me that I could have lunch at the tavern one week for free.  But ever since the Alcalde fell in love, I haven't even had the chance to have lunch.  I wish I'd never seen these dreadful potions.

[He taps his hand on the potions case sitting on the desk.]

Diego [looking at the case]
So these are Doctor Wayne's famous potions, hm? [He opens the case and starts to slide the case across the desk.] They must be really quite powerful.

[He knocks a stack of papers off the desk.]

Mendoza [as he bends down]

Diego [taking two of the vials out of the case]
I'm sorry, Sergeant. [He slips the vials inside his jacket.] Oh, how silly of me.  Excuse me.

[He crouches down and helps Mendoza pick up the papers.  Mendoza sits back in chair, holding a handful of papers.]

Mendoza [looking up at Diego who is now standing beside him also with a handful of papers]
These were in alphabetical order too.

Diego [grabbing at the papers Mendoza is holding]
Well, let me help you.

Mendoza [leaning over the desk and blocking Diego]
No, no. [He holds up his hand.] No, Diego.  Thank you.  Gracias.


[He turns and leaves.  Mendoza starts to reorganize the papers before shooting a dirty look in Diego's direction.]

[Interior shot of the tavern as Victoria and de Soto dance to music provided by a blindfolded guitarist.  De Soto brings them to a halt in the middle of the room.  He flicks a red rose into his hand then tucks it behind Victoria's left ear.  He then kisses her on the forehead as the music plays on.]

[Interior shot of the secret cave as a glum-looking Diego pours wine from the potion spiked bottle into a beaker.  He sets the bottle down on the table.]

Diego [as Felipe looks on]
Just as I suspected.  Nothing more than a concoction of fruit juices and coloring agents.

[Felipe taps Diego on the arm and Diego turns to look at him.  Felipe holds his hands palm up then runs his fingers over his eyes then points to the wine.]

Why wasn't Zorro affected?  It's a good question, Felipe.  Perhaps our only clue.

[Diego nods his head.  Felipe taps Diego's arm again.  Felipe points to the wine, then to his throat, then to his right temple and smiles.]

No, Felipe.  Doctor Wayne may have been eccentric, but he was no fool.  He knew how effective the power of suggestion can be.

[Felipe taps Diego's arm yet again, then holds his hands out, palms up.  He then wiggles his fingers.]

What's the cure for a power of suggestion?

[He thinks for a moment then turns to Felipe and smiles.]

An even better suggestion?

[Exterior shot of the tavern at night as crickets chirp.]

[Interior shot of Victoria walking across the tavern carrying a bowl.  De Soto is sitting at a table.  She palces the bowl on the table then leans toward de Soto.]

Victoria [taking his face in her hands]
Dinner is almost ready.

[She kisses him, pats his cheek then turns backs toward the kitchen.  De Soto watches her go.]

de Soto
Ah. .

[He turns and gets up from his chair and looks into a mirror hanging on the post behind his chair.  He straightens his jacket and smooths his hair with his hand.  Behind him, one of the vials of potions dangles from a string as it is being lowered.  Zorro is up on the balcony, holding the other end of the string.  When the vial lands on the table, Zorro pulls up the string.  De Soto looks over toward the kitchen then sits back down in his chair.  He notices the vial and picks it up.]

de Soto [reading its label]

[Zorro look down from the balcony with a smile then turns and leaves.  De Soto looks toward the kitchen again then reaches for the wine decanter setting on the table.]

de Soto [as he opens the decanter]
This will be a night to remember.

[He pours the contents of the vial into the decanter then replaces its lid.  He turns when he hears footsteps and smiles at Victoria who walks up to the table carrying two plates of food.]

My special carne asada, just for you.

[She puts one of the plates in front of him.]

de Soto [looking down at his plate]
Ahh. . .  [He reaches for the wine decanter as she sits down.] First a toast, hm? [He opens the decanter.] To Cupid, for his arrow has surely pierced my heart. [He pours out two glasses of wine.  Zorro watches from the staircase, laughing silently.]

Victoria [off camera]
You always say the nicest things.

[De Soto chuckles.  He sets down the decanter.  They click their glasses together.  Victoria takes a sip while de Soto drinks most of his glass.]

Hmm.  Oh, please eat before your dinner gets cold.

de Soto
Cold food is hardly a concern of mine when I'm on fire for your love.

[Victoria looks over at him.  De Soto gets out of his chair and grabs her right arm and starts kissing it.  Victoria smiles while Zorro shakes his head (and acting rather unconcerned that his woman is being mauled by another man!).  De Soto nuzzles his way up Victoria's neck and up to her head.

de Soto
This will be a night to remember.

[Victoria starts to look nervous.  De Soto pulls her out of her chair and into his arms.]


[De Soto then starts kissing her neck and grabbing her waist (and higher!).]

Victoria [trying to push his hands away]
What are you doing?  Put me down.

de Soto [confused]
We both drank from the vial of passion.  I'm on fire with desire.  Why don't you share my feelings?

I think I can answer that.

[De Soto turns and sees Zorro on the staircase.]

de Soto

[Zorro walks around behind de Soto and over to stand in front of their table.]

The answer to your question, Alcalde, is that Victoria didn't know you'd slipped any potion into her drink.

Victoria [indignantly]
You underhanded, scheming, conniving. . .

de Soto [turns to face Victoria]
Be quiet, my preciosa.

[He leans down to kiss her but she swats him with her napkin.]

Don't you ‘preciosa' me.

You see, I placed the vial on the table after I changed the labels to prove a point.  What you really drank was the courage potion.

de Soto

[He turns around and starts looking for something.]

Zorro [sarcastically]
Let me guess. . .  You suddenly feel like a new man.

de Soto [holding his scabbard and drawing out his sword]
Oh, I feel as though I could fight an army of Zorros.

[He throws his scabbard behind him.]

How predictable.

[He unsheathes his saber as Victoria looks on nervously.]

de Soto
How about some cold steel through your heart.  Would that be a little more interesting, hey?  [He lunges at Zorro.] Ah!

[Zorro sidesteps de Soto then comes around behind him.  De Soto stumbles to a stop then spins around to face Zorro.  Zorro gives him a little salute and the two men begin to duel.  De Soto drives Zorro backward then slashes at Zorro's head.  Zorro ducks down and spins around, ending up behind de Soto again.]

de Soto

[Victoria watches nervously as they start dueling again.  De Soto slashes at Zorro's head again.  Zorro ducks  and hits de Soto on his behind with his saber.]

de Soto [grabbing his bottom]

Amazing how your skills improve when fear is not a factor.

[De Soto takes a couple of steps backward.  Zorro waits with a smile.  Then de Soto lunges at him again, Zorro parries and they start dueling again.  Zorro knocks de Soto's sword from his hand and it falls to a clatter on the floor.  De Soto looks at Zorro with a terrified expression then he looks over at a table and grabs a bottle that was sitting upon it.  He throws the bottle at Zorro.  Zorro uses his saber to deflect the bottle to his right and it shatters in pieces onto the floor.  De Soto picks up another bottle and throws it at Zorro.  Zorro deflects it.  De Soto throws yet another bottle and Zorro deflects it as well.  Zorro then points his saber at de Soto's chest.  De Soto goes down on his knees.]

De Soto [holding up his hands]
No, Zorro, please!  Please don't kill me!  I'll do as you say.  Think of my family.  In Madrid.

Zorro [as Victoria looks on in disgust]
Dear me, Alcalde.  Did your courage evaporate so quickly? [He slashes a ‘Z' into de Soto's uniform jacket then turns around and kicks de Soto in the face.  De Soto crashes against a table before falling to the floor.]

He never really had any.  He just thought he did. [Zorro comes over and stands in front of her.] Just as he and I though we were in love.

All the result of Doctor Wayne's colored water and the power of suggestion.

[He grabs her right hand with both of his.]

Can you forgive me?

There's nothing to forgive.

[He brings her hand up to his lips and kisses it.  De Soto starts to wake up.  He picks up his sword before getting to his feet.]

de Soto [as he charges at Zorro's back]

Victoria [looking behind Zorro]
Look out!

[Zorro sidesteps de Soto's attack and traps de Soto's sword onto the table with his saber.  Zorro then grab's de Soto's hair and bounces his forehead on the table.  De Soto staggers backward and Victoria slams a plate of food in his face.  Zorro nods and smiles.]

de Soto [lying on his back with the plate on his face]

[Zorro sheathes his sword and comes back over to Victoria.]

I'm sorry.  It's just I was so eager to believe in Doctor Wayne's potions because there's not a hour in the day, not even a minute I don't think about you.  But unfortunately, I only get to see you unless there's a crisis in the pueblo.

Our love is sorely tested again and again.  With faith, we will endure.

[They kiss then Victoria throws her arms around him and puts her face on his chest.]

Why can't we be together?  With no outlaws, no Alcalde, no injustice.  Why?

[A loud pounding commences on the tavern's front doors.  Zorro and Victoria draw apart.]

Voices [as the lock on the door is rattled]
Open up!  Open the door!

Zorro [looking over at the door]
That's why.

Voices [as the pounding on the door continues]
Open up!  Alcalde!  Open the door!

There will be a time for us.  I swear it.

[He kisses her again.]


[Zorro looks at the door again then turns and runs into the kitchen.  Victoria looks worriedly at the door as it continues to rattle.]


[Interior shot of de Soto dressed in a white nightshirt and cap in his bedroom.  He rubs his left eye as he sits on his bed.]

de Soto
Oh, I knew those potions were just childish nonsense.

[He stands up and yawns, stretching his arms.  He then lifts the covers and gets under them.]

de Soto [feeling something unusual]

[He jumps out of the bed and draws out his sword.  He throws back the covers and reveals a note with a ‘Z' written on it atop a piece of meat.  He pokes at the note and meat with his sword.  He lifts them off the sheet and takes the note off the meat.]

de Soto [reading from the note]
‘For your black eye.  Zorro.'

[He looks at the meat on the end of his sword and shrugs.  He tosses aside the note then takes the meat off the sword.  He sniffs the meat before sitting back on his bed.]

de Soto
Ah. . . [He puts the meat on his eye.] Ow! [He then pats the meat.] Ah!  Uh!

[Exterior shot of the tavern at night as a coyote howls.]

Don Alejandro [off camera]
Buenas noches, victoria.

[Interior shot of Diego and Don Alejandro walking into the tavern.  Mendoza is sitting at a table piled with plates.  Victoria turns around to face Diego and Don Alejandro.]

Don Alejandro
We thought we'd drop by for a little supper.

Well, I'm sorry to disappoint you, Señores, but Mendoza has eaten everything in the kitchen.

[Mendoza looks up from his plates and shakes his head., his mouth full of food]

Victoria [with a laugh]
I told him he could eat for a week free.  Thank goodness he has only one day left.

Don Alejandro
You know, I'm sorry I didn't see him lift the bar.

[Mendoza looks over at Don Alejandro proudly.]

Well, the power of suggestion is a formidable notion, Father.

Don Alejandro
I don't know, Diego.  Really, it doesn't seem possible.

Diego [walking toward the bar]
Ah, Mendoza will never, never lift this bar again.

Why not?  He did it once.

[Mendoza nods, his mouth still full of food.]

Oh, but you see, that was before everyone told him it was impossible.  When we believe something is impossible, it becomes impossible.

Don Alejandro
Aha!  Then the secret is to believe nothing is impossible. [He points at Victoria.] And that would explain how you fell in love with the Alcalde.

[Victoria laughs but looks embarrassed.]

Diego [as he leans against the bar]
And Zorro. . .  Is he still a possibility for you?

Now that truly possible.

[She smiles at Diego who smiles back and nods.  Victoria keeps smiling.]

*****END OF EPISODE*****

Transcribed by Pamela Elbert Poland 28 & 29 December 2006

This transcription is a not-for-profit publication produced solely for the enjoyment of other Zorro fans and is not intended to infringe upon any rights of Goodman/Rosen Productions, New World Television, Zorro Productions, the estate of Johnston McCulley or anyone else.